1 last resort measure
Военный термин: крайняя мера -
2 last resort measure
3 last resort measure
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > last resort measure
4 measure of last resort
Юридический термин: крайняя мераУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > measure of last resort
5 measure of last resort
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > measure of last resort
6 in the last resort
в крайнем случае; как последнее средствоdernier resort — последнее средство; последнее прибежище
7 last
1. n последний, последнее2. n остаток3. n конец, смерть; последний часto the last man — все до одного, все до последнего человека
4. n шутка, выдумка, каламбур, оставленные под конецto the last, till the last — до конца
to the end, to the last — до конца
5. a от I6. a единственный, последний7. a последний, предсмертныйthe last entrant — человек, вошедший последним
8. a прошлыйlast year — прошлый год ; в прошлом году
last year — прошлый год; в прошлом году
9. a самый новый, самый последний, самый свежий10. a самый неподходящий, самый нежелательный или неожиданныйthe last person to be accused — человек, которого никак нельзя обвинить
the last man we wanted to see — человек, которого мы меньше всего хотели бы видеть
11. a крайний, чрезвычайныйthe last day — светопреставление, конец света
12. adv после всех13. adv в последний раз14. adv на последнем месте, в концеlast price — окончательная цена; последняя цена
15. n выдержка; выносливость16. v продолжаться, длиться17. v выдерживать, оставаться в живыхevery last — всё до последнего; всё без исключения
18. v сохраняться; носиться19. v быть достаточным, хватать20. n колодка21. v натягивать на колодку22. n ласт23. n мор. уст. единица грузоподъёмностиСинонимический ряд:1. climactic (adj.) climactic; crowning; definitive2. closing (adj.) closing; concluding; conclusive; endmost; eventual; extreme; final; hindmost; lag; latest; rearmost; terminal; terminating; ultimate3. hindmost (adj.) hindmost; lattermost; rearmost4. previous (adj.) foregoing; former; latter; preceding; previous5. end (noun) close; conclusion; end; ending; final one; finale; finish; tail end; termination; wrap-up6. continue (verb) abide; carry through; continue; endure; go on; hold out; keep; perdure; perpetuate; persevere; persist; remain7. keep (verb) keep; stay8. survive (verb) come through; persist; pull through; ride out; survive; weatherАнтонимический ряд:beginning; cease; depart; die; disappear; ensuing; fade; fail; first; fly; following; foremost; front; highest; inaugural; initial; leading -
8 measure
1. n1) мера, единица измерения2) мерка; размер3) масштаб, критерий4) мероприятие, мера
- accurate measure
- adjustment measures
- administrative measures
- anti-avoidance measures
- anti-delinquency measures
- anti-evasion measures
- antiinflationary measures
- antiterrorism measures
- austerity measures
- coercive measure
- collective measures
- compensating measures
- compulsory measures
- confidence-building measures
- consolidating measures
- constitutional measures
- corrective measures
- cost-effectiveness measure
- cubic measures
- dependency measure
- devaluation measures
- disadvantageous tax measures
- discriminatory measures
- drastic measures
- dry measures
- economy measures
- effective measures
- effectiveness measure
- effectual measures
- emergency measures
- enforcement measures
- environmental measures
- extreme measures
- fierce measures
- follow-up measures
- governmental measures
- health measure
- immediate measures
- imperial measures
- industrial safety measures
- inefficient measures
- interim measures
- legislative measures
- linear measures
- liquid measures
- metric measures
- money measure
- performance measure
- practical measures
- precautionary measures
- preference measure
- preparatory measures
- preventive measures
- priority measures
- profitability measure
- proper measures
- protectionist measures
- protective measures
- provisional measures
- publicity measures
- rationing measures
- reliability performance measure
- restrictive measures
- retaliatory measures
- revenue measures
- revenue-enhancement measures
- safety measures
- security measures
- square measures
- standard measure
- status measure
- tax measures
- tax-raising measures
- temporary measures
- timely measures
- tough measures
- trade measures
- unit measure
- unlawful measures
- urgent measures
- utility measure
- volume measures
- waiting measure
- measures against money laundering
- measures for dismantling monetary gaps
- measures for economic development
- measures for export restraint
- measures for import restraint
- measures for labour protection
- measures for sales promotion
- measures of area
- measures of assistance
- measures of business cycle
- measures of capacity
- measure of coercion
- measures of compulsion
- measure of concentration
- measure of consumption
- measures of control
- measure of damages
- measure of dispersion
- measures of economizing
- measure of effectiveness
- measure of labour intensity
- measure of last resort
- measures of precaution
- measure of precision
- measure of prices
- measure of priority
- measure of producibility
- measure of productivity
- measure of profitability
- measure of quality
- measure of reliability
- measure of utility
- measure of utilization
- measure of value
- measures of weight
- measures on labour protection
- measures to combat the legal avoidance of tax
- made to measure
- adopt fierce measures against price-fixing
- apply measures
- call off measures
- put measures into effect
- take measures
- undertake measures
- work out measures2. vEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > measure
9 last-ditch defence
последнее, отчаянное сопротивление, оборона до последней капли крови [происходит от выражения die in the last ditch; см. die in the last ditch]‘And do you aim, in case of war, to conquer and control whites as whites have conquered and controlled you?’ ‘Oh, no. You see, war as an instrument of progress is unthinkable. As a measure of last-ditch defense, we may have to resort to it from time to time.’ (W. Du Bois, ‘Worlds of Color’, ch. XVIII) — - А в случае войны ставите ли вы своей целью, победив белых, властвовать над ними так, как они сами господствовали над вами? - Конечно, нет. Мне кажется, что война вообще не может быть орудием прогресса. Возможно, время от времени нам и придется прибегать к ней, но лишь как к крайней мере защиты.
10 the last
См. также в других словарях:
last resort — Synonyms and related words: action, ad hoc measure, answer, artifice, contrivance, countermove, coup, course of action, demarche, dernier ressort, device, dodge, effort, expedient, gimmick, hope, improvisation, jury rig, jury rigged expedient,… … Moby Thesaurus
measure — Synonyms and related words: A, Alexandrine, Spenserian stanza, Stabreim, a, accent, accent mark, accentuation, accommodate, accommodation, accomplished fact, accomplishment, accord, achievement, acreage, act, acta, action, ad hoc measure, adapt,… … Moby Thesaurus
resort — Synonyms and related words: ability, action, ad hoc measure, affect, agency, alternative, amusement park, answer, artifice, attend, backup, ballroom, baths, cabaret, cafe chantant, cafe dansant, capacity, capital, casino, club, clubhouse,… … Moby Thesaurus
resort — n. & v. n. 1 a place frequented esp. for holidays or for a specified purpose or quality (seaside resort; health resort). 2 a a thing to which one has recourse; an expedient or measure (a taxi was our best resort). b (foll. by to) recourse to; use … Useful english dictionary
resort — noun 1) a seaside resort Syn: vacation spot, tourist center, vacationland; retreat; spa; informal tourist trap 2) settle the matter without resort to legal proceedings Syn: recourse to, turning to, the use of, utilizing 3) … Thesaurus of popular words
resort — noun strike action is our last resort Syn: option, alternative, choice, possibility, hope, measure, step, recourse, expedient Phrases: resort to … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
measure — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 official action to deal with a problem ADJECTIVE ▪ appropriate, effective, necessary, practical ▪ We urge you to adopt all necessary measures to guarantee people s safety. ▪ key … Collocations dictionary
Heroic measure — In medicine, heroic refers to a treatment or course of therapy which possesses a high risk of causing further damage to a patient s health, but is undertaken as a last resort with the understanding that any lesser treatment will surely result in… … Wikipedia
Word of the year — The word(s) of the year, sometimes capitalized as Word(s) of the Year and abbreviated WOTY or WotY, refers to any of various assessments as to the most important word(s) or expression(s) in the public sphere during a specific year. Contents 1… … Wikipedia
Lufbery circle — The Lufbery Circle, also spelled Lufberry or Luffberry , is a defensive air combat tactic first used during World War I. While its name derives from the name of Raoul Lufbery, the leading fighter ace of the Lafayette Escadrille, he did not invent … Wikipedia
The King of Braves GaoGaiGar glossary — This is a glossary of terms from the anime and manga series The King of Braves GaoGaiGar and The King of Braves GaoGaiGar FINAL . Base energy sources G Stone and G Crystal The G Stone is an energy source developed on the Green Planet by the Green … Wikipedia