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с литовского на английский


  • 1 scale

    I [skeil] noun
    1) (a set of regularly spaced marks made on something (eg a thermometer or a ruler) for use as a measure; a system of numbers, measurement etc: This thermometer has two scales marked on it, one in Fahrenheit and one in Centigrade.) skalė
    2) (a series or system of items of increasing or decreasing size, value etc: a wage/salary scale.) skalė
    3) (in music, a group of notes going up or down in order: The boy practised his scales on the piano.) gama
    4) (the size of measurements on a map etc compared with the real size of the country etc shown by it: In a map drawn to the scale 1:50,000, one centimetre represents half a kilometre.) mastelis
    5) (the size of an activity: These guns are being manufactured on a large scale.) mastas
    II [skeil] verb
    (to climb (a ladder, cliff etc): The prisoner scaled the prison walls and escaped.) užlipti, užkopti
    III [skeil] noun
    (any of the small thin plates or flakes that cover the skin of fishes, reptiles etc: A herring's scales are silver in colour.) žvynas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > scale

  • 2 wholesale

    1) (( also adverb) buying and selling goods on a large scale, usually from a manufacturer and to a retailer: a wholesale business; He buys the materials wholesale.) didmeninis; urmu
    2) (on a large scale: the wholesale slaughter of innocent people.) masiškas, didelio masto

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > wholesale

  • 3 small

    1) (little in size, degree, importance etc; not large or great: She was accompanied by a small boy of about six; There's only a small amount of sugar left; She cut the meat up small for the baby.) mažas, smulkus
    2) (not doing something on a large scale: He's a small businessman.) smulkus
    3) (little; not much: You have small reason to be satisfied with yourself.) nedidelis, nepakankamas
    4) ((of the letters of the alphabet) not capital: The teacher showed the children how to write a capital G and a small g.) mažasis
    - small arms
    - small change
    - small hours
    - smallpox
    - small screen
    - small-time
    - feel/look small

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > small

  • 4 commerce

    ['komə:s] 1. noun
    (the exchange of goods between nations or people; trade on a large scale: He is engaged in commerce.) prekyba, komercija
    2. noun
    (a TV or radio advertisement: I enjoyed the play but the commercials irritated me.) reklama
    - commercialise
    - commercialism
    - commercial traveller

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > commerce

  • 5 movement

    1) ((an act of) changing position or going from one point to another: The animal turned sideways with a swift movement.) judėjimas, judesys, mostas
    2) (activity: In this play there is a lot of discussion but not much movement.) veiksmas, veikla
    3) (the art of moving gracefully or expressively: She teaches movement and drama.) sceninis judesys
    4) (an organization or association: the Scout movement.) judėjimas, sąjūdis
    5) (the moving parts of a watch, clock etc.) mechanizmas
    6) (a section of a large-scale piece of music: the third movement of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony.) dalis
    7) (a general tendency towards a habit, point of view etc: There's a movement towards simple designs in clothing these days.) polinkis, tendencija

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > movement

  • 6 small-time

    adjective ((of a thief etc) not working on a large scale: a small-time crook/thief.) smulkus, mažo kalibro

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > small-time

  • 7 full

    [ful] 1. adjective
    1) (holding or containing as much as possible: My basket is full.) pilnas
    2) (complete: a full year; a full account of what happened.) visas, išsamus
    3) ((of clothes) containing a large amount of material: a full skirt.) laisvas, platus
    2. adverb
    1) (completely: Fill the petrol tank full.) visiškai
    2) (exactly; directly: She hit him full in the face.) tiesiai
    - full-length
    - full moon
    - full-scale
    - full stop
    - full-time
    - fully-fledged
    - full of
    - in full
    - to the full

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > full

  • 8 model

    ['modl] 1. noun
    1) (a copy or representation of something usually on a much smaller scale: a model of the Taj Mahal; ( also adjective) a model aeroplane.) modelis, maketas
    2) (a particular type or design of something, eg a car, that is manufactured in large numbers: Our car is a 1999 model.) modelis
    3) (a person who wears clothes etc so that possible buyers can see them being worn: He has a job as a male fashion model.) rūbų demonstruotojas, manekenas
    4) (a person who is painted, sculpted, photographed etc by an artist, photographer etc: I work as an artist's model.) modelis, pozuotojas
    5) (something that can be used to copy from.) šablonas
    6) (a person or thing which is an excellent example: She is a model of politeness; ( also adjective) model behaviour.) pavyzdys; pavyzdingas
    2. verb
    1) (to wear (clothes etc) to show them to possible buyers: They model (underwear) for a living.) demonstruoti (rūbus)
    2) (to work or pose as a model for an artist, photographer etc: She models at the local art school.) dirbti modeliu, pozuoti
    3) (to make models (of things or people): to model (the heads of famous people) in clay.) modeliuoti, lipdyti
    4) (to form (something) into a (particular) shape: She modelled the clay into the shape of a penguin; She models herself on her older sister.) formuoti, kurti (ką) pagal pavyzdį

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > model

  • 9 weigh

    [wei] 1. verb
    1) (to find the heaviness of (something) by placing it on a scale: He weighed himself on the bathroom scales; You must have your luggage weighed at the airport.) (pa)sverti
    2) (to be equal to in heaviness: This parcel weighs one kilo; How much / What does this box weigh?) sverti
    3) (to be a heavy burden to: She was weighed down with two large suitcases.) apkrauti, apsunkinti
    2. verb
    1) (to attach, or add, a weight or weights to: The plane is weighted at the nose so that it balances correctly in flight.) apkrauti, pasunkinti
    2) (to hold down by attaching weights: They weighted the balloon to prevent it from flying away.) padidinti (kieno) svorį
    - weightlessness
    - weighty
    - weightily
    - weightiness
    - weighing-machine
    - weightlifting
    - weigh anchor
    - weigh in
    - weigh out
    - weigh up

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > weigh

См. также в других словарях:

  • large-scale — ˈlarge scale adjective [only before a noun] 1. using or involving a lot of people, effort, money, or supplies: • The government hopes to attract large scale foreign investment. • Large scale changes to the organizational structure of the company… …   Financial and business terms

  • large-scale — adj. 1. large in area, scope or degree; as, a large scale attack on AIDS is needed. Syn: extensive, wide ranging. [WordNet 1.5] 2. constructed or drawn to a big scale[4]; as, large scale maps. See 3rd {scale}, n., sense 4. [WordNet 1.5] 3.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • large-scale — large ,scale adjective only before noun * 1. ) involving a large number of people or things, or happening over a large area: The gang is believed to be involved in large scale international drug trafficking. We need to protect the village from… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • large-scale — large′ scale′ adj. 1) very extensive; of great scope: a large scale plan[/ex] 2) made to a large scale: a large scale map[/ex] • Etymology: 1885–90 …   From formal English to slang

  • large-scale — adj [only before noun] 1.) using or involving a lot of effort, people, supplies etc ≠ ↑small scale ▪ a large scale rescue operation 2.) a large scale map, model etc is drawn or made bigger than usual, so that more details can be shown …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • large-scale — [lärj′skāl′] adj. 1. drawn to a large scale: said of a map, etc. 2. of wide scope; over a large area; extensive [large scale business operations] …   English World dictionary

  • large scale — index far reaching Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • large-scale — index broad, extensive Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • large-scale — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ extensive …   English terms dictionary

  • large-scale — also large scale 1) ADJ GRADED: ADJ n A large scale action or event happens over a very wide area or involves a lot of people or things. ...a large scale military operation. 2) ADJ GRADED: ADJ n A large scale map or diagram represents a small… …   English dictionary

  • large-scale */ — UK / US adjective [only before noun] 1) involving a large number of people or things, or happening over a large area We need to protect the village from large scale house building. The gang is believed to be involved in large scale international… …   English dictionary

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