1 landing point
English-Ukrainian dictionary of aviation terms > landing point
2 planned planetary landing point
n завданий пункт посадки на планетуEnglish-Ukrainian military dictionary > planned planetary landing point
3 intended landing point
English-Ukrainian dictionary of aviation terms > intended landing point
4 point
n1) точка, пункт3) момент часу•- aerodrome reference point - AFTN entry-exit points - agreed reporting point - aiming point - aircraft fire point - approach noise measurement point - approach reference noise measurement point - break-even point - break-in point - break-off point - burble point - burn point - change-over point - changeover point - check point - contact point - control transfer point - correct point - departure point - early warning point - entry-exit points - equal time point - final approach point - fire point - flash point - flight reference point - flight way point - flyover noise measurement point - focal point - fuel servicing point - holding point - intended landing point - joining point - landing point - last departure point - lateral noise measurement point - leaving point - lift-off point - missed approach point - MLS datum point - noise measurement point - point of arrival - point of departure - point of destination - point of no return - power point - probe point - refuelling point - reporting point - sideline noise measurement point - significant point - stagnation point - take-off noise measurement point - takeoff point - transfer initiation point - transfer od control point - VOR aerodrome check point - yield point -
5 landing
n1) посадка; приземлення3) військ. висадка десанту◊Happy landing! — М'якої посадки!
whilst landing — під час посадки, під час посадки
•- aircraft landing - approach landing - asymmetric thrust landing - autoflare landing - automatic landing - autorotation landing - autorotative landing - bad-weather landing - balked landing - belly landing - blind landing - bounced landing - bumpy landing - bungled landing - category I landing - compulsory landing - contact landing - correct landing - crash landing - crosswind landing - day landing - dead-engine landing - dead-stick landing - deck landing - distress landing - downwind landing - emergency landing - engine-out landing - flapless landing - forced landing - full-circle landing - full-stop landing - gear-down landing - gear-up landing - glide landing - ground-controlled landing - hard landing - heavy landing - helicopter-type landing - idle-power landing - instrument landing - instrument approach landing - intended landing - intermediate landing - landing after last light - landing beside fix - landing off the aerodrome - lateral drift landing - level landing - low visibility landing - manual landing - night landing - off-field landing - off-runway landing - overshooting landing - overweight landing - pancake landing - parachute landing - partial flap landing - powered landing - power-off autorotative landing - power-on landing - precision landing - priority landing - radar landing - rebound landing - reverse-thrust landing - rough landing - running landing - run-on landing - runway landing - safe landing - short landing - smooth landing - soft landing - spot landing - stall landing - straight-in landing - tail-down landing - talk-down landing - test landing - three-point landing - touch-and-go landing - trend-type landing - two-point landing - upwind landing - vertical landing - visual landing - visually judged landing - water landing - wheels-down landing - wheels-up landing - zero-zero landing -
6 two-point
а підтримуваний в двох місцях; що спирається на дві опори -
7 two-point
а підтримуваний в двох місцях; що спирається на дві опори -
8 three point landing
[ˌariːpxint'lʒn-diç]ав.посадка на три точки; приземлення на три точки -
9 three point landing
[ˌariːpxint'lʒn-diç]ав.посадка на три точки; приземлення на три точки -
10 three-point landing
English-Ukrainian dictionary of aviation terms > three-point landing
11 two-point landing
English-Ukrainian dictionary of aviation terms > two-point landing
12 system
n1) система; комплекс2) установка; пристрій•- acceleration warning system - accessory power system - active beacon collision avoidance system - aerodynamic roll system - airborne collision avoidance system - airborne early warning system - airborne lightweight optical tracking system - airborne prospecting system - airborne television system - airborne warning and control system - aircraft electrical system - aircraft integrated data system - aircraft intercommunication system - aircraft system - airdrop system - air-ground data link system - airlocking system - air transport system - airway system - alarm signal system - alarm system - alarm warning system - altitude alerting system - anti-icing system - antiskid system - approach lighting system - area forecast system - associated aircraft system - automated data interchange system - automatic direction finder system - automatic flight control system - autonomous life support system - autopilot system - aviation safety reporting system - avionics system - backpack life support system - balloon-tracking system - canard foil system - co-axial rotor system - collision avoidance system - communication system - computerized system - conical coordinate system - control system - countermeasures system - digital avionic systems - dimmer system - docking guidance system - dual-channel system - dual flight control system - early warning system - economical space transportation system - electric flight control signalling system - electronic attack system - electronic support system - elevator control system - enhanced ground proximity warning system - enroute navigation systems - Entry Sensor System - exhaust system - exit sensor system - explosives detection system - extraterrestrial transportation system - facility performance category I instrument landing system - facility performance category II instrument landing system - facility performance category III instrument landing system - fail safe system - fail tolerant system - FBW system - flight control system - flight management system - FLIR system - fly-by-wire system - forward-looking infra-red system - fuel system - general purpose system - global positioning system - ground proximity warning system - guidance system - high lift control system - inertial navigation system - infrared search and tracking system - instrument landing system - integrated electronic warfare system - inorbit-on-demand space transportation system - jet engine starter system - landing navigation system - landing system - LEO-to-GEO transportation system - long-range position finding system - lubricating system - lubrication system - microwave landing system - multifunctional system - narrow gauge lighting system - navigation system - offensive fire-control system - oil system - orbital coordinate system - orbital transportation system - orbiting multibody system - oxygen system - pilot-controller system - planar coordinate system - point-defence weapon systems - position indicating system - power-operated control system - power-supply system - power system - precision approach category I lighting system - precision approach category II lighting system - precombustion chamber fuel system - pressure air system - pressure fueling system - pressure system - primary system - propeller deicing system - propulsion system - Q-feci system - Q-feel system - queueing system - radar airborne weather system - radar guidance system - radar identification system - radiation alarm system - radio command system - radio guidance system - radio navigation system - rapid response space transportation system TKJI - reporting system - safety management system - satellite communications system - satellite navigation system - satellite system - scanning beam system - SELCAL system - selective calling system - simple approach lighting system - solar system - space-based observing system - space-based transportation system - space environmental quality control system - space laser power system - space nuclear power system - space observing system - space transportation system - SPADE system - take-off monitoring system - thermal protection system - trainable system - training system - two-frequency glide path system - two-frequency localizer system - visual approach slope indicator system - visual docking guidance system - wing antiicing system - wing flap control system - wing slat system - wing spoiler system - world area forecast system -
13 flash
1. n1) спалах; проблиск3) військ. нарукавна нашивка (що вказує на рід військ)2. v1) спалахувати•- flash of lightning - high-intensity flash - green flashes "cleared to taxi" - green flashes "return for landing" - lightning flash - red flashes "aerodrome unsafe, do not land" - red flashes "taxi clear of landing area in use" - white flashes "land at this aerodrome and proceed to apron" - white flashes "return to the starting point on the aerodrome" -
14 light
n1) світло, освітлення; мн. вогні2) лампа, ліхтар; світлове панно◊•- aircraft lights - airway light - airway obstruction light - alarm light - alternating light - anti-collision light - approach threshold light - autopilot controller light - blinking light - boundary light - capacitor discharge light - channel light - circling guidance light - elevated light - fixed distance lights - fixed light - flashing light - flush light - identification light - inset light - landing direction light - landing lights - linear light - navigation light - non aeronautical ground light - obstacle light - oil-pressure warning light - point light - position light - range light - runway centre line light - runway clearance light - runway edge light - runway end light - runway guard light - runway lights - runway threshold identification light - runway threshold light - runway touchdown zone light - sealed-beam light - side running light - singl-function warning and caution lights - stopway light - taxi channel light - taxiway centre line light - taxiway edge light - taxiway light - tell-tale light - warning light - wing bar light - wing clearance light -
15 three
1. n1) число триthree and three make six — три плюс три — шість
threes — а) тривідсоткові папери; б) вино на три пенси
2) трійка (цифра)3) номер три, номер третій4) троє, трійкаin threes — по троє, трійками
5) три роки (про вік)at three — у три роки, у трирічному віці
6) третя година7) pl третій розмір (номер)8) троє очок (у грі)2. numтриT. in One, One in T. — свята трійця
three sheets in the wind — розм. п'яний як чіп
three point landing — ав. посадка (приземлення) на три точки
* * *I [ariː] n1) трійка (цифра; тж. figure of three); три; троє; група із трьох предметів або людейin threes no — три ( у кожному), по три, по троє
three of my friends — троє моїх друзів; кapт. трійка
three of spades — трійка пік; три роки ( про вік)
a boy of three — трирічний хлопчик; третя година; pl трипроцентні папери
2) pl вино на три пенси••II [ariː]Three in One, One in Three — свята трійця
пит число триthree books [feet, weeks, pages] — три книги [фути, тижня, сторінки]
every three months — кожні три місяці; ( номер) три, ( номери) третій
Room three — кімната ( номер) три
three sheets in the wind — cл. вщент п'яний; = море по коліно
См. также в других словарях:
landing point — tūpimo taškas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Vieta tūpimo aikštelėje, kurioje gali nutūpti vienas sraigtasparnis ar vertikaliojo kilimo orlaivis. atitikmenys: angl. landing point pranc. point d’atterrissage … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Landing Point Hotel — (Сиемреап,Камбоджа) Категория отеля: 4 звездочный отель Адрес: Street 26, Wat Bo … Каталог отелей
landing point — A point within a landing site where one helicopter or vertical takeoff and landing aircraft can land. See also airfield … Military dictionary
Cable landing point — A cable landing point is the location where a submarine or other underwater cable makes landfall. The term is most often used for the landfall points of submarine telecommunications cables and submarine power cables. The main cable is joined to a … Wikipedia
Point Lookout Lighthouse, Australia — Point Lookout Lighthouse is a lighthouse in Point Lookout, on North Stradbroke Island, Queensland, Australia. It was built in 1932. Nearby Cylinder Beach was so named because it was used as a landing point for gas cylinders for the… … Wikipedia
Landing Zone — A Landing Zone or LZ is a military term for any area where aircraft land.In the United States military, a landing zone is the actual point where aircraft land (equivalent to the commonwealth landing point.)In commonwealth militaries, a landing… … Wikipedia
Landing footprint — After Atmospheric reentry, a non powered spacecraft will land on an area depending upon entry angle, entry mass, atmosphere and drag. It is therefore impossible to know the spacecraft s landing point with absolute precision. By simulating varying … Wikipedia
landing price — price for a fish or a fish product at the landing point, not taking account of any transportation or handling costs (same as farm gate price in aquaculture) … Dictionary of ichthyology
point d’atterrissage — tūpimo taškas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Vieta tūpimo aikštelėje, kurioje gali nutūpti vienas sraigtasparnis ar vertikaliojo kilimo orlaivis. atitikmenys: angl. landing point pranc. point d’atterrissage … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Landing Signal Officer — Landing Signal Officers (LSOs) are naval aviators specially trained to control the approach and landings of airplanes aboard aircraft carriers. Paddles In the U.S. Navy, aircraft carrier operations began with USS Langley (CV 1) in 1922. Langley s … Wikipedia
Point Reyes Station, California — Point Reyes Station census designated place State Route 1 runs through Point Reyes Station … Wikipedia