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  • 1 land flowing with milk and honey

    land vloeiend van melk en honing

    English-Dutch dictionary > land flowing with milk and honey

  • 2 land flowing with milk and honey

    land som flyter av mjölk och honung

    English-Swedish dictionary > land flowing with milk and honey

  • 3 land flowing with milk and honey

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > land flowing with milk and honey

  • 4 land flowing with milk and honey

    ארץ זבת חלב ודבש
    * * *
    שבדו בלח תבז ץרא

    English-Hebrew dictionary > land flowing with milk and honey

  • 5 Land flowing with milk and honey

    Молочные реки в кисельных берегах

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > Land flowing with milk and honey

  • 6 a land flowing with milk and honey

    (a land flowing with milk and honey (тж. a land of milk and honey))
    страна изобилия, страна, текущая млеком и мёдом; ≈ молочные реки и кисельные берега [этим. библ. Exodus III, 8, XIII, 5, Joshua V, 6 и др.]; см. тж. milk and honey

    It is a land flowing with milk and honey, a land of the heart's desire... (R. Hichens, ‘Bella Donna’, ch. XXII) — Это оазис, райский уголок - прямо молочные реки и кисельные берега...

    ‘Look,’ he said, ‘This ain't no lan' of milk an' honey like the preachers say. They's [= there is] a mean thing here.’ (J. Steinbeck, ‘The Grapes of Wrath’, ch. XX) — - Слушай, - сказал Том, - проповедники любят рассказывать насчет млека и меда, а здесь этим и не пахнет. Здесь нехорошие дела творятся.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > a land flowing with milk and honey

  • 7 a land flowing with milk and honey

       cтpaнa изoбилия; мoлoчныe peки и киceльныe бepeгa [этим. библ.]
        It is a land flowing with milk and honey, a land of the heart's desire (R. Hichens)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > a land flowing with milk and honey

  • 8 The land flowing with milk and honey

    • The land flowing with [the land of] milk and honey библ. Земля, где текут молочные реки средь кисельных берегов

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > The land flowing with milk and honey

  • 9 a land flowing with milk and honey

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > a land flowing with milk and honey

  • 10 milk and honey

    ≈ молочные реки, кисельные берега, изобилие [часть выражения a land flowing with milk and honey; см. a land flowing with milk and honey]

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > milk and honey

  • 11 milk and honey

    изоби́лие с

    land flowing with milk and honeyбибл земля́ с моло́чными ре́ками и кисе́льными берега́ми (страна́ изоби́лия, Земля́ обетова́нная)

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > milk and honey

  • 12 The land of milk and honey

    • The land flowing with [the land of] milk and honey библ. Земля, где текут молочные реки средь кисельных берегов

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > The land of milk and honey

  • 13 milk

    milk [mɪlk]
    1 noun
    lait m;
    mother's milk lait m maternel;
    cow's milk lait m de vache;
    goat's milk lait m de chèvre;
    Milk of Magnesia lait m de magnésie;
    a land flowing with milk and honey un pays de cocagne;
    figurative the milk of human kindness le lait de la tendresse humaine
    (bottle, churn, jug etc → empty) à lait; (→ full) de lait
    (a) (cow, goat) traire
    (b) (snake) extraire le venin de
    to milk a country of its resources dépouiller un pays de ses ressources;
    he really milks his clients il plume ses clients;
    she milked the subject dry elle a épuisé le sujet;
    the newspapers milked the story for all it was worth les journaux ont tiré tout ce qu'ils ont pu de l'histoire;
    they just milked all his ideas ils se sont approprié toutes ses idées
    the cow milks well la vache donne beaucoup de lait
    ►► milk bank lactarium m;
    milk bar milk-bar m;
    American milk can bidon m de lait;
    Botany milk cap (fungus) lactaire m;
    milk chocolate chocolat m au lait;
    milk duct canal m galactophore;
    Veterinary medicine milk fever fièvre f lactée;
    British milk float camionnette f du laitier;
    milk gland glande f lactéale ou galactophore;
    milk loaf pain m brioché;
    milk powder lait m en poudre;
    British milk pudding entremets m au lait;
    formerly the Milk Race = course cycliste en Grande-Bretagne (ainsi nommée parce qu'elle était parrainée par l'industrie laitière);
    British milk round (for milk delivery) tournée f du laitier; University = tournée des universités par les employeurs pour recruter des étudiants en fin d'études;
    familiar milk run Aviation vol m sans histoire, partie f de rigolade; (regular journey) trajet m habituel, tournée f habituelle ;
    milk shake milk-shake m, French Canadian lait m frappé;
    British milk stout bière f brune;
    milk tooth dent f de lait;
    milk train premier train m (du matin);
    American milk truck camionnette f du laitier;
    Botany milk vetch astragale m, tragacanthe f;
    Botany milk willowherb salicaire f

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > milk

  • 14 milk

    1. [mılk] n
    1. молоко

    mother's [dried, new, condensed] milk - материнское [сухое, парное, сгущённое] молоко

    milk foods [diet] - молочная пища [диета]

    2. 1) млечный сок, латекс
    2) = milky stage [см. milky]

    the milk of human kindness - сострадание, мягкосердечие, доброта

    milk for babes - что-л. лёгкое для понимания; простая, несложная книга, статья

    milk and roses - ≅ кровь с молоком

    the milk in the cocoa-nut - а) задача, загвоздка; б) объяснение непонятного факта /обстоятельства/

    land flowing with milk and honey - а) библ. страна, текущая млеком и мёдом; б) страна изобилия, земля обетованная

    the milk is spilled - ≅ дела уже не поправить

    spilt milk - что-л. непоправимое

    it is no use crying over spilt milk - ≅ слезами горю не поможешь; потерянного не воротишь

    2. [mılk] v
    1. доить
    2. давать молоко ( о скоте)
    3. извлекать выгоду (из чего-л.); эксплуатировать (что-л.), «доить» (кого-л.)

    to milk the market /the street/ - амер. ком. жарг. успешно спекулировать ценными бумагами; наживаться на мелких конкурентах

    he refused to be milked by the newspapermen - он отказался сказать что-л. репортёрам

    to milk a wire /a telegram/ - перехватывать телеграфное сообщение

    to milk the bull /the ram/ - заниматься бесполезным делом; ≅ ждать от козла молока

    НБАРС > milk

  • 15 honey

    1) Honig, der
    2) (Amer., Ir.): (darling) Schatz, der (ugs.)
    * * *
    1) (a sweet, thick fluid made by bees from the nectar of flowers: bread and honey.) der Honig
    2) ((especially American) darling (used when speaking to someone one loves).) der/die Süße
    - academic.ru/35441/honeybee">honeybee
    - honeycomb
    - honeymoon
    * * *
    1. no pl (fluid) Honig m
    clover \honey Kleehonig m
    heather \honey Heidehonig m
    runny/set \honey flüssiger/fester Honig
    2. esp AM (sweet person) Schatz m; (sl: attractive young woman) Süße f, Baby nt sl
    3. esp AM ( fam: good thing)
    that's a \honey of a dress das ist ja ein tolles Kleid
    4. (darling) Schatz m; (to little child) Schätzchen nt
    a land flowing with milk and \honey ein Land, darin Milch und Honig fließen
    * * *
    1) Honig m
    2) (inf: dear) Schätzchen nt
    * * *
    honey [ˈhʌnı]
    A s
    1. Honig m:
    (as) sweet as honey honigsüß (a. fig);
    with honey in one’s voice mit honigsüßer Stimme, honigsüß
    2. BOT Nektar m
    3. besonders US umg Liebling m, Schatz m
    4. besonders US umg be a (real) honey (einfach) klasse oder spitze sein;
    a honey of a car ein klasse Wagen
    B adj
    1. honigsüß
    2. honigfarben, -gelb
    C v/t prät und pperf honeyed, honied
    1. mit Honig süßen
    2. oft honey up jemandem Honig um den Mund oder ums Maul oder um den Bart schmieren umg, jemandem schmeicheln
    D v/i honey (up) to C 2
    * * *
    1) Honig, der
    2) (Amer., Ir.): (darling) Schatz, der (ugs.)
    * * *
    (US) n.
    Liebling -e m. (term of endearment) n.
    Süße nur sing. (Freundin) f.

    English-german dictionary > honey

  • 16 land

    I. 1. земя, суша
    LAND ho! мор. (вижда се) земя! by LAND and sea, on LAND and at sea по суша и море
    on LAND and water по суша и по вода
    to travel by LAND пътувам по суша
    to come to LAND влизам в пристанище
    to make/sight LAND виждам земя, приближавам се до брега
    to touch/reach LAND пристигам/спирам на брега, слизам/стъпвам на суша
    2. земя, почва, терен
    corn LAND житен пояс
    to go on the LAND ставам земеделец/земеделски работник
    to live on the LAND прехранвам се със земеделие
    the lay/lie of the LAND конфигурация на терена, прен. положението на нещата, хавата
    3. земя, страна, край, област
    the Holy LAND библ. божи гроб, Палестина, Юдея
    4. землище
    5. земя, поземлена собственост, имение
    6. ивица орна/пасищна земя
    7. воен. поле (разстояние между два нареза в цвета на огнестрелно оръжие)
    8. attr (сухо) земен, поземлен, аграрен
    to find out/see how the LAND lies проучвам почвата, виждам какво е положението/хавата/как стоят работите
    II. 1. свалям/стоварвам (на суша), дебаркирам
    to LAND an aeroplane приземявам самолет
    2. слизам на суша, дебаркирам, пристигам, акостирам (за кораб)
    кацвам, приземявам се (зa самолет, летец), слизам (от кола)
    3. изваждам на брега (уловена риба)
    4. разг. спечелвам (награда и пр.)
    5. завеждам, довеждам, закарвам, докарвам (in)
    намирам се, попадам (in)
    that will LAND you in prison това ще те вкара в затвора
    to LAND in trouble намирам си белята
    you have LANDed us in a nice fix! добре ни нареди/насади! to be nicely LANDcd ирон. хубаво се нареждам/насаждам
    6. стоварвам, нанасям (удар)
    I LANDed him one in the face стоварих му един по лицето
    7. изтърсвам се, падам
    8. падам на краката си (след скок)
    приземявам се (с парашут), he always LANDs on his feet винаги има късмет/успява да се измъкне от затруднения
    9. разг. пристигам
    to LAND one's horse first пристигам пръв (за жокей), to LAND first пристигам пръв (за кон)
    10. sl. хващам, намирам
    to LAND a job намирам работа
    land on изтърсвам се (на някого)
    ругая, нахоквам. land up разг. озовавам се (чякъде, в някакво положение)
    land with разг. стоварвам (някому нещо), to LAND someone with a job, to LAND a job onto someone стоварвам никому някаква работа
    * * *
    {land} n 1. земя, суша; land ho! мор. (вижда се) земя! by land and sea(2) {land} v 1. свалям/стоварвам (на суша), дебаркирам; to land an
    * * *
    страна; сухоземен; суша; терен; област; почва; приземявам; акостирам; аграрен; дебаркирам; земя; землище; земен;
    * * *
    1. attr (сухо) земен, поземлен, аграрен 2. corn land житен пояс 3. i landed him one in the face стоварих му един по лицето 4. i. земя, суша 5. ii. свалям/стоварвам (на суша), дебаркирам 6. land ho! мор. (вижда се) земя! by land and sea, on land and at sea по суша и море 7. land on изтърсвам се (на някого) 8. land with разг. стоварвам (някому нещо), to land someone with a job, to land a job onto someone стоварвам никому някаква работа 9. on land and water по суша и по вода 10. sl. хващам, намирам 11. that will land you in prison това ще те вкара в затвора 12. the holy land библ. божи гроб, Палестина, Юдея 13. the lay/lie of the land конфигурация на терена, прен. положението на нещата, хавата 14. to come to land влизам в пристанище 15. to find out/see how the land lies проучвам почвата, виждам какво е положението/хавата/как стоят работите 16. to go on the land ставам земеделец/земеделски работник 17. to land a job намирам работа 18. to land an aeroplane приземявам самолет 19. to land in trouble намирам си белята 20. to land one's horse first пристигам пръв (за жокей), to land first пристигам пръв (за кон) 21. to live on the land прехранвам се със земеделие 22. to make/sight land виждам земя, приближавам се до брега 23. to touch/reach land пристигам/спирам на брега, слизам/стъпвам на суша 24. to travel by land пътувам по суша 25. you have landed us in a nice fix! добре ни нареди/насади! to be nicely landcd ирон. хубаво се нареждам/насаждам 26. воен. поле (разстояние между два нареза в цвета на огнестрелно оръжие) 27. завеждам, довеждам, закарвам, докарвам (in) 28. землище 29. земя, поземлена собственост, имение 30. земя, почва, терен 31. земя, страна, край, област 32. ивица орна/пасищна земя 33. изваждам на брега (уловена риба) 34. изтърсвам се, падам 35. кацвам, приземявам се (зa самолет, летец), слизам (от кола) 36. намирам се, попадам (in) 37. падам на краката си (след скок) 38. приземявам се (с парашут), he always lands on his feet винаги има късмет/успява да се измъкне от затруднения 39. разг. пристигам 40. разг. спечелвам (награда и пр.) 41. ругая, нахоквам. land up разг. озовавам се (чякъде, в някакво положение) 42. слизам на суша, дебаркирам, пристигам, акостирам (за кораб) 43. стоварвам, нанасям (удар)
    * * *
    land[lænd] I. n 1. земя, суша; dry \land суша; \land ho! мор. (вижда се) земя! to travel by \land пътувам по суша; to come to \land влизам в пристанище; to make ( the), to sight \land виждам земя, приближавам се до брега; 2. земя, почва, терен; alkaline \land солена почва; arable ( waste) \land орна (пуста) земя; fat ( poor) \land плодородна (слаба) почва; improved \land мелиорирана земя; corn \land житен пояс; table \land равнина, плато; reclaimed \land възстановен участък от земната повърхност (след завършване на минни работи); to go on the \land ставам земеделец (земеделски работник); to live on the \land прехранвам се със земеделие; 3. земя, страна, край, област; home ( native) \land родна страна, отечество, родина; the Holy L. Божи гроб; the \land of the Visigoths (страната) земята на вестготите; forest \land гориста област; dock-\land пристанищен квартал; shop-\land квартал с големи магазини; a \land flowing with milk and honey страна на изобилието; the \land of Cakes шег. "страната на овесените питки" Шотландия; the \land of the Rose "страната на розата", Англия; the \land of dreams страната на бляновете, приказна страна; the \land of Nod царството на съня; the \land of promise, the promised \land обетованата земя; the \land of the ( o'the) leal небето, раят; the \land of the midnight Sun "страната на среднощното слънце", Норвегия; the \land of the golden fleece "страната на златното руно", Австралия; the \land of the rising Sun "страната на изгряващото слънце", Япония; the \land of stars and stripes САЩ; in the \land of the living на тоя свят; 4. землище; 5. земя, поземлена собственост; имение; their \land goes up to the wood имението им стига до гората; pl имения; 6. ивица орна, пасищна земя; 7. воен. поле (разстояние между два нареза в цевта на огнестрелно оръжие); 8. attr земен, сухоземен; поземлен, аграрен; \land rent поземлена рента; the L. селото (като селскостопански район, за разлика от града); to see how the \land lies, to spy out the \land прен. проучвам почвата, виждам какво е положението ("хавата"), как стоят работите; good \land! my land(s)! for the land's sake! ам. Боже мой! дявол да го вземе! на ти тебе сега; the \land knows ам. един Господ знае; кой знае; II. v 1. слизам на суша, дебаркирам; пристигам, акостирам (за кораб); кацвам (за самолет, летец); слизам (от кола); to \land from a ship, at a place, on a coast слизам от кораб, в (пристанищен) град, на бряг; to \land on the sea кацвам по вода (за хидроплан); 2. свалям, стоварвам на суша, дебаркирам; the car \landed us at the hotel колата ни стовари пред хотела; 3. извличам на брега ( риба); 4. завеждам, довеждам, закарвам, докарвам (in); намирам се, попадам (in); that will \land you in prison това ще те вкара в затвора; you have \landed us in a nice fix! ето до какво ни докара ти! to be nicely \landed хубаво се наредихме, настанихме, насадихме, нацедихме; 5. стоварвам, нанасям ( удар); I \landed him one in the face стоварих му един по лицето; 6. изтърсвам се, падам; 7. падам на краката си (след скок); приземявам се (с парашут); to \land on o.'s feet успявам, измъквам се успешно от трудна ситуация; he always \lands on his feet котка по гърба си не пада; 8. разг. спечелвам, придобивам (награда, служба); 9. пристигам (при конно надбягване); to \land o.'s horse first пристигам пръв (за жокей); to \land first пристигам пръв (за кон); 10. sl хващам, намирам; to \land a job намирам работа; 11. мор. слагам, нагласявам (мачта и пр.); to \land s.o. with s.th. разг. накисвам някого с нещо, вкарвам някого в неприятност.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > land

  • 17 honey

    hon·ey [ʼhʌni] n
    1) no pl ( fluid) Honig m;
    clover \honey Kleehonig m;
    heather \honey Heidehonig m;
    runny/set \honey flüssiger/fester Honig
    2) ( esp Am) ( sweet person) Schatz m; (sl: attractive young woman) Süße f, Baby nt (sl)
    3) ( esp Am) (fam: good thing)
    that's a \honey of a dress das ist ja ein tolles Kleid
    4) ( darling) Schatz m; ( to little child) Schätzchen nt
    a land flowing with milk and \honey ein Land, darin Milch und Honig fließen

    English-German students dictionary > honey

  • 18 land

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > land

  • 19 milk

    1. noun
    Milch, die

    it's no use crying over spilt milk — (prov.) [was] passiert ist[, ist] passiert

    2. transitive verb
    (draw milk from) melken; (fig.): (get money out of) melken (salopp)
    * * *
    [milk] 1. noun
    (a white liquid produced by female mammals as food for their young: The commonest source of milk is the cow.) die Milch
    2. verb
    (to obtain milk from: The farmer milks his cows each day.) melken
    - academic.ru/46900/milky">milky
    - milkiness
    - milkmaid
    - milkman
    - milkshake
    - milk tooth
    - the Milky Way
    * * *
    I. n no pl
    1. (product of lactation) Milch f; (breastmilk) Muttermilch f; (in coconuts) Kokosmilch f
    goat's/sheep's/cow's \milk Ziegen-/Schafs-/Kuhmilch f
    to be in \milk Milch absondern
    2. (drink) Milch f
    chocolate-flavoured [or AM - flavored] \milk Schokoladenmilch f
    full fat [or AM whole] \milk Vollmilch f
    long-life \milk haltbare [o SCHWEIZ uperisierte] Milch, H-Milch f, UP-Milch f SCHWEIZ, Haltbarmilch f ÖSTERR
    semi-skimmed/skimmed \milk teilentrahmte/entrahmte Milch
    the \milk of human kindness die Milch der frommen Denk[ungs]art liter
    the land of \milk and honey das Land, wo Milch und Honig fließt
    there's no use crying over spilt [AM spilled] \milk ( saying) was passiert ist, ist passiert
    III. vt
    to \milk a cow/goat/sheep eine Kuh/Ziege/ein Schaf melken
    2. ( fig: exploit)
    to \milk sb/sth jdn/etw melken [o schröpfen] fig fam
    to \milk sb/sth of sth jdn/etw um etw akk erleichtern
    the press \milked them dry of all the information they could give die Presseleute zogen ihnen alle Informationen aus der Nase, die sie nur geben konnten
    to \milk a story JOURN eine Story ausschlachten
    * * *
    1. n
    Milch f

    the land of or flowing with milk and honey — das Land, wo Milch und Honig fließt

    it's or there's no use crying over spilled milk (prov) — was passiert ist, ist passiert

    2. vt (lit, fig)

    the little old lady was milked dry by some heartless swindler — die alte Frau wurde von einem gewissenlosen Betrüger nach Strich und Faden ausgenommen (inf)

    3. vi
    Milch geben, milchen (dial)
    * * *
    milk [mılk]
    A s
    1. Milch f:
    cow in milk frisch milchende Kuh;
    land of milk and honey fig Schlaraffenland n;
    milk of human kindness Milch der frommen Denkungsart;
    it is no use crying over spilt milk geschehen ist geschehen;
    come home with the milk Br hum sehr früh nach Hause kommen
    2. BOT (Pflanzen)Milch f, Milchsaft m
    3. Milch f, milchartige Flüssigkeit ( auch CHEM):
    milk of magnesia PHARM Magnesiummilch;
    milk of sulfur (bes Br sulphur) Schwefelmilch
    4. ZOOL Austernlaich m
    5. MINER Wolken pl (in Diamanten)
    B v/t
    1. eine Kuh etc melken:
    milk the pigeon umg das Unmögliche versuchen
    2. fig
    a) Informationen etc herausholen ( from aus)
    b) jemanden melken, ausnehmen (beide umg):
    milk sb of information Informationen aus jemandem herausholen
    c) das Letzte aus einem Unternehmen etc herausholen:
    milk a joke einen Witz totreiten
    3. eine Leitung etc anzapfen (um mitzuhören)
    C v/i
    1. melken
    2. Milch geben
    * * *
    1. noun
    Milch, die

    it's no use crying over spilt milk(prov.) [was] passiert ist[, ist] passiert

    2. transitive verb
    (draw milk from) melken; (fig.): (get money out of) melken (salopp)
    * * *
    Milch nur sing. f. v.
    melken v.
    (§ p.,pp.: molk (melkte), gemolden (gemelkt))

    English-german dictionary > milk

  • 20 land

    1. noun
    1) no pl., no indef. art. (solid part of the earth) Land, das

    by landauf dem Landweg

    on land — zu Lande; (not in air) auf dem Boden; (not in or on water) an Land

    2) no indef. art. (expanse of country) Land, das

    see how the land lies(fig.) herausfinden, wie die Dinge liegen; see also academic.ru/42780/lie">lie II 1. 1)

    3) no pl., no indef. art. (ground for farming or building, property) Land, das

    live off the land — sich von dem ernähren, was das Land hergibt

    4) (country) Land, das

    the greatest in the land — der/die Größte im ganzen Land

    2. transitive verb
    1) (set ashore) [an]landen [Truppen, Passagiere, Waren, Fang]
    2) (Aeronaut.) landen [[Wasser]flugzeug]
    3) (bring into a situation)

    land oneself in trouble — sich in Schwierigkeiten bringen; sich (Dat.) Ärger einhandeln (ugs.)

    land somebody in [the thick of] it — jemanden [ganz schön] reinreiten (salopp)

    4) (deal) landen [Schlag]
    5) (burden)

    land somebody with something, land something on somebody — jemandem etwas aufhalsen (ugs.)

    be landed with somebody/something — jemanden auf dem Hals haben (ugs.) /etwas aufgehalst bekommen (ugs.)


    land a fisheinen Fisch an Land ziehen

    7) (fig.): (succeed in obtaining) an Land ziehen (ugs.)
    3. intransitive verb
    1) [Boot usw.:] anlegen, landen; [Passagier:] aussteigen ( from aus)
    2) (Aeronaut.) landen; (on water) [auf dem Wasser] aufsetzen

    be about to land — zur Landung angesetzt haben; gerade landen

    3) (alight) landen; [Ball:] aufkommen

    land on one's feetauf den Füßen landen; (fig.) [wieder] auf die Füße fallen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    [lænd] 1. noun
    1) (the solid part of the surface of the Earth which is covered by the sea: We had been at sea a week before we saw land.) das Land
    2) (a country: foreign lands.) das Land
    3) (the ground or soil: He never made any money at farming as his land was poor and stony.) das Land
    4) (an estate: He owns land/lands in Scotland.) das Land
    2. verb
    1) (to come or bring down from the air upon the land: The plane landed in a field; They managed to land the helicopter safely; She fell twenty feet, but landed without injury.) landen
    2) (to come or bring from the sea on to the land: After being at sea for three months, they landed at Plymouth; He landed the big fish with some help.) landen
    3) (to (cause to) get into a particular (usually unfortunate) situation: Don't drive so fast - you'll land (yourself) in hospital/trouble!) in Schwierigkeiten etc. bringen


    (a type of strong motor vehicle used for driving over rough ground.) der Landrover

    - landing
    - landing-gear
    - landing-stage
    - landlocked
    - landlord
    - landmark
    - land mine
    - landowner
    - landslide
    - landslide victory
    - landslide
    - landslide defeat
    - land up
    - land with
    - see how the land lies
    * * *
    I. n
    1. no pl (not water) Land nt
    to have dry \land under one's feet festen Boden unter den Füßen haben
    to sight \land Land sichten
    to travel by \land auf dem Landweg reisen
    on \land an Land
    2. no pl also AGR (ground) Land nt; (soil) Boden m
    building \land Bauland nt
    agricultural [or arable] [or farm] \land Ackerland nt, landwirtschaftliche Nutzfläche[n] f[pl] fachspr
    piece/plot of \land (for building) Grundstück nt; (for farming) Stück nt Land
    waste \land Brachland nt, Ödland nt fachspr
    to live off the \land von selbsterwirtschafteten Produkten leben
    to work [on] [or to farm] the \land Ackerbau treiben
    3. no pl (countryside)
    the \land das Land
    to move back to the \land zurück aufs Land ziehen
    4. (particular area of ground) Grundstück nt
    \lands pl (real estate) Grundbesitz m; (extensive estates) Ländereien pl
    get off my \land! verschwinden Sie von meinem Grundstück!
    building \land Baugründstück nt
    private \land Privatbesitz m
    state \land[s] AM staatlicher Grundbesitz
    5. (country, region) Land nt; ( fig: world) Welt f
    to live in a fantasy \land in einer Fantasiewelt leben
    the L\land of the Midnight Sun das Land der Mitternachtssonne
    the L\land of the Rising Sun das Land der aufgehenden Sonne
    6. AM ( euph: Lord)
    for \land's sake um Gottes Willen
    7. TECH (in a gun) Feld nt fachspr
    to be in the \land of the living ( hum) unter den Lebenden sein [o geh weilen] hum
    the \land of [or flowing with] milk and honey das Land, wo Milch und Honig fließt
    to be in the L\land of Nod BRIT ( dated) im Land der Träume sein
    to see [or find out] how the \land lies die Lage sondieren [o peilen
    II. n modifier
    1. MIL (attack, manoeuvre) Boden-
    2. also AGR (soil) (excavation) Boden-
    3. (real estate) (law, price, purchase) Grundstücks-
    \land agent BRIT Grundstücksmakler(in) m(f)
    \land property Grundbesitz m
    \land registry Grundbuchamt nt
    4. (not water) (crab, wind) Land-
    III. vi
    1. AVIAT, AEROSP landen
    to \land on the moon auf dem Mond landen
    to come in to \land zur Landung ansetzen
    2. NAUT vessel anlegen, anlanden; people an Land gehen
    to \land in/on sth in/auf etw dat landen
    the bird escaped from the cat and \landed safely on the garden fence der Vogel entkam der Katze und landete sicher auf dem Gartenzaun
    the plates \landed on the ground with a loud crash die Teller landeten mit einem lauten Knall auf dem Boden
    to \land on one's feet auf den Füßen landen; ( fig) [wieder] auf die Füße fallen fig
    to \land on the floor [or ground] auf dem Boden landen
    to \land on a square (in games) auf einem Feld landen
    to \land outside sth außerhalb einer S. gen landen
    the ball \landed outside the line der Ball landete außerhalb der Linie
    4. (hit) blow, punch sitzen
    if his punch had \landed... wenn sein Schlag getroffen hätte...
    5. ( fam: end up, arrive) landen fam
    why do the difficult translations always \land on my desk? warum landen die schwierigen Übersetzungen immer auf meinem Tisch? fam
    this report \landed on my desk this morning dieser Bericht landete heute Morgen auf meinem Tisch fam
    IV. vt
    1. (bring onto land)
    to \land an aircraft [or a plane] ein Flugzeug landen
    to \land a boat ein Boot an Land ziehen
    to \land a fish einen Fisch an Land ziehen
    to \land a plane on water mit einem Flugzeug auf dem Wasser landen, ein Flugzeug wassern fachspr
    2. (unload)
    to \land sth etw an Land bringen
    to \land a cargo eine Ladung löschen
    to \land fish [at the port] Fisch anlanden
    to \land passengers Passagiere von Bord [gehen] lassen
    to \land troops Truppen anlanden
    3. ( fam: obtain)
    to \land sth contract, offer, job etw an Land ziehen fig fam
    to \land oneself a good job sich dat einen guten Job angeln fam
    4. ( fam: burden)
    to \land sb with sth jdm etw aufhalsen fam
    I've been \landed with the job of sorting out his mistakes ich habe es aufgehalst bekommen, seine Fehler auszubügeln fam
    to be \landed with sb jdn am Hals haben fam
    5. ( fam: place)
    to \land sb in sth jdn in etw akk bringen
    she was arrested and \landed in jail sie wurde verhaftet und ins Gefängnis gesteckt fam
    that could have \landed you in jail deswegen hättest du im Gefängnis landen können fam
    the demonstration \landed some of the protesters in jail einige Demonstranten wurden während der Kundgebung in Haft genommen
    you've really \landed me in it! da hast du mich aber ganz schön reingeritten! fam
    to \land sb in bankruptcy jdn Bankrott machen
    to \land sb in serious trouble jdn in ernsthafte Schwierigkeiten bringen
    to \land oneself/sb in hot [or deep] water sich selbst/jdn in große Schwierigkeiten bringen
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (= not sea) Land nt

    as they approached landals sie sich dem Land näherten

    to see how the land lies (lit) — das Gelände erkunden or auskundschaften; (fig) die Lage sondieren or peilen

    until I've seen the lay or lie of the land (fig) for land's sake ( US inf ) —, inf ) um Himmels willen

    2) (= nation, region also fig) Land nt
    3) (as property) Grund und Boden m; (= estates) Ländereien pl

    she's bought a piece of landsie hat ein Stück Land or (for building) ein Grundstück gekauft

    4) (AGR) Land nt; (= soil) Boden m
    2. vt
    1) (NAUT) passengers absetzen, von Bord gehen lassen; troops landen; goods an Land bringen, löschen; fish at port anlanden; boat an Land ziehen

    he landed the boat on the beacher zog das Boot an den Strand

    2) (AVIAT) passengers absetzen, von Bord gehen lassen; troops landen; goods abladen

    to land a plane —

    3) fish on hook an Land ziehen
    4) (inf: obtain) kriegen (inf); contract sich (dat) verschaffen; prize (sich dat) holen (inf); job an Land ziehen (inf)

    she finally landed himsie hat sich (dat) ihn schließlich geangelt (inf)

    5) (Brit inf) blow landen (inf)

    he landed him one, he landed him a punch on the jaw — er versetzte ihm or landete bei ihm einen Kinnhaken

    6) (inf: place) bringen

    like that will land you in trouble/jail — bei einem solchen Betragen wirst du noch mal Ärger bekommen/im Gefängnis landen

    it landed me in a messdadurch bin ich in einen ganz schönen Schlamassel (inf) geraten or gekommen

    buying the house landed him in debtdurch den Kauf des Hauses verschuldete er sich

    being overdrawn could land you with big bank chargeswenn man sein Konto überzieht, kann einen das hohe Bankgebühren kosten

    7) (inf

    = lumber) to land sb with sth — jdm etw aufhalsen (inf) or andrehen

    I got landed with the jobman hat mir die Arbeit aufgehalst (inf)

    3. vi
    1) (from ship) an Land gehen
    2) (AVIAT) landen; (bird, insect) landen, sich setzen
    3) (= fall, be placed, strike) landen

    to land on one's feet (lit) — auf den Füßen landen; (fig) auf die Füße fallen

    * * *
    land [lænd]
    A s
    1. Land n (Ggs Meer, Wasser, Luft):
    by land zu Land(e), auf dem Landweg(e);
    by land and sea zu Wasser und zu Lande;
    a) die Lage peilen umg,
    b) sich einen Überblick verschaffen;
    make land SCHIFF
    a) Land sichten,
    b) das (Fest)Land erreichen
    2. Land n, Boden m
    3. Land n (Ggs Stadt):
    back to the land zurück aufs Land
    4. JUR
    a) Land-, Grundbesitz m, Grund m und Boden m
    b) pl Ländereien pl, Güter pl
    5. Land n, Staat m, Volk n, Nation f:
    Land of Enchantment US (Beiname für den Staat) New Mexico n;
    Land of Opportunity US (Beiname für den Staat) Arkansas n;
    6. WIRTSCH natürliche Reichtümer pl (eines Landes)
    7. fig Land n, Gebiet n, Reich n:
    the land of dreams das Reich oder Land der Träume;
    the land of the living das Diesseits; milk A 1, nod C 2
    8. Feld n (zwischen den Zügen des Gewehrlaufs)
    B v/i
    1. FLUG landen, SCHIFF auch anlegen
    2. oft land up landen, (an)kommen:
    land in a ditch in einem Graben landen;
    land up in prison im Gefängnis landen;
    land second SPORT an zweiter Stelle landen
    3. umg einen Schlag oder Treffer landen:
    a) bei jemandem einen Treffer landen,
    b) fig es jemandem geben umg
    C v/t
    1. Personen, Güter, ein Flugzeug landen:
    land goods Güter ausladen (SCHIFF auch löschen)
    2. einen Fisch etc an Land ziehen
    he was landed in the mud er landete im Schlamm
    4. jemanden bringen:
    land o.s. ( oder be landed) in trouble in Schwierigkeiten geraten oder kommen;
    land sb in trouble jemanden in Schwierigkeiten bringen
    5. land sb with sth, land sth onto sb umg jemandem etwas aufhalsen
    6. umg einen Schlag oder Treffer landen, anbringen:
    he landed him one er knallte ihm eine, er verpasste ihm eins oder ein Ding
    7. umg jemanden, etwas kriegen, erwischen:
    land a husband sich einen Mann angeln;
    land a prize sich einen Preis holen, einen Preis ergattern
    8. land sb sth umg jemandem etwas einbringen
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) no pl., no indef. art. (solid part of the earth) Land, das

    on land — zu Lande; (not in air) auf dem Boden; (not in or on water) an Land

    2) no indef. art. (expanse of country) Land, das

    see how the land lies(fig.) herausfinden, wie die Dinge liegen; see also lie II 1. 1)

    3) no pl., no indef. art. (ground for farming or building, property) Land, das

    live off the land — sich von dem ernähren, was das Land hergibt

    4) (country) Land, das

    the greatest in the land — der/die Größte im ganzen Land

    2. transitive verb
    1) (set ashore) [an]landen [Truppen, Passagiere, Waren, Fang]
    2) (Aeronaut.) landen [[Wasser]flugzeug]

    land oneself in trouble — sich in Schwierigkeiten bringen; sich (Dat.) Ärger einhandeln (ugs.)

    land somebody in [the thick of] it — jemanden [ganz schön] reinreiten (salopp)

    4) (deal) landen [Schlag]

    land somebody with something, land something on somebody — jemandem etwas aufhalsen (ugs.)

    be landed with somebody/something — jemanden auf dem Hals haben (ugs.) /etwas aufgehalst bekommen (ugs.)

    7) (fig.): (succeed in obtaining) an Land ziehen (ugs.)
    3. intransitive verb
    1) [Boot usw.:] anlegen, landen; [Passagier:] aussteigen ( from aus)
    2) (Aeronaut.) landen; (on water) [auf dem Wasser] aufsetzen

    be about to land — zur Landung angesetzt haben; gerade landen

    3) (alight) landen; [Ball:] aufkommen

    land on one's feet — auf den Füßen landen; (fig.) [wieder] auf die Füße fallen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    landen adj. n.
    Boden ¨-- m.
    Bundesland n.
    Festland -¨er n.
    Land ¨-er n. v.
    landen v.

    English-german dictionary > land

См. также в других словарях:

  • land flowing with milk and honey — land like paradise that is filled only with goodness …   English contemporary dictionary

  • land flowing with milk and honey — земля, где течет молоко и мед молочные реки, кисельные берега …   Idioms and examples

  • Milk and Honey — The original expression, a land flowing with milk and honey , is a reference in the Hebrew Bible to the agricultural abundance of the Land of Israel. The first reference appears in the book of Exodus during Moses vision of the burning bush. Milk… …   Wikipedia

  • land of milk and honey — an imaginary place where there is more than enough of everything. She came to the United States thinking it was the land of milk and honey. Etymology: from the Bible story in which the Lord promises to bring the Israelites out of Egypt and into a …   New idioms dictionary

  • HONEY — (Heb. דְּבָשׁ). The principal honey of Israel seems to have been a thick syrup made from either grapes or dates, called dibs in Arabic. It is often mentioned in lists of foodstuffs of the land (e.g., Deut. 8:8; II Sam. 17:29; II Chron. 31:5; for… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Honey — For other uses, see Honey (disambiguation). Jars of honey and honeycomb …   Wikipedia

  • MILK — The milk most commonly mentioned in the Bible is that of sheep and goats (Prov. 27:27; Deut. 32:14), but cows milk was also known and was consumed at least in the form of curds (Isa. 7:21–22). Milk is considered among the finest of foods (Deut.… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Honey —    1) Heb. ya ar, occurs only 1 Sam. 14:25, 27, 29; Cant. 5:1, where it denotes the honey of bees. Properly the word signifies a forest or copse, and refers to honey found in woods.    2) Nopheth, honey that drops (Ps. 19:10; Prov. 5:3; Cant.… …   Easton's Bible Dictionary

  • milk — Canaan was seen as a land flowing with milk and honey (Exod. 3:8), and milk became a symbol for prosperity (Isa. 60:16). Paul (1 Cor. 3:2) and the letter to the Hebrews (5:12) refer metaphorically to milk as elementary teaching at the beginning… …   Dictionary of the Bible

  • flowing — flowingly, adv. flowingness, n. /floh ing/, adj. 1. moving in or as in a stream: flowing water. 2. proceeding smoothly or easily; facile: flowing language. 3. long, smooth, graceful, and without sudden interruption or change of direction: flowing …   Universalium

  • Milk — For other uses, see Milk (disambiguation). Foremilk and Hindmilk samples of human breast milk …   Wikipedia

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