1 land tenure system
2 land tenure system
1) Общая лексика: система землепользования2) Экология: режим землевладения -
3 land-tenure system
Экономика: система землевладения -
4 land tenure system
5 land-tenure system
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > land-tenure system
6 land tenure system
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > land tenure system
7 system of land tenure
8 system of land tenure
1) Экономика: землепользование, система землевладения2) Экология: землеустройство -
9 system
n1) система; комплекс2) система; порядок; классификация3) метод; способ
- accelerated cost recovery system
- accounting system
- actual cost system
- administrative system
- advanced system
- airline system
- appointment system
- assessment system
- automated control system
- automated management system
- automatic conveyor system
- automatic data processing system
- automatic transfer system
- banking system
- batch system
- bidding system
- bilateral clearing system
- bimetallic monetary system
- bonus system
- budgetary control system
- cash system
- centralized control system
- central record system
- chain store system
- checking system
- classification system
- clearing system
- clearing house interbank payment system
- closed system
- closed system of finance
- communication system
- computerised system
- computerised system of payments
- computerised interbank clearing system
- conference system
- constrained system
- constraint system
- container system
- contract system
- contractual vertical marketing system
- control system
- controlled system
- corporate vertical marketing system
- cost accounting system
- cost control system
- cost distribution system
- credit system
- crediting system
- credit scoring system
- credit transfer system
- cropping system
- currency system
- data system
- data acquisition system
- data collection system
- data interchange system
- data processing system
- data transmission system
- decentralized system
- decimal system
- deferred rebate system
- department incentive system
- deposit insurance system
- distribution system
- dual system
- dual-pay system
- dual price system
- dual standard cost system
- dynamic system
- economic system
- educational system
- electronic book-entry system
- electronic fund transfer system
- engineering system
- equilibrium system
- estimate cost system
- European monetary system
- evaluation system
- exchange system
- factory system
- farming system
- farm price system
- Federal Reserve System
- feedback system
- financial system
- fiscal system
- forecasting system
- free enterprise system
- generalized system of preferences
- giro system
- hauling system
- hire purchase system
- historical cost system
- household system
- import quota system
- imprest system
- industrial system
- inefficient tax system
- information system
- information retrieval system
- in-plant system
- inspection system
- integrated accounting system
- integrated record system
- Internet-based system
- inventory control system
- irrigation system
- job order cost system
- judicial system
- justice system
- land tenure system
- land-use system
- legal system
- licence system
- linear system
- lump system
- macroeconomic system
- management system
- management information system
- managerial system
- market system
- marketing system
- master system
- measuring system
- mechanical accounting system
- mercantile system
- metric system
- monetary system
- monitoring system
- multichannel system
- multicomputer system
- multidepot system
- multiitem system
- multilateral system of settlements
- multilevel system
- multiple system
- multiproduct inventory system
- multipurpose system
- multirobot system
- multistage system
- multiuser computer system
- national banking system
- normalized system
- office system
- one-crop system
- one-price system
- open price system
- operating system
- operational system
- order system
- ordering system
- par value system
- patent system
- pay system
- pay-as-you-earn system
- pay-as-you-go system
- payment system
- petty cash system
- piecework system
- planning system
- postal system
- post giro system
- power system
- premium system
- price system
- priority system
- private enterprise system
- process control system
- processing system
- production system
- product testing system
- programme system
- programme development system
- programming system
- protectionist system
- protective system
- public-address system
- quality system
- quality intelligence system
- quality rating system
- queueing system
- quota system
- railroad system
- railway system
- rating system
- rationing system
- real-time system
- recording system
- record keeping system
- reference system
- registration system
- relay system
- remote-control system
- reporting system
- retail trade system
- retrieval system
- risk-management system
- rotation system
- savings bank system
- scoring system
- search system
- selection system
- service system
- settlement system
- sewage system
- shared resource system
- shuttle system
- single system
- single-channel system
- social system
- stable system
- stand-alone system
- standard system
- standard cost system
- standby system
- state system
- static system
- stationary system
- storage system
- storekeeping system
- supply system
- sweating system
- tariff system
- tax system
- taxation system
- telecommunication system
- telephone system
- telephone answering system
- tender system
- tenure system
- testing system
- time-shared system
- timesharing system
- transfer system
- transmission system
- transport system
- transportation system
- trial system
- truck system
- two-shift system
- two-tier banking system
- two-tier gold system
- underwriting system
- uniform system of accounts
- universal time system
- unstable system
- value system
- vertical marketing system
- voucher system
- wage system
- wage labour system
- warehousing system
- waste disposal system
- waste handling system
- waste treatment system
- water system
- weighting system
- working system
- world system
- system of accounts
- system of administration
- system of bookkeeping
- system of classification
- system of control
- system of distribution
- system of information
- system of levies
- system of management
- system of marketing
- system of marking
- system of protective tariffs
- system of sales
- system of settlements
- system of tariffs
- system of taxation
- system of transportation
- system of units
- system of weights and measures
- bypass the banking system
- convert to a metric system
- design a system
- operate a system
- phase out the quota systemEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > system
10 system
1) система; способ; метод2) устройство; строй3) классификация4) учение5) сеть (дорог) -
11 system
n1) система2) способ; метод3) сеть4) строй•to deploy a system — размещать / разворачивать систему (напр. обороны)
to formulate a system — разрабатывать / вырабатывать систему
to overhaul / to reform a country's political system — перестраивать политическую систему страны
- abolition of the systemto set up a system — создавать / учреждать систему
- accounting system
- administrative system
- advanced system
- advantages of the system
- air-based system
- aircraft telecommunications system
- antagonistic systems
- anti-ballistic missile system
- anti-missile defense system
- anti-missile space defense system
- anti-satellite systems
- ASAT systems
- authoritative system
- automated management systems
- automated system
- automatic control system
- automatic data processing system
- banking system
- bipartisan system
- biparty system
- bonus system
- break-up of the system
- British entry into the European Monetary System
- bureaucrat system
- capitalist economic system
- capitalist system
- career development system
- centrally planned system
- clan system
- classified national defense system
- collapse of the system
- collective security system
- communal system
- communications system
- competitive price system
- complex system
- comprehensive system
- compulsory purchase system
- computer system
- constitutional system
- contract system
- control system
- conventional system
- country programming system
- credit and banking system
- credit system
- crisis of the system
- cultural system
- currently-operating system
- decentralized system
- defense system
- deficiency of the system
- delivery system
- democratic political systems
- deterrent system
- different social systems
- disintegration of the system
- distribution system
- dynamic international system
- early warning system
- ecological system
- economic system
- educational system
- effective system
- efficient system
- election system
- electoral system
- electronic system
- European Monetary System
- exploitation system
- exploiting system
- fair system
- family-planning system
- federal grant system
- finance and credit system
- financial system
- first-past-the-post voting system
- forecasting system
- formation of the system
- free enterprise system
- free market system
- generalized system of preferences
- global system
- grid system
- ground-based system
- health care system
- health system
- historically established system
- home security system
- immunity system
- industrial system
- inequitable system
- information system
- institutional system
- integrated system
- intelligence system
- International Nuclear Information System
- international system
- International Trusteeship System
- irrigation system
- job-by-job system of payment
- judicial system
- land tenure system
- land-based antiballistic missile system
- legal system
- liberalization of the political system
- life-support system
- majority system
- management system
- managerial system
- mandate system
- mandatory system
- market system
- mayor-council system
- merit system
- metric system
- missile and satellite detection system
- missile delivery system
- misuse of the judicial system for political purposes
- monarchical system
- monetary and credit system
- monetary system
- monitoring system
- monopolistic system
- motor-road and railway system
- multifaceted system
- multilateral payments system
- multiparty system
- mutually-acceptable system
- national accounting and control system
- national defense system
- new arms systems
- noncapitalist system
- obsolete social system
- old system
- one-man-one-vote system
- one-member-one-vote system
- one-party system
- opposing social systems
- optimum system
- outmoded system
- overhaul of the tax system
- parliamentary system
- party system
- payments system
- pension system
- people's democratic system
- philosophical system
- planning system
- political system
- post adjustment system
- power system
- preferential system
- premium system
- presidential system
- price system
- private enterprise system
- program budgeting system
- proportional representation system
- public pension system
- records system
- regimented political system
- remnants of the system
- reports system
- republican system
- ruling system
- safeguards system
- satellite-tracking system
- sea-based system
- security system
- social security system
- social system
- socio-economic system
- socio-political system
- space defense system
- space weapons systems
- space-based system
- spoils system
- stability system
- stable system
- state political system
- state system
- state-managed social security system
- strategic nuclear-weapon systems
- submarine-based system
- supply system
- system of collective security
- system of exploitation
- system of geographical distribution
- system of government and public organizations - taxation system
- technologically advanced weapons systems
- territorial system
- training system
- transition to a multiparty system
- tribal system
- trusteeship system
- two-party system
- united economic system
- visa system
- voting system
- wage system
- world system
- world trading system -
12 землеустройство
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > землеустройство
13 reform
1. nto be committed to economic reform — быть связанным обязательством осуществлять экономические реформы
to block reforms — блокировать реформы / проведение реформ
to bring about / to carry out / to carry through reforms — осуществлять / проводить реформы
to champion reform — выступать сторонником преобразований / реформ
to copy the reforms introduced by smb — копировать реформы, введенные кем-л.
to deliver reforms — осуществлять / проводить реформы
to derail / to disrupt reforms — срывать реформы
to effect reforms — осуществлять / проводить реформы
to endorse reforms — одобрять / утверждать реформы
to follow in the footsteps of smb's reforms — следовать примеру чьих-л. реформ
to force the pace of one's reforms — ускорять темп осуществления своих реформ
to forge ahead with political and economic reforms — вырываться вперед в деле проведения политических и экономических реформ
to implement reforms — осуществлять / проводить реформы
to initiate reforms — выступать инициатором проведения реформ; приступать к проведению реформ
to institute / to introduce reforms — выступать инициатором проведения реформ; приступать к проведению реформ
to make reforms — осуществлять / проводить реформы
to model one's reforms after those of another country — вырабатывать свои реформы по образцу реформ другой страны
to press ahead with one's reforms — настойчиво продолжать свой курс реформ
to pursue reforms — осуществлять / проводить реформы
to push (ahead) one's reforms — энергично проводить свои реформы
to push through (congress) a reform — протаскивать / проталкивать реформу ( через конгресс)
to question the pace of smb's reforms — ставить под сомнение темп проведения чьих-л. реформ
- advocate of economic reformto undertake reforms — осуществлять / проводить реформы
- agrarian reform
- backtracking from reform
- basic reforms
- blueprint for political reform
- broad program of reforms
- coherent reform of the economy
- commitment to reforms
- comprehensive reform
- constitutional reform
- constitutional reforms
- credit reforms
- currency reform
- declared aim of the reform
- democratic reforms
- depth of the reform
- drastic reforms
- economic reform
- educational reforms
- electoral reform
- far-reaching reforms
- full-blooded economic reforms
- genuine reform
- half-way reform
- impending reform
- implementation of a reform
- iniquitous reform
- internal reforms
- introduction of reforms
- land reform
- land-tenure reform
- legislative reform
- liberal reforms
- limited reform
- long-term reforms
- mainstream of reforms
- major reform
- market-oriented reforms
- market-style reforms
- mindless reform
- monetary reform
- overdue reforms
- pace of reforms should be faster
- pace of reforms - petty reforms
- planned reforms - prerequisite of reforms
- price reform
- program of reforms
- progress of reforms
- progressive reform
- promised reforms
- proponent of reforms
- radical reform
- reform goes to Parliament
- reform has entered a critical phase
- reform has virtually come to a standstill
- reform is in its infancy
- reform isn't working properly
- reform within the existing structures
- reforms are achieving real momentum
- reforms are on course
- reforms will work
- rollback of the reforms
- sabotage to reforms
- slow-down of reforms
- social reforms
- socio-economic reform
- stringiest reforms
- structural reforms
- substantial reforms
- support for reforms
- tax reform
- taxation reform
- tentative reforms
- test of reforms
- tide of reforms washing across the world
- tough reform
- urgent reforms
- wage reform
- we are long overdue for reforms
- wide-ranging reform
- wide-ranging reforms
- widespread reform 2. v -
14 present
1. представлять2. существующий -
15 base
1. n основа, основание; базис; база; низ, дно2. n основа, основание, основной момент, пункт3. n база; опорный пункт4. n преим. воен. площадка5. n воен. орудийная платформа6. n мат. стр. основание, донная часть; фундамент7. n мат. архит. пьедестал, цоколь8. n мат. тех. фундаментная плита; основная рама; основная доска9. n мат. тех. штатив10. n мат. геол. подошва11. n мат. геол. подстилающий слой, подстилающая порода12. n мат. геод. базис13. n эл. цоколь14. n эл. изолирующее основание15. n эл. кино подложкаplastic base — пластмассовая основа ; пластмассовая подложка
16. n эл. полигр. ножка литеры, подставка клише17. n эл. спорт. место старта; стартовая площадка или линияhome base — цель, финиш
18. n эл. «дом»19. n эл. воен. дно снаряда; запоясковая часть снаряда20. a основной, базисный; фундаментальный21. a спец. базовый; относящийся к базе22. a спец. воен. донный23. a спец. ав. наземный24. v основывать, обосновыватьbased on experiment — основанный на опыте, опирающийся на опыты
25. v базировать; размещать войска26. v стр. фундировать27. a низкий, низменный, подлыйbase person — подлая личность, гнусный тип
28. a нижний29. a низкий; негромкий30. a арх. низкорослый, невысокий31. a низкокачественный; некачественный32. a фальшивый, неполноценный или низкого достоинства33. a зазорный34. a неблагодарный, окисляющийся35. a низкопробный36. a простонародный, грубый, испорченный37. a уст. незаконный, незаконнорождённый38. a юр. преим. ист. принудительный; рабский, крепостной39. n игра в барыСинонимический ряд:1. cheap (adj.) cheap; cheesy; paltry; rubbishing; rubbishly; rubbishy; shoddy; sleazy; tatty; trashy; trumpery2. corrupt (adj.) bad; corrupt; evil; foul; nefarious; sinister; tainted; ungodly3. disreputable (adj.) disgraceful; dishonorable; dishonourable; disreputable; infamous; notorious; scandalous; shameful4. ignoble (adj.) abject; baseborn; beggarly; common; degrading; humble; ignoble; lowborn; lowly; menial; ordinary; plebeian; unennobled; unwashed; vulgar5. inferior (adj.) coarse; counterfeit; inferior; poor; shabby; tawdry; ugly; unworthy6. mean (adj.) contemptible; cowardly; degraded; despicable; dirty; low; low-down; mean; servile; sordid; squalid; vile; villainous; wretched7. basement (noun) basement; bed; bedrock; bottom; cornerstone; foot; footing; foundation; fundamental; ground; grounds; groundwork; hardpan; infrastructure; nadir; pedestal; rest; root; rudiment; seat; seating; stand; stem; substratum; substruction; substructure; underpinning; understructure8. camp (noun) camp; centre; complex; garrison; headquarters; installation; post; settlement; site; station9. point of departure (noun) goal; object; point of departure; radical; terminal10. principle (noun) basis; core; element; essence; heart; principle; support11. establish (verb) bottom; build; establish; fasten; found; ground; predicate; rest; root in; seat; stay12. locate (verb) locate; situate; stationАнтонимический ряд:good; grand; high-minded; honorable; honored; honourable; honoured; lofty; majestic; moral; noble; peak; pure; refined; summit; virtuous
См. также в других словарях:
land tenure — Land tenure is a crucial factor in the operation of rural land markets, influencing the pace and direction of agricultural development. Since land tenure systems govern access to the means of production in agriculture, they have also been an… … Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture
Land-Tenure in the Christian Era — • The way in which land has been held or owned during the nineteen hundred years which have seen in Europe the rise and establishment of the Church is a matter for historical inquiry. Strictly speaking, the way in which such ownership or tenure… … Catholic encyclopedia
Land tenure — is the name given, particularly in common law systems, to the legal regime in which land is owned by an individual, who is said to hold the land (the French verb tenir means to hold ; tenant is the present participle of tenir ). The sovereign… … Wikipedia
Land tenure in England — Land tenure in EnglandEven before the Norman Conquest, there was a strong tradition of landholding in Anglo Saxon law. When William the Conqueror asserted sovereignty over England in 1066, he confiscated the property of the recalcitrant English… … Wikipedia
land tenure — noun the right to hold property; part of an ancient hierarchical system of holding lands • Syn: ↑tenure • Hypernyms: ↑legal right • Hyponyms: ↑copyhold, ↑freehold, ↑villeinage … Useful english dictionary
Latifundio–minifundio land tenure structure — The land tenure structure of Latin America is called as the Latifundio–minifundio land tenure structure. This dualistic tenure system is characterized by relatively few large commercial estates known as latifundios (>500 ha) and numerous small… … Wikipedia
land reform — any program, esp. when undertaken by a national government, involving the redistribution of agricultural land among the landless. [1840 50, Amer.] * * * Deliberate change in the way agricultural land is held or owned, the methods of its… … Universalium
feudal land tenure — System by which land was held by tenants from lords. In England and France, the king was lord paramount and master of the realm. He granted land to his lords, who granted land to their vassals and so on down to the occupying tenant. Tenures were… … Universalium
Land reform — Land reforms (also agrarian reform, though that can have a broader meaning) is an often controversial alteration in the societal arrangements whereby government administers possession and use of land. Land reform may consist of a government… … Wikipedia
Land value tax — Land value taxation (LVT) (or site value taxation) is an ad valorem tax where only the value of land itself is taxed. This ignores buildings, improvements, and personal property. Because of this, LVT is different from other property taxes which… … Wikipedia
Land and liberty (slogan) — Land and Liberty (Spanish: Tierra y Libertad , Russian: Zemlya i Volya) is an anarchist political slogan. It was originally used as a name of the Russian revolutionary organization Zemlya i Volya in 1878, then by the revolutionary leaders of the… … Wikipedia