1 чертополох
2 миролюбивые страны
••страна восходящего солнца — ( Япония) the land of the rising sun
страна полуночного солнца — ( Норвегия) the land of the midnight sun
страна розы — ( Англия) the land of the Rose
страна чертополоха — ( Шотландия) land of the Thistle
Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > миролюбивые страны
3 страны
1. countries2. soil3. nation4. country5. landдальние страны; — endmost lands of the earth
город, расположенный в глубине страны — inland town
Синонимический ряд:1. государство (сущ.) государство; держава2. край (сущ.) край; местность; сторона -
4 Шотландия
5 Страна чертополоха
( Шотландия) the Land of the Thistle -
6 страна чертополоха
General subject: land of the Thistle (Шотландия)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > страна чертополоха
См. также в других словарях:
Land of the Thistle — Scotland … Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games
the upper classes — the ˌupper ˈclass noun singular (also the ˌupper ˈclasses plural) the groups of people that are considered to have the highest social status and that have more mon … Useful english dictionary
The Maple Leaf Forever — ist ein kanadisches patriotisches Lied, das von Alexander Muir (1830 1906), einem in der Kindheit aus Lanark, Schottland eingewanderten Schuldirektor im Jahr 1867, dem Jahr der Gründung des Bundesstaates Kanada, geschrieben wurde, nachdem er in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
The Maple Leaf Forever — Music of Canada General topics Portal Genres … Wikipedia
The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa — Infobox Military Unit unit name= The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa caption= Cap Badge of the Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa dates= 1856 1866 1881 present country= Canada branch= Militia type= Line Infantry size= One battalion garrison=Ottawa role … Wikipedia
The Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders — Infobox Military Unit unit name= Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders abbreviation= caption= dates= 1804 country=Canada allegiance= branch= Canadian Armed Forces type= Line Infantry role= Light Role size= One Battalion command… … Wikipedia
The Golden Age (Cracker album) — The Golden Age Studio album by Cracker Released April 2, 1996 Genre … Wikipedia
Culture of the United Kingdom — The Proms is an eight week summer season of daily orchestral classical music concerts, on the last night with some traditional patriotic music of the United Kingdom.[1][2] … Wikipedia
Orders, decorations, and medals of the United Kingdom — The British honours system is a means of rewarding individuals personal bravery, achievement, or service to the United Kingdom and the British Overseas Territories. The system consists of three types of award: honours, decorations and medals:… … Wikipedia
The Family-Ness — Infobox Television show name = The Family Ness caption = format = Animated series camera = picture format = runtime = 5 mins creator = Peter Maddocks developer = executive producer = Maddocks Animation starring = Peter Hawkins Susan Sheridan… … Wikipedia
Union of the Crowns — The Union of the Crowns was the accession of James VI, King of Scots, to the throne of England in March 1603, thus uniting Scotland and England under one monarch. This followed the death of his unmarried and childless first cousin twice removed,… … Wikipedia