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  • 1 Ladies, Ladies'


    English-Latvian dictionary > Ladies, Ladies'

  • 2 ladies and gentlemen!

    dāmas un kungi!; dāmas un kungi!

    English-Latvian dictionary > ladies and gentlemen!

  • 3 ladies' ready-to-wear apparel

    gatavi sieviešu apģērbi

    English-Latvian dictionary > ladies' ready-to-wear apparel

  • 4 lady

    1) (a more polite form of woman: Tell that child to stand up and let that lady sit down; The lady in the flower shop said that roses are expensive just now; Ladies' shoes are upstairs in this shop; ( also adjective) a lady doctor.) kundze; dāma
    2) (a woman of good manners and refined behaviour: Be quiet! Ladies do not shout in public.) lēdija; dāma
    3) (in the United Kingdom, used as the title of, or a name for, a woman of noble rank: Sir James and Lady Brown; lords and ladies.) lēdija (tituls)
    - Ladyship
    - ladybird
    * * *
    dāma, kundze, lēdija; saimniece; lēdija

    English-Latvian dictionary > lady

  • 5 bow

    I 1. verb
    1) (to bend (the head and often also the upper part of the body) forwards in greeting a person etc: He bowed to the ladies; They bowed their heads in prayer.) paklanīties; palocīties; palocīt galvu (sveicienam; izrādot piekrišanu); []liekt; liekties
    2) ((with to) to accept: I bow to your superior knowledge.) izjust dziļu cieņu; noliekties (godbijībā)
    2. noun
    (a bowing movement: He made a bow to the ladies.) palocīšanās; paklanīšanās
    II 1. [bəu] noun
    1) (a springy curved rod bent by a string, by which arrows are shot.) (šaujamais) loks; stops
    2) (a rod with horsehair stretched along it, by which the strings of a violin etc are sounded.) (vijoles) lociņš
    3) (a looped knot of material: Her dress is decorated with bows.) sasieta lente
    2. noun
    ((often in plural) the front of a ship or boat: The waves broke over the bows.) (kuģa) priekšgals
    * * *
    palocīšanās; priekšgals; arka, loks; stops, loks; lociņš; sasieta lente; varavīksne; saliekt, salocīt; liekt, locīt; liekties; paklanīties, palocīt, palocīties; zemoties; izjust dziļu cieņu

    English-Latvian dictionary > bow

  • 6 attend

    1) (to go to or be present at: He attended the meeting; He will attend school till he is sixteen.) apmeklēt
    2) ((with to) to listen or give attention to: Attend carefully to what the teacher is saying!) būt uzmanīgam; klausīties
    3) (to deal with: I'll attend to that problem tomorrow.) rūpēties par; izpildīt
    4) (to look after; to help or serve: Two doctors attended her all through her illness; The queen was attended by four ladies.) ārstēt; pakalpot
    - attendant
    - in attendance
    * * *
    apmeklēt; būt uzmanīgam; apkalpot; ārstēt, kopt; sekot, pavadīt

    English-Latvian dictionary > attend

  • 7 fan

    I 1. [fæn] noun
    1) (a flat instrument held in the hand and waved to direct a current of air across the face in hot weather: Ladies used to carry fans to keep themselves cool.) vēdeklis
    2) (a mechanical instrument causing a current of air: He has had a fan fitted in the kitchen for extracting smells.) ventilators; fēns
    2. verb
    1) (to cool (as if) with a fan: She sat in the corner, fanning herself.) vēdināt ([] ar vēdekli)
    2) (to increase or strengthen (a fire) by directing air towards it with a fan etc: They fanned the fire until it burst into flames.) uzpūst (liesmu)
    II [fæn] noun
    (an enthusiastic admirer of a sport, hobby or well-known person: I'm a great fan of his; football fans; ( also adjective) fan mail/letters (= letters etc sent by admirers).) līdzjutējs; cienītājs; līdzjutēja-; cienītāja-
    * * *
    cienītājs, līdzjutējs; vēdeklis; ventilators; fēns, matu žāvējamais; spārns; lāpstiņa; vētījamā mašīna; vēdināt; uzpūst; vētīt; izplest vēdekļveidā

    English-Latvian dictionary > fan

  • 8 figurine

    (a small statue of a person: china figurines of Spanish ladies.) statuete
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > figurine

  • 9 gallantry

    1) (bravery: He won a medal for gallantry.) drosme; drošsirdība
    2) (politeness and attention to ladies: The young man was noted for gallantry.) galantums
    * * *
    drošsirdība, drosme; galantums

    English-Latvian dictionary > gallantry

  • 10 garment

    (an article of clothing: This shop sells ladies' garments.) apģērbs
    * * *
    apģērba gabals; apģērbs; apsegs, sega

    English-Latvian dictionary > garment

  • 11 hustle

    1. verb
    1) (to push quickly and roughly: The man was hustled out of the office.) grūstīt; grūstīties; izgrūst
    2) (to make (someone) act quickly: Don't try to hustle me into making a sudden decision.) steidzināt
    3) ((American) to swindle; to obtain something dishonestly or illegally: to hustle money from old ladies; the car dealer tried to hustle us.) apkrāpt; piekrāpt; izkrāpt
    4) ((American) to sell or earn one's living by illegal means: hustling on the streets; hustle drugs.) spekulēt
    5) ((American) (slang) to work as a prostitute; to solicit clients.) iziet uz paneļa (par prostitūtu), maukot
    2. noun
    (quick and busy activity.) kņada; rosīšanās
    * * *
    kņada; rosīšanās; afēra, mahinācija, spekulācija; uztiepšana; ievilināšana; grūstīt; grūstīties; nodarboties ar afērām; uztiept; ievilināt; nodarboties ar prostitūciju

    English-Latvian dictionary > hustle

  • 12 toilet

    ((a room containing) a receptacle for the body's waste matter, usually with a supply of water for washing this away; a lavatory: Do you want to go to the toilet?; Where is the ladies' toilet?; ( also adjective) a toilet seat.) tualete
    - toilet-roll
    - toilet-water
    * * *
    tualete; apģērbs, tērps; tualetes galdiņš ar spoguli; tualetes istaba, ateja; klozetpods; ģērbistaba, tualetes istaba; vannas istaba

    English-Latvian dictionary > toilet

  • 13 bag lady

    noun (a homeless woman who carries around with her all her belongings, usually in shopping bags: Bag ladies often sleep on benches in public parks and railway stations.) bezpajumtniece

    English-Latvian dictionary > bag lady

  • 14 cloakroom

    1) (a room for coats, hats etc.) ģērbtuve
    2) (a lavatory: the ladies' cloakroom.) tualete

    English-Latvian dictionary > cloakroom

См. также в других словарях:

  • Ladies' — or Ladies [lād′ēz] n. [also l ] [Informal, Chiefly Brit.] LADIES ROOM: with the * * * …   Universalium

  • Ladies' — or Ladies [lād′ēz] n. [also l ] [Informal, Chiefly Brit.] LADIES ROOM: with the …   English World dictionary

  • ladies — plural of LADY (Cf. lady) (q.v.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • ladies —  Ladies lavatory …   A concise dictionary of English slang

  • Ladies — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Ladies, qui signifie « Dames » en Anglais, peut faire référence à : Sommaire 1 Musique 2 Cinéma …   Wikipédia en Français

  • ladies —    Used to address two or more adult women politely, whether strangers, e.g. at a public meeting, friends or family. ‘Well, ladies,’ says St Clare to his wife and cousin, in Uncle Tom’s Cabin, by Harriet Beecher Stowe, ‘and what was the bill of… …   A dictionary of epithets and terms of address

  • Ladies — Lady La dy (l[=a] d[y^]), n.; pl. {Ladies} (l[=a] d[i^]z). [OE. ladi, l[ae]fdi, AS. hl[=ae]fdige, hl[=ae]fdie; AS. hl[=a]f loaf + a root of uncertain origin, possibly akin to E. dairy. See {Loaf}, and cf. {Lord}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A woman who… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ladies — ● lady, ladies ou ladys nom féminin (anglais lady) Titre porté en Grande Bretagne par les femmes et les filles des lords. Vieux. Femme distinguée : Une jeune lady. ● lady, ladies ou ladys (difficultés) nom féminin (anglais lady) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • ladies' — noun a) Toilets for women. Kemp left me to go to the ladies. I pulled out a paperback I had in my pocket. b) A store department where clothing is sold for adult females. Wheres the ladies in this joint? Ive to powder me nose …   Wiktionary

  • ladies —    a lavatory exclusively for female use    Usually adjacent to gentlemen. Also as ladies convenience, room etc.:     I tapped a kidney in the ladies room. (Theroux, 1978) …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • ladies — /ˈleɪdiz/ (say laydeez) plural noun (often construed as singular) a toilet for women: where is the ladies? Also, ladies …  

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