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См. также в других словарях:

  • THI — THI; thi·acet·azone; thi·al; thi·al·dine; thi·ami·nase; thi·amine; thi·an; thi·an·threne; thi·ara; thi·ar·i·dae; thi·a·sine; thi·a·zine; thi·a·zole; thi·a·zol·idine; thi·az·o·line; thi·a·zol·sul·fone; thi·ble; thi·enyl; thi·mero·sal;… …   English syllables

  • thi- — thi(o) ♦ Élément, du gr. theion « soufre ». ⇒THI(O) , (THI , THIO )élém. formant Élém. tiré du gr. « soufre ». A. CHIM. [Thi(o) indique le remplacement d un atome d oxygène par un atome de soufre bivalent négatif et plus gén. la présence d un… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Thi- — auch Thio , Thion [griech. theĩon = Schwefel]: Namensstamm in systematischen Namen u. Trivialnamen von Schwefelverb., z. B. Thiamin, Thiol, Thionylchlorid, Thiuramsulfid; vgl. Thia . * * * Thi : ↑ Thio . * * * Thi : ↑Thio . Thio , (vor Vokalen …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Thi Huong Vu — (born October 7, 1986) is a track and field sprint athlete who competes internationally for Vietnam. [http://results.beijing2008.cn/WRM/ENG/BIO/Athlete/6/8004936.shtml Athlete biography: Thi Huong Vu] , beijing2008.cn, ret: Aug 28, 2008] Huong… …   Wikipedia

  • Thi Nai Bridge — (Vietnamese: Cầu Thị Nại) is a bridge in Vietnam, connecting the city of Quy Nhon to the Phương Mai Peninsula. The bridge was inaugurated in 2006 and is the longest sea bridge in Vietnam with a length of 2477.3 metres, and width of 14.5 metres.… …   Wikipedia

  • thi... — thi..., Thi... vgl. ↑thio..., Thio …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • Thi — Dans les noms vietnamiens, Thi apparaît en général comme nom intermédiaire servant à désigner les filles (Van étant utilisé pour les garçons) …   Noms de famille

  • thi- — [thī] combining form THIO …   English World dictionary

  • thi|al|dine — «thy AL deen, dyn», noun. a white basic compound that has a powerful action on the heart. Formula: C6H13NS2 ╂[< thi + ald(ehyde) + ine2] …   Useful english dictionary

  • thi|a|mine — «THY uh mihn, meen», noun. a vitamin, a crystalline organic compound found in whole grain cereals, yeast, meats, and certain vegetables, or prepared synthetically; vitamin B1. It promotes growth and aids in preventing beriberi and neuritis.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • thi|a|zine — «THY uh zihn, zeen», noun. any compound of a group, each having a ring composed of four carbon atoms, one sulfur atom, and one nitrogen atom. The thiazines are the parent substances of certain dyes. ╂[< thi + azine] …   Useful english dictionary

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