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  • 81 -iel

    patronymic/matronymic ending -"daughter" YEL, VT46:22-23 In the Etymologies, Tolkien struck out this ending and the corresponding independent word yeldë "daughter", changing them to -ien, yendë. However, the ending -iel later turns up in later forms: Uinéniel "Daughter of Uinen" in UT:182 and Elerondiel “daughter of Elrond” Elerondo in PE17:56. Hence it would seem that Tolkien changed his mind again and restored this ending, and perhaps the noun yeldë along with it. – The form Elerondiel from Elerondo demonstrates that a final vowel is omitted before -iel.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > -iel

  • 82 manquenta

    adj. "blessed" VT44:10-11; it cannot be ruled out that manquë – spelt manque in the source – is simply an uncompleted form of manquenta. Whatever the case, Tolkien decided to use the form manaquenta instead, q.v.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > manquenta

  • 83 pirindë

    noun “a flower that opened and shut quickly with any change of light at ?some ?not even a pansy closed” PE17:146; reading uncertain and meaning obscure; read perhaps “…at which not even a pansy closed” Also pirnë.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > pirindë

  • 84 atendëa

    noun "double-middle", name of the two enderi or middle-days that occurred in leap-years according to the calendar of Imladris Appendix D, first edition of LotR

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > atendëa

  • 85 mi

    prep. "in, within" MI, VT27:20, VT44:18, 34, VT43:30; the latter source also mentions the variant imi; mí "in the" Nam, RGEO:66; CO gives mi; the correct forms should evidently be mi = "in" and mí = mi i "in the"; VT49:35 also has mí with a long vowel, though the gloss is simply “in”. Used in PE17:71 cf. 70 of people clad “in” various colours, e.g. mi mísë “in grey”. Allative minna "to the inside, into" MI, also mina VT43:30. The forms mimmë and mingwë seem to incorporate pronominal suffixes for "us", hence ?"in us", inclusive and exclusive respectively. The pronoun -mmë denoted plural inclusive "we" when this was written, though Tolkien would later make it dual instead see -mmë. Second person forms are also given: mil or milyë *"in you" sg., millë "in you" pl. VT43:36. A special use of mi appears in the phrase Wendë mi Wenderon "Virgin of Virgins" VT44:18; here mi appears superfluous to achieve the desired meaning, but this combination of singular noun + mi + plural genitive noun may be seen as a fixed idiom expressing that the initial noun represents the most prominent member of a class.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > mi

  • 86 na

    1 form of the verb "to be", evidently the imperative or subjunctive: Tolkien stated that na airë would mean "be holy" VT43:14, and san na q.v. must mean "thus be" = "let it be so"; see ná \#1 Cf. also the sentence alcar mi tarmenel una/u Erun "glory in high heaven ube/u to God" VT44:32/34. Inserted in front of a verb, na expresses a wish: aranielya na tuluva "may thy kingdom come" ibid. 2 prep. "to, towards", possibly obsoleted by \#1 above; for clarity writers may use the synonym ana instead NĀsup1/sup. Originally, Tolkien glossed na as "at, by, near"; the new meaning entered together with the synonyms an, ana VT45:36.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > na

  • 87 ríë

    noun "crown" RIG; VT46:11 indicates that the vowel í should be long

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > ríë

  • 88 foalócë

    "k" noun "name of a serpent that guarded a treasure" LT2:340

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > foalócë

  • 89 me

    1 1st person pl. exclusive pronoun "we, us" VT49:51; VT43:23, VT44:9. This pronoun preserves the original stem-form VT49:50. Stressed mé VT49:51. Cf. also mel-lumna "us-is-heavy", sc. *"is heavy for us" LR:47, mel- is evidently an assimilated form of men "for us", dative of me; the form men is attested by itself, VT43:21. For me as object, cf. álaumë/u "do not do something to uus/u", negative imperative particle with object pronoun suffixed VT43:19: álamë tulya, "do not lead us", áumen/u "do something ufor us/u", imperative particle with dative pronoun suffixed ámen apsenë "forgive us", VT43:12, 18. Dual exclusive met "we/us two" Nam, VT49:51, "you and me" VT47:11; the latter translation would make met an inclusive pronoun, though it is elsewhere suggested that it is rather exclusive: "him/her and me", corresponding to wet q.v. as the true inclusive dual form. Rá men or rámen "for us/on our behalf", see rá. Locative messë "on us", VT44:12 also with prefix o, ó- ?"with" in the same source. See also ménë, ómë.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > me

  • 90 yunquë

    "q" cardinal "twelve" VT47:41, VT48:4, 6, 9; VT49:57; also compare the stem yunukw- cited in VT42:24, 31. This word appears already in an early source PE14:82. Some sources point to \#rasta, q.v., as another word for "twelve". However, available post-LotR sources indicate that Tolkien intended yunquë as the regular Quenya word for "twelve".

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > yunquë

  • 91 súlë(þ)

    noun "spirit, breath", also name of tengwa \#9; originally thúlë þúlë, before the shift th s that occurred shortly before the rebellion of the Noldor Appendix E, THŪ. Its gloss, “blowing forth”, was metaphorically used as “the emission of power of will or desire from a spirit” PE17:124. If the element súlë appears in Súlimë and Súlimo q.v., the stem-form may seem to be súli-.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > súlë(þ)

  • 92 Atan

    pl. Atani noun "the Second Folk", an Elvish name of Mortal Men, the Second-born of Ilúvatar. Cf. also Núnatani WJ:386, Hróatani PE17:18, q.v. Atanalcar masc. name, *"Man-glory" UT:210, cf. alcar. Atanamir masc.name, *"Edain-jewel"? Appendix A. Atanatar masc. name, "Father of Men" Appendix A, also common noun atanatar, pl. Atanatári, "Fathers of Men", a title that "properly belonged only to the leaders and chieftains of the peoples at the time of their entry into Beleriand" PM:324, SA:atar

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > Atan

  • 93 é

    adverbial particle "indeed" that may be prefixed to a sentence VT45:11. Short e in the sentence e man antaváro? "what will he give indeed?" LR:63.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > é

  • 94 luita-

    vb. "to flood" VT48:22, "to flood, inundate, drench" VT48:30; the latter glosses come from a note that was struck out

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > luita-

  • 95 talo

    adv. “thence”. Also tó. Basically these are simple ablative/genitive forms of ta \#1 “that”; compare silo, sio. VT49:11

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > talo

  • 96 aquapahtië

    noun "privacy" literally *"fully-closedness", of a mind that closes itself against telepathic transfers VT39:23

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > aquapahtië

  • 97 telco

    noun "stem" of a Tengwa symbol Appendix E. The Etymologies gives telco "k" pl. telqui "q" "leg" the pl. form is said to be analogical TÉLEK. It seems, then, that the word can refer to a "stem" or "leg" in general as well as the stem of a Tengwa. In the pre-classical Tengwar system presupposed in the Etymologies, telco is used to refer to a carrier symbol VT46:18, 33

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > telco

  • 98 meldo

    noun "friend, lover". VT45:34, quoting a deleted entry in the Etymologies, but cf. the pl. \#meldor in Eldameldor "Elf-lovers", WJ:412 Meldonya *”my friend” VT49:38, 40. It may be that meldo is the distinctly masculine form, corresponding to feminine \#meldë q.v.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > meldo

  • 99 úcarë

    noun "debt, trespass" úcaremmar "our debts, our trespasses", VT43:19. The related words \#úcar- “to sin” and \#úcarindo “sinner” would suggest that \#úcarë can also be translated “sin”. – One may question whether the simplex form is \#úcarë or just \#úcar + -e- as a mere connecting vowel before the pronominal ending in úcaremmar, but compare lacarë, hrúcarë.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > úcarë

  • 100 Olórin

    noun name of the Maia that became Gandalf, connected to olos no. 1 UT:396

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > Olórin

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