Перевод: с испанского на русский

с русского на испанский

línea recta

См. также в других словарях:

  • linea recta — /liniya rekts/ The direct line; the vertical line. In computing degrees of kindred and the succession to estates, this term denotes the direct line of ascendants and descendants. Where a person springs from another immediately, or mediately… …   Black's law dictionary

  • linea recta — /liniya rekts/ The direct line; the vertical line. In computing degrees of kindred and the succession to estates, this term denotes the direct line of ascendants and descendants. Where a person springs from another immediately, or mediately… …   Black's law dictionary

  • línea recta — ► locución GEOMETRÍA Distancia más corta existente entre dos puntos …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • linea recta — A straight line; a line of direct descent …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • linea recta est index sui et obliqui; lex est linea recti — /liniys rekta est indeks s(y)iiway et ablaykway; leks est liniya rekta/ A right line is a test of itself, and of an oblique; law is a line of right …   Black's law dictionary

  • linea recta est index sui et obliqui; lex est linea recti — /liniys rekta est indeks s(y)iiway et ablaykway; leks est liniya rekta/ A right line is a test of itself, and of an oblique; law is a line of right …   Black's law dictionary

  • Linea recta est index sui et obliqui; lex est linea recti — A straight line is its own index or criterion and is also that of an oblique or indirect line; law is the line of rectitude …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • linea recta semper praefertur transversali — /liniya rekta sempar prafartsr traenzvarseylay/ The right line is always preferred to the collateral …   Black's law dictionary

  • linea recta semper praefertur transversali — /liniya rekta sempar prafartsr traenzvarseylay/ The right line is always preferred to the collateral …   Black's law dictionary

  • Linea recta semper praefertur transversali — A direct line of descent is always preferred to a collateral line …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • línea — (Del lat. linĕa). 1. f. Geom. Sucesión continua e indefinida de puntos en la sola dimensión de la longitud. 2. Medida longitudinal que equivale a cerca de dos milímetros. 3. Raya en un cuerpo cualquiera. 4. Forma, silueta o perfil. La línea… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

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