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с английского на французский


  • 101 enrichir

    v. trans. Ce n'estpas que ça enrichisse, mais ça soulage! This jocular catchphrase is usually uttered when returning from the W.C., and has, to our knowledge, no English equivalent.

    Dictionary of Modern Colloquial French > enrichir

  • 102 frotté

    past part. Etre frotté de: To have 'a smattering of', to have a superficial knowledge of. Pour ce qui est de la cuistance, il en est plus que frotté: Be fair! There's no denying he can cook.

    Dictionary of Modern Colloquial French > frotté

  • 103 puits

    n. m. Puits de science: Walking encyclopedia (not a 'know-all' but one with a very wideranging knowledge).

    Dictionary of Modern Colloquial French > puits

  • 104 sorbonne

    n. f. 'Bean', 'bonce', head (literally the seat of knowledge). 'y en a plus qu'il en faut dans sa sorbonne! He's got what it takes up top!

    Dictionary of Modern Colloquial French > sorbonne

  • 105 soupe

    n. f.
    1. 'Grub', food. Etre de soupe (mil.): To be on cookhouse fatigue. Aller à la soupe: To go for one's nosh.
    2. 'Slush', wet and very soft snow.
    3. Un gros plein de soupe (pej.): A big fat slob. (The derogatory nature of the appellation lies not so much in contempt for outsize people, as in the erroneous assumption that they are big-heads and that they 'throw their weight about'!)
    4. Etre trempé comme une soupe: To be 'wringing wet', to be soaked to the skin.
    5. Etre soupe au lait: To get into a huff at the drop of a cross word (literally to rise at the slightest provocation like milk on the boil).
    6. Manger (de) la soupe à la grimace: To weather a marital storm and eat in stony silence.
    7. Servir la soupe (th.): To hold a very minor part in a production (to be something like a standard- bearer in a Shakespearean drama).
    8. Etre le dernier pour la soupe (joc. & iron.): To miss out where the better things of life are concerned. (This expression is very much in tune with the hackneyed story of the private complaining to his sergeant that he did not often get a leave-pass, adding: 'My name is Wimpole'— to this the sergeant replied 'lf your name had been Arse-hole, Bum-hole or Cunt- hole you'd have had a chance, but being Wimpole you come last!')
    9. Par ici la bonne soupe! (iron.): (If it's a fight you're after) come and get it! (This belligerent taunt is usually uttered by hotheads, boastful bullies and the like.)
    10. Marchand de soupe (pej.):
      a Restaurateur. (As the appellation suggests, hardly the keeper of a three-star establishment.)
      b Headmaster of a crammer. (Academic whose objective seems to be a healthy turn-over of pupils, i.e., large profits rather than the imparting of knowledge.)
      c Any businessman whose primary objective is a large turn-over and quick profits.
    11. Faire de la soupe (Musicians' slang): To prostitute one's talents by working for a sub-standard band or outfit churning out Muzak-like tunes for popular consumption.
    12. Donner la soupe à quelqu'un: To show a clean pair of heels to an adversary in the race for success.
    13. Avoir soupe de¼: To be fed-up with¼, to have had enough of someone or something. J'en ai soupe de sa fiole! I'm sick and tired of seeing his face around!
    14. La soupe sera bonne! (joc. & iron.): This incongruous remark is directed at anyone who is picking his nose or scratching his behind.
    15. (also pl.): Abominable substances ingurgitated by perverts and the scatologicallyminded.

    Dictionary of Modern Colloquial French > soupe

  • 106 Sciences Po

       Name used, even formally, by the Institut des Etudes Politiques de Paris, an autonomous state-funded school of higher education (grand établissement), founded in 1872, and a university in all but name. The undergraduate course at Sciences Po, designed to produce graduates with a solid understanding of the workings of the modern world, is a pluridisciplinary degree covering a range of social sciences, including history, law, politics, economics, sociology, and foreign languages. Many leading French politicians, businessmen and civil servants have degrees from Sciences Po, and the school's increasing success has led to the opening of smaller campuses, offering specialist courses, in Dijon, Poitiers, Menton and Nancy.
       Sciences Po is one of the top ranked institutes of higher education in France and in Europe, and competition for places is stiff. The school runs joint degree courses with several top international schools, including the universities of Columbia and Georgetown in the USA, and LSE in Great Britain. Many leading French politicians, businessmen and civil servants have degrees from Sciences Po, and the school's increasing success has led to the opening of smaller campuses, offering specialist courses, in Dijon, Poitiers, Menton and Nancy.
       The official Aeres audit of Sciences Po in 2008 described the institution as being "seen from abroad as a typically French institution, rather difficult to situate and to comprehend." It defined the school's mission as being to train graduates with "knowledge, but also understanding, of society and the world... in short to educate them".
       The name 'Sciences Po' is also used commonly to refer to Instituts d'Etudes Politiques (IEP) attached to a number of universities.

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais. Agriculture Biologique > Sciences Po

  • 107 à ma connaissance

    Dictionnaire juridique, politique, économique et financier > à ma connaissance

  • 108 inadaptation du droit

    [dans un domaine nouveau] inadequacy of the law [in a new field of knowledge]

    Dictionnaire juridique, politique, économique et financier > inadaptation du droit

  • 109 pour autant que je sache

    Dictionnaire juridique, politique, économique et financier > pour autant que je sache

  • 110 connaissance

    acquaintance, consciousness, grip, knowledge

    Mini Dictionnaire français-anglais > connaissance

  • 111 culture générale

    Mini Dictionnaire français-anglais > culture générale

  • 112 de notoriété publique

    Mini Dictionnaire français-anglais > de notoriété publique

  • 113 savoir

    can, know, know how to, knowledge, learning

    Mini Dictionnaire français-anglais > savoir

  • 114 Commentaires

     ♦ Ce qu’ils disent du Dictionnaire du NEF
       Russon Wooldridge, fondateur du NEF, professeur émérite, University of Toronto: "Le Dictionnaire du NEF traite de différents aspects d’internet et des technologies numériques en général: il vise un public de professionnels des médias et d’universitaires. Les contributions de Mme Lebert au NEF sont d’une grande importance et elles ont attiré l’attention de beaucoup de commentateurs sérieux. La bibliothèque la plus prestigieuse du monde francophone, la Bibliothèque nationale de France, signale parmi ses signets de ressources en ligne accordés avec parcimonie le Net des études françaises et en particulier le Dictionnaire du NEF." (24 janvier 2005)
       Jean-Paul, webmestre du site hypermédia cotres.net: "Les constantes des recherches de Marie Lebert sont: (a) l’attention extrême qu’elle porte au problème du multilinguisme sur le net, et donc de la traduction; elle est à l’origine de mon propre intérêt pour le sujet; (b) la régularité avec laquelle elle présente les outils permettant l’accès des mal-voyants à l’internet; (c) la volonté affirmée de mettre à la disposition de tous (le plus souvent gratuitement) les outils de compréhension des nouvelles technologies de l’information (cf. Le Dictionnaire du NEF). Dans le Dictionnaire du NEF se manifestent une nouvelle fois les lignes de force qui ont toujours guidé Marie dans cette période excitante: fournir à tous, librement, d’un simple clic, une vue synthétique, une table d’orientation, une longue-vue qui permette de ne pas se sentir perdu dans le domaine gigantesque qui nous occupe, et nous donner ainsi accès à une cartographie la plus vaste mais aussi la plus claire possible." (8 février 2005)
       Marie-Joseph Pierre, directeur d’études à l’Ecole pratique des hautes études (EPHE), Paris-Sorbonne: "Etant moi-même depuis longtemps une sérieuse habituée des nouvelles technologies, ainsi qu’universitaire, je viens de découvrir le remarquable Dictionnaire du NEF de Marie Lebert, qui vient tout juste d’être sélectionné parmi les premiers signets de la Bibliothèque nationale de France. Les 700 entrées permettent aux utilisateurs, même chevronnés, de mieux suivre les évolutions constantes des techniques et des arcanes de l’informatique. C’est un outil hors pair, écrit dans une langue très claire, juste et sans forfanterie, qui n’a pas son équivalent dans le monde, à ma connaissance. Il serait très souhaitable qu’il soit traduit au moins en anglais. Je l’ai signalé à mes étudiants, parfois perdus dans le dédale des sigles et des logiciels." (4 mars 2005)
       Peter Raggett, chef du Centre de documentation et d’information de l’OCDE (Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques): "J’ai vu le Dictionnaire de l’internet et des nouvelles technologies rédigé par Mme Lebert pour Le Net des études françaises. Cet ouvrage est très utile pour les professionnels francophones qui travaillent dans les domaines de l’information et des médias. Il détaille les termes et les acronymes pertinents dans ce domaine. Il démontre un grand professionnalisme et une très bonne maîtrise du sujet. Il contient des hyperliens vers de nombreuses autres sources d’information présentes sur le web." (12 avril 2005)
       Henri Slettenhaar, directeur exécutif de la Silicon Valley Association (SVA), Suisse: "Je connais Marie Lebert depuis dix ans, durant lesquels elle a été membre de la Silicon Valley Association. Notre association organise principalement des voyages d’étude dans les grands pôles de concentration des nouvelles technologies, comme la Silicon Valley. L’avis de Mme Lebert nous a été très utile, en particulier pour les développements originaux dans les technologies de l’information. Elle a participé à plusieurs voyages d’étude. J’ai été impressionné par ses connaissances techniques sur un grand nombre de sujets et par ses talents d’écrivain. J’ai une grande estime pour ses qualifications universitaires et pour son expérience, notamment dans les domaines du multilinguisme, de l’internet et des médias numériques." (30 avril 2005)
       Anne-Bénédicte Joly, écrivain et éditeur: "Entre ’diction’ et ’dictionnairique’ se trouve, bien calé, un mot qui m’a longtemps fascinée et qui continue, encore aujourd’hui, à m’envoûter: dictionnaire. (...) C’est vous dire tout l’attachement et l’enthousiasme qui ont été les miens lorsque Marie m’a parlé de sa démarche et de son objectif. Je l’ai assurée de tout mon appui, lui ai offert mon indéfectible soutien et lui ai apporté ma (bien modeste) contribution (à savoir la rédaction des notices ’dictionnaire’, ’écriture’, ’lecture’ et ’roman’, ndlr). Que vive ce dictionnaire, qu’il s’enrichisse, qu’il devienne le référentiel du Net et qu’il permette à des internautes de bien belles et enrichissantes découvertes. La diffusion et la mémoire des cultures ont, depuis toujours, été relayées par des passeurs d’idées. Marie Lebert appartient à cette catégorie privilégiée de témoins culturels." (27 mai 2005)
       Russon Wooldridge, founder of the NEF, professor emeritus, University of Toronto: "The Dictionnaire du NEF deals with various aspects of the internet and digital technologies in general, and is destined for a public of media professionals and academics. Ms. Lebert’s contributions to the NEF are of great importance, and have gathered much critical attention. The most prestigious library in the francophone world, the Bibliothèque nationale de France, makes note, in its parsimoniously granted bookmarks (Signets) of online resources, of the Net des études françaises and in particular the Dictionnaire du NEF." (24 January 2005)
       Peter Raggett, head of the Centre for Documentation and Information of OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development): "I have seen the dictionary of terms on the internet and new technology that Ms. Lebert produced for the Net des études françaises. This work is very useful for any francophone information and media workers as it explains terms and acronyms which appear in their fields. It is professionally produced, informative and contains hyperlinks to a number of other relevant internet sites." (4 February 2005)
       Jean-Paul, webmaster of the hypermedia website cotres.net: "The constant features of Marie Lebert’s research are: (a) the close attention she pays to the problem of multilingualism on the internet, and the associated one of translation; from her stems my own interest in the subject; (b) the regularity with which she presents internet tools for visually handicapped users; (c) her firm resolve to make available to all various means of understanding the new technologies of information and communication (cf. Dictionnaire du NEF). In the Dictionnaire du NEF can be seen once again the principles that have always guided Marie in this exciting period: freely available to all, with a single click, are an overall view, indicating points of interest, and a zoom in to make sure we don’t get lost in this vast territory, giving us access to a comprehensive and clear atlas." (8 February 2005)
       Marie-Joseph Pierre, director at the Ecole pratique des hautes études (EPHE), Paris-Sorbonne: "A longtime frequent user of new technologies and an academic, I have just discovered Marie Lebert’s remarkable Dictionnaire du NEF, which has recently been selected as one of the Bibliothèque nationale de France’s first bookmarks. Its 700 entries give users, new and experienced alike, a clear picture of the constant changes in the technically difficult area of computers and online computing. It is, as far as I am aware, a tool without equal, written in a clear language, uncluttered and to the point. It would be good for it to be translated, at least into English. I have recommended it to my students, often lost in the maze of acronyms and software." (4 March 2005)
       Henri Slettenhaar, executive director of the Silicon Valley Association (SVA), Switzerland: "I have known Marie Lebert since ten years, during which she has been a member of the Silicon Valley Association. Our association primarily organizes study tours to areas of high tech concentration such as Silicon Valley. Ms. Lebert has been an extremely valuable source of advice, in particular in novel developments in information technology. She has participated in several study tours. I am impressed by Ms. Lebert’s technical knowledge of a broad range of subjects, and her skills as a writer. I have the highest esteem for her academic qualifications and experience, in particular in multilingualism, internet and digital media applications." (30 April 2005)

    Le Dictionnaire du NEF > Commentaires

См. также в других словарях:

  • Knowledge — • Knowledge, being a primitive fact of consciousness, cannot, strictly speaking, be defined; but the direct and spontaneous consciousness of knowing may be made clearer by pointing out its essential and distinctive characteristics Catholic… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Knowledge — is defined (Oxford English Dictionary) variously as (i) expertise, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject, (ii) what is known in a particular field or in total;… …   Wikipedia

  • knowledge — know·ledge n 1 a: awareness or understanding esp. of an act, a fact, or the truth: actual knowledge (1) in this entry b: awareness that a fact or circumstance probably exists; broadly: constructive knowledge in this entry see also …   Law dictionary

  • knowledge — knowl‧edge [ˈnɒlɪdʒ ǁ ˈnɑː ] noun [uncountable] facts, skills and understanding gained through learning or experience: • Given its market knowledge, Price Waterhouse was able to provide a useful insight into each supplier. knowledge of • Auditors …   Financial and business terms

  • knowledge — knowledge, science, learning, erudition, scholarship, information, lore are comparable when they mean what is known or can be known, usually by an individual but sometimes by human beings in general. Knowledge applies not only to a body of facts… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Knowledge — Knowl edge, n. [OE. knowlage, knowlege, knowleche, knawleche. The last part is the Icel. suffix leikr, forming abstract nouns, orig. the same as Icel. leikr game, play, sport, akin to AS. l[=a]c, Goth. laiks dance. See {Know}, and cf. {Lake}, v.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • knowledge — ► NOUN 1) information and skills acquired through experience or education. 2) the sum of what is known. 3) awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation: he denied all knowledge of the incident. ● come to one s knowledge Cf …   English terms dictionary

  • knowledge — [näl′ij] n. [ME knoweleche, acknowledgment, confession < Late OE cnawlæc < cnawan (see KNOW) + læc < lācan, to play, give, move about] 1. the act, fact, or state of knowing; specif., a) acquaintance or familiarity (with a fact, place,… …   English World dictionary

  • Knowledge — Knowl edge, v. t. To acknowledge. [Obs.] Sinners which knowledge their sins. Tyndale. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • knowledge — knowledge, sociology of …   Dictionary of sociology

  • knowledge — (n.) early 12c., cnawlece acknowledgment of a superior, honor, worship; for first element see KNOW (Cf. know). Second element obscure, perhaps from Scandinavian and cognate with the lock action, process, found in WEDLOCK (Cf. wedlock). Meaning… …   Etymology dictionary

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