1 knee brace
- knee brace
- nугловая связь, угловой раскос
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
* * * -
2 knee brace
3 knee brace
подкос; полураскосная связь -
4 knee-brace
5 knee brace
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > knee brace
6 Knee brace
Медицина: шарнирный бандаж на колено -
7 knee brace
Медицина: шарнирный бандаж на колено -
8 knee-brace
9 knee brace
10 knee-brace
подкос; полураскос -
11 knee brace
12 knee brace
Англо-русский словарь по деревообрабатывающей промышленности > knee brace
13 knee brace
14 knee brace
угловая связь; угловой подкос; угловой раскос -
15 knee-brace
подкос, стропило -
16 knee brace
17 knee-brace
подкос, стропило -
18 brace
- brace
- n1. связь ёсткости); подкос; раскос
2. ручная дрель; коловорот
- angle brace
- arch brace
- crank brace
- cross brace
- diagonal brace
- erection brace
- flange brace
- hand brace
- horizontal braces
- knee brace
- let-in brace
- nut brace
- sway braces
- trench braces
- wind brace
- X braces
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
* * * -
19 brace
1) подкос; распорная балка; растяжка; диагональная схватка; связь жёсткости; расчалка2) скоба; перекладина; стойка; подставка3) грудной коловорот; дрель4) скреплять; связывать; придавать жёсткость (при помощи рёбер, поперечин)5) притягивать•- back brace - bit brace - boiler brace - boom brace - breast brace - buckling brace - corner brace - counter brace - crank brace - cross brace - cross-arm brace - diagonal brace - diagonal cross brace - frame brace - ground brace - hand brace - hanging brace - knee brace - lower angle brace - nut brace - portal brace - push brace - ratchet brace - ratchet bit brace - ratchet brace with set of drills - sash brace - tension brace - wind bracebrace for drills — коловорот, дрель, щемло сверла
* * *1. связь ёсткости); подкос; раскос2. ручная дрель; коловорот- angle brace
- arch brace
- crank brace
- cross brace
- diagonal brace
- erection brace
- flange brace
- hand brace
- horizontal braces
- knee brace
- let-in brace
- nut brace
- sway braces
- trench braces
- wind brace
- X braces -
20 brace
1) коловорот; дрель;2) обвязка; скрепление; скоба || связывать; скреплять5) стойка; подпорка6) мор. брас•-
adjustable blade brace
batter brace
breast brace
bulldozer brace
compression brace
crank brace
cross brace
derrick angle brace
derrick brace
diagonal brace
door brace
drawbar brace
frame brace
hand brace
horizontal reinforcing brace
internal brace
knee brace
lateral brace
leg brace
longitudinal brace
portal brace
radiator brace
rail brace
ratchet brace
side-to-side pinning drawbar brace
sway brace
tensile brace
tension brace
tilt brace
wheel brace
wind brace
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
knee brace — noun a brace worn to strengthen the knee • Hypernyms: ↑brace * * * noun : a bracing member of a structure that is placed diagonally from one to another of two adjoining principal members * * * Building Trades. a diagonal member for bracing the… … Useful english dictionary
knee brace — Building Trades. a diagonal member for bracing the angle between two joined members, as a stud or column and a joist or rafter, being joined to each partway along its length. [1910 15] * * * … Universalium
knee — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ left, right ▪ bony, knobbly, knobby (esp. AmE) ▪ bare ▪ bent … Collocations dictionary
brace — brace1 [breıs] v 1.) [T] to mentally or physically prepare yourself or someone else for something unpleasant that is going to happen brace yourself (for sth) ▪ Nancy braced herself for the inevitable arguments. ▪ You had better brace yourself I… … Dictionary of contemporary English
knee — [nē] n. [ME kne < OE cneow, akin to Ger knie < IE base * ĝeneu > Sans jānu, Gr gony, gonia, L genu, a knee] 1. a) the joint between the thigh and the lower part of the human leg b) the front part of the leg at this joint 2. a joint… … English World dictionary
Brace position — Bracing or crash position is an instruction that can be given to prepare for a crash, such as on an aircraft, the instruction to brace for impact is often given if the aircraft must make an emergency landing over land or water. Contents 1 Types… … Wikipedia
knee — nÉªË n. joint in the middle of the leg; covering for the knee joint; bend; brace, joint supporter (Construction) v. touch the knee; strike the knee; strengthen with a knee shaped brace (Construction) … English contemporary dictionary
brace — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 for supporting a part of the body ADJECTIVE ▪ knee, leg, neck, shoulder VERB + BRACE ▪ have, wear ▪ … Collocations dictionary
brace — 01. The coast of Florida is [bracing] itself in expectation of a hurricane which is supposed to hit by the weekend. 02. Soldiers in the capital are [bracing] themselves against an expected attack by rebel forces. 03. He [braced] himself and then… … Grammatical examples in English
knee — /ni / (say nee) noun 1. the joint or region in humans between the thigh and the lower part of the leg. 2. the joint or region of other vertebrates homologous or analogous to the human knee, as in the leg of a bird, the hind limb of a horse, etc.… …
knee rafter — noun : a diagonal brace between a principal rafter and a tie beam * * * 1. a rafter for maintaining the angle between a principal rafter and a tie or collar beam. 2. a rafter bent downward at the lower end. Also called crook rafter. [1670 80] … Useful english dictionary