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  • Kneading trough — Knead Knead (n[=e]d), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Kneaded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Kneading}.] [OE. kneden, As. cnedan; akin to D. kneden, G. kneten, Sw. kn[*a]da, Icel. kno[eth]a; cf. OSlav. gnesti.] 1. To work and press into a mass, usually with the hands;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Kneading-trough — A Kneading trough is a Bible term for the vessel in which dough, after being mixed and leavened, was left to swell or ferment (). The dough in the vessels at the time of The Exodus was still unleavened, because the people were compelled to… …   Wikipedia

  • kneading trough — noun A (usually wooden) trough in which dough is kneaded before baking into bread. The people tooke their dough before it was leauened, their kneading troughes being bound up in their clothes vpon their shoulders …   Wiktionary

  • kneading-trough — kneadˈing trough noun A trough in which to knead • • • Main Entry: ↑knead …   Useful english dictionary

  • Kneading-trough —    The vessel in which the dough, after being mixed and leavened, was left to swell or ferment (Ex. 8:3; 12:34; Deut. 28:5, 7). The dough in the vessels at the time of the Exodus was still unleavened, because the people were compelled to withdraw …   Easton's Bible Dictionary

  • Kneading — Knead Knead (n[=e]d), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Kneaded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Kneading}.] [OE. kneden, As. cnedan; akin to D. kneden, G. kneten, Sw. kn[*a]da, Icel. kno[eth]a; cf. OSlav. gnesti.] 1. To work and press into a mass, usually with the hands;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • trough —   Holowa a, holoa a, hā.     Water trough, kula wai, hā wai; pā wai (rare).     Food trough, kneading trough, papa wili ai …   English-Hawaiian dictionary

  • trough shell — noun : a bivalve mollusk of the family Mactridae * * * trough shell noun A lamellibranch with a somewhat triangular shell thought to resemble a kneading trough (genus Mactra) • • • Main Entry: ↑trough * * * n. a burrowing marine bivalve mollusk… …   Useful english dictionary

  • trough´like´ — trough «trf, trof», noun. 1. a long, narrow, open container for holding food or water, especially for farm stock or other animals: »He led the horses to the watering trough. SYNONYM(S): manger. 2. something shaped like this: »The baker used a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • trough — [trôf, träf] n. [ME < OE trog, akin to Ger < IE * druk < base * deru ,TREE: basic sense, “hollowed wooden object”] 1. a long, narrow, open container of wood, stone, etc. for holding water or food for animals 2. any similarly shaped… …   English World dictionary

  • Boots and the Troll — Infobox Folk tale Folk Tale Name = Boots and the Troll Image Caption = AKA = Aarne Thompson Grouping = Mythology = Country = Norway Region = Origin Date = Published In = Boots and the Troll is a Norwegian fairy tale collected by Asbjørnsen and… …   Wikipedia

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