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  • King of the Goths — The title of King of the Goths ( sv. Götes konung, da. Gothernes konge / De Gothers konge, la. gothorum rex) was for many centuries borne by both the Kings of Sweden and the Kings of Denmark, denoting sovereignty or claimed sovereignty over the… …   Wikipedia

  • Ostrogoths — The Ostrogoths (Latin: Ostrogothi or Austrogothi) were a branch of the Goths (the other branch being the Visigoths), an East Germanic tribe that played a major role in political events of the last decades of the Roman Empire. Invading southward… …   Wikipedia

  • Ostrogoths — • One of the two chief tribes of the Goths Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Ostrogoths     Ostrogoths     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Franks —     The Franks     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Franks     The Franks were a confederation formed in Western Germany of a certain number of ancient barbarian tribes who occupied the right shore of the Rhine from Mainz to the sea. Their name is… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Ostrogoths —    A barbarian people whose name means Goths of the rising sun, or Goths glorified by the rising sun, or simply East Goths, the Ostrogoths played an important role in the history of the later Roman Empire. Identified as early as the first century …   Encyclopedia of Barbarian Europe

  • History of the Roman Empire — The broader history of the Roman Empire extends through 15 centuries and includes several stages in the evolution of the Roman state. It encompasses the period of the ancient Roman Empire, the period in which it was divided into western and… …   Wikipedia

  • The Dunciad — Alexander Pope The Dunciad /ˈd …   Wikipedia

  • Ostrogoths —    Major division of the Goths (q.v.) who settled north of the Black Sea (q.v.) until the Huns (q.v.) drove them westward (ca. 375) and subjugated them in Pannonia (q.v.). Only the death of Attila in 453 loosened the Hun s hold over the… …   Historical dictionary of Byzantium

  • Theodoric the Great —    King of the Ostrogoths (q.v.) who administered Italy (q.v.) from 493 526. He spent 10 years of his youth as a hostage in Constantinople (q.v.), where he cultivated a high regard for classical culture and civilization. Despite this, he remained …   Historical dictionary of Byzantium

  • Theodoric the Great — Theodoric King of Ostrogoths Modified portrait of Theodoric in Basilica of Sant Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna. Spouse …   Wikipedia

  • Theodoric the Great — (c. 451 or 453/454 526)    One of the greatest of the barbarian kings and the greatest of the Gothic kings, Theodoric the Great, or the Amal as he was originally known, reigned over the Ostrogoths from 471 to 526 and ruled an independent Gothic… …   Encyclopedia of Barbarian Europe

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