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keep a straight face/en

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См. также в других словарях:

  • keep a straight face — If you keep a straight face,  look serious and do not laugh even though you want to …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • keep a straight face — ► keep a straight face keep a blank or serious facial expression when trying not to laugh. Main Entry: ↑straight …   English terms dictionary

  • keep a straight face — To refrain from smiling • • • Main Entry: ↑straight …   Useful english dictionary

  • keep a straight face — not smile or laugh, have a a poker face    When you said I was your uncle, I couldn t keep a straight face …   English idioms

  • keep a straight face — to avoid showing any emotion, esp. amusement. I thought it would be funny to tell him he failed the course, but it was hard to keep a straight face when I was talking to him …   New idioms dictionary

  • keep a straight face — See: STRAIGHT FACE, DEADPAN …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • keep a straight face — See: STRAIGHT FACE, DEADPAN …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • keep\ a\ straight\ face — See: straight face, deadpan …   Словарь американских идиом

  • keep a straight face — not expose emotions, not reveal one s feelings through facial expressions …   English contemporary dictionary

  • straight face — noun a serious facial expression giving no evidence of interest or amusement (Freq. 2) • Hypernyms: ↑facial expression, ↑facial gesture * * * noun : a face giving no evidence of emotion and especially of merriment • straight faced ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷… …   Useful english dictionary

  • straight face — {n.} A face that is not laughing or smiling. * /Mary told all the funny stories she knew to try to make Joan laugh, but Joan kept a straight face./ * /It is hard to tell when Jim is teasing you. He can tell a fib with a straight face./ * /When… …   Dictionary of American idioms

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