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  • 1 kale

    [Swahili Word] -kale
    [English Word] archaic
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [Swahili Word] -kale
    [English Word] old-fashioned
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [Swahili Word] kale
    [English Word] earlier
    [Part of Speech] adverb
    [Derived Word] kikale, mkale
    [Swahili Example] hapo kale; zamani za kale; tangu kale; kale na kale
    [Swahili Word] kale
    [English Word] formerly
    [Part of Speech] adverb
    [Derived Word] kikale, mkale
    [Swahili Example] hapo kale; zamani za kale; tangu kale; kale na kale
    [Swahili Word] kale
    [Swahili Plural] kale
    [English Word] long ago
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Swahili Word] kale
    [Swahili Plural] kale
    [English Word] ancient
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Swahili Word] kale
    [English Word] antiquity
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Swahili Example] watu wa kale; (prov.) mavi ya hayanuki
    [Swahili Word] kale
    [Swahili Plural] kale
    [English Word] history
    [English Plural] histories
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Swahili Word] kale
    [Swahili Plural] kale
    [English Word] old times
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Swahili Word] kale
    [English Word] the past
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Swahili Example] watu wa kale; (prov.) mavi ya hayanuki
    [Swahili Word] kale
    [English Word] past ages
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Swahili Example] watu wa kale; (prov.) mavi ya hayanuki
    [Swahili Word] kale na kale
    [English Word] for ever and ever
    [Part of Speech] adverb

    Swahili-english dictionary > kale

  • 2 kale

    a. street; \kalean gora up the street
    b. Gipuzkoa K\kalea Gipuzkoa Street; K\kale Nagusia Main Street (USA), High Street (GB) ; kalez \kale || kalerik \kale from street to street
    c. [ izenen aurrean ] street-; \kale-kantoi street corner
    d. (irud.) \kale gorrian gelditu ziren they ended up living in misery
    a. ( ez barruan) \kalera atera zen she went out; presoak \kalera! free the prisoners!; leihotik \kalera begira looking out of the window!; \kalera bota i. ( etxetik) to throw out of the house ii. ( lanpostuari d.) to fire, dismiss; \kale gorrira bota i. ( etxetik, e.a.) to kick out ii. ( lanetik) to give... the axe, turf out
    b. (irud.) Atxagaren liburu berria dagoeneko \kalean dago Atxaga's new book is already out
    a. city; nahiago dut baserria \kalea baino I prefer farm life to city life
    b. [ izenen aurrean ] city-; \kale-hizkuntza bat a city language
    4. {\kaleko || \kaleerako || \kalez} jantzita i. ( polizia) dressed in plain clothes ii. ( soldadua) dress in civilian clothes
    5. ( orratzari d.) eye
    6. Nekaz. little piles of cut grass (formed as one cuts along)

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > kale

  • 3 kale

    n. fortress, castle, citadel, goal, bastion, fort, home, home plate, keep, stronghold, tower, upright
    kale (satranç)
    n. rook
    * * *
    1. castle 2. citadel 3. fortress 4. stronghold

    Turkish-English dictionary > kale

  • 4 kale

    * * *
    (f.) bride (to be)

    Yiddish-English dictionary (in roman letters) > kale

  • 5 kalë

    m azgan
    frisky horse
    m balash
    roan horse
    m gërdallë
    m karroce
    draft horse [Am.]
    m karroce
    draught horse [Br.]
    m race
    thoroughbred horse
    m samari ose ngarkese
    m shalle
    saddle horse

    Albanian-English dictionary > kalë

  • 6 kale

    n; patrz kał

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > kale

  • 7 kale|ka

    m, f (N pl m kalecy a. kaleki, Gpl m kaleków; N pl f kaleki, Gpl f kalek) 1. (dotknięty kalectwem) cripple
    - kaleka wojenny a disabled serviceman
    2. pot. (oferma) lame duck
    - ale z nich kaleki życiowe they are such lame ducks

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > kale|ka

  • 8 kale|ki

    adj. 1. [osoba, stopy, nogi] crippled 2. (uszkodzony) [drzewo] broken, damaged 3. (słaby, nieudolny) deficient, inapt
    - kalekie tłumaczenie an awkward translation
    - kaleka niemczyzna/angielszczyzna broken German/English
    - bez tego nasze życie byłoby kalekie without that our life would lack something

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > kale|ki

  • 9 kale

    beat (v.), defeat, hatch (v.), peel (v.), shell, spank, stall (v.)

    Haitian-English dictionary > kale

  • 10 kale je ou

    Haitian-English dictionary > kale je ou

  • 11 kalė

    Lietuvių-Anglų žodynas > kalė

  • 12 kāle

    Sanskrit-English dictionary by latin letters > kāle

  • 13 kale

    1 beat v.
    2 beat

    Kreyol-angle Diksyonè > kale

  • 14 kale

    "fortress, castle, citadel, stronghold; goal, goal post; (satranç) castle, rook"

    İngilizce Sözlük Türkçe > kale

  • 15 kale

    "1. fortress, fort; citadel. 2. goal post. 3. chess rook, castle. - çizgisi goal line. - gibi 1. fortress-like, big and imposing (building). 2. solid, sound, confidence-inspiring (person). 3. (financially) sound, solid (person, business). - içi inner part of a fortress. -yi içinden fethetmek 1. to conquer (a place) from within. 2. to get something by circumventing the underlings and dealing directly with the head man."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > kale

  • 16 kale


    Euskara-ingeles hiztegi berria > kale

  • 17 kale duvarını yıkma aleti

    kale duvarını yıkma aleti (savaş)
    n. petard

    Turkish-English dictionary > kale duvarını yıkma aleti

  • 18 kale huur

    kale huur

    Van Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > kale huur

  • 19 kale neet

    kale neet

    Van Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > kale neet

  • 20 kale/kouwe kak

    kale/kouwe kak
    swank, la-di-da behaviour

    Van Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > kale/kouwe kak

См. также в других словарях:

  • Kale — bezeichnet: einen der Chariten aus der griechischen Mythologie, siehe Kale (Mythologie) einen Jupitermondes Kale (Mond) die ethnische Gruppe der Ibero Roma, siehe Kalé einen häufigen Namensbestandteil aus dem Türkischen/Arabischen, siehe Kale… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • kalė — kalė̃ sf. (4) J, Mrc, Pd, Mrj, Sml, Plk, Prn, Skr, VšR, Šn, Kt, Skp, Rs, Lk, Ds, kãlė (2) J, Tv, Slnt, Krtn, Kal, Šts, Vvr, Šn, Sn, Mrc, Dsn; SD356, R211, M 1. DP116 šunų patelė: Vilkas kalelę papjovė, gale laukelio pakorė OG92. Buvo toki… …   Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language

  • Kale — Kalé Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Kale ou Kalé peut désigner : Calé, lune de Jupiter. Kalé ou Calé, désignation espagnole des Roms ou Gens du voyage, les Gitans. Kale, une ville… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Kale — Kale, n. [Scot. kale, kail, cale, colewort, Gael. cael; akin to Ir. cal, W. cawl, Armor. kaol. See {Cole}.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Bot.) A variety of cabbage in which the leaves do not form a head, being nearly the original or wild form of the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • kale — [ keıl ] noun uncount a vegetable with large curly dark green leaves. Kale is a type of cabbage …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • kalė — kalė̃ dkt. Kaip tù gali̇̀ gyvénti su tókia kalè?! …   Bendrinės lietuvių kalbos žodyno antraštynas

  • kale — [kāl] n. [Scot kale, kail, var. of COLE] 1. a hardy vegetable (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) of the crucifer family, with loose, spreading, curled leaves that do not form a head 2. Scot. a) any cabbage or greens b) a broth made of cabbage or… …   English World dictionary

  • Kale — Kale, kleine Festung in der Walachei, bei Turna; 24. Jan. 1829 von den Russen erobert …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Kalé — (Kaleh, türk.), Burg, Schloß, kommt in zusammengesetzten Ortsnamen oft vor (vgl. Kalaa) …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Kale Su — Kale Su, s. Aras …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • kalé — ● kalé nom invariable et adjectif invariable (de kalo, langue d origine des Gitans) Gitan …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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