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  • 41 join

    [ʤɔɪn] 1. гл.
    а) соединять, объединять, связывать, скреплять

    to join hands — сцепить руки; браться за руки

    Join two blocks of wood with glue. — Соедини два куска дерева с помощью клея.

    б) мат. соединять ( точки) прямой линией
    в) соединяться, объединяться

    Nouns join to form compounds. — Существительные объединяются и образуют сложные слова.

    а) присоединяться (к кому-л.)

    They joined us for lunch. — Они присоединились к нам за обедом.

    I'll join you in your walk. — Я пройдусь с вами.

    б) ( join in) присоединяться (принять участие в чём-л.)

    They all joined in singing the national anthem. — Все подхватили национальный гимн.

    She joined in as a volunteer. — Она поступила добровольцем.

    4) записываться, вступать в члены (клуба, общества)
    5) занять свой пост, занять своё место

    I reported myself to the admiral, and joined my brig. — Я доложил о себе адмиралу и взошёл на бриг.

    to join (in) with smb. — присоединиться к кому-л.

    We must join with them in fighting tyranny. — Мы должны объединиться с ними в борьбе против тирании.

    Had I known of what sort they were to whom I was joining myself! — Если бы я знал, к каким людям я присоединяюсь!

    а) сливаться, соединяться, образовывать одно целое

    The Cherwell joins the Thames just below Oxford. — Черуэлл впадает в Темзу чуть ниже Оксфорда.

    б) примыкать, прилегать, граничить

    His land joins mine. — Его земли граничат с моими.

    2. сущ.
    а) линия, плоскость соединения
    joint 1.
    б) место соединения (стык, паз, шов и пр.)
    2) объединение; пересечение

    Англо-русский современный словарь > join

  • 42 join

    [‹oin] 1. verb
    1) ((often with up, on etc) to put together or connect: The electrician joined the wires (up) wrongly; You must join this piece (on) to that piece; He joined the two stories together to make a play; The island is joined to the mainland by a sandbank at low tide.) juntar
    2) (to connect (two points) eg by a line, as in geometry: Join point A to point B.) unir
    3) (to become a member of (a group): Join our club!) juntar-se a
    4) ((sometimes with up) to meet and come together (with): This lane joins the main road; Do you know where the two rivers join?; They joined up with us for the remainder of the holiday.) juntar-se a
    5) (to come into the company of: I'll join you later in the restaurant.) ir ter com
    2. noun
    (a place where two things are joined: You can hardly see the joins in the material.) junta
    - join hands
    - join in
    - join up
    * * *
    [dʒɔin] n 1 junção, ligação. 2 encaixe. 3 costura, sutura. 4 linha ou meio de ligação. • vt+vi 1 ligar
    (-se), juntar(-se), unir(-se), apertar. we joined battle / entramos em choque. I joined company with them / juntei-me a eles. they joined in the work / fizeram o serviço juntos. 2 confluir, encontrar(-se). 3 combinar, coadunar, enlaçar. 4 participar, aderir, associar
    (-se), ingressar, incorporar(-se), tomar parte, tornar-se membro, acompanhar, alistar(-se). he joined the army / ele entrou no exército. 5 casar(-se), aliar(-se). they were joined in marriage / eles foram unidos pelo vínculo matrimonial. 6 voltar ao lar, à família. 7 ser adjacente, limitar, formar divisas. 8 concordar. there I join with you / nisto concordo com você. I joined in his praise / concordei com o seu elogio. he joined a ship a) ele embarcou como tripulante. b) ele alcançou um navio. to join a club entrar para um clube. to join hands with a) apertar a mão. b) prestar auxílio. c) Com associar-se a uma companhia. to join in tomar parte em, envolver-se com. he joined in the thing / ele tomou parte no negócio. to join up apresentar-se para o serviço militar, alistar-se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > join

  • 43 join

    /dʤɔin/ * ngoại động từ - nối lại, chắp, ghép, buộc (cái nọ vào cái kia) - nối liền =the road joins the two cities+ con đường nối liền hai thành phố - thắt chặt, hợp nhất, kết hợp, liên hiệp; kết giao, kết thân =to join forces with+ hợp lực với =to join two persons in marriage+ kết thân hai người trong mối tình vợ chồng - gia nhập, nhập vào, vào =to join a party+ gia nhập một đảng =to join the army+ vào quân đội, nhập ngũ - tiếp với, gặp; đổ vào (con sông) =where the foot-path joins the main road+ ở nơi mà con đường nhỏ nối với con đường cái =where the Luoc river joins the Red river+ ở nơi mà sông Luộc đổ vào sông Hồng - đi theo, đến với, đến gặp; cùng tham gia =I'll join you in a few minutes+ độ vài phút nữa tôi sẽ đến với anh =would you join us in our picnic?+ anh có muốn tham gia cuộc đi chơi ngoài trời với chúng tôi không? - trở về, trở lại =to join the regiment+ trở lại trung đoàn (sau ngày nghỉ phép...) =to join the ship+ trở về tàu * nội động từ - nối lại với nhau, thắt chặt lại với nhau, kết hợp lại với nhau; liên hiệp với nhau, kết thân với nhau - gặp nhau, nối tiếp nhau =parallet lines never join+ hai đường song song không bao giờ gặp nhau =where the two rivers join+ ở nơi mà hai con sông gặp nhau - tham gia, tham dự, nhập vào, xen vào =to join in the conversation+ tham gia vào câu chuyện - (từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) giáp với nhau, tiếp giáp với nhau =the two gardens join+ hai khu vườn tiếp giáp với nhau - (quân sự) nhập ngũ ((cũng) join up) !to join battle - bắt đầu giao chiến !to join hands - nắm chặt tay nhau, bắt chặt tay nhau - (nghĩa bóng) phối hợp chặt chẽ với nhau; câu kết chặt chẽ với nhau (để làm gì) * danh từ - chỗ nối, điểm nối, đường nối

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > join

  • 44 join

    [dʒɔɪn] 1. vt
    queue dołączać (dołączyć perf) do +gen; club, organization wstępować (wstąpić perf) do +gen; things, places łączyć (połączyć perf); person ( meet) spotykać się (spotkać się perf) z +instr; ( in an activity) przyłączać się (przyłączyć się perf) do +gen; road, river łączyć się z +instr

    to join forces (with) ( fig)połączyć ( perf) siły (z +instr)

    Phrasal Verbs:
    2. vi
    roads, rivers łączyć się
    3. n
    * * *
    [‹oin] 1. verb
    1) ((often with up, on etc) to put together or connect: The electrician joined the wires (up) wrongly; You must join this piece (on) to that piece; He joined the two stories together to make a play; The island is joined to the mainland by a sandbank at low tide.) połączyć
    2) (to connect (two points) eg by a line, as in geometry: Join point A to point B.) połączyć
    3) (to become a member of (a group): Join our club!) wstąpić do
    4) ((sometimes with up) to meet and come together (with): This lane joins the main road; Do you know where the two rivers join?; They joined up with us for the remainder of the holiday.) (po)łączyć się
    5) (to come into the company of: I'll join you later in the restaurant.) dołączyć do
    2. noun
    (a place where two things are joined: You can hardly see the joins in the material.) złącze, fuga
    - join hands
    - join in
    - join up

    English-Polish dictionary > join

  • 45 join

    [dзɔin] n միացում, միացման կետ. տեխ. գիծ, կար. The join couldn’t be seen Միացման տեղը չէր երևում. հմկրգ. join clause միակցման օպերատոր. join end points միակցել ծայրակետերը
    [dзɔin] v միանալ, միացնել, կապել, միակ ցել. The bridge joins the two banks of the river Կամուրջը միացնում է գետի երկու ափե րը. join a proposition միանալ առաջա րկու թյանը. join hands ձեռքերը միացնել. The river joins the sea Գետը թափվում է ծովի մեջ. join the battle ռզմ. կռվի մեջ մտնել. join forces փխբ. ուժերը միացնել. join a club/a party ակումբի/կուսակցության անդամ դառնալ. join in the concern կիսել մտահոգությունը. join in a drink միասին խմել. join the army/the team բա նակ գնալ. թիմի անդամ դառնալ. join in the game խաղին մասնակցել. join in խոսակ ցու թյան մեջ մտնել

    English-Armenian dictionary > join

  • 46 join

    1. n
    1) зв'язок; з'єднання, сполучення
    2) точка (лінія, площина) з'єднання; паз
    2. v
    1) з'єднуватися; об'єднуватися
    2) зв'язувати; поєднувати
    3) зливатися, сполучатися
    4) межувати
    5) приєднуватися; входити в компанію
    6) повернутися; знову зайняти своє місце
    7) тех. нарощувати; збивати
    8) буд. прив'язувати

    join upрозм. вступати на військову службу

    to join the banner — стати на чиюсь сторону, приєднатися до когось

    to join battle — розпочати бій; вступати в боротьбу (у змагання)

    to join hands — діяти спільно, об'єднатися

    to join issue — взяти участь у дебатах; вести дискусію

    to join the angels — померти, відійти у царство небесне

    * * *
    I n
    1) зв'язок, з'єднання
    2) точка, лінія, площина з'єднання; паз; шов
    II v
    1) з'єднувати; зв'язувати
    2) з'єднуватися, зливатися
    3) граничити, межувати, сусідити
    4) (тж. in) приєднуватися
    5) вступити в члени ( партії); увійти до складу (команди е т. п.)
    6) повернутися; знову зайняти своє місце
    7) тex. нарощувати; споювати
    8) бyд. перев'язувати ( цегельну кладку)
    9) вступити на військову службу, в армію

    English-Ukrainian dictionary > join

  • 47 join

    [xhoin] n.,v. -n. lidhje, bashkim; qepje, tegel -v 1. bashkoj, lidh. 2. fig. bashkoj; join forces with bashkoj forcat me, bashkohem me. 3. futem (në), bashkohem (me), anëtarësohem, shkruhem (në); join the army futem në ushtri; join a queue futem në radhë; join in marriage lidhemi me martesë, martohemi. 4. shkoj me, shoqërohem, bashkohem me; may I join you? a mund të vij edhe unë? will you join me in a drink? a mund t'ju ofroj diçka për të pirë? I'll join you later ju kap më vonë. 5. bashkohen, shkrihen në një (lumenjtë, rrugët).
    join battle hyj në luftim
    join in [xhoin in] futem, marr pjesë
    join on [xhoin on] a) fiksoj, lidh, bashkoj; b) futem në radhë
    join up [xhoin ap] shkruhem ushtar, hyj në ushtri
    * * *
    lidh; bashkoj

    English-Albanian dictionary > join

  • 48 join

    v. 1. \join sth onto sth/ on холбох, залгах, нийлүүлэх. \join A to B А-г Б-д залга. 2. \join up with sb/ sth; \join up нэгдэх, нийлэх, уулзах. the place where two rivers \join хоёр голын уулзварт. 3. элсэх, орох. She \joined the company last July. Тэр эмэгтэй компанид өнгөрсөн долдугаар сард орсон. \join the EU Европын холбоонд элсэх. 4. оролцох. \join a demonstrattion жагсаалд оролцох. join forces (with sb) хүчээ нэгтгэх, хүч хавсрах join hands (with sb) 1. гар гараасаа хөтлөлцөх. 2. хамжилцах join in (sth/ doing sth) оролцох. join up цэрэгт явах n. 1. залгаас, холбоос, уулзвар.

    English-Mongolian dictionary > join

  • 49 join

    illesztési pont, illesztés to join: illeszt, kapcsol, találkozik (ösvények), egybeköt
    * * *
    [‹oin] 1. verb
    1) ((often with up, on etc) to put together or connect: The electrician joined the wires (up) wrongly; You must join this piece (on) to that piece; He joined the two stories together to make a play; The island is joined to the mainland by a sandbank at low tide.) (össze)kapcsol
    2) (to connect (two points) eg by a line, as in geometry: Join point A to point B.) összeköt
    3) (to become a member of (a group): Join our club!) belép
    4) ((sometimes with up) to meet and come together (with): This lane joins the main road; Do you know where the two rivers join?; They joined up with us for the remainder of the holiday.) találkozik; csatlakozik
    5) (to come into the company of: I'll join you later in the restaurant.) csatlakozik
    2. noun
    (a place where two things are joined: You can hardly see the joins in the material.) illesztés(i pont)
    - join hands
    - join in
    - join up

    English-Hungarian dictionary > join

  • 50 join

    n. aaneenvoeging, verbinding; naad
    v. verbinden, verenigen, samenkomen, in elkaar slaan; zich voegen bij, meedoen, komen bij; samenvoegen
    verbinding(sstuk)voeg, las, naad
    samenkomenzich verenigen, verenigd worden; elkaar ontmoeten, uitkomen op
    zich aansluitenmeedoen, deelnemen
    1   join up (with) samensmelten/fuseren (met)
    2   can I join in? mag ik meedoen?
         join up dienst nemen (bij het leger), lid worden, zich aansluiten (bij)
    verenigensamenbrengen, verbinden, vastmaken, samenlopen met; aaneenschrijven letters
    zich aansluiten bijmeedoen met, deelnemen aan
    1   join the main road op de hoofdweg uitkomen
         join together/up (with) samenvoegen, doen samensmelten/fuseren (met)
         join a man to/with a woman in marriage een man met een vrouw in de echt verbinden
         join ship aanmonsteren, aan boord gaan
         will you join us? doe/eet/ga je mee?, kom je bij ons zitten?
         I'll join you in a few minutes ik kom zo bij je

    English-Dutch dictionary > join

  • 51 join in

    1. intransitive verb
    mitmachen ( with bei); (in conversation) sich beteiligen ( with an + Dat.); (in singing) einstimmen; mitsingen
    2. transitive verb
    mitmachen bei [Spiel, Spaß]; sich beteiligen an (+ Dat.) [Spiel, Festlichkeiten, Gespräch]; mitsingen [Refrain]; sich anschließen (+ Dat.) [Demonstrations-, Umzug]
    * * *
    (to take part (in): We're playing a game - do join in!; He would not join in the game.) mitmachen bei
    * * *
    vi teilnehmen, mitmachen; (in game) mitspielen; (in song) mitsingen
    they began to sing and all the voices \join ined in sie begannen zu singen und alle Stimmen fielen ein
    to \join in in with sth in etw akk einstimmen
    to \join in in sth sich akk an etw dat beteiligen, bei etw dat mitmachen
    to \join in in the applause mit applaudieren
    to \join in in the fun auch Spaß haben
    * * *
    (in activity) mitmachen (prep obj bei); (in game also) mitspielen (prep obj bei); (in demonstration also, in protest) sich anschließen ( prep obj +dat); (in conversation) sich beteiligen (prep obj an +dat)

    join in, everybody! (in song etc)alle (mitmachen)!

    everybody joined in the chorussie sangen alle zusammen den Refrain, alle fielen in den Refrain ein

    he didn't want to join in the funer wollte nicht mitmachen

    * * *
    1. intransitive verb
    mitmachen ( with bei); (in conversation) sich beteiligen ( with an + Dat.); (in singing) einstimmen; mitsingen
    2. transitive verb
    mitmachen bei [Spiel, Spaß]; sich beteiligen an (+ Dat.) [Spiel, Festlichkeiten, Gespräch]; mitsingen [Refrain]; sich anschließen (+ Dat.) [Demonstrations-, Umzug]

    English-german dictionary > join in

  • 52 join

    1. verb
    1) соединять(ся); to join forces соединить силы, объединить усилия;
    to join hands
    а) браться за руки; (идти) рука об руку;
    б) объединяться, действовать сообща
    2) присоединить (-ся); I'll join you in your walk я пройдусь с вами
    3) объединиться (с кем-л.); войти в компанию; вступить в члены (общества и т. п.); to join a club стать членом клуба; to join a library записаться в библиотеку; to join (in) with smb. присоединиться к кому-л.; to join up поступить на военную службу
    4) снова занять свое место, возвратиться; to join one's regiment, one's ship вернуться в полк, на корабль (после отпуска, перерыва в службе и т. п.)
    5) соединяться, сливаться; the stream joins the river ручей впадает в реку
    6) граничить; the two estates join эти два имения граничат друг с другом
    to join battle вступить в бой; завязать сражение; вступить в борьбу
    2. noun
    соединение; точка, линия, плоскость соединения
    * * *
    (v) присоединиться к; присоединяться к
    * * *
    1) соединяться, объединяться 2) вступать
    * * *
    [ dʒɔɪn] n. соединение, линия соединения, плоскость соединения v. соединять, связывать, стыковать; соединяться, вписываться; вливаться, сливаться; граничить, присоединять, присоединиться; завербоваться; вступать, вступить в члены; примкнуть, приобщать, приобщаться
    * * *
    * * *
    1. гл. 1) а) соединять б) геом. соединять (точки) прямой линией в) непер. соединяться 2) присоединять 3) а) перех. присоединяться (к кому-л.) б) непер. присоединяться 4) а) вступать в члены (клуба, общества и т. п.); записываться (в библиотеку и т. п.) б) поступать на военную службу (up) 2. сущ. 1) а) соединение линия, плоскость соединения б) стык, паз, шов и т. п. (место соединения) в) линия (соединяющая точки), плоскость соединения 2) объединение

    Новый англо-русский словарь > join

  • 53 join

    [‹oin] 1. verb
    1) ((often with up, on etc) to put together or connect: The electrician joined the wires (up) wrongly; You must join this piece (on) to that piece; He joined the two stories together to make a play; The island is joined to the mainland by a sandbank at low tide.) tengja
    2) (to connect (two points) eg by a line, as in geometry: Join point A to point B.) tengja, sameina
    3) (to become a member of (a group): Join our club!) gerast meðlimur, ganga í
    4) ((sometimes with up) to meet and come together (with): This lane joins the main road; Do you know where the two rivers join?; They joined up with us for the remainder of the holiday.) sameinast; slást í hóp með
    5) (to come into the company of: I'll join you later in the restaurant.) slást í hóp með
    2. noun
    (a place where two things are joined: You can hardly see the joins in the material.) samskeyti
    - join hands
    - join in
    - join up

    English-Icelandic dictionary > join

  • 54 join

    n. birleşme noktası, ek yeri
    v. birleştirmek, katılmak, eklemek, katmak, kaynamak, üye olmak, birleşmek, iştirak etmek, sınırı ortak olmak
    * * *
    1. birleştir 2. birleştir (v.) 3. birleşim yeri (n.)
    * * *
    [‹oin] 1. verb
    1) ((often with up, on etc) to put together or connect: The electrician joined the wires (up) wrongly; You must join this piece (on) to that piece; He joined the two stories together to make a play; The island is joined to the mainland by a sandbank at low tide.) birleştirmek, bitiştirmek, bağlamak
    2) (to connect (two points) eg by a line, as in geometry: Join point A to point B.) birleştirmek
    3) (to become a member of (a group): Join our club!) katılmak, girmek
    4) ((sometimes with up) to meet and come together (with): This lane joins the main road; Do you know where the two rivers join?; They joined up with us for the remainder of the holiday.) katılmak, birleşmek, ulaşmak
    5) (to come into the company of: I'll join you later in the restaurant.) katılmak
    2. noun
    (a place where two things are joined: You can hardly see the joins in the material.) ek yeri, bitişme noktası
    - join hands
    - join in
    - join up

    English-Turkish dictionary > join

  • 55 join

    • ottaa osaa
    • ryhmittyä
    • nivoutua
    • jatkaa
    • sitoa
    • seurustella
    • assosioitua
    • yhdistellä
    • yhdistää
    • yhdistyä
    • yhdistää (liittää)
    • yhdistys
    • punoutua
    • kietoutua
    • kiinnittää
    • liittyä seuraan
    • liittää
    • liittää yhteen
    • lisätä
    • liitos
    • liittyä jäseneksi
    • liittyä yhteen
    • liitoskohta
    • liittyä
    • liittoutua
    • pestautua
    • yhtyä
    • kytkeytyä
    • kytkeä yhteen
    • kytkeä
    • koostaa
    • koota
    • lyöttäytyä
    * * *
    ‹oin 1. verb
    1) ((often with up, on etc) to put together or connect: The electrician joined the wires (up) wrongly; You must join this piece (on) to that piece; He joined the two stories together to make a play; The island is joined to the mainland by a sandbank at low tide.) liittää
    2) (to connect (two points) eg by a line, as in geometry: Join point A to point B.) yhdistää
    3) (to become a member of (a group): Join our club!) liittyä
    4) ((sometimes with up) to meet and come together (with): This lane joins the main road; Do you know where the two rivers join?; They joined up with us for the remainder of the holiday.) liittyä, yhtyä
    5) (to come into the company of: I'll join you later in the restaurant.) liittyä seuraan
    2. noun
    (a place where two things are joined: You can hardly see the joins in the material.) liitoskohta, sauma
    - join hands
    - join in
    - join up

    English-Finnish dictionary > join

  • 56 join

    [‹oin] 1. verb
    1) ((often with up, on etc) to put together or connect: The electrician joined the wires (up) wrongly; You must join this piece (on) to that piece; He joined the two stories together to make a play; The island is joined to the mainland by a sandbank at low tide.) savienot; saistīt
    2) (to connect (two points) eg by a line, as in geometry: Join point A to point B.) savienot
    3) (to become a member of (a group): Join our club!) pievienoties; iestāties
    4) ((sometimes with up) to meet and come together (with): This lane joins the main road; Do you know where the two rivers join?; They joined up with us for the remainder of the holiday.) pievienoties; saplūst; piebiedroties
    5) (to come into the company of: I'll join you later in the restaurant.) piebiedroties
    2. noun
    (a place where two things are joined: You can hardly see the joins in the material.) savienojums; salaidums
    - join hands
    - join in
    - join up
    * * *
    savienojuma punkts, savienojums; saistīt, savienot; ieplūst, saplūst; pieslieties, pievienoties; iestāties; robežoties

    English-Latvian dictionary > join

  • 57 join

    [‹oin] 1. verb
    1) ((often with up, on etc) to put together or connect: The electrician joined the wires (up) wrongly; You must join this piece (on) to that piece; He joined the two stories together to make a play; The island is joined to the mainland by a sandbank at low tide.) sujungti, prijungti
    2) (to connect (two points) eg by a line, as in geometry: Join point A to point B.) sujungti
    3) (to become a member of (a group): Join our club!) stoti į
    4) ((sometimes with up) to meet and come together (with): This lane joins the main road; Do you know where the two rivers join?; They joined up with us for the remainder of the holiday.) susijungti, susitikti
    5) (to come into the company of: I'll join you later in the restaurant.) prisijungti prie
    2. noun
    (a place where two things are joined: You can hardly see the joins in the material.) sujungimas
    - join hands
    - join in
    - join up

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > join

  • 58 join

    n. skarv, fog; hopfogning
    v. förena, knyta samman; slå sig ihop, förena sig med; sätta ihop; ansluta sig till; gå samman med; gifta sig; följa med
    * * *
    [‹oin] 1. verb
    1) ((often with up, on etc) to put together or connect: The electrician joined the wires (up) wrongly; You must join this piece (on) to that piece; He joined the two stories together to make a play; The island is joined to the mainland by a sandbank at low tide.) koppla (sätta, foga) ihop, förena
    2) (to connect (two points) eg by a line, as in geometry: Join point A to point B.) förena, förbinda, sammanfoga
    3) (to become a member of (a group): Join our club!) gå med i
    4) ((sometimes with up) to meet and come together (with): This lane joins the main road; Do you know where the two rivers join?; They joined up with us for the remainder of the holiday.) förena sig med, rinna samman, slå sig ihop med, möta[]
    5) (to come into the company of: I'll join you later in the restaurant.) träffa[]
    2. noun
    (a place where two things are joined: You can hardly see the joins in the material.) fog, skarv
    - join hands
    - join in
    - join up

    English-Swedish dictionary > join

  • 59 join

    [‹oin] 1. verb
    1) ((often with up, on etc) to put together or connect: The electrician joined the wires (up) wrongly; You must join this piece (on) to that piece; He joined the two stories together to make a play; The island is joined to the mainland by a sandbank at low tide.) spojit
    2) (to connect (two points) eg by a line, as in geometry: Join point A to point B.) spojit
    3) (to become a member of (a group): Join our club!) vstoupit do
    4) ((sometimes with up) to meet and come together (with): This lane joins the main road; Do you know where the two rivers join?; They joined up with us for the remainder of the holiday.) připojit se, spojit se
    5) (to come into the company of: I'll join you later in the restaurant.) přijít, přidat se
    2. noun
    (a place where two things are joined: You can hardly see the joins in the material.) spoj
    - join hands
    - join in
    - join up
    * * *
    • přidat
    • připojit
    • přidat se
    • spojovat
    • spojit

    English-Czech dictionary > join

  • 60 join

    [‹oin] 1. verb
    1) ((often with up, on etc) to put together or connect: The electrician joined the wires (up) wrongly; You must join this piece (on) to that piece; He joined the two stories together to make a play; The island is joined to the mainland by a sandbank at low tide.) spojiť
    2) (to connect (two points) eg by a line, as in geometry: Join point A to point B.) spojiť
    3) (to become a member of (a group): Join our club!) vstúpiť do
    4) ((sometimes with up) to meet and come together (with): This lane joins the main road; Do you know where the two rivers join?; They joined up with us for the remainder of the holiday.) pripojiť sa, spojiť sa
    5) (to come into the company of: I'll join you later in the restaurant.) pripojiť sa
    2. noun
    (a place where two things are joined: You can hardly see the joins in the material.) spoj
    - join hands
    - join in
    - join up
    * * *
    • vstúpit
    • viazat
    • vlievat sa
    • ústit
    • zjednotit (sa)
    • zaviazat
    • zlúcit (sa)
    • zlúcit
    • zviazat
    • zúcastnit sa
    • spájat (sa)
    • spoj
    • susedit
    • spojit (sa)
    • švík
    • splynút
    • spojit sa
    • spojovací bod
    • spútat
    • spojit
    • spojnica
    • stat sa clenom
    • stretnút sa
    • spojenie
    • pridat sa (k niecomu)
    • pridat sa
    • pripojit sa
    • pripojit (sa)
    • prihlásit sa
    • priliehat
    • pripojit
    • dotýkat sa
    • hranicit
    • íst
    • dat sa
    • dohonit
    • dat sa zapísat
    • pútat
    • podat prihlášku
    • podielat sa
    • postavit sa
    • nadviazat
    • mat spolocnú hranicu
    • mat hranicu
    • mat sútok
    • nastavenie
    • naviazanie

    English-Slovak dictionary > join

См. также в других словарях:

  • join — [dʒɔɪn] verb 1. [intransitive, transitive] to become a member of a group, team, or organization: • She was invited to join the company s board. • Turkey is not a member of the EU, but wants to join. 2. [intransitive, transitive] to start working… …   Financial and business terms

  • join — vt 1: to unite so as to form one unit join the claims in one action 2 a: to align oneself with esp. in a legal matter she join ed her husband as plaintiff b: to cause or order (a person) to become a party to a lawsuit if the person …   Law dictionary

  • join — join, conjoin, combine, unite, connect, link, associate, relate are comparable when meaning to attach or fasten one thing to another or several things to each other or to become so attached or fastened. Join stresses the bringing or coming… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Join — (join), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Joined} (joind); p. pr. & vb. n. {Joining}.] [OE. joinen, joignen, F. joindre, fr. L. jungere to yoke, bind together, join; akin to jugum yoke. See {Yoke}, and cf. {Conjugal}, {Junction}, {Junta}.] [1913 Webster] 1.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • join — [join] vt. [ME joinen < OFr joindre < L jungere, to bind together, YOKE] 1. to put or bring together; connect; fasten 2. to make into one; unite [join forces, join people in marriage] 3. to become a part or member of; enter into association …   English World dictionary

  • Join — may refer to: * Join (law), to include additional counts or additional defendants on an indictment * Join (mathematics), a least upper bound in lattice theory * Join (relational algebra), a type of binary operator * Join (SQL), a SQL and… …   Wikipedia

  • join — (v.) c.1300, from stem of O.Fr. joindre join, connect, unite; have sexual intercourse with (12c.), from L. iungere to join together, unite, yoke, from PIE *yeug to join, unite (see JUGULAR (Cf. jugular)). Related: Joined; joining. In Middle… …   Etymology dictionary

  • join — ► VERB 1) link or become linked or connected to. 2) unite to form a whole. 3) become a member or employee of. 4) (join up) become a member of the armed forces. 5) take part in (an activity). 6) come into the company of …   English terms dictionary

  • Join — Join, v. i. To be contiguous, close, or in contact; to come together; to unite; to mingle; to form a union; as, the bones of the skull join; two rivers join. [1913 Webster] Whose house joined hard to the synagogue. Acts xviii. 7. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Join In! — was a Canadian educational children s television show which aired on TVOntario between 1989 and 1995. It was created and produced by Jed MacKay, who also wrote all of the show s original songs. The first two seasons were directed by Doug Williams …   Wikipedia

  • Join — может относится к: Join (SQL) операция языка SQL и реляционных баз данных join (Unix) команда операционной системы Unix Joins (библиотека) API параллельных вычислений, разработанный Microsoft Research Joins.com веб сайт южнокорейской газеты… …   Википедия

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