1 jet-propelled aircraft
см. jet aircraft -
2 jet propelled aircraft
Авиация: реактивный самолётУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > jet propelled aircraft
3 jet-propelled aircraft
Военный термин: реактивный самолётУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > jet-propelled aircraft
4 jet propelled aircraft
5 jet-propelled aircraft
English-Russian military dictionary > jet-propelled aircraft
6 jet propelled aircraft
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > jet propelled aircraft
7 jet-propelled aircraft
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > jet-propelled aircraft
8 jet-propelled aircraft
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > jet-propelled aircraft
9 jet-propelled aircraft aeronautic chart
Картография: аэронавигационная карта для реактивной авиацииУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > jet-propelled aircraft aeronautic chart
10 jet-propelled aircraft aeronautical chart
Картография: аэронавигационная карта для реактивной авиацииУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > jet-propelled aircraft aeronautical chart
11 jet-propelled aircraft aeronautic chart
English-Russian cartography dictionary > jet-propelled aircraft aeronautic chart
12 jet-propelled aircraft aeronautical chart
English-Russian cartography dictionary > jet-propelled aircraft aeronautical chart
13 jet-propelled
1. a с реактивным двигателемjet-propelled aircraft, jet-propelled plane — реактивный самолёт
2. a разг. быстрый, скорый -
14 jet-propelled
[͵dʒetprəʹpeld] a1. с реактивным двигателемjet-propelled aircraft, jet-propelled plane - реактивный самолёт
2. разг. быстрый, скорый -
15 jet-propelled plane
реактивный самолет имя существительное: -
16 aircraft
воздушное судно [суда], атмосферный летательный аппарат [аппараты]; самолёт (ы) ; вертолёты); авиация; авиационный; см. тж. airplane, boostaircraft in the barrier — самолёт, задержанный аварийной (аэродромной) тормозной установкой
aircraft off the line — новый [только что построенный] ЛА
B through F aircraft — самолёты модификаций B, C, D, E и F
carrier(-based, -borne) aircraft — палубный ЛА; авианосная авиация
conventional takeoff and landing aircraft — самолёт с обычными взлетом и посадкой (в отличие от укороченного или вертикального)
keep the aircraft (headed) straight — выдерживать направление полёта ЛА (при выполнении маневра); сохранять прямолинейный полет ЛА
keep the aircraft stalled — сохранять режим срыва [сваливания] самолёта, оставлять самолёт в режиме срыва [сваливания]
nearly wing borne aircraft — верт. ЛА в конце режима перехода к горизонтальному полёту
pull the aircraft off the deck — разг. отрывать ЛА от земли (при взлете)
put the aircraft nose-up — переводить [вводить] ЛА на кабрирование [в режим кабрирования]
put the aircraft through its paces — определять предельные возможности ЛА, «выжимать все из ЛА»
reduced takeoff and landing aircraft — самолёт укороченного взлета и посадки (с укороченным разбегом и пробегом)
rocket(-powered, -propelled) aircraft — ракетный ЛА, ЛА с ракетным двигателем
roll the aircraft into a bank — вводить ЛА в крен, накренять ЛА
rotate the aircraft into the climb — увеличивать угол тангажа ЛА для перехода к набору высоты, переводить ЛА в набор высоты
short takeoff and landing aircraft — самолёт короткого взлета и посадки (с коротким разбегом и пробегом)
single vertical tail aircraft — ЛА с одинарным [центральным] вертикальным оперением
strategic(-mission, -purpose) aircraft — ЛА стратегического назначения; стратегический самолёт
take the aircraft throughout its entire envelope — пилотировать ЛА во всем диапазоне полётных режимов
trim the aircraft to fly hands-and-feet off — балансировать самолёт для полёта с брошенным управлением [с брошенными ручкой и педалями]
turbofan(-engined, -powered) aircraft — ЛА с турбовентиляторными двигателями, ЛА с ТРДД
turbojet(-powered, -propelled) aircraft — ЛА с ТРД
undergraduate navigator training aircraft — учебно-тренировочный самолёт для повышенной лётной подготовки штурманов
water(-based, takeoff and landing) aircraft — гидросамолёт
17 aircraft
1. (атмосферный) летательный аппарат [аппараты], воздушное судно [суда]; самолет(ы); вертолет(ы);см. тж. airplane,2. авиация/ авиационный; бортовой <об оборудовании ЛА>4-D aircraft4-D equipped aircraft9-g aircraftADF aircraftadvanced-technology aircraftadversary aircraftaerobatic aircraftaft-tail aircraftaggressor aircraftagile aircraftagricultural aircraftair defence aircraftair-refuellable aircraftair-to-ground aircraftairborne early warning and control aircraftalert aircraftall-digital aircraftall-training aircraftall-electric aircraftall-metal aircraftall-new aircraftall-out stealth aircraftall-weather aircraftamateur built aircraftamphibious aircraftantisubmarine warfare aircraftaround-the-world aircraftartificial-stability aircraftasymmetric aircraftattack aircraftattrition aircraftaugmented aircraftautomated aircraftbackside aircraftBAI aircraftbalanced aircraftbattle-damaged aircraftbattle-tolerant aircraftbattlefield aircraftbulbous-nosed aircraftbuoyant quad-rotor aircraftbush aircraftbusiness aircraftbusiness-class aircraftcalibrated pace aircraftcanard aircraftcanard controlled aircraftcanard-configured aircraftcanard-winged aircraftcargo aircraftcargo-capable aircraftcarrier aircraftcarrier-based aircraftcarrier-qualified aircraftCAS aircraftcenterstick aircraftcenterstick controlled aircraftChristmas tree aircraftclass IV aircraftclear weather reconnaissance aircraftclose-coupled canard aircraftcoated aircraftcombat air patrol aircraftcombat training aircraftcombat-damaged aircraftcombat-loaded aircraftcombi aircraftcombustible fuel aircraftcommuter aircraftcomposite material aircraftcomposite-built aircraftcomposite-wing aircraftcomputer-generated aircraftconceptual aircraftconceptual design aircraftconflicting aircraftcontrol reconfigurable aircraftcontrol-by-wire aircraftconventional tailled aircraftconventional take-off and landing aircraftconventional variable-sweep aircraftconventionally designed aircraftcorporate aircraftcounter insurgency aircraftcropspray aircraftcropspraying aircraftcruise matched aircraftcruise-designed aircraftCTOL aircraftcurrent-generation aircraftdamage tolerant aircraftday-only aircraftday/night aircraftde-iced aircraftdefence-suppression aircraftdelta-wing aircraftdemonstrator aircraftdevelopment aircraftdevelopmental aircraftdivergence prone aircraftdouble-deck aircraftdrug interdiction aircraftdrug-smuggling aircraftdual-capable aircraftducted-propeller aircraftdynamically stable aircraftdynamically unstable aircraftEarth resources research aircraftEarth resources survey aircraftejector-powered aircraftElint aircraftEMP-hardened aircraftex-airline aircraftFAC aircraftfake aircraftfan-in-wing aircraftfan-powered aircraftfirefighting aircraftfixed-cycle engine aircraftfixed-landing-gear aircraftfixed-planform aircraftfixed-wing aircraftflexible aircraftflight inspection aircraftflight loads aircraftflight refuelling aircraftflight test aircraftflightworthy aircraftfly-by-wire aircraftflying-wing aircraftforgiving aircraftforward air control aircraftforward-swept-wing aircraftfour-dimensional equipped aircraftfreely flying aircraftfreighter aircraftfriendly aircraftfront-line aircraftFSD aircraftfuel efficient aircraftfuel-hungry aircraftfull-scale aircraftfull-scale development aircraftfull-size aircraftfully-capable aircraftfully-tanked aircraftgap filler aircraftgas turbine-powered aircraftground-hugging aircraftgull-winged aircraftheavy-lift aircrafthigh-Mach aircrafthigh-alpha research aircrafthigh-cycle aircrafthigh-demand aircrafthigh-drag aircrafthigh-dynamic-pressure aircrafthigh-flying aircrafthigh-life aircrafthigh-performance aircrafthigh-speed aircrafthigh-tail aircrafthigh-technology aircrafthigh-thrust aircrafthigh-time aircrafthigh-wing aircrafthigh-winged aircrafthighest cycle aircrafthighest flight-cycle aircrafthighly agile aircrafthighly augmented aircrafthighly glazed aircrafthighly maneuverable aircrafthighly unstable aircraftholding aircrafthome-based aircrafthome-built aircrafthovering aircrafthydrocarbon-fueled aircrafthydrogen fueled aircrafthypersonic aircraftice-cloud-generating aircrafticing-research aircraftidealized aircraftIFR-equipped aircraftin-production aircraftinterrogating aircraftintratheater airlift aircraftintratheater lift aircraftintruder aircraftinventory aircraftjamming aircraftjet aircraftjet-flap aircraftjet-flapped aircraftjet-powered aircraftjet-propelled aircraftjoined-wing aircraftJTIDS aircraftjump aircraftK/s like aircraftkit-based aircraftkit-built aircraftland aircraftland-based aircraftlarge aircraftlarge-production-run aircraftlaunch aircraftlaunching aircraftlead aircraftleading aircraftleased aircraftLevel 1 aircraftlift plus lift-cruise aircraftlight aircraftlight-powered aircraftlighter-than-air aircraftlong-haul aircraftlong-winged aircraftlongitudinally unstable aircraftlook-down, shoot-down capable aircraftlow-boom aircraftlow-cost aircraftlow-observability aircraftlow-observable aircraftlow-powered aircraftlow-rate production aircraftlow-RCS aircraftlow-speed aircraftlow-time aircraftlow-to-medium speed aircraftlow-wing aircraftlow-winged aircraftlowest weight aircraftMach 2 aircraftman-powered aircraftmanned aircraftmarginally stable aircraftmechanically-controlled aircraftmechanically-signalled aircraftmedevac-equipped aircraftmicrolight aircraftmicrowave-powered aircraftmid-wing aircraftmid-winged aircraftminimum weight aircraftmission aircraftmission-ready aircraftmultibody aircraftmultimission aircraftmultipropeller aircraftmultipurpose aircraftnarrow-bodied aircraftnaturally unstable aircraftneutrally stable aircraftnew-built aircraftnew-technology aircraftnight fighting aircraftnight-capable aircraftnight-equipped aircraftnonagile aircraftnonalert aircraftnonautomated aircraft1950s-vintage aircraftnonflying test aircraftnonpressurized aircraftnonstealth aircraftnontransponder-equipped aircraftnonpropulsive-lift aircraftnortheastwardly launching aircraftnuclear-hardened aircraftnuclear-strike aircraftoblique-wing aircraftocean patrol aircraftoff-the-shelf aircraftoffensive aircraftolder-generation aircraftout-of-production aircraftoutbound aircraftpace aircraftparasol-winged aircraftparked aircraftpartial mission-capable aircraftpatrol aircraftpiston aircraftpiston-engine aircraftpiston-powered aircraftpiston-prop aircraftpivoting oblique wing aircraftpoint-design aircraftpowered-lift aircraftprecision strike aircraftprobe-equipped aircraftproduction aircraftproduction-line aircraftproof-of-concept aircraftprop-rotor aircraftpropeller aircraftpropeller-powered aircraftpropulsive-lift aircraftprototype aircraftpublic-transport aircraftpurpose-built aircraftpusher aircraftpusher-propelled aircraftquad-rotor aircraftradar test aircraftRAM-treated aircraftready aircraftrear-engined aircraftreceiving aircraftrecent-technology aircraftreconnaissance aircraftrefueling aircraftremanufactured aircraftresearch aircraftretrofit aircraftRogallo-winged aircraftrollout aircraftrotary-wing aircraftrotary-winged aircraftrotodome-equipped aircraftsafely spinnable aircraftscaled-down aircraftscaled-up aircraftscissor-wing aircraftsea-based aircraftsecond-hand aircraftself-repairing aircraftsensor-carrying aircraftshort range aircraftshort takeoff and vertical landing aircraftshort-coupled flying wing aircraftshort-haul aircraftside-inlet aircraftsideslipping aircraftsilent aircraftsingle engine aircraftsingle-pilot aircraftsingle-service aircraftsized aircraftsized optimized aircraftslender-delta aircraftSLEPed aircraftsmall-tailed aircraftsmuggler aircraftsolar-powered aircraftspecial operations aircraftspin-proof aircraftspinning aircraftstatically stable aircraftstatically unstable aircraftstealth aircraftstealthy aircraftSTOL aircraftstopped-rotor aircraftstored aircraftSTOVL aircraftstraight-tube aircraftstraight-wing aircraftstraight-winged aircraftstretched aircraftstrike aircraftstrike-control aircraftsub-scale aircraftsubmarine communications relay aircraftsunken aircraftsuperaugmented aircraftsupersonic cruise aircraftsupportable aircraftsurveillance aircraftswing-wing aircraftT-tail aircrafttactical aircrafttactical-type aircrafttail-aft aircrafttail-first aircrafttailless aircrafttailwheel aircrafttandem-seat aircrafttandem-wing aircrafttarget-towing aircraftTCAS-equipped aircrafttest aircraftthreat aircraftthree-pilot aircraftthree-surface aircraftthrust-vector-control aircrafttilt-fold-rotor aircrafttilt-proprotor aircrafttilt-rotor aircrafttilt-wing aircrafttop-of-the-range aircrafttrailing aircrafttrainer cargo aircrafttrajectory stable aircrafttransoceanic-capable aircrafttransonic aircrafttransonic maneuvering aircrafttransport aircrafttransport-size aircrafttrimmed aircrafttrisurface aircrafttug aircraftturbine-powered aircraftturboprop aircraftturbopropeller aircraftTVC aircrafttwin-aisle aircrafttwin-engined aircrafttwin-fuselage aircrafttwin-jet aircrafttwin-tailed aircrafttwin-turboprop aircrafttwo-aircrew aircrafttwo-crew aircrafttwo-pilot aircrafttwo-place aircraftultrahigh-bypass demonstrator aircraftultralight aircraftundesignated aircraftunpressurized aircraftunslatted aircraftutility aircraftV/STOL aircraftvariable-stability aircraftVATOL aircraftvector thrust controlled aircraftvectored aircraftvectored thrust aircraftversatile aircraftvertical attitude takeoff and landing aircraftVFR aircraftviolently maneuvering aircraftVTOL aircraftwater tanker aircraftweapons-delivery test aircraftweight-shift aircraftwell-behaved aircraftwide-body aircraftwing-in-ground effect aircraftX aircraftX-series aircraftX-wing aircraftyaw-vane-equipped aircraft -
18 jet
1. n мин. гагат, чёрный янтарь2. n блестящий чёрный цвет3. a мин. гагатовый4. a чёрный, блестящего чёрного цвета5. n струяjet exhaust — выхлопное сопло; струя реактивного двигателя
6. n поток7. n реактивный двигатель8. n разг. реактивный самолёт9. n реактивный снарядpropulsion by reaction, jet propulsion — реактивное движение
jet age — век реактивного транспорта; век высоких скоростей
10. n тех. жиклёр; форсунка; насадка, сопло, выпускное отверстие11. n тех. распыляющий наконечник12. n тех. патрубок13. n тех. метал. литник14. n тех. метеор. струйное течение15. a струйный; инжекционный16. a реактивныйjet booster — ракетный ускоритель, реактивный ускоритель
17. v брызгать, бить струёй18. v выпускать струёй19. v разг. летать реактивным самолётомmirage fighter jet — реактивный истребитель типа "Мираж"
Синонимический ряд:1. black (adj.) atramentous; black; ebon; ebony; inky; jet-black; jetty; onyx; pitch-black; pitch-dark; pitchy; raven; sable2. coal (adj.) coal; pitch; sooty3. airplane (noun) airplane; jet plane; jetliner; turbojet4. jet airplane (noun) jet airliner; jet airplane; jet bomber; jet fighter; jet-propelled aircraft; supersonic jet; supersonic transport; turbo-jet5. stream (noun) flush; fountain; geyser; gush; gusher; nozzle; spout; spray; spring; spurt; squirt; stream6. fly (verb) fly; wing; zip; zoom7. spray (verb) burst forth; flow; gush; shoot; splurt; spout; spray; sprit; spurt; squirt; stream; surge -
19 jet plane
Синонимический ряд:jet airplane (noun) jet; jet airliner; jet airplane; jet bomber; jet fighter; jet-propelled aircraft; supersonic jet; supersonic transport; turbo-jet -
20 jet aircraft
реактивный самолет имя существительное:
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
jet propelled aircraft — aircraft which is driven by jet propelled engines … English contemporary dictionary
jet-propelled — /ˈdʒɛt prəpɛld/ (say jet pruhpeld) adjective 1. of or relating to a vehicle, especially an aircraft, which is propelled by jet engines. 2. moving or advancing rapidly …
jet — jet1 [jet] vt., vi. jetted, jetting [< MFr jeter, to throw < OFr < VL * jectare, for L jactare, freq. of jacere, to throw < IE base * yē , to throw, do > Gr hienai, to set in motion, throw, send] 1. to spout, gush, or shoot out in… … English World dictionary
jet engine — an engine, as an aircraft engine, that produces forward motion by the rearward exhaust of a jet of fluid or heated air and gases. Also called jet, jet motor. [1940 45] * * * Any of a class of internal combustion engines that propel aircraft by… … Universalium
jet fuel — fuel used for jet propelled aircraft … English contemporary dictionary
Aircraft engine — An aircraft engine is a propulsion system for an aircraft. Aircraft engines are almost always a type of lightweight internal combustion engine. This article is an overview of the basic types of aircraft engines and the design concepts employed in … Wikipedia
Jet engine — For a general overview of aircraft engines, see Aircraft engine. A Pratt Whitney F100 turbofan engine for the … Wikipedia
Jet airliner — A jet airliner, sometimes contracted to jetliner, is a passenger airplane (passenger aeroplane) that is powered by jet engines. In contrast to today s long distance quiet, fuel efficient, and modern turbofan powered air travel, first generation… … Wikipedia
jet — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a stream of water, steam, gas, flame, etc. shot out esp. from a small opening. 2 a spout or nozzle for emitting water etc. in this way. 3 a a jet engine. b an aircraft powered by one or more jet engines. v. (jetted, jetting) 1… … Useful english dictionary
jet — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. stream, spurt, gush, shoot, spout, pour, rush, squirt. n. stream, fountain; outgush, spurt; jet plane (see aviation). See water. adj. black, pitch[y], ebon[y]. See color. II (Roget s IV) modif. Syn.… … English dictionary for students
jet engine — noun a gas turbine produces a stream of hot gas that propels a jet plane by reaction propulsion • Members of this Topic: ↑flame out • Hypernyms: ↑reaction propulsion engine, ↑reaction engine • Hyponyms: ↑fanjet, ↑ … Useful english dictionary