Перевод: с английского на русский

с русского на английский

jar body

См. также в других словарях:

  • jar — Ⅰ. jar [1] ► NOUN 1) a wide mouthed cylindrical container made of glass or pottery. 2) Brit. informal a glass of beer. ORIGIN French jarre, from Arabic. Ⅱ. jar [2] ► …   English terms dictionary

  • Jar Jar Binks — SW Character color=Republic bgcolor=#00b fgcolor=#eee name=Jar Jar Binks position=General in the Gungan Grand Army, Representative of the Gungan race, Senator of Chommell Sector (substituting for Padmé Amidala) species=Gungan sex=Male height=… …   Wikipedia

  • jar — 1 noun (C) 1 a round glass container with a wide lid, used for storing food such as jam 1 (1) and honey (1) 2 the amount of food, drink, etc contained in a jar: half a jar of peanut butter 3 (singular) the shock of two things hitting each other,… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • jar — I noun a jar of honey Syn: (glass) container, pot, crock, receptacle, cookie jar, mason jar, ginger jar II verb 1) each step jarred my whole body Syn: jolt, jerk, shake, shock, concuss …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • jar — 1. n. 1 a a container of glass, earthenware, plastic, etc., usu. cylindrical. b the contents of this. 2 Brit. colloq. a glass of beer. Derivatives: jarful n. (pl. fuls). Etymology: F jarre f. Arab. jarra 2. v. & n. v. (jarred, jarring) 1 intr.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • jar — [dʒɑː] noun [C] I a glass container for food, with a lid and a wide opening a jar of marmalade[/ex] II verb jar [dʒɑː] 1) [I/T] to accidentally push something hard against something else, in a way that causes pain or damage The shock of the fall… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • jar — jar1 noun 1》 a wide mouthed cylindrical container made of glass or pottery. 2》 Brit. informal a glass of beer. Origin C16: from Fr. jarre, from Arab. jarra. jar2 verb (jars, jarring, jarred) 1》 send a painful or uncomfortable shock through (a… …   English new terms dictionary

  • jar — I noun a jar of honey Syn: pot, container, crock II verb 1) each step jarred my whole body Syn: jolt, jerk, shake, vibrate 2) her shrill voice jarred on him Syn …   Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • Skeleton Jar — Infobox Album | Name = Skeleton Jar Type = Album Artist = Youth Group Released = flagicon|AUS May 24, 2004 flagicon|US March 24, 2005 Recorded = Genre = Rock Length = 41:21 Label = Ivy League Records Epitaph Records Producer = Wayne Connolly… …   Wikipedia

  • Canopic jar — Canopic jars were used by ancient Egyptians during the mummification process, and were commonly made of limestone, pottery, wood, or bronze. These jars were used by ancient Egyptians from the period of the Old Kingdom onwards to store various… …   Wikipedia

  • canopic jar — a jar used in ancient Egypt to contain the entrails of an embalmed body. Also, Canopic jar. Also called canopic vase. [1890 95] * * * In ancient Egyptian funerary ritual, a covered vessel of wood, stone, pottery, or faience containing the… …   Universalium

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