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  • 1 Иаков Младший

    (тж. Иа́ков меньшо́й, один из 12-ти апостолов, сын Алфея, брат ап. Иуды Леввея) James the Younger, Apostle

    ап. Иаков Алфеев (1 в.; д. п. 9/22 октября) — St. James, son of Alphaeus, St. James the Younger, Apl.

    Русско-английский словарь религиозной лексики > Иаков Младший

  • 2 Иаков Алфеев

    1) Religion: James (An apostle and son of Alphaeus according to the Gospel accounts - called also James the Less. Mt:10:3)
    2) Christianity: James, son of Alphaeus (апостол из 12-ти), James the Less

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Иаков Алфеев

  • 3 Ἰάκωβος

    Ἰάκωβος, ου, ὁ (Grecized form of the preceding, W-S. §10, 3; EpArist 48; 49. Oft. in Joseph., even for the patriarch [s. Ἰακώβ]. In the spelling Ἰάκουβος: POxy 276, 5 [77 A.D.]; BGU 715 II, 11; 1 Esdr 9:48) James (for the history of this name s. OED s.v. James).
    son of the Galilean fisherman Zebedee, brother of John, member of the Twelve, executed by Herod Agrippa I not later than 44 A.D.: Mt 4:21; 10:2; 17:1; Mk 1:19, 29; 3:17; 5:37; 9:2; 10:35, 41; 13:3; 14:33; Lk 5:10; 6:14; 8:51; 9:28, 54; Ac 1:13a; 12:2; GEb 34, 60; Papias (2:4).—ESchwartz, Über d. Tod der Söhne Zeb. 1904; JBlinzler and ABöhling, NovT 5, ’62, 191–213.
    son of Alphaeus (s. Ἁλφαῖος) also belonged to the Twelve Mt 10:3; Mk 2:14 v.l. (s. 6 below); 3:18; Lk 6:15; Ac 1:13b. This James is perh. identical with
    son of Mary Mt 27:56; Mk 16:1; Lk 24:10 (s. B-D-F §162, 3), who is called Mk 15:40 Ἰ. ὁ μικρός, James the small or the younger (μικρός 1ab.—TZahn, Forschungen VI 1900, 345f; 348ff).
    the Lord’s brother (Jos., Ant. 20, 200), later head of the Christian community at Jerusalem, confused w. 2 at an early date; Mt 13:55; Mk 6:3; 1 Cor 15:7; Gal 1:19; 2:9, 12; Ac 12:17; 15:13; 21:18; GHb 361, 7 (Lat.); probably Papias 2:4. This J. is certainly meant Js 1:1 (MMeinertz, D. Jk u. sein Verf. 1905; AMeyer, D. Rätsel des Jk 1930); Jd 1; and perh. GJs 25:1 in title and subscr.—GKittel, D. Stellg. des Jak. zu Judentum u. Heidenchristentum: ZNW 30, ’31, 145–57, D. geschichtl. Ort des Jk: ibid. 41, ’42, 71–105; KAland, D. Herrenbr. Jak. u. Jk: Neut. Entwürfe ’79, 233–45; GKittel, D. Jak. u. die Apost. Väter: ZNW 43, ’50/51, 54–112; WPrentice, in Studies in Roman Economic and Social Hist. in honor of AJohnson ’51, 144–51; PGaechter, Petrus u. seine Zeit ’58, 258–310; DLittle, The Death of James: The Brother of Jesus, diss. Rice Univ. ’71; WPratscher, Der Herrenbruder Jakobus u. die Jakobustradition ’87.
    father of an apostle named Judas, mentioned only by Luke: Lk 6:16a; Ac 1:13c.
    Mk 2:14 v.l. (s. 2 above) the tax-collector is called James (instead of Levi; s. FBurkitt, JTS 28, 1927, 273f).—HHoltzmann, Jak. der Gerechte u. seine Namensbrüder: ZWT 23, 1880, 198–221; FMaier, Z. Apostolizität des Jak. u. Jud.: BZ 4, 1906, 164–91; 255–66; HKoch, Z. Jakobusfrage Gal 1:19: ZNW 33, ’34, 204–9.—EDNT. M-M.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > Ἰάκωβος

  • 4 апостол

    двенадцать апостолов (сподвижники Иисуса Христа, его ученики и проповедники его учения; их было двенадцать: братья Петр (или Симон, названный Петром) ( Simon Peter), и Андрей ( Andrew); братья Иаков (Старший) и Иоанн (Богослов), сыновья Зеведея (James (the Greater) and John (the Theologian), sons of Zebedee); Филипп ( Philip), Варфоломей, прозванный Нафанаилом ( Bartholomew); Матфей Левий (мытарь) ( Matthew (Levi)); Фома, прозванный близнецом ( Thomas); братья Иаков Алфеев ( James (son of Alphaeus)) и Фаддей (или Иуда Левий) ( Jude (identified with Thaddaeus)); Симон Зилот (другое прозвище - Кананит) ( Simon the Cananaean (also called the Zealot)), Иуда Искариот ( Judas Iscariot); Матфий ( Matthias), избранный на место Иуды после предательства и самоубийства последнего) — the Twelve Apostles [Disciples]

    Русско-английский словарь религиозной лексики > апостол

  • 5 двенадцать апостолов

    (в Новом Завете - двенадцать ближайших учеников Иисуса Христа (по алфавиту): Андрей ( Andrew), Варфоломей ( Bartholomew), Иаков Алфеев ( James (son of Alphaeus)), Иаков Старший и Иоанн Богослов, сыновья Зеведея (James and John, sons of Zebedee), Иуда Искариот ( Judas Iscariot), Матфей мытарь ( Matthew (or Levi)), Матфий (после распятия Христа Его ученики, чтобы сохранить число двенадцать, считавшееся у иудеев священным, вместо Иуды Искариота избрали Матфия) ( Matthias), Петр (Симон) ( Simon Peter), Симон Зилот (др. прозвище - Канонит) ( Simon the Cananaean) (also called the Zealot), Фаддей (Иуда Леввей) ( Jude) (identified with Thaddaeus), Филипп ( Philip), Фома ( Thomas (or Didymus)); примечание: апостолом называл себя Павел, хотя он не был учеником Иисуса) the Twelve Apostles [Disciples], the Twelve

    Русско-английский словарь религиозной лексики > двенадцать апостолов

См. также в других словарях:

  • James, son of Alphaeus — Infobox Saint name=Saint James, son of Alphaeus birth date=Unknown death date=Unknown feast day=May 3 (Roman Catholic Church) May 1 pre 1955 General Roman Calendar 11 May General Roman Calendar, 1955 1969 venerated in=Roman Catholic Church… …   Wikipedia

  • James ‘The Less’ — (first century)    Apostle.    James is described in the list of the twelve disciples as the son of Alphaeus. The title ‘The Less’ comes from mark 15:40, but there is no definite evidence that this James is the same as the son of Alphaeus. There… …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • James the Lord’s Brother — (first century)    Apostle.    James is mentioned in Mark 6:3, along with Simon, Jude and Joses, as being the brother of Jesus. The obvious interpretation is that James was a younger son of Joseph and mary. However, because the Church believes in …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • James the Just — Vespasian s siege and capture of Jerusalem delayed the selection of Simeon of Jerusalem to succeed James.Josephus account of James death is more credible because the Acts of Apostles doesn t mention anything about James after the year 60.… …   Wikipedia

  • James — /jaymz/, n. 1. Also called James the Great. one of the 12 apostles, the son of Zebedee and brother of the apostle John. Matt. 4:21. 2. the person identified in Gal. 1:19 as a brother of Jesus: probably the author of the Epistle of St. James. 3.… …   Universalium

  • James — I [[t]dʒeɪmz[/t]] n. 1) bib big Also called James′ the Great′. one of the 12 apostles, the son of Zebedee and brother of the apostle John. Matt. 4:21 2) bib big a) the person identified in Gal. 1:19 as a brother of Jesus b) one of the books or… …   From formal English to slang

  • James — noun /dʒeɪmz,ˈdʒeɪms/ a) A book of the New Testament of the Bible, the general epistle of James. Now the names of the twelve apostles are these; The first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the son of Zebedee, and John his …   Wiktionary

  • James — I. /dʒeɪmz/ (say jaymz) noun 1. an apostle, son of Zebedee and brother of the apostle John. (Matthew 4:21). 2. ( James the Lord s brother ), the reputed author of the Epistle of James. Galatians 1:19, Mark, 6:3. 3. Also, James the Less. ( James… …  

  • Alphaeus — is mentioned in the New Testament as the father of three of the Twelve Apostles, namely:*Matthew Levi the Apostle *James, son of Alphaeus *Jude Lebbaeus the ApostleAs the father of an Apostle James, he has been confused with Clopas, who through… …   Wikipedia

  • Mary (mother of James the Less) — Along with Mary Magdalene and Mary of Clopas, Mary the mother of James is known as one of the Three Marys, depicted here by Mikołaj Haberschrack. Mary is identified in the synoptic gospels as one of the women who went to Jesus tomb after he was… …   Wikipedia

  • Alphaeus — In Matt. 10:3 mentioned as the father of James, after ‘James the son of Zebedee’. In Mark 2:14 he is cited as the father of Levi (usually identified as Matthew), and it is suggested that the mother of this James was Mary (Mark 15:40), whose… …   Dictionary of the Bible

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