1 jam-resistant communications
Кабельные производство: помехозащищённая связьУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > jam-resistant communications
2 jam-resistant communications
English-Russian dictionary of terminology cable technology > jam-resistant communications
3 jam-resistant secure communications
JRSC, jam-resistant secure communicationsEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > jam-resistant secure communications
4 jam-resistant secure voice communications
JRSVC, jam-resistant secure voice communicationsEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > jam-resistant secure voice communications
5 jam-resistant secure communications
Военный термин: помехоустойчивая закрытая связьУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > jam-resistant secure communications
6 jam-resistant secure voice communications
Военный термин: помехоустойчивая закрытая телефонная радиосвязьУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > jam-resistant secure voice communications
7 помехозащищенная связь
antijam communication, antijam communications, jam-resistant communications, jam-resistant communicationАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > помехозащищенная связь
1) Военный термин: jam-resistant secure communications2) Сокращение: Jam-Resistant Secure Communications programme3) Безопасность: jam-resistant secure communication -
1) Компьютерная техника: jam-resistant secure voice communication2) Военный термин: jam-resistant secure voice communications -
10 communication
= comm1) соединение; объединение; сообщение2) связь; установление связи (напр. телефонной)3) коммуникацияа) передача информации; обмен информацией; передача данных; обмен даннымиб) среда для передачи информации или для обмена информацией; среда для передачи данных или для обмена данными; канал связи; линия связив) акт межличностного общения с целью выяснения позиций сторон или достижения взаимопонимания4) передаваемая информация; передаваемые данные; сообщение5) информационная передача; сводка новостей6) содержание информационной передачи; новости8) способ связи; сообщение (напр. телеграфное)9) pl коммуникацииб) средства передачи информации или обмена информацией; средства передачи данных или обмена даннымиг) средства массовой информации, СМИ; коммуникационная сферад) системы и средства передвижения войск и материально-технического обеспечения11) информационные службы (напр. на предприятиях)12) коммуникология•- air-to-ground communication
- amateur radio communication
- analog communication
- asynchronous communication
- antijam communication
- auroral long-distance communication
- automated communication - band-limited communication
- beyond-the-horizon communication
- binary synchronous communications
- buffered communication
- business communication
- cable communication
- carrier-current communication
- CB communication
- citizen band communication
- coherent communication
- coherent-light communication
- computer communication
- computer-mediated communication
- computer-to-computer communication
- conference communication
- cross-channel communication
- cryptographic communication
- cryptographic digital communication
- data communication
- decision-feedback communication
- deep space communication - digital voice communication
- dipole-belt communication
- direct communication
- diversity communication
- downstream communication
- duplex communication
- electrical communication
- electronic communication
- emergency communication
- enciphered facsimile communication
- facsimile communication
- fiber-optics communication
- field communication
- fixed communication
- frequency-hop communication
- frequency-hopping communication - half-duplex communication
- harmonic communication - highway communication
- host communication
- image communication
- industrial communications
- infrared communication
- in-house communication
- in-house data communication
- interactive communication
- intercomputer communication
- interplanetary communication
- interprocess communication
- interprocessor communication
- intersatellite communication
- intertask communication
- ionoscatter communication
- ionospheric communication
- jam-resistant communication
- joint communication
- laser communication
- leaky-feeder communication
- light communication
- light-wave communication
- line communication
- long-distance ionospheric-scatter communication
- long-haul communication
- long-range communication
- machine-to-machine data communication
- man-computer communication
- man-machine communication
- marine communication
- marine-vehicle communication
- message switched communication
- meteor-burst communication
- microwave communication
- MIDI communication
- mobile communication
- multicast communication
- multichannel communication
- multimedia communication
- multiple-access communication
- multiplex communication
- multipoint communication
- multi-purpose communications
- office communications
- one-way communication
- operator communication - orbital-scatter radio communication
- orbiting-dipole radio communication
- over-the-horizon communication
- packet-switched communication
- party-line communication
- personal communication
- plane-to-plane communication
- point-to-multipoint communication
- point-to-point communication
- polling communication
- queued communication
- radio communication
- radio-relay communication
- repeater satellite communication
- rural communication
- safety communication
- satellite communication
- secure communication
- self-adjusting communication
- self-optimizing communication
- sensory communication
- shore-to-ship-communication
- signaling communication
- simplex communication
- single-sideband communication
- sky-wave communication
- sonar communication
- sonic communication
- space communication
- spacecraft-to-Earth communication
- speech communication
- spread spectrum communication
- SSB communication
- supersonic communication
- synchronous communication
- telegraphic communication
- telephone communication
- television communication
- transcontinental communication
- transhorizon communication
- troposcatter communication
- tropospheric-scatter communication
- trunk communication
- two-way communication
- two-way alternate communication
- ultrasonic communication
- underwater communication
- upstream communication
- voice communication
- waveguide communication
- wire-free communication - world-wide telephone communication
- written communication -
11 communication
1) соединение; объединение; сообщение2) связь; установление связи (напр. телефонной)3) коммуникацияа) передача информации; обмен информацией; передача данных; обмен даннымиб) среда для передачи информации или для обмена информацией; среда для передачи данных или для обмена данными; канал связи; линия связив) акт межличностного общения с целью выяснения позиций сторон или достижения взаимопонимания4) передаваемая информация; передаваемые данные; сообщение5) информационная передача; сводка новостей6) содержание информационной передачи; новости8) способ связи; сообщение (напр. телеграфное) pl.9) коммуникацииб) средства передачи информации или обмена информацией; средства передачи данных или обмена даннымиг) средства массовой информации, СМИ; коммуникационная сферад) системы и средства передвижения войск и материально-технического обеспечения11) информационные службы (напр. на предприятиях)12) коммуникология•- advanced program-to-program communication
- aeronautical communication
- air-to-ground communication
- amateur radio communication
- analog communication
- antijam communication
- asynchronous communication
- auroral long-distance communication
- automated communication
- automatic secure voice communication
- background communication
- band-limited communication
- beyond-the-horizon communication
- binary synchronous communications
- buffered communication
- business communication
- cable communication
- carrier-current communication
- CB communication
- citizen band communication
- coherent communication
- coherent-light communication
- computer communication
- computer-mediated communication
- computer-to-computer communication
- conference communication
- cross-channel communication
- cryptographic communication
- cryptographic digital communication
- data communication
- decision-feedback communication
- deep space communication
- digital communication
- digital speech communication
- digitized voice communication
- dipole-belt communication
- direct communication
- diversity communication
- downstream communication
- duplex communication
- electrical communication
- electronic communication
- emergency communication
- enciphered facsimile communication
- facsimile communication
- fiber-optics communication
- field communication
- fixed communication
- frequency-hop communication
- frequency-hopping communication
- global communication
- ground-to-air communication
- half-duplex communication
- harmonic communication
- high-capacity communication
- high-frequency communication
- highway communication
- host communication
- image communication
- industrial communications
- infrared communication
- in-house communication
- in-house data communication
- interactive communication
- intercomputer communication
- interplanetary communication
- interprocess communication
- interprocessor communication
- intersatellite communication
- intertask communication
- ionoscatter communication
- ionospheric communication
- jam-resistant communication
- joint communication
- laser communication
- leaky-feeder communication
- light communication
- light-wave communication
- line communication
- long-distance ionospheric-scatter communication
- long-haul communication
- long-range communication
- machine-to-machine data communication
- man-computer communication
- man-machine communication
- marine communication
- marine-vehicle communication
- message switched communication
- meteor-burst communication
- microwave communication
- MIDI communication
- mobile communication
- multicast communication
- multichannel communication
- multimedia communication
- multiple-access communication
- multiplex communication
- multipoint communication
- multi-purpose communications
- office communications
- one-way communication
- operator communication
- optical communication
- optical-fiber communication
- orbital-scatter radio communication
- orbiting-dipole radio communication
- over-the-horizon communication
- packet-switched communication
- party-line communication
- personal communication
- plane-to-plane communication
- point-to-multipoint communication
- point-to-point communication
- polling communication
- queued communication
- radio communication
- radio-relay communication
- repeater satellite communication
- rural communication
- safety communication
- satellite communication
- secure communication
- self-adjusting communication
- self-optimizing communication
- sensory communication
- shore-to-ship-communication
- signaling communication
- simplex communication
- single-sideband communication
- sky-wave communication
- sonar communication
- sonic communication
- space communication
- spacecraft-to-Earth communication
- speech communication
- spread spectrum communication
- SSB communication
- supersonic communication
- synchronous communication
- telegraphic communication
- telephone communication
- television communication
- transcontinental communication
- transhorizon communication
- troposcatter communication
- tropospheric-scatter communication
- trunk communication
- two-way alternate communication
- two-way communication
- ultrasonic communication
- underwater communication
- upstream communication
- voice communication
- waveguide communication
- wire-free communication
- wireless communication
- wireless telephone communication
- world-wide telephone communication
- written communicationThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > communication
12 communication(s)
1) связь, коммуникация; система связи; мн. ч. средства связи2) передача; система передачи4) взаимодействие, общение•to contact ( to establish) communication — устанавливать связь-
adaptive communication
air communication
air distress communication
air safety communication
air-to-air communication
air-to-ground communication
amateur radio communication
amateur communication
analog communication
antijam communication
asynchronous communication
bandlimited communication
base-to-mobile communication
batch communication
beam communication
beyond-the-horizon communication
buffered communication
cable communication
car-to-car communication
computer communication
conference communication
data communication
digital communications
digital communication
direct communication
disaster communication
diversity communication
domestic communication
duplex communication
emergency communication
en-route communication
facsimile communication
feedback communication
fiber-optics communications
fiber-optics communication
frequency-hop communication
full duplex communication
ground-to-air communication
guideway-transportation communication
half-duplex communication
harmonic communication
high-frequency communication
highway communication
host communication
infrared communication
intercomputer communication
interplanetary communication
interprocess communication
interprocessor communication
interstation communication
intertask communication
ionoscatter communication
jam-resistant communication
laser-beam communication
laser communication
light communication
line-of-sight communication
long-haul communication
man-computer communication
marine-vehicle communication
marine communication
message switched communication
meteor-burst communication
microwave communication
mobile communication
multichannel communication
multiple-access communication
one-way communication
optical communication
optical-fiber communications
optical-fiber communication
oral communication
packet switched communication
party-line communication
point-to-point communication
polling communication
power line communication
queued communication
radio communication
radio-link communication
railway communication
rail communication
safety communication
satellite communication
secure communication
shortwave communication
simplex communication
single-sideband communication
sky-wave communication
slave-master communication
space communication
speech communication
synchronous communication
task-to-task communication
telegraphic communication
telegraph communication
telephone communication
television communication
train-to-train radio communication
train-to-train communication
transhorizon communication
troposcatter communication
trunk communication
two-way alternate communication
two-way communication
underground communication
underwater-vehicle communication
visual communication
voice communication
waveguide communication
wire communication
wire-free communication
written communicationАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > communication(s)
13 communication(s)
1) связь, коммуникация; система связи; мн. ч. средства связи2) передача; система передачи4) взаимодействие, общение•to contact ( to establish) communication — устанавливать связь-
adaptive communication
air communication
air distress communication
air safety communication
air-to-air communication
air-to-ground communication
amateur radio communication
amateur communication
analog communication
antijam communication
asynchronous communication
bandlimited communication
base-to-mobile communication
batch communication
beam communication
beyond-the-horizon communication
buffered communication
cable communication
car-to-car communication
computer communication
conference communication
data communication
digital communications
digital communication
direct communication
disaster communication
diversity communication
domestic communication
duplex communication
emergency communication
en-route communication
facsimile communication
feedback communication
fiber-optics communications
fiber-optics communication
frequency-hop communication
full duplex communication
ground-to-air communication
guideway-transportation communication
half-duplex communication
harmonic communication
high-frequency communication
highway communication
host communication
infrared communication
intercomputer communication
interplanetary communication
interprocess communication
interprocessor communication
interstation communication
intertask communication
ionoscatter communication
jam-resistant communication
laser-beam communication
laser communication
light communication
line-of-sight communication
long-haul communication
man-computer communication
marine-vehicle communication
marine communication
message switched communication
meteor-burst communication
microwave communication
mobile communication
multichannel communication
multiple-access communication
one-way communication
optical communication
optical-fiber communications
optical-fiber communication
oral communication
packet switched communication
party-line communication
point-to-point communication
polling communication
power line communication
queued communication
radio communication
radio-link communication
railway communication
rail communication
safety communication
satellite communication
secure communication
shortwave communication
simplex communication
single-sideband communication
sky-wave communication
slave-master communication
space communication
speech communication
synchronous communication
task-to-task communication
telegraphic communication
telegraph communication
telephone communication
television communication
train-to-train radio communication
train-to-train communication
transhorizon communication
troposcatter communication
trunk communication
two-way alternate communication
two-way communication
underground communication
underwater-vehicle communication
visual communication
voice communication
waveguide communication
wire communication
wire-free communication
written communicationАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > communication(s)
JRSC, jam-resistant secure communicationsEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > JRSC
JRSVC, jam-resistant secure voice communicationsEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > JRSVC
См. также в других словарях:
Military Satellite Communications Systems Wing — emblem Active 19??–Present … Wikipedia
Advanced Extremely High Frequency — The Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) system will provide connectivity across the spectrum of mission areas, including land, air and naval warfare; special operations; strategic nuclear operations; strategic defense; theater missile… … Wikipedia
JRSC — jam resistant secure communications; joint rescue sub center … Military dictionary
JRSC — Jam Resistant Secure Communications (Governmental » Military) … Abbreviations dictionary
Milstar — Artist s impression of a Milstar DFS spacecraft General Information Manufacturer Lockheed Martin (prime) TRW Boeing (formerly Hughes) Country of Ori … Wikipedia
Northrop Grumman E-8 Joint STARS — E 8 Joint STARS USAF E 8C Joint STARS Role Airborne battle management Manufacturer … Wikipedia
Project 25 — (P25 or APCO 25) is a suite of standards for digital radio communications for use by federal, state/province and local public safety agencies in North America to enable them to communicate with other agencies and mutual aid response teams in… … Wikipedia
E-8 Joint STARS — Infobox Aircraft name = E 8 Joint STARS type = Airborne battle management manufacturer = Northrop Grumman caption = USAF E 8C Joint STARS designer = first flight = introduction = 1996 retired = status = primary user = United States Air Force more … Wikipedia
Link 4 — is a non secure data link used for providing vector commands to fighters. It is a netted, time division link operating in the UHF band at 5,000 bits per second. There are 2 separate Link 4s : Link 4A and Link 4C. Link 4A TADIL C is one of several … Wikipedia
Sukhoi Su-30MKI — Infobox Aircraft name= Su 30MKI type= Air Superiority Fighter, Multirole Fighter, Heavy Class Fighter, Long Range Fighter, Strike Fighter crew= 2 manufacturer= Sukhoi HAL caption= Su 30MKI in Service with the Indian Air Force designer= first… … Wikipedia
Enhanced Position Location Reporting System — The Enhanced Position Location Reporting System (EPLRS) is a secure, jam resistant, computer controlled communications network that distributes near real time tactical information, generally integrated into radio sets, and coordinated by a… … Wikipedia