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  • 41 Jacques Plant

    English-Russian media dictionary > Jacques Plant

  • 42 Jacques Cartier

    Wikipedia English-Arabic glossary > Jacques Cartier

  • 43 Jacques Derrida

    Wikipedia English-Arabic glossary > Jacques Derrida

  • 44 Cousteau, Jacques-Yves

    SUBJECT AREA: Ports and shipping
    b. 11 June 1910 Saint-André-de-Cubzac, France
    French marine explorer who invented the aqualung.
    He was the son of a country lawyer who became legal advisor and travelling companion to certain rich Americans. At an early age Cousteau acquired a love of travel, of the sea and of cinematography: he made his first film at the age of 13. After an interrupted education he nevertheless passed the difficult entrance examination to the Ecole Navale in Brest, but his naval career was cut short in 1936 by injuries received in a serious motor accident. For his long recuperation he was drafted to Toulon. There he met Philippe Tailliez, a fellow naval officer, and Frédéric Dumas, a champion spearfisher, with whom he formed a long association and began to develop his underwater swimming and photography. He apparently took little part in the Second World War, but under cover he applied his photographic skills to espionage, for which he was awarded the Légion d'honneur after the war.
    Cousteau sought greater freedom of movement underwater and, with Emile Gagnan, who worked in the laboratory of Air Liquide, he began experimenting to improve portable underwater breathing apparatus. As a result, in 1943 they invented the aqualung. Its simple design and robust construction provided a reliable and low-cost unit and revolutionized scientific and recreational diving. Gagnan shunned publicity, but Cousteau revelled in the new freedom to explore and photograph underwater and exploited the publicity potential to the full.
    The Undersea Research Group was set up by the French Navy in 1944 and, based in Toulon, it provided Cousteau with the Opportunity to develop underwater exploration and filming techniques and equipment. Its first aims were minesweeping and exploration, but in 1948 Cousteau pioneered an extension to marine archaeology. In 1950 he raised the funds to acquire a surplus US-built minesweeper, which he fitted out to further his quest for exploration and adventure and named Calypso. Cousteau also sought and achieved public acclaim with the publication in 1953 of The Silent World, an account of his submarine observations, illustrated by his own brilliant photography. The book was an immediate success and was translated into twenty-two languages. In 1955 Calypso sailed through the Red Sea and the western Indian Ocean, and the outcome was a film bearing the same title as the book: it won an Oscar and the Palme d'Or at the Cannes film festival. This was his favoured medium for the expression of his ideas and observations, and a stream of films on the same theme kept his name before the public.
    Cousteau's fame earned him appointment by Prince Rainier as Director of the Oceanographie Institute in Monaco in 1957, a post he held until 1988. With its museum and research centre, it offered Cousteau a useful base for his worldwide activities.
    In the 1980s Cousteau turned again to technological development. Like others before him, he was concerned to reduce ships' fuel consumption by harnessing wind power. True to form, he raised grants from various sources to fund research and enlisted technical help, namely Lucien Malavard, Professor of Aerodynamics at the Sorbonne. Malavard designed a 44 ft (13.4 m) high non-rotating cylinder, which was fitted onto a catamaran hull, christened Moulin à vent. It was intended that its maiden Atlantic crossing in 1983 should herald a new age in ship propulsion, with large royalties to Cousteau. Unfortunately the vessel was damaged in a storm and limped to the USA under diesel power. A more robust vessel, the Alcyone, was fitted with two "Turbosails" in 1985 and proved successful, with a 40 per cent reduction in fuel consumption. However, oil prices fell, removing the incentive to fit the new device; the lucrative sales did not materialize and Alcyone remained the only vessel with Turbosails, sharing with Calypso Cousteau's voyages of adventure and exploration. In September 1995, Cousteau was among the critics of the decision by the French President Jacques Chirac to resume testing of nuclear explosive devices under the Mururoa atoll in the South Pacific.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Légion d'honneur. Croix de Guerre with Palm. Officier du Mérite Maritime and numerous scientific and artistic awards listed in such directories as Who's Who.
    Further Reading
    R.Munson, 1991, Cousteau, the Captain and His World, London: Robert Hale (published in the USA 1989).

    Biographical history of technology > Cousteau, Jacques-Yves

  • 45 Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre

    n. Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre, (1789-1851) Franse schilder en natuurkundige, uitvinder van Daguerreotype

    English-Dutch dictionary > Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre

  • 46 Jean Jacques Rousseau

    Jean Jacques Rousseau (fransk författare, statsman och filosof som levde på 1700-talet)

    English-Swedish dictionary > Jean Jacques Rousseau

  • 47 Tourneur, Jacques

       Nacido en Paris, hijo del prestigioso director de origen frances Maurice Tourneur, coincide con el en los Estados Unidos en los anos 10, los de mayor esplendor de Maurice. Entre 1931 y 1934 dirige cuatro peliculas en Francia, y despues una serie de cortos en Norteamerica para Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. En 1939, para la misma productora, empieza a dirigir sus largometrajes “americanos”, pero si Jacques Tourneur pasa a la historia del cine como realizador, que lo hara con pleno merecimiento, ello se habra de deber, entre otras, a dos circunstancias: la serie de filmes RKO, de sutil terror psicologico, rodados para el productor Val Lewton, de la que La mujer pantera (Cat People, 1942) es su primera y acaso mas noble expresion, y por un punado de westerns sencillos, transparentes, dignos de admiracion autentica.
       En ningun caso hay que olvidar, no obstante, modelicos filmes de genero como Retorno al pasado (Out of the Past, 1947), magnifica pelicula negra, o La mujer pirata (Anne of the Indies, 1951), deslumbrante muestra del cine de piratas. El “arte de lo invisible” del que hace gala Tourneur en su famosisima escena de la piscina en La mujer pantera lo traslada a la casi totalidad de su filmografia. En particular, Wichita, que muestra las andanzas de un Wyatt Earp que aun no habia protagonizado el celebre duelo en O.K. Corral, es de una sencillez asombrosa, probablemente el mejor western “cotidiano” que se haya rodado
        Canyon Pasaje (Tierra generosa). 1946. 92 minutos. Technicolor. Universal. Dana Andrews, Susan Hayward, Brian Donlevy.
        Stars in My Crown. 1950. 89 minutos. Blanco y Negro. MGM. Joel McCrea, Ellen Drew, Dean Stockwell.
        Way of a Gaucho (Martin el gaucho). 1952. 91 minutos. Technicolor. Fox. Rory Calhoun, Gene Tierney, Richard Boone.
        Stranger on Horseback. 1955. 66 minutos. Anscocolor. Leonard Goldstein (UA). Joel McCrea, Miroslava, Kevin McCarthy.
        Wichita (Wichita). 1955. 81 minutos. Technicolor. CinemaScope. Allied. Joel McCrea, Vera Miles, Lloyd Bridges.
        Great Day in the Morning (Una pistola al amanecer). 1956. 92 minutos. Technicolor. Superscope. RKO. Virginia Mayo, Robert Stack, Ruth Roman.
        Mission of Danger (co-d.: George Waggner). 1959. 80 minutos. Metro color. MGM. Keith Larsen, Buddy Ebsen, Taina Elg.

    English-Spanish dictionary of western films > Tourneur, Jacques

  • 48 Derrida, Jacques

    фил. Деррида, Жак (1930-; французский философ, лингвист, представитель постструктурализма, основатель техники деконструкции и социального движения деконструктивизма, автор гипотезы о приоритете письменности перед разговорной речью)

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > Derrida, Jacques

  • 49 Ellul, Jacques

    соц. Эллюль, Жак (1912-1994; французский политолог, социолог, философ, теолог протестантизма; наиболее известные работы: "Политическая иллюзия", "Технологическое общество", "Другая революция")

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > Ellul, Jacques

  • 50 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques

    пол. Руссо, Жан-Жак (1712-1778; французский писатель и философ; с позиций деизма осуждал официальную церковь и религиозную нетерпимость; в сочинении "Рассуждение о начале и основаниях неравенства" (1755 г.) трактовал частную собственность как причину социального неравенства; отмечал противоречивость прогресса буржуазной цивилизации; идеализировал "естественное состояние" человечества; в сочинении "Об общественном договоре" (1762 г.) обосновывал право народа на свержение абсолютизма; идеи Руссо оказали влияние на общественную мысль и литературу многих стран)

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > Rousseau, Jean-Jacques

  • 51 Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Jean-Jacques Rousseau

  • 52 Dubois, Jacques

    франц. Жак Дюбуа, лат. Якобус Сильвиус (франц. анатом, 1478—1555)
    Якобус Сильвиус — латинизированное имя Жака Дюбуа

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Dubois, Jacques

  • 53 Jean Jacques Rousseau

    ז'אן ז'אק רוסו (1712-1778), סופר מדינאי ופילוסוף צרפתי שנולד בשוויצריה, מחבר הרומן "אמיל"
    * * *
    "לימא" ןמורה רבחמ,הירציוושב דלונש יתפרצ ףוסוליפו יאנידמ רפוס,(8771-2171) וסור קא'ז ןא'ז

    English-Hebrew dictionary > Jean Jacques Rousseau

  • 54 Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre

    n. לואי ג'ק מנדה דגר (1789-1851), צייר ופיזיקאי צרפתי, ממציא הדאגרוטייפ (שיטת צילום עתיקה)
    * * *
    (הקיתע םוליצ תטיש) פייטורגאדה איצממ,יתפרצ יאקיזיפו רייצ,(1581-9871) רגד הדנמ ק'ג יאול

    English-Hebrew dictionary > Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre

  • 55 shell St. Jacques

    jakopska kapica

    English-Croatian dictionary > shell St. Jacques

  • 56 Jean Jacques Rousseau

    Jean Jaques Rousseau (frans schrijver, staatsman en filosoof in de achttiende eeuw)

    English-Dutch dictionary > Jean Jacques Rousseau

  • 57 St Jacques, Cap

    см. Vung Tau

    Англо-русский географический словарь > St Jacques, Cap

  • 58 Laramie, Jacques

    (?-1821) Ларами, Жак
    Канадский траппер [ trapper] французского происхождения, торговец пушниной. Исследовал юго-восточные районы Вайоминга и был первым европейцем, посетившим эти места около 1818. В 1820 построил бревенчатую хижину на берегу реки, позднее названной его именем [ Laramie River]. В его честь названы также горный массив и пик [ Laramie Peak; Laramie Mountains], город [ Laramie], округ [Laramie County] и др.

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Laramie, Jacques

  • 59 Marquette, Jacques

    (1637-1675) Маркетт, Жак
    Французский миссионер-иезуит, путешественник. В 1668 основал первое поселение на территории современного Мичигана Солт-Сент-Мэри [ Sault Sainte Marie]. В 1673 вместе с Луи Жолье [ Jolliet, Louis] отправился в экспедицию из миссии Св. Игнатия [St. Ignace Mission] в Мичигане на поиски устья р. Миссисипи [ Mississippi River]. Они проследили течение реки вплоть до ее впадения в Мексиканский залив [ Mexico, Gulf of]. В 1674 Маркетт отправился в Иллинойс для основания новой миссии, но по дороге умер от дизентерии

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Marquette, Jacques

  • 60 La Ramie, Jacques

    [lɑ: rɑ:ˊmɪ] [ʒɑ:k] Ла Рами, Жак (ум. 1821), франко-канадский первопроходец и торговец пушниной, именем которого в США названы город, горы [Laramie Mts], пик, графство и река

    США. Лингвострановедческий англо-русский словарь > La Ramie, Jacques

См. также в других словарях:

  • Jacques — Jacques, die französische Form des männlichen Vornamens Jakob. Bekannte Namensträger sind: Inhaltsverzeichnis A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Jacques Cœur — Buste de Jacques Cœur (situé sur la façade du palais Jacques Cœur à Bourges et commandé par l intéressé) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Jacques VI — Jacques Ier d Angleterre Pour les articles homonymes, voir Jacques Ier …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Jacques — is the French equivalent of Jake (and subsequently Jacob or James). In French it is pronounced IPA|/ʒɑk/, but in English it is traditionally pronounced IPA|/ˈdʒeɪˌkwɛz/ as a first name and IPA|/dʒeks/ (North America) or IPA|/dʒeɪks/ (United… …   Wikipedia

  • jacques — [ ʒak ] n. m. • 1357; n. pr., bas lat. Jacobus 1 ♦ Hist. Surnom du paysan français. Ils « tâchent d accabler les pauvres Jacques sous la réprobation de l histoire » (É. Guillaumin). ♢ (v. 1880) Fam. Faire le Jacques : faire l idiot, se conduire… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Jacques Cœur — (Skulptur am Palais Jacques Cœur in Bourges, 15. Jahrhundert) Jacques Cœur (* 1395 in Bourges; † 25. November 1456 auf Chios) war ein französischer Kaufmann und Finanzier des Königs Karl VII. von Frankreich …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Jacques Cœur — (c. 1395 – November 25, 1456 in Chios), was a French merchant, one of the founders of the trade between France and the Levant. Contents 1 Origins 2 Early career 3 Later life 4 …   Wikipedia

  • Jacques — hace referencia a: Abreviación científica para el botánico Henri Antoine Jacques 1782 1866. Jacques Anquetil, ciclista francés. Jacques Cousteau, oceanógrafo francés. Jacques Derrida, filósofo francés. Jacques Martin, historietista francés.… …   Wikipedia Español

  • JACQUES II — (1430 1460) roi d’Écosse (1437 1460) Monté sur le trône en 1437, après le meurtre de son père Jacques Ier, Jacques II n’exerça le pouvoir qu’à partir de 1449, année de son mariage avec Marie de Gueldre, nièce de Philippe le Bon, duc de Bourgogne …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • JACQUES IV — (1472 1513) roi d’Écosse (1488 1513) Fils aîné de Jacques III, le futur Jacques IV est aux côtés des rebelles qui battent son père au Sauchieburn (1488), bataille suivie du meurtre du roi. Son rôle dans ces événements est mal connu et contesté.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Jacques I. — Jacques I. ist der Name folgender Personen: Jacques I. (Monaco) (1689–1751), Fürst von Monaco Jacques I. Androuet du Cerceau (1510/1520–1585/1586), französischer Architekt, Architekturtheoretiker, Zeichner und Kupferstecher Jacques I. de Bourbon …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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