Перевод: с английского на турецкий

с турецкого на английский


  • 1 ancient

    adj. eski, çok eski, eskiden kalma
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    eski zamandan kalma
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    1) (relating to times long ago, especially before the collapse of Rome: ancient history.) eski
    2) (very old: an ancient sweater.) çok eski

    English-Turkish dictionary > ancient

  • 2 angel

    n. melek, iyilik meleği; sponsor (piyes, oyun vb.)
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    1) (a messenger or attendant of God: The angels announced the birth of Christ to the shepherds.) melek
    2) (a very good or beautiful person: She's an absolute angel about helping us.) melek gibi kimse
    - angelically
    - angel-fish

    English-Turkish dictionary > angel

  • 3 anus

    n. anüs, makat
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    (the hole in your bottom through which solid waste leaves your body.) anüs, makat, kıç

    English-Turkish dictionary > anus

  • 4 chain

    adj. seri
    n. zincir, dizi, silsile, boyunduruk, sınırlama, ölçme zinciri
    v. zincirlemek, zincire vurmak, kayıt altına almak, ölçme zinciri ile ölçmek
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    1. zincirle bağla (v.) 2. zincirle (v.) 3. zincir (n.)
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    [ ein] 1. noun
    1) (a series of (especially metal) links or rings passing through one another: The dog was fastened by a chain; She wore a silver chain round her neck.) zincir
    2) (a series: a chain of events.) dizi
    2. verb
    (to fasten or bind with chains: The prisoner was chained to the wall.) zincirlemek, zincire vurmak
    - chain store

    English-Turkish dictionary > chain

  • 5 change

    n. değişiklik, değişim, demir para, yenilik, bozuk para, para üstü, üstü, borsa [brit.]
    v. değiştirmek, aktarmak, değişmek, takas etmek, değiş tokuş etmek, bozdurmak, bozmak, dönüşmek, haline gelmek, üzerini değişmek
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    1. değiş (v.) 2. değişiklik (n.) 3. değiştir (v.) 4. değişim (n.)
    * * *
    [ ein‹] 1. verb
    1) (to make or become different: They have changed the time of the train; He has changed since I saw him last.) değiş(tir)mek
    2) (to give or leave (one thing etc for another): She changed my library books for me.) değiştirmek
    3) ((sometimes with into) to remove (clothes etc) and replace them by clean or different ones: I'm just going to change (my shirt); I'll change into an old pair of trousers.) değiştirmek, üstüne giymek
    4) ((with into) to make into or become (something different): The prince was changed into a frog.) dönüş(tür)mek
    5) (to give or receive (one kind of money for another): Could you change this bank-note for cash?) değiştirmek
    2. noun
    1) (the process of becoming or making different: The town is undergoing change.) değişme, değişim
    2) (an instance of this: a change in the programme.) değişiklik
    3) (a substitution of one thing for another: a change of clothes.) değiştirme
    4) (coins rather than paper money: I'll have to give you a note - I have no change.) bozukluk
    5) (money left over or given back from the amount given in payment: He paid with a dollar and got 20 cents change.) para üstü
    6) (a holiday, rest etc: He has been ill - the change will do him good.) tatil, dinlenme
    - change hands
    - a change of heart
    - the change of life
    - change one's mind
    - for a change

    English-Turkish dictionary > change

  • 6 changeling

    n. bebekken başkası ile değişmiş çocuk, perilerin değiştirdiği çocuk
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    [' ein‹liŋ]
    (a child secretly left in place of another by the fairies etc.) periler tarafından değiştirildiği varsayılan çocuk

    English-Turkish dictionary > changeling

  • 7 exchange

    n. değiş tokuş, trampa, değiştirme, takas, bozma, karşılıklı alıp verme, karşılıklı olarak yapma, kambiyo, borsa, santral
    v. değiş tokuş etmek, bozdurmak, almak, çevirmek, takas etmek, bozmak, değiştirmek, karşılıklı alıp vermek, karşılıklı olarak yapmak
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    1. değiş tokuş 2. değiştir (v.) 3. değiştirme (n.)
    * * *
    [iks' ein‹] 1. verb
    1) (to give, or give up, in return for something else: Can you exchange a dollar note for two 50-cent pieces?) değiştirmek
    2) (to give and receive in return: They exchanged amused glances.)...-laşmak/-leşmek
    2. noun
    1) (the giving and taking of one thing for another: He gave me a pencil in exchange for the marble; An exchange of opinions is helpful.) değiş tokuş, alış veriş
    2) (a conversation or dispute: An angry exchange took place between the two brothers when their father's will was read.) tartışma
    3) (the act of exchanging the money of one country for that of another.) değiştirme
    4) (the difference between the value of money in different countries: What is the rate of exchange between the U.S. dollar and the yen?) kur
    5) (a place where business shares are bought and sold or international financial dealings carried on.) borsa
    6) ((also telephone exchange) a central telephone system where lines are connected.) santral

    English-Turkish dictionary > exchange

  • 8 gain

    n. kazanç, kâr, yarar, artma, ilerleme, yükselme
    v. kazanmak, kâr etmek, elde etmek, artırmak, ilerlemek, yükselmek, çoğalmak, ulaşmak, ileri gitmek (saat), almak
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    1. kazan (v.) 2. kazanç (n.)
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    [ɡein] 1. verb
    1) (to obtain: He quickly gained experience.) kazanmak
    2) ((often with by or from) to get (something good) by doing something: What have I to gain by staying here?) kazanmak
    3) (to have an increase in (something): He gained strength after his illness.) almak, kazanmak
    4) ((of a clock or watch) to go too fast: This clock gains (four minutes a day).) ileri gitmek
    2. noun
    1) (an increase (in weight etc): a gain of one kilo.) artma, artış
    2) (profits, advantage, wealth etc: His loss was my gain; He'd do anything for gain.) kâr
    - gain on

    English-Turkish dictionary > gain

  • 9 interchange

    n. değiştirme, değişme, takas, kavşak
    v. değiş tokuş etmek, değiştirmek, takas etmek, yer değişmek
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    1. değiş tokuş 2. değiştir (v.) 3. değiştirme (n.)
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    ['intə ein‹]
    1) (a place where two or more main roads or motorways at different levels are joined by means of several small roads, so allowing cars etc to move from one road to another.) kavşak
    2) ((an) exchange: an interchange of ideas.) değiş tokuş (etme)

    English-Turkish dictionary > interchange

  • 10 regain

    v. yeniden kazanmak, tekrar kavuşmak, geri dönmek, geri gelmek
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    tekrar ele geçir
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    1) (to get back again: The champion was beaten in January but regained the title in March.) yeniden kazanmak
    2) (to get back to (a place): The swimmer was swept out to sea, but managed to regain the shore.) yeniden ulaşmak

    English-Turkish dictionary > regain

См. также в других словарях:

  • Ein Hod — Hebrew …   Wikipedia

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  • Ein-China-Politik — (chinesisch 一個中國政策 / 一个中国政策 yī gè Zhōngguó zhèngcè) bezeichnet heute meist die von der Volksrepublik China verstandene politische Prämisse, dass es nur ein „China“ gibt, das neben dem von der Volksrepublik kontrollierten… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ein-China-Prinzip — Ein China Politik (chin. 一個中國政策 / 一个中国政策, yī gè Zhōngguó zhèngcè) bezeichnet heute meist die von der Volksrepublik China verstandene politische Prämisse, dass es nur ein „China“ gibt, das neben dem von der Volksrepublik kontrollierten Festland… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ein-China-These — Ein China Politik (chin. 一個中國政策 / 一个中国政策, yī gè Zhōngguó zhèngcè) bezeichnet heute meist die von der Volksrepublik China verstandene politische Prämisse, dass es nur ein „China“ gibt, das neben dem von der Volksrepublik kontrollierten Festland… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ein Bericht für eine Akademie — Ein Bericht für eine Akademie, gelesen von Hans Jörg Große Berlin, 2010. Ein Bericht für eine Akademi …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ein Hungerkünstler — ist eine Erzählung von Franz Kafka, die erstmals 1922 in der Zeitung Die neue Rundschau erschien.[1] Gleichzeitig ist es der Titel für den 1924 erschienenen Sammelband des Autors, der noch drei weitere Prosatexte enthielt. Drei der vier… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ein neuer Tag — Studioalbum von Juli Veröffentlichung 13. Oktober 2006 Label Universal/Polydor Island Format …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ein Überlebender aus Warschau — (Originaltitel A Survivor from Warsaw for Narrator, Men’s Chorus and Orchestra), op. 46, ist ein Melodram von Arnold Schönberg für einen Sprecher, Männerchor und Orchester aus dem Jahre 1947. Die Uraufführung fand am 4. November 1948 in… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ein-Chip-System — Ein Beagleboard als Beispiel eines Einchipsystems. Unter „System on a Chip (SoC)“ oder Ein Chip System (bzw. Einchipsystem) versteht man die Integration aller oder eines großen Teils der Systemfunktionen auf einem Stück Silizium, auch… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ein Besuch im Bergwerk — ist eine Erzählung von Franz Kafka, die im Jahr 1920 im Rahmen des Bandes Ein Landarzt erschien. Die obersten Ingenieure besuchen ein Bergwerk, um Ausmessungen durchzuführen, damit ein neuer Stollen angelegt werden kann. Erzählt wird die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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