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  • 1 its

    pron njegovo (njegov, njezin za predmete i životinje); svoj, svoja, svoje
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    English-Croatian dictionary > its

  • 2 its interpretations

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    njezina tumačenja

    English-Croatian dictionary > its interpretations

  • 3 as in its pre-service as in its in-service forms

    kako u školovanju tako i u doškolovanju

    English-Croatian dictionary > as in its pre-service as in its in-service forms

  • 4 because of its crushing debts

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    Restoraterska ponuda

    English-Croatian dictionary > because of its crushing debts

  • 5 Croatia declares its readiness

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    Hrvatska izjavljuje svoju spremnost

    English-Croatian dictionary > Croatia declares its readiness

  • 6 in its entirety

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    u potpunosti

    English-Croatian dictionary > in its entirety

  • 7 on its own

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    za svoj račun

    English-Croatian dictionary > on its own

  • 8 support its claim

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    English-Croatian dictionary > support its claim

  • 9 within the limits of its competence

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    u granicama njihovih nadležnosti
    u granicama svojih nadležnosti

    English-Croatian dictionary > within the limits of its competence

  • 10 retains its default height-to-width ratio

    [inform] zadržava zadani odnos visine i širine

    English-Croatian dictionary > retains its default height-to-width ratio

  • 11 since its existence

    postanak, od postanka

    English-Croatian dictionary > since its existence

  • 12 aspect

    s izgled, pogled, polozaj, aspekt, gledanje, gledište, stajalište, stanovište; pogled, izraz (lica); obličje, obraz; pojava, vanjština / the house has a southern # = kuća gleda na jug; economic # = s ekonomske perspektive; to consider a question in all its # = s razmatrati pitanje sa svih gledišta
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    izraz lica

    English-Croatian dictionary > aspect

  • 13 billet

    s 1. klada, cjepanica 2. šipka, poluga (metala) 3.[archit] ukras u obliku šipki (normansko graditeljstvo) s [mil] doznaka vojniku za konačište; konačište, kvartir; [fig] mjesto, smještaj, odredište, položaj / every bulet has its # = svaka kugla ima svoj cilj
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    English-Croatian dictionary > billet

  • 14 climax

    s [Lat] klimaks, vrhunac / to find its # = in doseći vrhunac u
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    English-Croatian dictionary > climax

  • 15 cloud

    s 1. oblak; magla, para 2. gomila, mnoštvo, roj 3.[fig] sjena, tama 4. nesreća, nevolja; mutnina, mrlja / # seeding = stvaranje umjetne kiše; #s [pl] = više sfere; nebo; under # of night = pod okriljem noći; [fig] in the #s = u oblacima, zadubljen u mislima; under a # = u nemilosti; to cast a # on = potamniti, pomutiti; to lift the # = ukloniti sjenu, osvijetliti; # of words = bujica (nejasnih) riječi; every # has its siler lining = u svakom zlu ima dobra; [fig] to drop from the #s = pasti s neba, pasti s oblaka
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    naoblačiti se

    English-Croatian dictionary > cloud

  • 16 consider

    vt/i I.[vt] 1. smatrati, držati za (I # him a good man); cijeniti ([to # a [th] on its artistic meristic]), biti mišljenja, misliti ([that]) 2. izeti u obzir, uvažiti 3. razmatrati, razmišljati o čemu; uzeti u razmatranje II.[vi] misliti; promišljati, razmišljati; predomišljati se
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    obazirati se
    obazrijeti se
    uzeti u obzir

    English-Croatian dictionary > consider

  • 17 eat

    vt/i (pret ate, eat; pp eaten) I.[vt] 1. izjesti, uzivati, pojesti progutati, pozderati; unistiti, [US] hraniti; [fig] gristi, muciti II.[vi] jesti, hraniti se / # one's words = opozvati svoje rijeci, polizati, poreci; # humble pie = poniziti se, moliti za oprostenje; cakes # crisp = kolaci su prhli; to # one's terms (ili dinners) = apsolvirati pravne nauke; the horse eats its head off = konj vise pojede nego sto je vrijedan; to # a pout of house and home = izjesti koga, dovesti koga na na prosjacki stap; to # in = nagrizavanjem se uvuci u sto (crv u sir itd.)
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    hraniti se

    English-Croatian dictionary > eat

  • 18 entirety

    s potpunost, cjelokupnost, cjelovitost, neoštećenost; konačni zbroj / in its # = u potpunosti, u cjelini; [jur] possession by entireties = nedjeljiv posjed
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    English-Croatian dictionary > entirety

  • 19 fullness

    s 1. punoća; obilje, izobilje, mnoštvo, bogatstvo (of čega) 2. potpunost, cijelost, čitavost, ukupnost, neokrnjenost 3. širina, prostranstvo, širenje, protezanje 4. nezgrapnost, nespretnost, neotesanost; ugojenost, gojaznost, debljina 5. (o glasu, boji itd.) bogatstvo, punoća, obujam, opseg, jačina / the # of the heart = ganuće, iskreni osjećaji; in the # of time = u određeno vrijeme; the # of the world = prostranstvo, širina svijeta; in its # = u punom opsegu
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    English-Croatian dictionary > fullness

  • 20 fulness

    s -] fullness s 1. punoća; obilje, izobilje, mnoštvo, bogatstvo (of čega) 2. potpunost, cijelost, čitavost, ukupnost, neokrnjenost 3. širina, prostranstvo, širenje, protezanje 4. nezgrapnost, nespretnost, neotesanost; ugojenost, gojaznost, debljina 5. (o glasu, boji itd.) bogatstvo, punoća, obujam, opseg, jačina / the # of the heart = ganuće, iskreni osjećaji; in the # of time = u određeno vrijeme; the # of the world = prostranstvo, širina svijeta; in its # = u punom opsegu
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    English-Croatian dictionary > fulness

См. также в других словарях:

  • its — [ ıts ] determiner *** Its is the possessive form of it. 1. ) belonging or relating to a thing, idea, place, animal, etc. when it has already been mentioned or when it is obvious which one you are referring to: The chair lay on its side. We were… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • ITS — ITS, it s or its can mean:* its , the possessive adjective and possessive pronoun form of the personal pronoun it * it s , a contraction of it is or it has * The It s man, a man with torn clothes and unkempt beard who appeared at the beginning of …   Wikipedia

  • its — /its/, pron. the possessive form of it (used as an attributive adjective): The book has lost its jacket. I m sorry about its being so late. [1590 1600; earlier it s, equiv. to IT1 + S1] Usage. While it is possible to use ITS as a predicate… …   Universalium

  • its - it's — ◊ its Its is a possessive determiner. You use its to indicate that something belongs or relates to a thing, place, animal, or child. He discovered the river had lost its beauty. The pig managed to keep its balance. She hoisted the child on her… …   Useful english dictionary

  • its — W1S1 [ıts] determiner [possessive form of it ] [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: it] used to refer to something that belongs to or is connected with a thing, animal, baby etc that has already been mentioned ▪ Salzburg is famous for its beautiful… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • its — /Its/ determiner the possessive form of it: The baby had fallen out of its crib. | I must admit the plan does have its merits …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • its — its, it s Its is the possessive form of it (The cat licked its paws) and it s is a shortened form of it is (It s raining again) or occasionally it has (I don t know if it s come) …   Modern English usage

  • its — ► POSSESSIVE DETERMINER 1) belonging to or associated with a thing previously mentioned or easily identified. 2) belonging to or associated with a child or animal of unspecified sex. USAGE A common error in writing is to confuse the possessive… …   English terms dictionary

  • Its — ([i^]ts), poss. pron. Possessive form of the pronoun it. See {It}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • its / it's —    Its is the possessive form of it, like hers, his, and theirs: The dog licked its foot after stepping in maple syrup.    It s is short for it is , a contraction of those two words: Well, I guess it s [it is] time to wash the dog again …   Confused words

  • its / it's —    Its is the possessive form of it, like hers, his, and theirs: The dog licked its foot after stepping in maple syrup.    It s is short for it is , a contraction of those two words: Well, I guess it s [it is] time to wash the dog again …   Confused words

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