1 iterated function system
Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > iterated function system
2 system
1) система || системный3) вчт операционная система; программа-супервизор5) вчт большая программа6) метод; способ; алгоритм•system halted — "система остановлена" ( экранное сообщение об остановке компьютера при наличии серьёзной ошибки)
- CPsystem- H-system- h-system- hydrogen-air/lead battery hybrid system- Ksystem- Lsystem- L*a*b* system- master/slave computer system- p-system- y-system- Δ-system -
3 function
1) функция, действие || функционировать; действовать- essential functions - routine function - safety-related functions2) функциональное назначение; роль- circuit function - intrinsic function - metering function - primary function - robot function - planning function - service function - support function4) функциональный узел ( машины)5) матем. функциональная зависимость, функция- absolutely additive function - absolutely bounded function - absolutely continuous function - absolutely integrable function - absolutely monotone function - absolutely summable function - absolutely symmetric function - almost complex function - almost continuous function - almost convex function - almost everywhere defined function - almost everywhere finite function - almost invariant function - almost periodic function - almost recursive function - almost separably-valued function - almost separating function - almost universal function - analytically independent function - analytically representable function - approximately differentiable function - asymptotically differentiable function - asymptotically finite function - asymptotically uniformly optimal function - bounded below function - cellwise continuous function - circumferentially mean p-valent function - comparison function - complementary error function - complete analytic function - completely additive function - completely computable function - completely monotone function - completely multiplicative function - completely productive function - completely subadditive function - completely symmetrical function - completely undefined function - complex hyperbolic function - conditional risk function - countably multiplicative function - countably valued function - covariant function - cumulative distribution function - cumulative frequency function - deficiency function - double limit function - doubly periodic function - doubly recursive function - effectively computable function - effectively constant function - effectively decidable function - effectively variable function - elementarily symmetric function - entire function of maximum type - entire function of mean type - entire function of potential type - entire function of zero type - entire rational function - essentially increasing function - essentially integrable function - essentially real function - essentially smooth function - everywhere differentiable function - everywhere smooth function - expansible function - explicitly definable function - exponentially convex function - exponentially decreasing function - exponentially increasing function - exponentially multiplicative function - exponentially vanishing function - finitely mean valent function - finitely measurable function - function of appropriate behavior - function of bounded characteristic - function of bounded type - function of bounded variation - function of complex variable - function of exponential type - function of finite genus - function of finite variation - function of fractional order - function of infinite type - function of integral order - function of maximal type - function of minimal type - function of mixed variables - function of normal type - function of number theory - function of one variable - function of rapid descent - function of rapid growth - function of real variable - general universal function - geometric carrier function - implicitly definable function - incomplete dibeta function - incomplete gamma function - incomplete tribeta function - incompletely defined function - inductively defined function - inductively integrable function - infinitely divisible function - infinitely many-valued function - integral logarithmic function - inverse trigonometric function - inverted beta function - iterative function - joint correlation function - joint density function - linearly separable function - locally bounded function - locally constant function - locally holomorphic function - locally homogeneous function - locally integrable function - locally negligible function - locally regular function - locally summable function - logarithmic generating function - logarithmic integral function - logarithmically infinite function - logarithmically plurisubharmonic function - logarithmically subharmonic function - lower semicontinuous function - monotone non-decreasing function - monotone non-increasing function - multiply periodic function - multiply recursive function - negative definite function - negative infinite function - nontangentially bounded function - normalized function - normed function - nowhere continuous function - nowhere differentiable function - nowhere monotonic function - n-times differentiable function - n-tuply periodic function - numeralwise expressible function - numeralwise representable function - numerical function - numerically valued function - oblate spheroidal function - operating characteristic function - optimal policy function - parametrically definable function - partially symmetric function - piecewise constant function - piecewise continuously differentiable function - piecewise linear function - piecewise monotonic function - piecewise polynomial function - piecewise quadratic function - piecewise regular function - piecewise smooth function - pointwise approximated function - positive homogeneous function - positive infinite function - positive monotone function - positive monotonic function - positive semidefinite function - potentially calculable function - potentially recursive function - power series function - probability generating function - quadratically summable function - rapidly damped function - rapidly decreasing function - rapidly oscillatory function - recursively continuous function - recursively convergent function - recursively defined function - recursively differentiable function - recursively divergent function - recursively extensible function - relative distribution function - relative frequency function - representing function - reproducing kernel function - residual function - residue function - scalarwise integrable function - scalarwise measurable function - sectionally smooth function - simply periodic function - singly recursive function - slowly increasing function - slowly oscillating function - slowly varying function - smoothly varying function - solid spherical harmonic function - solid zonal harmonic function - steadily increasing function - stopped random function - strictly convex function - strictly decreasing function - strictly increasing function - strictly integrable function - strictly monotone function - strongly differentiable function - strongly holomorphic function - strongly integrable function - strongly measurable function - strongly plurisubharmonic function - totally additive function - totally continuous function - totally measurable function - totally multiplicative function - totally positive function - triangular function - uniformly best decision function - uniformly bounded function - uniformly definable function - uniformly differentiable function - uniformly homotopic function - uniformly integrable function - uniformly limited function - uniformly measurable function - uniformly smooth function - unit step function - unitary divisor function - upper measurable function - upper semicontinuous function - weakly analytic function - weakly continuous function - weakly differentiable function - weakly holomorphic function - weakly measurable function - weakly singular function - weighted random functiondomain of a function — область определения функции, область изменения независимой переменной
Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > IFS
1) Компьютерная техника: Institutional File System, Integrated File System, InterFrame Space, Interchange File Separator2) Авиация: внутренняя неподвижная конструкция, бортовое обслуживание пассажиров (in-flight service)4) Военный термин: Imagery File Server, in-flight safety, inshore fire support ship, integrated facilities system, integrated flight system, interface specification, International Food Standard6) Метеорология: Integrated Forecasting System7) Бухгалтерия: Institutional Financing Services8) Финансы: International Finance Corporation, Indian Financial System9) Автомобильный термин: inertia fuel switch, Independent Front Suspension (независимая передняя подвеска)10) Геодезия: Международная федерация геодезистов, МФГ11) Телекоммуникации: Installable File System (Windows 95)12) Сокращение: Indirect Fire Simulator, Inspectorate of Flight Safety (USAF, UK Royal Air Force), Instrument Flight Simulator, International Federation of Surveyors, International Foundation for Science13) Физиология: Irradiated Food Syndrome14) Вычислительная техника: Installable/Integrated File System, installable file system, ICOT Free Software (ICOT), InterFrame Space (MAC, 802. 11a), Installable File System (OS/2, DOS), Internet File System (Oracle, DB, Internet), Intelligent Fax System (Ricoh), Internal Field Separator (Unix, AWK), Разрешённые к установке файловые системы (Installable File System), internet file system, инсталлируемая файловая система, разделитель внутренних полей16) Транспорт: Inflight Survey, Inland Freight Station17) Сетевые технологии: Interim Facility Share, IOS File System (Cisco)18) Программирование: Internal Field Separator19) Теория управления запасами: inventory followed by shortages = циклическая модель "Пополнение запасов с последующим дефицитом" (http://www.jstor.org/pss/3010041)20) Макаров: Institute for Fusion Studies, immediate forward support21) Безопасность: Internet Fraud Screen22) Расширение файла: Iterated function system fractal (Fractint), Installable file system (OS/2), Fractal image compressed file (YuvPak)23) SAP.тех. интегрированная файловая система24) NYSE. Insignia Financial Group, Inc.25) Программное обеспечение: Industrial Financial Systems26) Международная торговля: International Financial Statistics -
1) [installable file system] система инсталлируемых файлов, система IfS, драйвер файловых систем, программа fSD2) [internal field separators] внутренние разделители поля3) [iterated function system] система итерируемых функций -
1) сокр. от installable file system система инсталлируемых файлов, система IFS, драйвер файловых систем, программа FSD2) сокр. от internal field separators внутренние разделители поля3) сокр. от iterated function system система итерируемых функцийThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > IFS
8 fractal compression
= fractal image compressionметод сжатия [видео]изображений, использующий фракталы. Предложен английским математиком Майклом Барнсли (Michael Barnsley) и реализован его бывшим студентом А. Jacquin. Сейчас разработано множество вариаций данного метода. Метод заключается в идентификации тех элементов изображения, которые имеют фрактальную структуру, с последующим их сохранением в виде множества соответствующих математических функций и их аргументов (так называемой системы итеративных функций - iterated function system, IFS); многократное решение этих уравнений обеспечит регенерацию (воспроизведение) форм элементов. Особенность этой технологии - одинаковое разрешение изображения независимо от его размера. Это свойство обозначают термином resolution independence (RI) - независимость разрешенияАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > fractal compression
9 graph
1) граф2) график || строить график3) диаграмма || чертить диаграмму•- alternating composition graph - arbitrarily transversable graph - derived graph - doubly connected graph - doubly transitive graph - fully connected graph - locally countable graph - locally finite graph - locally restricted graph - log-log graph - partially labeled graph - partially orderable graph - progressively finite graph - regressively finite graph - strictly weak graph - strongly orientable graph - strongly regular graph - strongly rigid graph - strongly singular graph - strongly smooth graph - totally inductive graph - triangleless graph - triply transitive graph - uniquely intersectable graph - uniquely representable graph - weakly disconnected graph
См. также в других словарях:
Iterated function system — In mathematics, iterated function systems or IFSs are a method of constructing fractals; the resulting constructions are always self similar.IFS fractals as they are normally called can be of any number of dimensions, but are commonly computed… … Wikipedia
Iterated function — In mathematics, iterated functions are the objects of deep study in computer science, fractals and dynamical systems. An iterated function is a function which is composed with itself, repeatedly, a process called iteration.DefinitionThe formal… … Wikipedia
L-system — An L system or Lindenmayer system is a parallel rewriting system, namely a variant of a formal grammar (a set of rules and symbols), most famously used to model the growth processes of plant development, but also able to model the morphology of a … Wikipedia
Function composition — For function composition in computer science, see function composition (computer science). g ∘ f, the composition of f and g. For example, (g ∘ f)(c) = #. In mathematics, function composition is the application of one function to the resul … Wikipedia
Refinable function — In mathematics, in the area of wavelet analysis, a refinable function is a function which fulfills some kind of self similarity. A function varphi is called refinable with respect to the mask h if:varphi(x)=2cdotsum {k=0}^{N 1} h… … Wikipedia
Inverse function — In mathematics, if fnof; is a function from A to B then an inverse function for fnof; is a function in the opposite direction, from B to A , with the property that a round trip (a composition) from A to B to A (or from B to A to B ) returns each… … Wikipedia
Ordinal collapsing function — In mathematical logic and set theory, an ordinal collapsing function (or projection function) is a technique for defining (notations for) certain recursive large countable ordinals, whose principle is to give names to certain ordinals much larger … Wikipedia
Error function — Plot of the error function In mathematics, the error function (also called the Gauss error function) is a special function (non elementary) of sigmoid shape which occurs in probability, statistics and partial differential equations. It is defined … Wikipedia
Measure-preserving dynamical system — In mathematics, a measure preserving dynamical system is an object of study in the abstract formulation of dynamical systems, and ergodic theory in particular. Contents 1 Definition 2 Examples 3 Homomorphisms 4 … Wikipedia
Cryptographic hash function — A cryptographic hash function (specifically, SHA 1) at work. Note that even small changes in the source input (here in the word over ) drastically change the resulting output, by the so called avalanche effect. A cryptographic hash function is a… … Wikipedia
Fractal compression — is a lossy image compression method using fractals to achieve high levels of compression. The method is best suited for photographs of natural scenes (trees, mountains, ferns, clouds). The fractal compression technique relies on the fact that in… … Wikipedia