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  • 1 wash

    /wɔʃ/ * danh từ - sự tắm rửa, sự tắm gội, sự rửa ráy =to have a wash+ tắm rửa, rửa ráy - sự rửa (vật gì) =to give something a wash+ rửa vật gì - sự giặt, sự giặt giũ; quần áo giặt; nơi giặt =to send clothes to the wash+ đem giặt quần áo - nước rửa, nước gội - nước rửa bát, nước vo gạo - nước lã, nước ốc =this soupe is a mere wash+ súp nhạt như nước ốc =this tea is like wash+ nước chè này đúng là như nước lã - lớp tráng, lớp thiếp (trên mặt kim loại); nước vôi (quét tường) - (địa lý,địa chất) phù sa, đất bồi - (hội họa) lớp màu nước (trên mặt bức hoạ) - (hàng hải) sóng; tiếng sóng !to come out in the wash - có kết quả tốt, kết thúc tốt - (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (từ lóng) sớm muộn rồi cũng lộ ra, sớm muộn rồi cũng ra ánh sáng; sớm muộn rồi cũng giải thích ra * ngoại động từ - rửa =to wash one's hands+ rửa tay; (nghĩa bóng) phủi tay, không chịu trách nhiệm - giặt - chảy, chảy sát gần, vỗ vào =the sea washes the base of the cliffs+ biển vỗ vào chân vách đá - cuốn đi, giạt vào =to be washed over ashore+ bị giạt vào bờ - khoét, nạo =the water had washed a channel in the sand+ nước đã khoét thành một đường mương trong cát - thấm đẫm, làm ướt =washed with dew+ đẫm sương =washed with tears+ đầm đìa nước mắt - thiếp vàng (một kim loại); quét vôi, quét sơn (tường) - (hội họa) tô màu nước (lên bức hoạ) - (kỹ thuật) đãi (quặng) * nội động từ - rửa ráy, tắm rửa, tắm gội - giặt quần áo =to wash for a living+ làm nghề giặt quần áo để kiếm sống - có thể giặt được (mà không hỏng...) =this stuff won't wash+ vải len này không giặt được =that won't wash!+ (nghĩa bóng) cái đó không được! =that argument won't wash+ lý lẽ ấy không vững - bị nước xói lở (con đường...) !to wash away - rửa sạch (vết bẩn) - làm lở, cuốn trôi, cuốn đi =the bank is gradually washed by the current+ bờ sông bị dòng nước làm cho lở mòn dần !to wash down - rửa (bằng vòi nước) =to wash down a car+ rửa xe ô tô - nuốt trôi, chiêu =he swallows a glass of water to wash his bread down+ nó uống một cốc nước để nuốt trôi miếng bánh =to wash down one's dinner with wine+ vừa ăn vừa chiêu rượu !to wash off - rửa sạch, giặt sạch !to wash out - rửa sạch, súc sạch (cái chai) - pha loãng; loãng ra, phai đi, bay mất (màu sắc), bạc màu (vì giặt nhiều) =dress is quite washed out+ áo bạc hết màu - có thể tẩy (rửa) đi được - đãi (cát lấy vàng) - giũ sạch (nợ); rửa (nhục) =to wash out an insult in blood+ rửa nhục bằng máu =all his debts are washed out+ nó đã giũ sạch được hết các món nợ =to be (look, feel) washed out+ (thông tục) mệt lử, phờ phạc !to wash up - rửa bát đĩa - (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) rửa mặt, tắm gội - cuốn, đưa vào bờ, giạt vào bờ - (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (thông tục) ((thường) dạng bị động) bị loại ra, bị bỏ ra

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > wash

  • 2 nicht vor

    - {not till; not until} = gar nicht {none; not at all}+ = ist nicht {ain't; isn't}+ = ehe nicht {not until}+ = nicht mehr {no longer; no more; not any longer}+ = kann nicht {cannot}+ = nicht wohl {seedy; unwell}+ = darf nicht {must not}+ = nicht fest {non-solid}+ = nicht fein {unladylike}+ = nicht klar {turbid}+ = auch nicht {either; neither; nor; nor yet; not either}+ = noch nicht {not yet}+ = wenn nicht {but; unless}+ = hatte nicht {had not; hadn't}+ = damit nicht {lest}+ = bevor nicht {not until}+ = falls nicht {unless}+ = das zieht nicht {that cuts no ice}+ = warum nicht? {why not?}+ = es geht nicht {it won't work}+ = nicht so bald {not in a hurry}+ = es eilt nicht {there's no hurry}+ = das tut nicht weh {that won't hurt}+ = das geht nicht an {that won't do}+ = gar nicht übel {not half bad}+ = ich darf nicht {I am not at liberty; I must not}+ = ich auch nicht {me neither; nor I either}+ = nicht mehr als {within}+ = das sage ich nicht {that is telling}+ = das ist nicht drin {that's no go}+ = das ist nicht ohne {that's not half bad}+ = schon gar nicht {least of all}+ = er ist nicht da {he is not in}+ = lange nicht tun {to be slow to do}+ = das liegt mir nicht {that's not in my way}+ = das heißt nicht viel {that doesn't mean a lot}+ = das juckt mich nicht {I don't care about}+ = das reizt mich nicht {that doesn't appeal to me}+ = er wird nicht alt {he won't make old bones}+ = es ist nicht klug {it doesn't do to be}+ = ich weiß nicht ob {I don't know that}+ = er zählt nicht mit {he is a back number}+ = es liegt mir nicht {it is not in my nature}+ = rede nicht so laut {don't talk so loud}+ = auch nicht so viel {not a dreg}+ = lüg mich nicht an! {don't lie to me!}+ = genier dich nicht! {make yourself at home!}+ = ganz und gar nicht {not a bit of it; not at all}+ = das ist gar nicht übel {that isn't half bad}+ = es taugt nicht viel {it isn't much good}+ = es lohnt sich nicht {it doesn't pay}+ = reg dich nicht auf! {don't get off your bike!; keep cool!}+ = das gilt nicht für dich {this does not apply to you}+ = das zieht bei mir nicht {that won't wash with me}+ = das mache ich nicht mit {I won't be a party to that}+ = schau nicht so dumm. {don't look like that.}+ = er ist noch nicht auf {he isn't up yet}+ = so etwas gibt es nicht {such a thing doesn't exist}+ = da mache ich nicht mit {count me out}+ = rege dich nicht so auf {don't get your knickers in a twist}+ = jetzt erst recht nicht {now less than ever}+ = das ist bei mir nicht drin {you can't do that with me}+ = sie ist nicht mehr jung {she is no spring chicken}+ = stell dich nicht so an! {don't make such a fuss!}+ = dann gehe ich auch nicht {I shall not either}+ = ich habe es nicht bei mir {I don't have it with me}+ = das lohnt sich nicht für mich {that is not worth my while}+ = es ist mit ihm nicht weit her {he is no great shakes}+ = er ist nicht so böse wie er tut {his bark is worse than his bite}+ = ich weiß nicht, was ich tun soll {I'm at a loss what to do}+ = es fällt mir nicht ein, das zu tun {I shouldn't dream of doing that}+ = wenn du nicht gehst, gehe ich auch nicht {if you don't go, neither shall I}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > nicht vor

См. также в других словарях:

  • wash off — verb remove by the application of water or other liquid and soap or some other cleaning agent he washed the dirt from his coat The nurse washed away the blood Can you wash away the spots on the windows? he managed to wash out the stains • Syn:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • wash — [wôsh, wäsh] vt. [ME wasshen < OE wæscan, akin to Ger waschen: for prob. IE base see WATER] 1. to clean by means of water or other liquid, as by dipping, tumbling, or scrubbing, often with soap, a detergent, etc. 2. to make clean in a… …   English World dictionary

  • wash — wash1 W3S1 [wɔʃ US wo:ʃ, wa:ʃ] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(wash something)¦ 2¦(wash yourself)¦ 3¦(flow)¦ 4 something doesn t/won t wash (with somebody) 5 wash your hands of something 6 wash your mouth out! 7 wash well Phrasal verbs  wash something<=>away… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • wash — wash1 W3S1 [wɔʃ US wo:ʃ, wa:ʃ] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(wash something)¦ 2¦(wash yourself)¦ 3¦(flow)¦ 4 something doesn t/won t wash (with somebody) 5 wash your hands of something 6 wash your mouth out! 7 wash well Phrasal verbs  wash something<=>away… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • wash out — verb 1. prevent or interrupt due to rain (Freq. 1) The storm had washed out the game • Syn: ↑rain out • Hypernyms: ↑prevent, ↑keep • Verb Frames …   Useful english dictionary

  • wash — wash1 [ waʃ ] verb *** 1. ) transitive to clean something, usually with soap and water: I ve got to wash the dishes. a freshly washed shirt a ) intransitive or transitive to clean a part of your body, usually with soap and water: Wash your hands… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • wash — 1 verb 1 WASH SOMETHING (T) to clean something using soap and water: I m just going to wash my hands. | This shirt needs washing. | wash the dishes: It s your turn to wash the dishes. 2 WASH YOURSELF (I) to clean yourself with soap and water: Amy …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • wash — v. & n. v. 1 tr. cleanse (oneself or a part of oneself, clothes, etc.) with liquid, esp. water. 2 tr. (foll. by out, off, away, etc.) remove a stain or dirt in this way. 3 intr. wash oneself or esp. one s hands and face. 4 intr. wash clothes etc …   Useful english dictionary

  • wash — I. verb Etymology: Middle English, from Old English wascan; akin to Old High German waskan to wash and perhaps to Old English wæter water Date: before 12th century transitive verb 1. a. to cleanse by or as if by the action of liquid (as water) b …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • wash — /wosh, wawsh/, v.t. 1. to apply water or some other liquid to (something or someone) for the purpose of cleansing; cleanse by dipping, rubbing, or scrubbing in water or some other liquid. 2. to remove (dirt, stains, paint, or any matter) by or as …   Universalium

  • Wash West — Wash Westmoreland (b. March 4, 1966) has recently emerged as a nationally known independent film director with his 2006 release, Quinceañera , which had a double Sundance win (Audience Award and Grand Jury Prize), and also picked up the Humanitas …   Wikipedia

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