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  • 1 hold

    • omistaa
    • olla voimassa
    • olla käypä
    • omata
    • olla mieltä
    • painiote
    • ote
    • ruuma
    finance, business, economy
    • toimittaa
    • toimeenpanna
    • hoitaa
    • vetää
    • estää
    • sitoa
    • sisältää
    • vaikutus
    • pysyä
    • päättää
    • kestää
    • kiinnekohta
    • kiinnike
    • kiinnityskohta
    • levähdysmerkki
    • kannatella
    • hallita
    • pidellä
    • pidättää
    • pidäke
    • pidätin
    • mahtua
    • soveltua
    • tarttua
    • käsitellä
    • lastiruuma
    • pitää kiinni
    • pitää paikkansa
    • pitää kädessä
    • pitää hallussaan
    • pitää
    * * *
    I 1. həuld past tense, past participle - held; verb
    1) (to have in one's hand(s) or between one's hands: He was holding a knife; Hold that dish with both hands; He held the little boy's hand; He held the mouse by its tail.) pitää
    2) (to have in a part, or between parts, of the body, or between parts of a tool etc: He held the pencil in his teeth; She was holding a pile of books in her arms; Hold the stamp with tweezers.) pitää
    3) (to support or keep from moving, running away, falling etc: What holds that shelf up?; He held the door closed by leaning against it; Hold your hands above your head; Hold his arms so that he can't struggle.) pitää
    4) (to remain in position, fixed etc when under strain: I've tied the two pieces of string together, but I'm not sure the knot will hold; Will the anchor hold in a storm?) pitää
    5) (to keep (a person) in some place or in one's power: The police are holding a man for questioning in connection with the murder; He was held captive.) pitää vangittuna
    6) (to (be able to) contain: This jug holds two pints; You can't hold water in a handkerchief; This drawer holds all my shirts.) sisältää
    7) (to cause to take place: The meeting will be held next week; We'll hold the meeting in the hall.) pitää
    8) (to keep (oneself), or to be, in a particular state or condition: We'll hold ourselves in readiness in case you send for us; She holds herself very erect.) pitää
    9) (to have or be in (a job etc): He held the position of company secretary for five years.) hoitaa
    10) (to think strongly; to believe; to consider or regard: I hold that this was the right decision; He holds me (to be) responsible for everyone's mistakes; He is held in great respect; He holds certain very odd beliefs.) uskoa, pitää
    11) (to continue to be valid or apply: Our offer will hold until next week; These rules hold under all circumstances.) olla voimassa
    12) ((with to) to force (a person) to do something he has promised to do: I intend to hold him to his promises.) vaatia pitämään kiinni
    13) (to defend: They held the castle against the enemy.) puolustaa
    14) (not to be beaten by: The general realized that the soldiers could not hold the enemy for long.) pidätellä
    15) (to keep (a person's attention): If you can't hold your pupils' attention, you can't be a good teacher.) pitää yllä
    16) (to keep someone in a certain state: Don't hold us in suspense, what was the final decision?)
    17) (to celebrate: The festival is held on 24 June.) pitää
    18) (to be the owner of: He holds shares in this company.) omistaa
    19) ((of good weather) to continue: I hope the weather holds until after the school sports.) jatkua
    20) ((also hold the line) (of a person who is making a telephone call) to wait: Mr Brown is busy at the moment - will you hold or would you like him to call you back?) odottaa
    21) (to continue to sing: Please hold that note for four whole beats.) jatkaa
    22) (to keep (something): They'll hold your luggage at the station until you collect it.) säilyttää
    23) ((of the future) to be going to produce: I wonder what the future holds for me?) olla jonkun varalle
    2. noun
    1) (the act of holding: He caught/got/laid/took hold of the rope and pulled; Keep hold of that rope.)
    2) (power; influence: He has a strange hold over that girl.)
    3) ((in wrestling etc) a manner of holding one's opponent: The wrestler invented a new hold.)
    - - holder
    - hold-all
    - get hold of
    - hold back
    - hold down
    - hold forth
    - hold good
    - hold it
    - hold off
    - hold on
    - hold out
    - hold one's own
    - hold one's tongue
    - hold up
    - hold-up
    - hold with
    II həuld noun
    ((in ships) the place, below the deck, where cargo is stored.) lastiruuma

    English-Finnish dictionary > hold

  • 2 kick

    • jännitys
    • voima
    • potkia
    • potku
    • potkija
    administration and government
    • ponsi
    • potkaisu
    • potkaista
    • pyristellä
    • takapotku
    • polkaisu
    • piristys
    • polkea
    * * *
    kik 1. verb
    1) (to hit or strike out with the foot: The child kicked his brother; He kicked the ball into the next garden; He kicked at the locked door; He kicked open the gate.) potkaista
    2) ((of a gun) to jerk or spring back violently when fired.) potkaista
    2. noun
    1) (a blow with the foot: The boy gave him a kick on the ankle; He was injured by a kick from a horse.) potku
    2) (the springing back of a gun after it has been fired.) potkaisu
    3) (a pleasant thrill: She gets a kick out of making people happy.) mielihyvä
    - kick off
    - kick up

    English-Finnish dictionary > kick

  • 3 change

    • oikaisu
    • junanvaihto
    • henkilömuutos
    • henkilövaihdos
    • heilahdus
    • vastine
    • siirtyä
    • ailahdella
    • vaihtorahat
    • vaihtaa pukua
    • vaihtaa uuteen
    • vaihdella
    • vaihto
    • vaihtaa junaa ym
    • vaihde
    • vaihtelu
    • vaihdos
    • vaihtua
    • vaihtoraha
    • vaihtuminen
    • vaihtovaatekerta
    • vaihtaa
    • vaihtaa kulkuneuvoa
    • pörssi
    • mennä
    • muuttaa
    • muuttaa (muuntaa)
    • muuntua
    • muuntaa
    • muuttaa pukua
    automatic data processing
    • muutos (atk)
    • muute
    • muutto
    • muunnella
    • muuttua
    • muuttaminen
    • muutos
    • muuttuminen
    • muutella
    • parannus
    • käänne
    • kääntää
    • käydä
    • pikkuraha
    • kolikot
    • korjaus
    • lunastaa
    * * *
     ein‹ 1. verb
    1) (to make or become different: They have changed the time of the train; He has changed since I saw him last.) muuttaa, muuttua
    2) (to give or leave (one thing etc for another): She changed my library books for me.) vaihtaa
    3) ((sometimes with into) to remove (clothes etc) and replace them by clean or different ones: I'm just going to change (my shirt); I'll change into an old pair of trousers.) vaihtaa
    4) ((with into) to make into or become (something different): The prince was changed into a frog.) muuttaa, muuttua joksikin
    5) (to give or receive (one kind of money for another): Could you change this bank-note for cash?) vaihtaa
    2. noun
    1) (the process of becoming or making different: The town is undergoing change.) muutos
    2) (an instance of this: a change in the programme.) muutos
    3) (a substitution of one thing for another: a change of clothes.) vaihto
    4) (coins rather than paper money: I'll have to give you a note - I have no change.) vaihtoraha
    5) (money left over or given back from the amount given in payment: He paid with a dollar and got 20 cents change.) vaihtoraha
    6) (a holiday, rest etc: He has been ill - the change will do him good.) vaihtelu
    - change hands
    - a change of heart
    - the change of life
    - change one's mind
    - for a change

    English-Finnish dictionary > change

См. также в других словарях:

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