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  • 1 serviceable

    adj. iş görür, faydalı, kullanışlı, dayanıklı, uzun ömürlü, işe yarar
    * * *
    işe yarar
    * * *
    1) (useful; capable of being used: This tractor is so old it is barely serviceable now.) faydalı, işe yarar
    2) (hard-wearing: He walks to school every day, so he must have serviceable shoes.) dayanıklı, sağlam

    English-Turkish dictionary > serviceable

  • 2 serviceable

    dayanikli; kullanisli, ise yarar, yararli

    English to Turkish dictionary > serviceable

  • 3 serviceable time

    hizmet verebilme zamani

    English to Turkish dictionary > serviceable time

  • 4 serviceable

    işe yarar

    English-Turkish new dictionary > serviceable

  • 5 combat serviceable item

    muharebeye elverişli madde

    English-Turkish dictionary > combat serviceable item

  • 6 combat serviceable item

    muharebeye elverişli madde

    English-Turkish new dictionary > combat serviceable item

  • 7 service

    adj. hizmet
    n. dinsel tören, dini tören, servis, hizmet, görev, ayin, memuriyet, fayda, faaliyet, işleme, askerlik, servis takımı, bildiri, tebliğ, servis atışı, tamirhane, destek birliği, ibadet, kulluk, uşaklık, hizmetçilik, üvez ağacı
    v. bakımını yapmak, tamir etmek, müşteriye bakmak, hizmet vermek, yardım etmek, çiftleştirmek (kısrak)
    * * *
    1. hizmet et (v.) 2. servis (n.) 3. hizmet ver (v.) 4. servis ver (v.) 5. hizmet (n.)
    * * *
    ['sə:vis] 1. noun
    1) (the process of serving customers in a hotel, shop etc: You get very slow service in that shop; ( also adjective) a service charge on a hotel bill.) servis, hizmet
    2) (the act of doing something to help: He was rewarded for his service to refugees.) hizmet
    3) (the condition or work of a servant: In the last century, many young women went into service; She had been in service as a kitchen maid; He has given faithful service to the church for many years.) hizmet, hizmetçilik, uşaklık
    4) (a check made of all parts of eg a car, machine etc to ensure that it is in a good condition: Bring your car in for a service.) servis, bakım
    5) (a regular public supply of something eg transport: a good train service into the city.) servis, hizmet
    6) (a regular meeting for worship, or a religious ceremony (in church): He attends a church service every Sunday.) âyin
    7) (in tennis and similar games, the act or manner of serving the ball: He has a strong service.) servis (atma)
    8) (a department of public or government work: the Civil Service.) daire,... Hizmetleri,... işleri
    9) ((often in plural) one of the three fighting forces, the army, navy or air force.) ordu
    10) (employment in one of these: military service.) askerlik
    2. verb
    (to check (a car, machine etc) thoroughly to ensure that it works properly.) bakım(ını) yaptırmak
    - serviceman
    - service station

    English-Turkish dictionary > service

См. также в других словарях:

  • Serviceable — Serv ice*a*ble, a. 1. Doing service; promoting happiness, interest, advantage, or any good; useful to any end; adapted to any good end use; beneficial; advantageous. Serviceable to religion and learning . Atterbury. Serviceable tools. Macaulay.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • serviceable — “ready to do service,” early 14c., from O.Fr. serviçable, from servise (see SERVICE (Cf. service) (n.)). Edgar: I know thee well: a serviceable villain, As duteous to the vices of thy mistress As badness would desire. [ King Lear, Act IV,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • serviceable — [sʉr′vis ə bəl] adj. [ME servisable < OFr] 1. that can be of service; ready for use; useful; usable 2. that will give good service, esp. in hard use; durable [a serviceable fabric] 3. Archaic willing to serve serviceability n. serviceableness… …   English World dictionary

  • serviceable — index constructive (creative), convenient, disposable, effective (efficient), functional, instrumental …   Law dictionary

  • serviceable — is spelt with an e in the middle, to preserve the soft sound of the c …   Modern English usage

  • serviceable — [adj] useful, functional advantageous, aiding, assistive, beneficial, convenient, dependable, durable, efficient, handy, hardwearing, helpful, invaluable, operative, practical, profitable, usable, utile, utilitarian, valuable; concept 560 Ant.… …   New thesaurus

  • serviceable — ► ADJECTIVE 1) fulfilling its function adequately; usable or in working order. 2) functional and durable rather than attractive. DERIVATIVES serviceability noun …   English terms dictionary

  • serviceable — [[t]sɜ͟ː(r)vɪsəb(ə)l[/t]] ADJ GRADED If you describe something as serviceable, you mean that it is good enough to be used and to perform its function. His Arabic was not as good as his English, but serviceable enough... A customer took a… …   English dictionary

  • serviceable — adjective Date: 14th century 1. helpful, useful 2. fit for use < a serviceable design >; also of adequate quality < her serviceable but not exceptional voice Irving Kolodin > • serviceability noun • serviceableness …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • serviceable — adjective 1) a serviceable heating system Syn: in working order, working, functioning, functional, operational, operative; usable, workable, viable Ant: unusable 2) serviceable lace up shoes …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • serviceable — serviceability, serviceableness, n. serviceably, adv. /serr veuh seuh beuhl/, adj. 1. capable of or being of service; useful. 2. wearing well; durable: serviceable cloth. 3. capable of being used, worn, cleaned, repaired, etc., easily. [1300 50;… …   Universalium

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