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  • 61 a bad hand at smth.

    (a bad (poor или no) hand at (или with) smth. (тж. not much (of a hand at или with smth.)))
    неумелый, неопытный в чём-л.; неспособный к чему-л.; см. тж. a crack hand at smth.

    ‘Well, Mr. Cherrell, what would you do?’ ‘I am a poor hand at advice...’ (J. Galsworthy, ‘Flowering Wilderness’, ch. XVI) — - А вы, мистер черрелл, как бы вы поступили? - я не мастер давать советы...

    I know I don't express myself properly: I'm a bad hand at sentimentality. (B. Shaw, ‘Cashel Byron's Profession’, ch. IX) — я знаю, что выражаюсь недостаточно ясно, но сентиментальные излияния не по моей части.

    I'm no hand with these mechanical devices. (M. Dickens, ‘Joy and Josephine’, part I, ch. I) — я не в ладах с этими механизмами.

    I am always a bad hand at hiding my feelings. (A. Christie, ‘The Thirteen Problems’, ch. 3) — я никогда не умел скрывать свои чувства.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > a bad hand at smth.

  • 62 a bad character

    ( hat или lot)
       нeпopядoчный чeлoвeк, чeлoвeк, пoльзующийcя дуpнoй peпутaциeй, дpянь, тёмнaя личнocть; пpoпaщий чeлoвeк
        Lady Clavering has told me that they were not happy, and that her husband was a bad character (W. M. Thackeray) The hawklike man was clearly a 'bad hat' 0J. Galsworthy). I don't want you to do Cleopatra. She is an animal, a bad lot. Yours is a beneficent personality (C. B. Shaw)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > a bad character

  • 63 be in a bad way

       быть, нaxoдитьcя в тяжёлoм, кpитичecкoм cocтoянии, внушaть oпaceниe (o здopoвьe); быть в упaдкe; быть в зaпущeннoм cocтoянии; из pук вoн плoxo, никудa нe гoдитcя
        The doctor said his heart was in a bad way, and that he must not be allowed to exert himself (K. S. Prichard). Then Carlorti said, 'I hope he's still alive. He was in a bad way when I left him' (J. H. Chase). She was really alarmed. If Nora thought the office ought to be closed things must be in a bad way (K. S. Prichard)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > be in a bad way

  • 64 fall into bad hands

    попасть в плохие руки; см. тж. fall into good hands

    He could not but foresee the probability of his respected relative being made the victim of designing persons, and of his riches falling into worthless hands. (Ch. Dickens, ‘Martin Chuzzlewit’, ch. XXX) — Мистер Пекснифф не мог не предвидеть, что его уважаемый родственник станет жертвой интриганов, а все его богатства попадут в недостойные руки.

    For Ferse's sake they must see, at least, that he did not fall into the wrong hands. (J. Galsworthy, ‘Maid in Waiting’, ch. XXVII) — Они должны убедиться ради самого Ферза, что он не попал в дурные руки.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > fall into bad hands

  • 65 give up somebody as a bad job

    give up somebody/something as a bad job махнуть рукой на кого-либо/что-либо (бросить, отказаться делать)

    I could not persuade him to practise the piano, and finally gave it up as a bad job.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > give up somebody as a bad job

  • 66 give up something as a bad job

    give up somebody/something as a bad job махнуть рукой на кого-либо/что-либо (бросить, отказаться делать)

    I could not persuade him to practise the piano, and finally gave it up as a bad job.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > give up something as a bad job

  • 67 go to the bad

    1) сбиться с пути истинного, морально опуститься; плохо кончить, пропасть

    Judge Cass Timberlane whom Vince revered... came calling on him, where he lay dirty in his dirty bed, and urged him to go away... Vince sobbed that it was too late and he had already "gone to the bad". (S. Lewis, ‘Cass Timberlane’, ch. 47) — Судья Кэсс Тимберлен, которого Винс так уважал... однажды зашел к нему и застал Винса грязным в грязной постели и стал уговаривать его уехать, отправиться в путешествие... Винс разрыдался, сказал, что уже слишком поздно - он все равно "потерял облик человеческий"

    2) разориться, обанкротиться, прогореть; ≈ вылететь в трубу

    ...noble whiskers and small glittering eyes had not been able to deter his son from going to the bad. (J. Lindsay, ‘A Local Habitation’, ch. 2) —...одно не сумел сделать этот почтенный коммерсант с благообразными бакенбардами и маленькими блестящими глазками - уберечь своего сына от разорения.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > go to the bad

  • 68 with bad grace

    нелюбезно, неохотно; см. тж. with good grace

    She would not explain her plan nor would she allow him to accompany her to the studio, so with rather a bad grace he said good night and returned to his hotel. (F. W. Crofts, ‘Inspector French and the Cheyne Mystery’, ch. X) — Она не пожелала объяснить ему свой план и не предложила пройти с ней в студию, поэтому он весьма неохотно пожелал ей спокойной ночи и вернулся в гостиницу.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > with bad grace

  • 69 go to the bad

       1) cбитьcя c пути иcтиннoгo, мopaльнo oпуcтитьcя; плoxo кoнчить, пpoпacть
        Judge Cass Timberlane whom Vince revered... came calling on him, where he lay dirty in his dirty bed, and urged Mm to go away... Vince sobbed that it was too late and he had already "gone to the bad" (S. Lewis)
       2) paзopитьcя, oбaнкpoтитьcя, пpoгopeть; вылeтeть в тpубу
        Noble whiskers and small glittering eyes had not been able to deter his son from going to the bad (J. Lindsay)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > go to the bad

  • 70 take smth. in bad part

       oбидeтьcя нa чтo-л.; oтнecтиcь нeдoбpoжeлaтeльнo, нeoдoбpитeльнo к чeму-л.; иcтoлкoвaть чтo-л. плoxo, в дуpнoм cмыcлe
        Sartorius...I have a mind to put you downstairs by the back of your neck, you infernal blackguard. Uckcheese (not a bit ruffled). You and me is too much of a pair for me to take anything you say in bad part, Sartorius (G. B. Shaw). We shall have to call the shareholders and explain all this dicky-dealing [мaxинaция]. They'll very likely take it in bad part (J. Galsworthy)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > take smth. in bad part

  • 71 turn up (again) like a bad penny

       пoявлятьcя тaм, гдe тeбя нe жeлaют видeть, (oпять) cвaлитьcя кoму-л. нa гoлoву, (cнoвa) пoявитьcя вoпpeки жeлaнию кoгo-л. (пpeим. o людяx)
        If the whole thing were not disposed of within the next few months the fellow would turn up again tike a bad penny (J. Galsworthy). The Home Office plan... has now turned up here like a bad penny (Daily Worker)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > turn up (again) like a bad penny

  • 72 have a bad hair day

    Разговорное выражение: встать не с той ноги (If you're having a bad hair day, things are not going the way you would like or had planned.)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > have a bad hair day

  • 73 Good news is bad news

    пог. Хорошими новостями являются плохие новости.

    It has often been said that “Good news is bad news” because it does not sell newspapers.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Good news is bad news

  • 74 to cry bad fish

    = cry stinking fish хулить собственный товар; возводить на себя напраслину

    I replied that I was a young gentleman of large fortune (this was not true; but what is the use of crying bad fish?). (W. M. Thackeray, Barry Lyndon, 1861) — Я сообщил, что я молодой человек со средствами (я говорил неправду, но кто же станет хулить свой товар?) (пер. Р. Гальпериной)

    Англо-русский современный словарь > to cry bad fish

  • 75 a bad debt

    Duquesne had learned that credit need not always mean bad debt; it could mean safe investment if property controlled (J. Aldridge, ‘The Hunter’, ch. 2) — Дюкен на опыте убедился, что предоставлять кредит вовсе не значит терять деньги: если собственность под контролем, то это вполне надежное помещение капитала.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > a bad debt

  • 76 a bad sailor

    человек, подверженный морской болезни; см. тж. a good sailor

    He wished people who were bad sailors would not travel. (M. Bridgman, ‘Robert Lyne’, OED) — Он считал, что людям, подверженным морской болезни, следует сидеть дома, а не бороздить океаны.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > a bad sailor

  • 77 have a bad head for heights

    плохо переносить высоту, бояться высоты

    I... looked at the drop, and decided that I was not a daring fellow. I have no head for heights. (I. Murdoch, ‘Under the Net’, ch. VI) — я: ". глянул вниз и почувствовал, что я не из храброго десятка. я боюсь высоты."

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > have a bad head for heights

  • 78 have a bad head for smth.

    (have a bad (или no) head for smth.)
    плохо разбираться в чём-л.; быть неспособным к чему-л.; см. тж. have a head for smth.

    Fotheringham said: ‘...I have no experience and no head for figures.’ (A. Powell, ‘Afternoon Men’, ch. 17) — -...у меня нет опыта, и я плохо запоминаю цифры, - сказал Фотерингем.

    It is not your fault that you have no head for politics. (Suppl) — Не твоя вина, что ты совсем не разбираешься в политике.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > have a bad head for smth.

  • 79 in bad shape

    в плачевном состоянии [первонач. амер.]; см. тж. in good shape

    What exaggeration I had drifted into! Cullen really was not in very bad shape. (G. Wescott, ‘The Pilgrim Hawk’, Kenk) — Ну и накрутил же я себя! Каллен совсем не находился в таком плачевном положении, как я думал.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > in bad shape

  • 80 with (a) bad grace

       нeлюбeзнo, нeoxoтнo
        She would not explain her plan... so with rather a bad grace he said good night and returned to his hotel (F. W. Crofts)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > with (a) bad grace

См. также в других словарях:

  • Not Bad for a Girl — Directed by Lisa Rose Apramian Produced by Lisa Rose Apramian Kyle C. Kyle Kurt Cobain Courtney Love Tina Silvey Starring Lori Barbero …   Wikipedia

  • Not Bad for No Tour — EP by R.E.M. Released 2001 Recorded 2001 …   Wikipedia

  • not\ bad — • not (so) bad • not half bad adj informal Pretty good; all right; good enough. The party last night was not bad. It was not so bad, as inexpensive vacations go. The show was not half bad …   Словарь американских идиом

  • not bad — not awful, average, mediocre, not good and not bad …   English contemporary dictionary

  • not bad — adjective very good he did a bully job a neat sports car had a great time at the party you look simply smashing • Syn: ↑bang up, ↑bully, ↑corking, ↑crac …   Useful english dictionary

  • not bad — reasonably good. Thirteen bucks that s not bad for lunch. Usage notes: often used in conversation: “How are you?” “Not bad.” also used in the forms not too bad, not that bad, and not so bad: It takes me about an hour to get to work, which is not… …   New idioms dictionary

  • not bad — or[not so bad] or[not half bad] {adj.}, {informal} Pretty good; all right; good enough. * /The party last night was not bad./ * /It was not so bad, as inexpensive vacations go./ * /The show was not half bad./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • not bad — or[not so bad] or[not half bad] {adj.}, {informal} Pretty good; all right; good enough. * /The party last night was not bad./ * /It was not so bad, as inexpensive vacations go./ * /The show was not half bad./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • not bad — informal fairly good, or better than you expected How do you feel this morning? Not bad, thanks. Those pictures aren t bad for a beginner. not too bad: We thought it would be awful, but it wasn t too bad …   English dictionary

  • Not bad — a) pretty good; fair; acceptable: He s a good fighter, not bad for a monk ; b) very good, even excellent: You just won $500? Not bad, eh? …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • not bad — Australian Slang a) pretty good; fair; acceptable: He s a good fighter, not bad for a monk ; b) very good, even excellent: You just won $500? Not bad, eh? …   English dialects glossary

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