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со всех языков на хорватский


  • 101 nahođenje

    n I prema -u at the discretion of; postupati prema vlastitom -u act at one's own discretion, use one's (best) judg(e)- ment, act as one thinks/sees fit
    * * *
    • discretion

    Hrvatski-Engleski rječnik > nahođenje

  • 102 namjenska uporaba

    • intended use

    Hrvatski-Engleski rječnik > namjenska uporaba

  • 103 napregnuti sve snage

    • to use every exertion

    Hrvatski-Engleski rječnik > napregnuti sve snage

  • 104 nastupiti

    vi & vt pf (početi) begin, set in; - nastupati l -ti prvi put make one's debut; nastupititi na televiziji make a TV appearance, appear on TV; -ti agresivno/oštro adopt an aggressive attitude, use an a. approach; A sl: come on strong, come on like the headnurse, p
    * * *
    • enter
    • set in
    • pose
    • behave
    • appear
    • arrive
    • mature

    Hrvatski-Engleski rječnik > nastupiti

  • 105 običaj

    custom, usage, convention, practice, on ima običaj it is his habit to, običaji customs
    * * *
    • rite
    • ritual
    • custom
    • customs
    • use
    • usance
    • vogue
    • usage
    • wont
    • way
    • practice
    • primitive
    • habit
    • observance
    • order
    • manner
    • mode

    Hrvatski-Engleski rječnik > običaj

  • 106 obilno

    adv abundantly, amply, plentifully, copiously, profusely, massively, lavishly I obilno se znojiti sweat heavily; obilno namažite apply liberally; obilno redigirati edit heavily; obilno se koristiti use liberally, draw heavily/Liberally on, rely heavily on; obilno svjedočiti o wit
    * * *
    • abundantly
    • lustily

    Hrvatski-Engleski rječnik > obilno

  • 107 odjevni

    adj | -i predmeti (articles of) clothing, wearing apparel; -e tkanine apparel fabrics; (use) suiting materials; -a industrija garment industry; -i butik clothing boutique
    * * *
    • clothing

    Hrvatski-Engleski rječnik > odjevni

  • 108 opsjeniti

    vt pf delude, use delusion against
    * * *
    • glamour
    • bluff

    Hrvatski-Engleski rječnik > opsjeniti

  • 109 osjenčati

    vt pf shade; (šrafirati) hatch (- osjeniti) I - oči use eye shadow, put eye shadow on
    * * *
    • shadow
    • shade

    Hrvatski-Engleski rječnik > osjenčati

  • 110 osobne potrebe

    • personal use

    Hrvatski-Engleski rječnik > osobne potrebe

  • 111 podebljati

    vt pf (crtu, slovo) thicken, make bold, use boldface
    * * *
    • thicken

    Hrvatski-Engleski rječnik > podebljati

  • 112 pomoću

    prep by means of, by the agency of, using, through the use of | pomoću čega/kojega whereby, by means of which, using which; pomoću slušalica over earphones; pomoću helikoptera by helicopter
    * * *
    • by virtue of
    • by means of
    • by
    • through
    • via
    • whereby
    • with

    Hrvatski-Engleski rječnik > pomoću

  • 113 postizati

    vt impf achieve, attain itd, (-postići) | čime se postiže which results in; time se ništa ne postiže it is no use, it will get you nowhere
    * * *
    • score
    • progress
    • achieve
    • reach

    Hrvatski-Engleski rječnik > postizati

  • 114 postupak

    procedure, operation, saturation history
    * * *
    • treatment
    • use
    • usage
    • step
    • technique
    • practice
    • process
    • proceeding
    • proceedings
    • procedure
    • behaviour
    • behavior
    • action
    • act
    • arrangement
    • approach
    • operation
    • measure
    • method
    • move

    Hrvatski-Engleski rječnik > postupak

  • 115 potrošnja

    * * *
    • use
    • spending
    • comsumption
    • consumption
    • consuming

    Hrvatski-Engleski rječnik > potrošnja

  • 116 prenemagati se

    vr impf be full of affectation, put on airs (and graces), use a la-di-da manner; mince (matters)
    * * *
    • mince

    Hrvatski-Engleski rječnik > prenemagati se

  • 117 preslikati

    vt pf copy (i fig), trace, transfer (use transfer/tracing paper); (pokriti raniju sliku) overpaint
    * * *
    • map

    Hrvatski-Engleski rječnik > preslikati

  • 118 primijeniti

    vt pf apply (na to), (put into) use | nije se moglo - it wasn't applicable; krivo - misapply
    * * *
    • enforce
    • practise
    • implement
    • adopt
    • administer
    • apply

    Hrvatski-Engleski rječnik > primijeniti

  • 119 primjenjivati

    vt impf - primijeniti | primjenjivatiuju se od have been in force/use since
    * * *
    • exercised
    • implement
    • apply

    Hrvatski-Engleski rječnik > primjenjivati

  • 120 pristupiti

    vi pf approach, come up to, come/ /step forward, come over to; (članstvu, savezu) join, enter; present oneself | -ti problemu approach/tackle/handle/address a problem; krivo -ti use/take the wrong approach, go about it the wrong way; (nekome) rub smb. th
    * * *
    • come up to
    • access
    • accede
    • adjoin
    • approach

    Hrvatski-Engleski rječnik > pristupiti

См. также в других словарях:

  • use — 1 / yüs/ n 1 a: an arrangement in which property is granted to another with the trust and confidence that the grantor or another is entitled to the beneficial enjoyment of it see also trust; statute of uses in the important laws section ◇ Uses… …   Law dictionary

  • Use — Use, n. [OE. us use, usage, L. usus, from uti, p. p. usus, to use. See {Use}, v. t.] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of employing anything, or of applying it to one s service; the state of being so employed or applied; application; employment;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Use Your Illusion — I Studioalbum von Guns N’ Roses Veröffentlichung 17. September 1991 Label Geffen Records …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • usé — usé, ée [ yze ] adj. • 1508; « accoutumé, usité » 1165; de user 1 ♦ Altéré par un usage prolongé, par des actions physiques. ⇒ détérioré; vieux. Vêtements, tissus usés. ⇒ avachi, déchiré, déformé, défraîchi, fatigué, mûr, 2. râpé. Loc. Usé jusqu… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Use — Use, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Used}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Using}.] [OE. usen, F. user to use, use up, wear out, LL. usare to use, from L. uti, p. p. usus, to use, OL. oeti, oesus; of uncertain origin. Cf. {Utility}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To make use of; to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Use Somebody — Single par Kings of Leon extrait de l’album Only by the Night Sortie 8 décembre 2008 Enregistrement 2008 Durée 3 min 50 (Version album) 3 min 20 (Autre version) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Use case model — is a model that describes a system’s functional requirements in terms of use cases. Consists of all the actors of the system and all the various use cases by which the actor interact with the system, thereby describing the total functional… …   Wikipedia

  • use — n 1 Use, service, advantage, profit, account, avail can all mean a useful or valuable end, result, or purpose. Use stresses either employment for some purpose or end of practical value {turn every scrap of material to use} or the practical value… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • use — [yo͞oz; ] for n. [ yo͞os] vt. used [yo͞ozd; ] with [ “] to [, ] usually [ yo͞os′tə] using [ME usen < OFr user < VL * usare < L usus, pp. of uti, to use] 1. to put or bring into action or service; employ for or apply to a given purpose 2 …   English World dictionary

  • Use (law) — Use, as a term in real property law of common law countries, amounts to a recognition of the duty of a person, to whom property has been conveyed for certain purposes, to carry out those purposes.Uses were equitable or beneficial interests in… …   Wikipedia

  • Use of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) in the U.S. Department of Defense — is a 2003 report by The MITRE Corporation that documented widespread use of and reliance on free software (termed FOSS ) within the United States Department of Defense (DoD). The report helped end a debate about whether FOSS should be banned from …   Wikipedia

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