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  • 41 selbstverschuldet

    selbstverschuldet adj GEN brought about by oneself (Unfall); arising through one’s own fault (Verlust)
    * * *
    adj < Geschäft> Unfall brought about by o.s., Verlust arising through one's own falt

    Business german-english dictionary > selbstverschuldet

  • 42 голова

    1. ж.
    1. (в разн. знач.) head; (в знач. единицы счёта скота) head (pl. head); (перен.: ум) mind; ( мозг) brains pl.

    у меня этого даже и в голове не было — it had not even entered my head, it was not even in my mind, it never crossed my mind

    мне пришла в голову мысль — a thought has occurred to me, или has struck me, или has come into my mind, или has crossed my mind


    голова сахару — sugar-loaf*

    человек с головой — a man* with brains, a man* of sense

    тупая голова — dull / slow brain; dull / slow wits pl.

    умная голова — clever brain, wise head

    светлая голова — lucid mind, bright intellect, bright spirit

    голову давать на отсечение разг. — stake one's head / life; wager / lay* one's life

    голову повесить — hang* one's head, become* / be dejected / despondent

    головой ручаться за кого-л. — answer / vouch for smb. as for oneself, answer for smb. with one's life

    быть головой выше кого-л. — be far superior to smb., be head and shoulders above smb.

    валить с больной головы на здоровую — lay* the blame on smb. else; lay* one's own fault at smb. else's door

    (действовать) через чью-л. голову — (act) over smb.'s head

    вбить в голову кому-л. (вн.) разг. — knock / hammer into smb.'s head (d.)

    вбить себе в голову (вн.) — get* / take* into one's head (d.)

    с головы до ног — from head to foot, from top to toe

    в первую голову — in the first place, first and foremost

    выдать головой кого-л. — betray smb.

    выкинуть из головы (вн.) разг. — put* out of one's head (d.), dismiss (d.), get* rid (of)

    забрать себе в голову (вн.) — take* into one's head (d.)

    ломать себе голову (над) — puzzle (over), rack one's brains (over)

    намылить кому-л. голову разг. — give* smb. a good scolding, или dressing-down; haul smb. over the coals идиом.

    на свою голову — bring* smth. upon oneself

    очертя голову — headlong, rashly

    поднять голову — hold* up one's head

    поплатиться головой — pay* for smth. with one's life*

    потерять голову — lose* one's head / wits

    не терять головы — keep* one's head

    ударять в голову — rush to the head; (о вине и т. п.) go* to one's head

    окунуться, уйти с головой во что-л. — plunge into smth., get* up to one's neck in smth.

    у него кружится голова — he feels giddy; (от; перен.) he is dizzy (with)

    у него это из головы вон разг. — he clean forgot it, it quite escaped him

    2. м. (руководитель)
    chief, master

    сам себе голова — one's own master

    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > голова

  • 43 голова


    уда́р по голове́ — blow on the head

    на́ голову вы́ше — a head taller

    с непокры́той голово́й — bareheaded

    2) (ум, рассудок; способности) mind; head; brains pl

    па́рень с голово́й — a man with brains, a man of sense

    вот э́то голова́! — he has a (great) brain!

    име́ть свою́ го́лову на плеча́х — be able to think for oneself

    у меня́ э́того да́же и в голове́ не́ было — it had not even entered my head, it was not even in my mind, it never crossed my mind

    мне пришла́ в го́лову мысль — a thought has occurred to me [has struck me, has come into my mind, has crossed my mind]

    3) (с прил. - человек как носитель какого-л качества) head, person

    све́тлая / у́мная голова́ — clever brain, wise head; bright person

    сме́лая голова́ — bold spirit

    горя́чая голова́ — hothead

    пуста́я голова́ — empty pate

    тупа́я голова́ — dull / slow brain; dull / slow wits pl

    4) м. разг. ( начальник) chief, master

    городско́й голова́ ист.mayor

    сам себе́ голова́ — one's own master

    голова́ коме́ты — the head of a comet

    в голове́ проце́ссии — at the head of a procession

    6) (продукт в форме шара, конуса)

    голова́ са́хару — sugarloaf

    голова́ сы́ру — a cheese

    7) ( единица счёта скота) head (pl без изменения)

    сто голо́в скота́ — a hundred head of cattle


    голова́ в го́лову спортneck and neck

    в голова́х — at the head of the bed

    в пе́рвую го́лову — in the first place, first and foremost

    вали́ть с больно́й головы́ на здоро́вую — lay the blame on smb else; lay one's own fault at smb else's door

    вбить / забра́ть себе́ в го́лову (вн.) — get / take (d) into one's head

    вбить (вн.) в го́лову кому́-л разг. — knock / hammer (d) into smb's head

    вы́кинуть из головы́ (вн.) разг.put (d) out of one's head, dismiss (d), get rid (of)

    лома́ть себе́ го́лову (над) — puzzle (over), rack one's brains (over)

    вы́дать с голово́й кого́-лbetray smb

    вы́дать себя́ с голово́й — give oneself away

    го́лову пове́сить — hang one's head; become despondent

    дава́ть го́лову на отсече́ние разг. — stake one's head / life; wager / lay one's life

    на го́лову вы́ше кого́-л — far superior to smb, head and shoulders above smb

    на све́жую го́лову — with a fresh head

    на свою́ го́лову — bring smth upon oneself

    намы́лить го́лову кому́-л разг. — give smb a good scolding / dressing-down; haul smb over the coals идиом.

    подня́ть го́лову — hold up one's head

    поплати́ться голово́й — pay for smth with one's life

    поста́вить с головы́ на́ ноги — put everything in the proper way / perspective

    руча́ться за кого́-л голово́й — answer / vouch for smb as for oneself, answer for smb with one's life

    с головы́ до ног — from head to foot, from top to toe

    сложи́ть го́лову — fall on the field of battle

    уйти́ / окуну́ться с голово́й во что-л — plunge into smth, get up to one's neck in smth

    че́рез чью-л го́лову — over smb's head

    сломя́ голову разг. — like mad, at breakneck speed

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > голова

  • 44 manus

    mănus, ūs (dat. manu for manui:

    alternae manu,

    Prop. 1, 11, 12; 2, 1, 60), f. [root man-, ma-, to measure; Sanscr. ma, measure, moon; cf. Germ. Mond, moon, and O. H. Germ. mund, hand; Angl.-Sax. mund], a hand.

    quam vero aptas, quamque multarum artium ministras manus natura homini dedit!

    Cic. N. D. 2, 60, 150:

    vas in manus sumere,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 27, § 62:

    Epicurum in manus sumere, i. e. scripta Epicuri,

    id. Tusc. 2, 3, 8:

    pyxidem in manu tenere,

    id. Cael. 26, 63:

    manum porrigere ad tradendum aliquid,

    id. ib.:

    de manibus deponere,

    to lay out of one's hands, lay down, id. Ac. 1, 1, 2. ponere, id. Q. Fr. 1, 1, 8:


    to wrest from one's hands, id. Cat. 1, 6, 13:

    e manibus dimittere,

    to let go out of one's hands, id. Or. 30, 105: manum ad os apponere, i. e. to lay the finger on the lips in token of secrecy, Cael. ap. Cic. Fam. 8, 1, 4: alicui in manu esse, to be obvious, clear:

    neque mihi in manu Jugurtha qualis foret,

    Sall. J. 14, 4:

    (feminas) in manu esse parentium, fratrum, virorum,

    subject to, Liv. 34, 2, 11; cf.:

    minus filiae uxores sorores quibusdam in manu erunt,

    id. 34, 7, 11: in manibus esse, to be in everybody's hands, to be well known:

    est in manibus oratio,

    Cic. Lael. 25, 96:

    est in manibus laudatio,

    id. Sen. 4, 12; id. Brut. 33, 125.—Also, to be near:

    hostes sunt in manibus,

    near to us, close by us, upon us, Caes. B. G. 2, 19, 7; also, to be present: attendere, quae in manibus sunt, Brut. ap. Cic. Fam. 11, 13, 1; Verg. A. 10, 280: in manibus habere, to have in hand, to be engaged on a thing:

    omnia, quae in manibus habebam, abjeci,

    Cic. Att. 13, 47, 1:

    habeo opus magnum in manibus,

    id. Ac. 1, 1, 2:

    philosophi quamcunque rem habent in manibus, in eam, etc.,

    id. Tusc. 5, 7, 18; id. Sen. 7, 22; id. Cael. 27, 65:

    milites bellum illud, quod erat in manibus, reliquisse,

    id. Rep. 2, 37, 63; cf.:

    dum occasio in manibus esset,

    Liv. 7, 36, 10:

    inimicorum in manibus mortuus est,

    among, Cic. Inv. 1, 55, 108:

    manu tenere,

    to know for certain, id. Brut. 80, 277.— Pass.:

    manibus teneri,

    to be certain, evident, Cic. Sest. 32, 69: habere in manibus, to fondle, caress, make much of:

    sic in manibus (inimicum meum) habebant, sic fovebant, etc.,

    id. Fam. 1, 9, 10:

    in manus venire,

    to come to hand, id. Q. Fr. 2, 15, b, 1:

    proelium in manibus facere,

    to fight at close quarters, Sall. J. 57, 4:

    ad manum habere,

    to have at hand, have in readiness, Quint. 12, 5, 1:

    ad manum esse,

    at hand, in hand, near, Liv. 9, 19: ad manum venire or accedere, to come hand to hand, come to close quarters:

    nonnumquam etiam res ad manus, atque ad pugnam veniebat,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 11, § 28; Nep. Eum. 5, 2; Liv. 2, 30:

    ut venere in manus,

    Tac. A. 2, 80:

    ut ventum in manus,

    id. H. 4, 71:

    adire manum alicui, v. 1. adeo: ad manum intueri aliquid,

    at hand, close by, hard by, Plin. 35, 10, 36, § 97:

    prae manu or manibus,

    at hand, in readiness, in hand, Plaut. Bacch. 4, 3, 10; App. M. 6, p. 180, 32; Ter. Ad. 5, 9, 23; Gell. 19, 8:

    quem servum ille habuit ad manum,

    Cic. de Or. 3, 60, 225:

    servus a manu,

    i. e. a scribe, secretary, Suet. Caes. 74:

    de manu dare,

    to give with one's own hand, Lampr. Alex. Sev. 37: de manu in manum quippiam tradere, to deliver from hand to hand, i. e. with great care, Cic. Fam. 7, 5, 2: manum ferulae subducere, to take the hand from the rod, i. e. to be too old for the rod, Juv. 1, 15: e manu (for eminus; opp. cominus), from a distance: quae mea cominus machaera atque hasta hostibit e manu, Enn. ap. Fest. s. v. redhostire, p. 270 Müll. (Trag. v. 212 Vahl.): plenā manu, with a full or plentiful hand, bountifully, liberally:

    plenā manu dare,

    abundantly, Sen. Ben. 1, 7, 2; id. Ep. 120, 10; id. ad Polyb. 9, 7;

    so trop.: Hortalus, quam plenā manu nostras laudes in astra sustulit,

    Cic. Att. 2, 25, 1; so,

    plenis manibus pecuniam largiri,

    Lact. 3, 16, 15; cf.:

    quemquam vacuis a se manibus abire pati,

    Sen. Brev. Vit. 14, 5: manibus pedibusque aliquid facere (Greek pux kai lax), with hands and feet, i. e. with all one's power, with might and main, Ter. And. 1, 1, 134:

    per manus,

    with the hands, Caes. B. G. 6, 37:

    per manus servulae,

    by her assistance, Cic. Att. 1, 12, 3: per manus tradere, to deliver from hand to hand, from mouth to mouth, to hand down from father to son:

    traditae per manus religiones,

    Liv. 5, 51: per manus, also, by force, by main force, forcibly:

    per manus libertatem retinere,

    Sall. J. 31, 22: inter manus, in one's hands, under one's hands:

    agger inter manus proferebatur,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 2:

    villa crescit inter manus,

    Sen. Ep. 12, 1:

    nihil adhuc inter manus habui cui majorem sollicitudinem praestare deberem,

    Plin. Ep. 2, 5, 2:

    scripta quae inter manus habes,

    are occupied with, id. ib. 5, 5, 7.— Trop., palpable, evident:

    ante oculos interque manus sunt omnia vestras,

    Verg. A. 11, 311; cf.:

    manus inter parentum,

    id. ib. 2, 681: inter manus, also, in one's hands, in one's arms:

    abripite hunc intro actutum inter manus,

    Plaut. Most. 2, 1, 38:

    e convivio auferri,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 11, § 28: sub manu and sub manum, at hand, near, readily, immediately, on the instant: Vocontii sub manu ut essent, Planc. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 23, 2:

    quo celerius, ac sub manum annuntiari cognoscique posset, quid in provincia quāque gereretur, etc.,

    Suet. Aug. 49; Sen. Ep. 71, 1: sub manus succedere, according to one's wish, [p. 1112] Plaut. Mil. 3, 2, 59: alicujus manu esse, to be from or by one's hand:

    epistulae quae quidem erant tua manu,

    Cic. Att. 7, 2, 3; cf. id. ib. 8, 13, 1 (cf. II. C. infra): manu, with the hand, by hand, i. e. artificially, opp. to naturally, by nature: manu sata, i. e. by the hand of man, opp. to what grows wild. Caes. B. C. 3, 44:

    urbs manu munitissima,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 2, § 4:

    quaedam ingenia manu, quod aiunt, facienda sunt,

    Sen. Ep. 52, 1:

    quidam et liberos ejurent et orbitatem manu faciant,

    id. ad Marc. 19, 2: morbi, quos manu fecimus, i. e. which we produce by our own fault (e. g. by intemperance), Sen. Brev. Vit. 3, 3: oratio manu facta, artificial, elaborate, opp. to natural, simple, id. Ep. 115, 2: manu mederi, to be a surgeon, Cels. praef. 1: manibus aequis or manu aequā, with equal advantage:

    manibus aequis abscessum est,

    Tac. A. 1, 63:

    aequā manu discedere,

    to come off with equal advantage, Sall. C. 39, 4: manus afferre, to lay hands on; trop., to destroy or weaken:

    qui diutius torqueri patitur, quem protinus potest liberare, beneficio suo manus affert,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 5, 3:

    manum inicere alicui,

    to lay the hand on one, to detain, arrest him, Cic. Rosc. Com. 16, 48: manum dare, to give or lend a hand, to help, assist, Quint. 2, 3, 7: manus dare or dedere, to give the hands to be bound; hence, in gen., to give up, yield, surrender:

    perpende, et, si tibi vera videntur, Dede manus, aut, si falsum est, accingere contra,

    Lucr. 2, 1043:

    fateor, manus vobis do,

    Plaut. Pers. 5, 2, 72:

    donicum aut certe vicissent, aut victi manum dedissent,

    Nep. Ham. 1; cf. Caes. B. G. 5, 31; Cic. Att. 2, 22, 2; Ov. H. 4, 14; 17, 260; Verg. A. 11, 568; Lact. 5, 1, 3:

    brevi manu,

    immediately, without delay, Dig. 23, 3, 43, § 1:

    longā manu,

    slowly, tediously, ib. 46, 3, 79: manum tollere, to raise the hand in token of an intention to yield, to yield, submit: cedo et tollo manum, Cic. Fragm. ap. Lact. 3, 28: manus tollere, to raise the hands in token of admiration or astonishment, Cic. Ac. 2, 19, 63: manus tendere ad aliquem, less freq. alicui, to stretch out the hands to one to implore assistance, Caes. B. G. 2, 13; Cic. Font. 17, 38:

    quae Romanis manus tendebant,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 48:

    dextram Italiae,

    Cic. Phil. 10, 4, 9:

    manu sternere aliquem,

    with the sword, Verg. A. 9, 702: utrāque manu, with both hands, i. e. willingly, readily, Mart. 1, 16, 9:

    manus manum lavat,

    one hand washes the other, one helps the other, Sen. Apoc. 9 fin.; Petr. c. 45, 13; Plin. 35, 10, 36, § 80: manum non vertere, not to turn the hand, prov. for to take no pains, make no effort:

    qui se fatentur virtutis causā ne manum quidem versuros fuisse,

    Cic. Fin. 5, 31, 93; cf. App. Mag. p. 311.
    The hand as the instrument used in fight; hence, personal valor, bravery:

    ne usu manuque reliquorum opinionem fallent,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 86:

    manu fortissimus,

    Liv. 39, 40:

    manu fortis,

    Nep. Dat. 1, 3:

    manu vincere,

    Ov. M. 1, 448:

    manu capere urbes,

    by force of arms, Sall. J. 5, 5:

    manum committere Teucris,

    to fight, Verg. A. 12, 60; so,

    conserere manum,

    Liv. 21, 39; 25, 11; 27, 33:

    conferre manum,

    Liv. 10, 43; Verg. A. 12, 345:

    in proelia Ferre manum,

    id. ib. 5, 403; cf.:

    et vice teli saevit nuda manus,

    Juv. 15, 54.—
    Force, violence, fighting, close combat:

    res venit ad manus atque ad pugnam,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 11, § 28:

    venire ad manum,

    Liv. 2, 30:

    accedere ad manum,

    Nep. Eum. 5:

    in manus venire,

    to come to an engagement, come to close quarters, Sall. J. 89, 2:

    pugna jam ad manus venerat,

    Liv. 2, 46:

    non manu, neque vi,

    force, violence, Sall. J. 31, 18; so Tac. Agr. 9.—
    Of the hand of an artist:

    manus extrema non accessit ejus operibus,

    the last hand, the finishing touch, Cic. Brut. 33, 126: aptius a summā conspiciare manu, when you have given yourself the finishing touch, i. e. have completed your toilet, Ov. A. A. 3, 225:

    carmen nondum recepit ultimam manum,

    has not yet received the last polish, Petr. 118.—Hence, extremam bello Imponere manum, to put the finishing hand to the war, to bring it to a close, Verg. A. 7, 573.—Prov.: manum de tabula, lit., the hand from the picture, i. e. enough, Cic. Fam. 7, 25, 1.—
    A hand, handwriting; in gen., work, workmanship:

    librarii manus,

    Cic. Att. 8, 13, 1: Alexidis manum amabam, quod tam prope accedebat ad similitudinem tuae litterae, id. ib. 7, 2, 3:

    manum suam cognovit,

    id. Cat. 3, 5, 12:

    propter emissam ab eis manum,

    Dig. 22, 3, 15:

    Praxitelis manus, Scopaeque,

    Mart. 4, 39, 3:


    Verg. A. 1, 455.—
    For pars, a side:

    est ad hanc manum sacellum,

    Ter. Ad. 4, 2, 37:

    a laeva conspicienda manu,

    Ov. A. A. 3, 307. —
    In throwing dice, a stake: quas manus remisi, to throw up the stakes, Aug. ap. Suet. Aug. 71.—
    In fencing, a thrust, hit, blow:

    rectae, aversae, tectaeque manus,

    Quint. 9, 1, 20:

    prima, secunda, tertia, quarta,

    the prime, second, tierce, quart, id. 5, 13, 54.—
    The trunk of an elephant:

    manus etiam data elephantis,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 47, 120; Curt. 8, 14, 27; Sil. 9, 628.—
    The fore-paws of bears, Plin. 8, 36, 54, § 130.—
    The branches on a tree:

    (platanus) cui lnnumerae manus,

    Stat. S. 2, 3, 39:


    Pall. Insit. 60.—
    In milit. lang.: ferreae manus, iron hooks with which an enemy's ship was grappled, grappling-irons:

    manus ferreas atque harpagones paraverant,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 57:

    in advenientes hostium naves ferreas manus inicere,

    Liv. 36, 44 fin.:

    manus ferreas excogitare,

    Front. Strat. 2, 3, 24; Plin. 7, 56, 57, § 209; Curt. 4, 9, 2; Aur. Vict. Vir. Ill. 38; Luc. 3, 635.—
    Also milit., an armed force, corps of soldiers:

    si nova manus cum veteribus copiis se conjunxisset,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 37:

    magnam manum conducere,

    id. ib. 5, 27:

    Hasdrubalem propediem affore cum manu haudquaquam contemnenda,

    Liv. 30, 7 fin.; id. 44, 27.—
    Beyond the milit. sphere, in gen., a body, host, number, company, multitude:

    Romam veniet cum magna manu,

    Cic. Att. 16, 11, 6:


    id. Fam. 15, 4, 3:

    manus ad Quirinalia paratur,

    id. Q. Fr. 2, 3, 4; cf.:

    manum facere, copias parare,

    id. Caecin. 12, 33:

    manus bonorum,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 2, 5, § 16:


    id. Fl. 28, 66:


    id. Cat. 1, 5, 12:


    i. e. the Centaurs, id. Tusc. 2, 9, 22:

    purpuratorum et satellitum,

    Liv. 42, 51:

    magna clientium,

    Suet. Tib. 1:


    Stat. S. 5, 3, 262:


    Verg. A. 6, 5.—
    Labor, hands, i. e. workmen:

    nos aera, manus, navalia demus,

    Verg. A. 11, 329:

    quale manus addunt ebori decus,

    id. ib. 1, 592.—

    haec non sunt in nostra manu,

    Cic. Fam. 14, 2, 3; cf.: in tua manu est, it rests with you, Cael. ap. Cic. Fam. 8, 6, 1:

    juxta deos in tua manu positum est,

    Tac. H. 2, 76:

    victoria in manu nobis est,

    depends on, Sall. C. 20, 10:

    in vostra manu situm,

    id. J. 31; Plaut. Merc. 3, 4, 43:

    in manu esse mihi,

    id. Trin. 1, 2, 67. —
    In partic., in jurid. lang., the legal power of a husband over his wife, the manus:

    in potestate quidem et masculi et feminae esse solent: in manum autem feminae tantum conveniunt. Olim itaque tribus modis in manum conveniebant: usu, farreo, coëmptione, etc.,

    Gai. Inst. 1, 108 sq.; Cic. Fl. 34, 84 al.—
    Law t. t., manūs injectio, i. e. an arrest: per manus injectionem agebatur, Gai Inst. 4, 21: ob eam rem ego tibi sestertium X. milium judicati manus inicio, Vet. Form. ap. Gai. ib.
    mānus, i. q. bonus, Varr. L. L. 6, 2, 4; Macr. S. 1, 3, 13; Isid. 5, 30, 14; Serv. Verg. A. 1, 139; 2, 286; v. ‡ cerus manus.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > manus

  • 45 валить с больной головы на здоровую

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > валить с больной головы на здоровую

  • 46 перекладывать с больной головы на здоровую

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > перекладывать с больной головы на здоровую

  • 47 Д-60

    ДЕЛАТЬ НЕЧЕГО ( Invar impers predic with бытьв, pres or past used as sent or sent adv (parenth)) s.o. has no alternative, s.o. must, against his will, give in and do precisely (what is specified by the following context)
    there is nothing one can do (about it (except...))
    there is nothing (else) to do (but...) there is nothing to be done (about it) there is nothing for it (but...) there is no way out of it therefe no help for it it can't be helped one has no choice (but...) there is no escaping it it cannot be avoided.
    Их (Лёву и Фаину) рассадили порознь - это был принцип компании. Лёве он показался глупым, и Лёва досадовал - но делать было нечего... (Битов 2). They (Lyova and Faina) were seated separately - this was a principle of the group. It struck Lyova as silly, and he felt annoyed, but there was nothing he could do... (2a).
    «Нечего делать, надо будить», - сказал Щербинин, вставая и подходя к человеку в ночном колпаке, укрытому шинелью... (Толстой 7). "There's nothing to be done, well have to wake him," said Shcherbinin, rising and going up to the man in the nightcap who lay covered by a greatcoat (7b).
    Я должен был нанять быков, чтоб втащить мою тележку на эту проклятую гору... Нечего делать, я нанял шесть быков и несколько осетин (Лермонтов 1). I saw I would need oxen to haul my carriage to the top of the confounded mountain....There was nothing for it but to hire six oxen and several Ossetians (1b).
    «Любезный Пётр Андреевич, пожалуйста, пришли мне с моим мальчиком сто рублей, которые ты мне вчера проиграл...» Делать было нечего. Я... приказал (Савельичу) отдать мальчику сто рублей (Пушкин 2). "My dear Petr Andreevich, be so good as to send me by my serving boy the hundred rubles I won from you yesterday...." There was no way out of it....(I) ordered him (Savelich) to hand the boy a hundred rubles (2a).
    ...За что вы ему (Ракитину) отказали (от дома)—я и от него не слыхал...» - «Ну, так я вам это всё открою и, нечего делать, покаюсь, потому что тут есть одна черта, в которой я, может быть, сама виновата» (Достоевский 2). "...Why you closed your door to him (Rakitin) - that he didn't tell me..." "Well, then I'll reveal it all to you and—since there's no help for it-I'll confess, because there's a point here that may be my own fault" (2a).
    Он застал Базарова в трактире, где они остановились, и долго его уговаривал пойти к губернатору. «Нечего делать! -сказал, наконец, Базаров. -...Приехали смотреть помещиков - давай их смотреть!» (Тургенев 2). Не found Bazarov at the inn where they were staying and was a long while persuading him to go with him to the Governor's. "Well, it can't be helped," said Bazarov at last. "...We came to look at the gentry, let's look at them!" (2b).
    «...Конечно, я понимал: если нас девушки предали - нам хана, потому что в этом случае моя (девушка) первым делом должна была отдать им (немцам) пистолет. Но делать нечего, тихо открываю дверь и быстро поднимаюсь по лестнице» (Искандер 5). "...Of course I realized it was curtains for us if the girls had betrayed us, because if they had, mine must have given them (the Germans) the pistol first thing. But I had no choice, I quietly opened the door and quickly climbed the stairs" (5a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Д-60

  • 48 М-220

    ПОЛУЧАТЬ/ПОЛУЧИТЬ ПО МОЗГAM highly coll VP subj: human to be rudely scolded, reprimanded
    X получил по мозгам - X got it good
    X got (caught) it in the neck.
    "А знаешь, всё-таки жаль Евдокимова». - «Жаль, -согласился Игорь, - но он сам виноват (, что нарисовал карикатуру на декана)... У декана никто всё равно „профессора" не отобрал и не отберет - хоть сто карикатур рисуй! -а Евдокимов крепко получил по мозгам, что и следовало ожидать с самого начала» (Ерофеев 3). "You know, it really is too bad about Evdokimov." "It is," agreed Igor, "but it's his own fault (that he drew a caricature of the Dean)....No one took away the Dean's full professorship and no one's going to take it away - not even if you do one hundred such cartoons! — and Evdokimov got it right in the neck, which could have been predicted" (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > М-220

  • 49 Р-9

    (И) CAM HE РАД HE РАД all coll AdjP subj-compl with бытье (subj: human often foil. by a что-clause) one regrets sth. that happened through one's own fault or with one's participation
    X и сам был не рад - X could have kicked himself (for having done sth.)
    X was none too happy with himself (for having done sth.) X wished (that) he hadn't (done sth.).
    Я и сам не рад, что последовал совету Никиты. I could kick myself for having followed Nikita's advice.
    Глебов был уж не рад, что затеял разговор (Трифонов 2). Glebov wished that he had not started the conversation (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Р-9

  • 50 У-27

    СКОЛЬКО УГОДНО AdvP Invar fixed WO
    1. (кому)
    as much, as many, or as long as one desires or chooses
    as much (many, long) as you (they etc) like (please, want etc)
    all you (they etc) like (please, want etc)
    (Негина:) Значит, молодых можно обижать сколько угодно, и они должны молчать (Островский 11). (N.:) But you can insult young people as much as you like, and they have to keep quiet! (11a).
    (Грекова:) Вы можете жить у меня сколько угодно... (Чехов 1). (G.:) You can stay at my house as long as you please (1a).
    Ты, - сказал я себе, - можешь сколько угодно притворяться своим среди этих людей... но если ты не научишься говорить на их языке, они тебе до конца никогда не поверят» (Войнович 4). "You, I said to myself, can pretend to be one of them all you want...but if you don't learn to speak their language, they will never trust you completely" (4a).
    2. - (кого-чего) ( adv quantif or quantit subj-compl with copula ( subj / gen
    any common noun)) an unspecified large amount or number: any number of
    countless (in limited contexts) all you could ever want.
    Сколько угодно можно было слушать об этом рассказы, читать мемуары - и нельзя было себе этого представить... (Солженицын 3). One could listen to any number of tales and read countless memoirs about it, but one could never imagine it... (3a).
    Он (Пастернак) жалуется, что последние дни не работается... "Я знаю, что дело не в помехах, на которые я все сваливаю, а во мне самом. Помех всегда оказывается в нашем распоряжении сколько угодно, когда работать не хочется» (Гладков 1). Не (Pasternak) complained about not having been able to work the last few days...."I know...that it's nothing to do with all the hindrances I blame it on, but that it's my own fault. You will always find any number of things to get in the way when you don't want to work" (1a).
    3. coll
    indep. remark) (used in response to a request) certainly
    of course
    by all means you bet sure(ly) I sure will (you sure can etc).
    «Ты можешь мне помочь?» - «Сколько угодно!» "Could you give me a hand?" "You bet!"

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > У-27

  • 51 делать нечего

    [Invar; impers predic with быть, pres or past; used as sent or sent adv (parenth)]
    s.o. has no alternative, s.o. must, against his will, give in and do precisely (what is specified by the following context):
    - there is nothing one can do (about it <except...>);
    - there is nothing (else) to do (but...);
    - there is nothing for it (but...);
    - one has no choice (but...);
    - it cannot be avoided.
         Их [Лёву и Фаину] рассадили порознь - это был принцип компании. Лёве он показался глупым, и Лёва досадовал - но делать было нечего... (Битов 2). They [Lyova and Faina] were seated separately - this was a principle of the group. It struck Lyova as silly, and he felt annoyed, but there was nothing he could do... (2a).
         ♦ "Нечего делать, надо будить", - сказал Щербинин, вставая и подходя к человеку в ночном колпаке, укрытому шинелью... (Толстой 7). "There's nothing to be done, we'll have to wake him," said Shcherbinin, rising and going up to the man in the nightcap who lay covered by a greatcoat (7b).
         ♦ Я должен был нанять быков, чтоб втащить мою тележку на эту проклятую гору... Нечего делать, я нанял шесть быков и несколько осетин (Лермонтов 1). I saw I would need oxen to haul my carriage to the top of the confounded mountain....There was nothing for it but to hire six oxen and several Ossetians (1b).
         ♦ "Любезный Пётр Андреевич, пожалуйста, пришли мне с моим мальчиком сто рублей, которые ты мне вчера проиграл..." Делать было нечего. Я... приказал [Савельичу] отдать мальчику сто рублей (Пушкин 2). "Му dear Petr Andreevich, be so good as to send me by my serving boy the hundred rubles I won from you yesterday...." There was no way out of it.... ordered him [Savelich] to hand the boy a hundred rubles (2a).
         ♦ "...За что вы ему [Ракитину] отказали [от дома] - я и от него не слыхал..." - "Ну, так я вам это всё открою и, нечего делать, покаюсь, потому что тут есть одна черта, в которой я, может быть, сама виновата" (Достоевский 2). "...Why you closed your door to him [Rakitin]- that he didn't tell me..." "Well, then I'll reveal it all to you and - since there's no help for it-I'll confess, because there's a point here that may be my own fault" (2a).
         ♦ Он застал Базарова в трактире, где они остановились, и долго его уговаривал пойти к губернатору. "Нечего делать! - сказал, наконец, Базаров. -...Приехали смотреть помещиков - давай их смотреть!" (Тургенев 2). He found Bazarov at the inn where they were staying and was a long while persuading him to go with him to the Governor's. "Well, it can't be helped," said Bazarov at last. "...We came to look at the gentry; let's look at them!" (2b).
         ♦ "...Конечно, я понимал: если нас девушки предали - нам хана, потому что в этом случае моя [ девушка] первым делом должна была отдать им [немцам] пистолет. Но делать нечего, тихо открываю дверь и быстро поднимаюсь по лестнице" (Искандер 5). "...Of course I realized it was curtains for us if the girls had betrayed us, because if they had, mine must have given them [the Germans] the pistol first thing. But I had no choice, I quietly opened the door and quickly climbed the stairs" (5a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > делать нечего

  • 52 получать по мозгам

    [VP; subj: human]
    to be rudely scolded, reprimanded:
    - X получил по мозгам X got it good;
    - X got (caught) it in the neck.
         ♦ "А знаешь, всё-таки жаль Евдокимова". - "Жаль, - согласился Игорь, - но он сам виноват [, что нарисовал карикатуру на декана]... У декана никто всё равно "профессора" не отобрал и не отберёт - хоть сто карикатур рисуй! - а Евдокимов крепко получил по мозгам, что и следовало ожидать с самого начала" (Ерофеев 3). "You know, it really is too bad about Evdokimov." "It is," agreed Igor, "but it's his own fault [that he drew a caricature of the Dean].... No one took away the Dean's full professorship and no one's going to take it away - not even if you do one hundred such cartoons! - and Evdokimov got it right in the neck, which could have been predicted" (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > получать по мозгам

  • 53 получить по мозгам

    [VP; subj: human]
    to be rudely scolded, reprimanded:
    - X получил по мозгам X got it good;
    - X got (caught) it in the neck.
         ♦ "А знаешь, всё-таки жаль Евдокимова". - "Жаль, - согласился Игорь, - но он сам виноват [, что нарисовал карикатуру на декана]... У декана никто всё равно "профессора" не отобрал и не отберёт - хоть сто карикатур рисуй! - а Евдокимов крепко получил по мозгам, что и следовало ожидать с самого начала" (Ерофеев 3). "You know, it really is too bad about Evdokimov." "It is," agreed Igor, "but it's his own fault [that he drew a caricature of the Dean].... No one took away the Dean's full professorship and no one's going to take it away - not even if you do one hundred such cartoons! - and Evdokimov got it right in the neck, which could have been predicted" (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > получить по мозгам

  • 54 и сам не рад

    (И) CAM НЕ РАД; НЕ РАД all coll
    [AdjP; subj-compl with быть (subj: human); often foll. by a что-clause]
    one regrets sth. that happened through one's own fault or with one's participation:
    - X и сам был не рад X could have kicked himself (for having done sth.);
    - X was none too happy with himself (for having done sth.);
    - X wished (that) he hadn't (done sth.).
         ♦ Я и сам не рад, что последовал совету Никиты. I could kick myself for having followed Nikita's advice.
         ♦ Глебов был уж не рад, что затеял разговор (Трифонов 2). Glebov wished that he had not started the conversation (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > и сам не рад

  • 55 не рад

    (И) CAM НЕ РАД; НЕ РАД all coll
    [AdjP; subj-compl with быть (subj: human); often foll. by a что-clause]
    one regrets sth. that happened through one's own fault or with one's participation:
    - X и сам был не рад X could have kicked himself (for having done sth.);
    - X was none too happy with himself (for having done sth.);
    - X wished (that) he hadn't (done sth.).
         ♦ Я и сам не рад, что последовал совету Никиты. I could kick myself for having followed Nikita's advice.
         ♦ Глебов был уж не рад, что затеял разговор (Трифонов 2). Glebov wished that he had not started the conversation (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не рад

  • 56 сам не рад

    (И) CAM НЕ РАД; НЕ РАД all coll
    [AdjP; subj-compl with быть (subj: human); often foll. by a что-clause]
    one regrets sth. that happened through one's own fault or with one's participation:
    - X и сам был не рад X could have kicked himself (for having done sth.);
    - X was none too happy with himself (for having done sth.);
    - X wished (that) he hadn't (done sth.).
         ♦ Я и сам не рад, что последовал совету Никиты. I could kick myself for having followed Nikita's advice.
         ♦ Глебов был уж не рад, что затеял разговор (Трифонов 2). Glebov wished that he had not started the conversation (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > сам не рад

  • 57 сколько угодно

    [AdvP; Invar; fixed WO]
    1. (кому) [adv]
    as much, as many, or as long as one desires or chooses:
    - as much (many, long) as you (they etc) like (please, want etc);
    - all you (they etc) like (please, want etc).
         ♦ [Негина:] Значит, молодых можно обижать сколько угодно, и они должны молчать (Островский 11). [N.:] But you can insult young people as much as you like, and they have to keep quiet! (11a).
         ♦ [Грекова:] Вы можете жить у меня сколько угодно... (Чехов 1). [G.:] You can stay at my house as long as you please (1a).
         ♦ "Ты, - сказал я себе, - можешь сколько угодно притворяться своим среди этих людей... но если ты не научишься говорить на их языке, они тебе до конца никогда не поверят" (Войнович 4). "You, I said to myself, can pretend to be one of them all you want...but if you don't learn to speak their language, they will never trust you completely" (4a).
    2. сколько угодно (кого-чего) [adv (quantif) or quantit subj-compl with copula (subj/ gen: any common noun)]
    an unspecified large amount or number:
    - [in limited contexts] all you could ever want.
         ♦ Сколько угодно можно было слушать об этом рассказы, читать мемуары - и нельзя было себе этого представить... (Солженицын 3). One could listen to any number of tales and read countless memoirs about it, but one could never imagine it... (3a).
         ♦ Он [Пастернак] жалуется, что последние дни не работается... "Я знаю, что дело не в помехах, на которые я всё сваливаю, а во мне самом. Помех всегда оказывается в нашем распоряжении сколько угодно, когда работать не хочется" (Гладков 1). Не [Pasternak] complained about not having been able to work the last few days...."I know...that it's nothing to do with all the hindrances I blame it on, but that it's my own fault. You will always find any number of things to get in the way when you don't want to work" (1a).
    3. coll [indep. remark]
    (used in response to a request) certainly:
    - I sure will (you sure can etc).
         ♦ "Ты можешь мне помочь?" - "Сколько угодно!" "Could you give me a hand?" "You bet!"

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > сколько угодно

  • 58 dein

    I Poss. Pron.
    1. adjektivisch: your; eines deiner Bücher one of your books; einer deiner Freunde a friend of yours, one of your friends; im Brief: viele Grüße, dein Martin with best wishes, yours Martin; dein blöder Hund umg. that stupid dog of yours
    2. substantivisch: yours; deiner, deine, dein(e)s, der (die, das) deine yours; im Brief: für immer der / die Deine oder deine yours (for)ever; der / die Deine oder deine (dein Mann/deine Frau) your husband / wife, your spouse; du und die Deinen oder deinen (deine Familie) you and yours; du musst das Deine oder deine ( dazu) beitragen oder tun(, damit...) you’ll have to do your bit ( oder share, Am. auch part) (for it...)
    II pers. Pron. altm. oder poet. deiner
    * * *
    thy; your; yours
    * * *
    1. poss pron
    1) (adjektivisch) your, thy (obs, dial)

    déín doofes/schönes Gesicht — that stupid/beautiful face of yours, your stupid/beautiful face

    rauchst du immer noch déíne 20 Zigaretten pro Tag? — are you still smoking your 20 cigarettes a day?

    herzliche Grüße, Deine Elke — with best wishes, yours or (herzlicher) love Elke

    stets or immer Dein Otto — yours ever, Otto

    behalte, was déín ist — keep what is yours

    2. pers pron gen

    ich werde ewig déín gedenken — I shall remember you forever

    * * *
    1) (an old word for `your' used only when addressing one person, especially God: thy father.) thy
    2) (the form of thy used before a vowel or vowel sound: Thine anger is great; thine honour.) thy
    * * *
    1. adjektivisch your
    herzliche Grüße, \deine Anita with best wishes, yours/love Anita
    2. substantivisch (veraltend) yours, thine old
    behalte, was \dein ist keep what is yours [or old thin
    II. pron pers gen von du (veraltet poet) of thee
    ich werde ewig \deiner gedenken I shall remember thee forever dated
    * * *
    Possessivpronomen your; (Rel., auch altertümelnd) thy

    viele Grüße von deinem Emil — with best wishes, yours Emil

    das Buch dort, ist das dein[e]s? — that book over there, is it yours?

    du und die Deinen(geh.) you and yours or your family

    der/die Deine/deine — (geh.) your husband/wife

    das Deine/deine — (geh.) your possessions pl. or property

    du musst das Deine/deine tun — you must do your bit or share

    * * *
    A. poss pr
    1. adjektivisch: your;
    eines deiner Bücher one of your books;
    einer deiner Freunde a friend of yours, one of your friends; im Brief:
    viele Grüße, dein Martin with best wishes, yours Martin;
    dein blöder Hund umg that stupid dog of yours
    2. substantivisch: yours;
    deiner, deine, dein(e)s, der( die, das) deine yours; im Brief:
    für immer der/die Deine oder
    deine yours (for)ever;
    der/die Deine oder
    deine (dein Mann/deine Frau) your husband/wife, your spouse;
    deinen (deine Familie) you and yours;
    deine (dazu) beitragen oder
    tun(, damit …) you’ll have to do your bit ( oder share, US auch part) (for it …)
    B. pers pr obs oder poet deiner
    * * *
    Possessivpronomen your; (Rel., auch altertümelnd) thy

    viele Grüße von deinem Emil — with best wishes, yours Emil

    das Buch dort, ist das dein[e]s? — that book over there, is it yours?

    du und die Deinen(geh.) you and yours or your family

    der/die Deine/deine — (geh.) your husband/wife

    das Deine/deine — (geh.) your possessions pl. or property

    du musst das Deine/deine tun — you must do your bit or share

    * * *
    (eigener) Fehler! ausdr.
    That's your (own)
    fault! expr.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > dein

  • 59 enden

    I v/i
    1. (räumlich aufhören) (come to an) end, stop; der Zug endet hier the train terminates ( oder stops umg.) here, this is the end of the line (for this train)
    2. (zeitlich aufhören, ausgehen) end, finish; Frist: auch run out, be up, expire; Vertrag etc.: expire, lapse; enden mit Sache: end (up) with, end in; Person: finish (up) with ( oder by + Ger.); schlimm oder böse enden come to a bad ( oder sorry) end; wo soll das nur ( alles) enden? whatever are things coming to?; der Film endet tragisch / gut the film (Am. auch movie) ends tragically / happily, the film (Am. auch movie) has a sad ending / happy end; es endete damit, dass er ging the outcome ( oder result) was that he left, it ended (up) ( oder finished) with him leaving, in the end he left; nicht enden wollend unending, never-ending; Beifall: prolonged
    3. Rede etc., Redner(in): finish, end, conclude geh.; sie endete mit den Worten... she finished by saying..., finally, she said...
    4. euph. (sterben, sein Leben beschließen) end one’s days, finish (up); du wirst noch im Knast / in der Gosse enden! you’ll finish ( oder end) up in jail / in the gutter!
    5. LING.: enden auf (+ Dat) end in ( oder with)
    II v/t geh. (beenden) end, (bring to a) close, terminate
    * * *
    to expire; to end up; to conclude; to cease; to come to an end; to finish; to end; to eventuate
    * * *
    ẹn|den ['ɛndn]
    to end, to finish; (Frist auch) to run out, to expire; (Zug) to terminate; (= sterben) to meet one's end

    mit den Worten... enden (bei Rede) — to close with the words...

    es endete damit, dass... — the outcome was that...

    er endete im Gefängnishe ended up in prison

    das wird böse enden!no good will come of it!

    * * *
    1) (to get into a particular, usually unfortunate, situation, especially through one's own fault: If you go on like that, you'll land up in jail.) land up
    2) (to finish; to come or bring to an end: The meeting closed with everyone in agreement.) close
    3) (to reach or come to an end, usually unpleasant: I knew that he would end up in prison.) end up
    4) (to end: It was no surprise to me when he finished up in jail; The car finished up in the dump.) finish up
    5) ((with in) to cause or have as a result: The match resulted in a draw.) result
    * * *
    1. Hilfsverb: haben (nicht mehr weiterführen) stop, end
    die Straße endete nach 40 Kilometern after 40 kilometres the road came to an end
    der Rock endet knapp oberhalb des Knies the skirt ends just above the knee
    2. Hilfsverb: haben (auslaufen) expire, run out, end
    die Frist endet morgen tomorrow is the deadline
    3. Hilfsverb: haben (nicht mehr weiterfahren) end, stop
    dieser Zug endet hier! this train terminates here!
    4. Hilfsverb: haben LING (ausgehen)
    auf [o mit] etw akk \enden to end with sth
    das Wort endet auf ein „o“ the word ends with an “o”
    5. Hilfsverb: sein (fam: landen) end [up]
    6. Hilfsverb: haben (zu etw führen)
    in etw dat/irgendwo \enden to end up in sth/somewhere
    das wird böse \enden! that will end in tears [or disaster]!
    jd wird schlimm \enden sb will come to a bad end, sb will come to no good
    nicht \enden wollend endless
    es endete damit, dass sie sich verprügelten they ended up fighting, in the end they came to blows
    wie soll/wird es mit jdm noch mal \enden? what will happen to sb?, whatever will come of sb
    * * *
    1) end; < programme> end, finish

    in der Gosse/im Gefängnis enden — die in the gutter/end one's days in prison

    * * *
    A. v/i
    1. (räumlich aufhören) (come to an) end, stop;
    der Zug endet hier the train terminates ( oder stops umg) here, this is the end of the line (for this train)
    2. (zeitlich aufhören, ausgehen) end, finish; Frist: auch run out, be up, expire; Vertrag etc: expire, lapse;
    enden mit Sache: end (up) with, end in; Person: finish (up) with ( oder by +ger);
    böse enden come to a bad ( oder sorry) end;
    wo soll das nur (alles) enden? whatever are things coming to?;
    der Film endet tragisch/gut the film (US auch movie) ends tragically/happily, the film (US auch movie) has a sad ending/happy end;
    es endete damit, dass er ging the outcome ( oder result) was that he left, it ended (up) ( oder finished) with him leaving, in the end he left;
    nicht enden wollend unending, never-ending; Beifall: prolonged
    3. Rede etc, Redner(in): finish, end, conclude geh;
    sie endete mit den Worten … she finished by saying…, finally, she said…
    4. euph (sterben, sein Leben beschließen) end one’s days, finish (up);
    du wirst noch im Knast/in der Gosse enden! you’ll finish ( oder end) up in jail/in the gutter!
    5. LING:
    enden auf (+dat) end in ( oder with)
    B. v/t geh (beenden) end, (bring to a) close, terminate
    * * *
    1) end; < programme> end, finish

    in der Gosse/im Gefängnis enden — die in the gutter/end one's days in prison

    * * *
    to cease v.
    to conclude (with) v.
    to end v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > enden

  • 60 Kommen

    v/i; kommt, kam, ist gekommen
    1. come; (ankommen) auch arrive; (gelangen) get ( bis to); durch eine Stadt / Gegend kommen pass through a town / area; nach Hause kommen come ( oder get) home; wie komme ich zum Bahnhof / nach Linz? how do I get to the (Am. train) station / to Linz?; ich komme gerade von der Arbeit I’ve just got back from work; komm schon! come on!, hurry up!; ich komme schon! I’m coming; na, komm schon! umg. come on (, now)!; er wird bald kommen he’ll be here ( oder with you) soon, he won’t be long; da kommt jemand there’s somebody coming; es ist Post für dich gekommen there’s some post (Am. mail) for you; spät kommen come ( oder be) late; zu spät kommen be late; und etwas versäumen: be too late; jetzt komme ich an die Reihe now it’s my turn; zuerst oder als Erster / zuletzt oder als Letzter kommen come first / last; wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst Sprichw. first come, first served; wer zu spät kommt, den bestraft das Leben etwa: he who lags behind, loses; angelaufen etc. kommen come running etc. along ( oder up); der soll mir nur kommen!, er soll nur kommen! drohend: (just) let him come; jemanden kommen lassen send for s.o.; etw. kommen lassen (bestellen) send for ( oder order) s.th.; wie weit bist du gekommen? how far did you get?; es kam mir ( der Gedanke), dass... it occurred to me that...; es kommt mir oder mir kommt eine Idee I’ve got an idea, I know what we can do; mir kommen die Tränen tears come to my eyes, my eyes fill with tears; iro. don’t make me weep; das wird teuer kommen / dich teuer kommen umg. it’ll come expensive / it’ll cost you; ihr Aufschlag kommt gut Tennis: her serve is coming on well; siehe auch Reihe, spät II etc.
    2. (herannahen) be coming; es kommt ein Gewitter there’s a storm coming (up); der Morgen kommt it’s nearly morning, it’s starting to get light; die Flut kommt the tide is coming in; da vorn kommt gleich eine Kreuzung there’s a junction (Am. intersection) coming up, we’re just coming to a junction (Am. intersection)
    3. (geschehen) auch happen; etw. kommen sehen (voraussehen) see s.th. coming; das kommt mir gelegen / ungelegen it’s a good / bad time ( oder the right / wrong moment) for me; wie kommt das? how does that come about?, how is that possible?; wie oder woher kommt es, dass how is it that, how come umg.; das kommt daher, dass it’s because; das durfte jetzt nicht kommen it shouldn’t happen (now), it shouldn’t be possible; umg. (das hättest du nicht sagen sollen) you shouldn’t have said that; was auch ( immer) kommen mag... whatever happens,...; komme, was da wolle come what may; es wird noch ganz anders kommen there’s worse to come (yet); das musste ja so kommen it had to ( oder was bound to) happen; es kam, wie es kommen musste the inevitable happened; es ist so weit gekommen, dass things have got to the stage where; es wird noch so weit kommen, dass er rausgeschmissen wird he’ll be thrown out one of these days
    4. umg. wenn Sie mir so kommen if you talk to me like that; komm mir ja nicht so frech! don’t be so cheeky, Am. don’t be such a smart aleck, I don’t want any of your cheek; komm mir nur nicht mit diesen Ausreden spare me your excuses; damit kannst du mir nicht kommen you don’t expect me to believe that, do you?; komm mir nicht dauernd mit der Geschichte I wish you wouldn’t keep going on ( oder I wish you’d stop pestering me) about that business; er kommt einfach mit diesen Ideen he just trots out these ideas
    5. umg. (einen Orgasmus haben) come; ich komme I’m coming; es kommt ihr she’s coming
    6. umg. (sich entwickeln) develop; wie kommt dein neues Projekt? how is your new project coming on?
    7. kommen an (+ Akk)
    a) (gelangen zu) come ( oder get) to, arrive at; (jemandem zukommen) go ( oder fall) to; an jemandes Stelle kommen take s.o.’s place;
    b) (sich verschaffen, bekommen) get hold of; wie bist du an die Daten gekommen? how did you come by these data?
    8. kommen auf (+ Akk) (herausfinden) think of, hit upon; (sich erinnern an) think of, remember; auf eine Summe kommen come to ( oder total) an amount; auf die Rechnung kommen go ( oder be put) on the bill (Am. auch tab); das kommt (steht) auf Seite 12 that comes ( oder is) on page 12; auf etw. zu sprechen kommen get onto the subject of s.th.; wie kommst du darauf? what makes you say that?, what gives you that idea?; darauf wäre ich nie gekommen it would never have occurred to me; ich komme nicht darauf! I just can’t think of it; darauf komme ich gleich I’ll be coming to that; auf 100 Einwohner kommt ein Arzt there’s a ( oder one) doctor for every 100 inhabitants; ich lasse nichts auf ihn kommen I won’t have anything said against him
    9. hinter etw. (+ Akk) kommen find s.th. out
    10. das Buch kommt ins oberste Regal / ins Arbeitszimmer the book goes on the top shelf / belongs in the study; in Gefahr / Not / Verlegenheit kommen get into danger / difficulties Pl. / an embarrassing situation; ins Rutschen kommen get into a slide ( oder skid)
    11. über einen Zaun etc. kommen get over a fence etc.; über jemanden kommen Gefühl etc.: come over s.o.; Fluch: come upon s.o.
    12. um etw. kommen lose s.th.; durch fremdes Mitwirken: be done out of s.th.; ums Leben kommen lose one’s life, die, (getötet werden) auch be killed
    13. kommen unter (+ Akk) eine Überschrift etc.: go under; ein Auto etc.: be run over by
    14. kommen von Ergebnis: be a result of ( oder due to); das kommt davon! see what happens?, what did I tell you?; das kommt davon, wenn du so viel trinkst that’s what happens when you drink so much
    15. kommen vor (+ Akk) come ( oder go) before; vors Gericht kommen Sache: come up before the court
    16. zu etw. kommen come ( oder get) to s.th.; (bekommen) come by s.th., get hold of s.th.; zu Geld kommen (erben) come into money; zur Ansicht kommen, dass... come to the conclusion that..., decide that...; zur Sprache kommen come up (for discussion); ( wieder) zu sich kommen come to ( oder [a]round), regain consciousness; wie kamst du bloß dazu(, das zu tun)? what on earth made you do that?; es kam zum Streit a quarrel developed; es kam zu Kämpfen zwischen... fighting broke out between...; zum Stehen kommen come to a standstill; ich komme einfach nicht zum Lesen I just don’t get ( oder find) the time to read anything; ich komme aber erst morgen dazu I won’t get (a)round to it ( oder manage it) before tomorrow; wie kommen Sie dazu? how dare you?; siehe auch Kraft 1, Sache etc.
    * * *
    to arrive; to emerge; to come
    * * *
    nt -s, no pl

    ein einziges Kommen und Gehen — a constant coming and going

    jd ist im Kommensb is on his/her way up

    * * *
    1) (coming or arrival: the advent of space travel.) advent
    2) (to (manage to) move, go, take, put etc: He couldn't get across the river; I got the book down from the shelf.) get
    3) (to move etc towards the person speaking or writing, or towards the place being referred to by him: Come here!; Are you coming to the dance?; John has come to see me; Have any letters come for me?) come
    4) (to become near or close to something in time or space: Christmas is coming soon.) come
    * * *
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (eintreffen) to come, to arrive
    ich bin gerade ge\kommen I just arrived [or got here]
    ich komme schon! I'm coming!
    sie \kommen morgen aus Berlin they're arriving [or coming] from Berlin tomorrow
    der Zug kommt aus Paris the train is coming from Paris
    da kommt Anne/der Bus there's Anne/the bus
    der Bus müsste jeden Augenblick \kommen the bus is due any minute
    ich komme um vier und hole Sie ab I'll come and fetch you at four
    der Wind kommt von Osten/von der See the wind is blowing [or coming] from the East/off the sea
    sie kam in Begleitung ihres Mannes she was accompanied by her husband
    ich bin ge\kommen, um zu helfen I've come [or I'm here] to help
    du kommst wie gerufen! you've come just at the right moment!
    wann soll das Baby \kommen? when's the baby due?
    das Baby kam am 1. Mai the baby arrived [or was born] on the 1 May
    zurzeit \kommen laufend Anfragen zur neuen Software we keep receiving queries about the new software at the moment
    seine Antwort kam zögernd his answer was hesitant, he answered hesitantly
    jede Hilfe kam zu spät help came [or arrived] too late
    angefahren/angeflogen/angerannt \kommen to arrive by car/by plane/at a run
    sie kamen gestern aus Rom angefahren/angeflogen they drove up/flew in from Rome yesterday
    angereist \kommen to arrive
    mit dem Auto/Fahrrad \kommen to come by car/bike, to drive/cycle
    als Erster/Letzter \kommen to be the first/last to arrive, to arrive first/last
    früh/pünktlich/rechtzeitig/spät \kommen to arrive early/on time [or punctually]/in time/late
    zu Fuß \kommen to come on foot, to walk
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (gelangen)
    irgendwohin \kommen to get [or reach] somewhere
    kommt man hier zum Bahnhof? is this the way to the station?
    wie komme ich von hier zum Bahnhof? how do I get to the station from here?
    zu Fuß kommt man am schnellsten dahin the quickest way [to get] there is to walk
    sie kommt kaum noch aus dem Haus she hardly gets out of the house these days
    nach Hause \kommen to come [or get] home
    unter's Messer \kommen (hum) to have an operation
    [sicher] ans Ufer \kommen to [safely] reach the bank
    ans Ziel \kommen to reach the finishing [or AM finish] line
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (sich begeben) to come
    kommst du mit uns ins Kino? are you coming to the cinema with us?
    meine Kollegin kommt sofort zu Ihnen my colleague will be with you [or be along] immediately
    nach draußen/oben/unten \kommen to come outside/upstairs/downstairs
    nach London/England \kommen to come to London/England
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (passieren)
    durch etw akk/über etw akk/einen Ort \kommen to pass [or come] through sth/a place
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (teilnehmen)
    zu etw dat \kommen Kongress, Party, Training to come to [or form attend] sth
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (besuchen)
    zu jdm \kommen to visit sb, to come and see [or visit] sb
    ich komme gern[e] einmal zu Ihnen I'd be delighted to visit you sometime
    komm doch mal, ich würde mich sehr freuen! [come and] stop by sometime, I'd love to see you!
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (herstammen)
    irgendwoher \kommen to come [or be] [or hail] from somewhere
    sie kommt aus New York/Australien she's [or she comes] [or she hails] from New York/Australia, she's a New Yorker/an Australian
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (folgen, an der Reihe sein) to come
    wer kommt [jetzt]? whose turn [or go] is it?
    nach etw dat \kommen to come after [or follow] sth
    die Schule kommt kurz nach der Kreuzung the school is just after the crossroads
    nach/vor jdm \kommen to come after/before sb
    an die Reihe \kommen to be sb's turn [or go]
    ich komme zuerst [an die Reihe] I'm first, it's my turn [or go] first
    noch \kommen to be still [or yet] to come
    da wird noch mehr Ärger \kommen there'll be more trouble yet
    das Schlimmste kommt noch the worst is yet to come
    zuerst [o als Erster] /als Nächster/zuletzt [o als Letzter] \kommen to come first/next/last
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (untergebracht werden)
    ins Gefängnis/Krankenhaus \kommen to go to prison/into hospital
    vor Gericht \kommen Fall to come to court; Mensch to come [or appear] before the court
    in die Schule/Lehre \kommen to start school/an apprenticeship
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (erlangen)
    zu etw dat \kommen to achieve sth
    wie komme ich zu dieser Ehre? (iron, hum) to what do I owe this honour?
    zu der Erkenntnis \kommen, dass... to realize [or come to the realization] that...
    zu Geld \kommen to come into money
    zu Kräften \kommen to gain strength
    zu Ruhm \kommen to achieve [or win] fame
    [wieder] zu sich dat selbst \kommen to get out of one's head, to come back to [or find] oneself again
    zu sich dat \kommen to come to, to regain consciousness
    an jdn/etw \kommen to get hold of sb/sth
    wie bist du an das viele Geld ge\kommen? how did you get hold of [or come by] all that money?; s.a. Besinnung, Ruhe
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (verlieren)
    um etw akk \kommen to lose sth
    ums Leben \kommen to lose one's life, to be killed, to die
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (erreichen) to reach
    auf den 2. Platz \kommen to reach 2nd place, to come [in] 2nd
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (gebracht werden) to come
    kam Post für mich? was there any post for me?
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (veranlassen, dass jd kommt)
    den Arzt/den Klempner/ein Taxi \kommen lassen to send for [or call] the doctor/the plumber/a taxi
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (hingehören) to go, to belong
    die Tasse kommt dahin the cup belongs there
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (herannahen) to approach; (eintreten, geschehen) to come about, to happen
    heute kommt noch ein Gewitter there'll be a thunderstorm today
    der Winter kommt mit Riesenschritten winter is fast approaching
    der Termin kommt etwas ungelegen the meeting comes at a somewhat inconvenient time
    das habe ich schon lange \kommen sehen! I saw that coming a long time ago
    das kam doch anders als erwartet it/that turned out [or happened] differently than expected
    es kam eins zum anderen one thing led to another
    und so kam es, dass... and that's why/how..., and that's how it came about [or happened] that...
    wie kommt es, dass...? how is it that...?, how come...?
    es musste ja so \kommen it/that was bound to happen
    es hätte viel schlimmer \kommen können it could have been much worse
    zu etw dat \kommen to happen
    zum Prozess \kommen to come to trial
    es zu etw dat \kommen lassen zum Streit to let it come to sth
    so weit \kommen, dass... to get to the stage [or point] where...
    so weit kommt es noch! (iron fam) that'll be the day! fam
    komme, was da wolle come what may
    was auch immer \kommen mag whatever happens
    wie's kommt so kommt's whatever will be, will be
    [wieder] im K\kommen sein to be[come] fashionable again
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (in Erscheinung treten) Pflanzen to come on [or along]
    die ersten Tomaten \kommen schon the first tomatoes are appearing
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (jdn erfassen)
    über jdn \kommen Gefühl to come over sb
    eine gewaltige Traurigkeit kam über mich I was overcome by a tremendous sadness
    es kam einfach so über mich it just came over me
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (sich bei jdm zeigen)
    jdm \kommen die Tränen sb is overcome by tears, sb starts to cry
    jdm \kommen Zweifel, ob... sb is beset [or overcome] by doubts [or sb doubts] whether...
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (in einen Zustand geraten)
    in etw akk \kommen to get into sth
    wir kamen plötzlich ins Schleudern we suddenly started to skid
    in Fahrt [o Schwung] \kommen to get going
    in Gefahr/Not \kommen to get into danger/difficulty
    in Sicherheit \kommen to get to safety
    in Verlegenheit \kommen to get [or become] embarrassed; s.a. Stillstand
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (sich verhalten) to be
    so lasse ich mir nicht \kommen! I won't have [or stand for] that!
    so kommst du mir nicht! don't you take that line with me!
    jdm frech \kommen to be cheeky to sb
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (fam: jdn belästigen)
    jdm mit etw dat \kommen to start telling sb about sth
    komm mir nicht schon wieder damit! don't give me [or start] that again!
    da kann [o könnte] ja jeder \kommen (fam) anyone could say that
    der soll nur \kommen! (fam) just let him try!
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (seinen Grund haben) to come from
    daher kommt es, dass... that's why...
    das kommt davon! (fam) it's your own fault!
    das kommt davon, dass/weil... that's because...
    das kommt davon, wenn... that's what happens when...
    wie kommt es, dass... how come..., how is it that [that]...
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (sich an etw erinnern)
    auf etw akk \kommen to remember sth, to recall sth
    ich komme beim besten Willen nicht darauf I just can't seem to remember [or recall] it
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (einfallen)
    jdm \kommen to think of, to occur
    jdm kommt der Gedanke, dass... it occurs to sb that...
    na, das kommt dir aber früh! (iron) why didn't that occur to you sooner?
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (sich verschaffen)
    an etw akk \kommen to get hold of sth
    wie bist du an das Geld ge\kommen? where did you get the money?
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (etw herausfinden)
    hinter etw akk \kommen Pläne to find out sth sep, to get to the bottom of sth
    hinter ein Geheimnis \kommen to uncover [or sep find out] a secret
    wie kommst du darauf? what gives you that idea?, what makes you think that?; s.a. Schlich, Spur
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein FILM, RADIO, TV (gesendet werden) to be on
    was kommt heute im Fernsehen? what's on [television] tonight?
    als Nächstes \kommen die Nachrichten the news is [on] next
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (Zeit für etw finden)
    zu etw dat \kommen to get around to doing sth
    ich komme zu nichts mehr! I don't have time for anything else!
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (entfallen)
    auf jdn/etw \kommen to be allotted to sb/sth
    auf jeden Studenten kamen drei Studentinnen for every male student there were three female students, the ratio of female to male students was 3:1
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (ähnlich sein)
    nach jdm \kommen to take after sb
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (fam: kosten) to cost
    die Reparatur kam sehr teuer the repairs cost a lot [of money]
    auf etw akk \kommen to come to sth
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (überfahren werden)
    unter ein Auto/einen Lastwagen \kommen to be knocked down by a car/lorry [or AM truck]
    unter die Räder \kommen to get knocked [or run] down [or run over
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (ansprechen)
    auf einen Punkt/eine Angelegenheit \kommen to broach [or get onto] a point/matter
    auf etw akk zu sprechen \kommen to get [a]round to [talking about] sth
    jetzt, wo wir auf das Thema Gehaltserhöhung zu sprechen \kommen,... now that we're on [or we've got round to] the subject of pay rises...
    ich werde gleich darauf \kommen I'll come [or get] to that in a moment
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (reichen)
    an etw akk \kommen to reach sth
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (sl: Orgasmus haben) to come fam
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (fam: eine Aufforderung verstärkend)
    komm, sei nicht so enttäuscht come on, don't be so disappointed
    komm, lass uns gehen! come on [or hurry up], let's go!
    komm, komm, werd nicht frech! now now, don't get cheeky!
    ach komm! (fam) come on!
    erstens kommt es anders und zweitens als man denkt (prov) things never turn out the way you expect
    komm ich heut nicht, komm ich morgen (prov) you'll see me when you see me
    zu kurz \kommen to come off badly, to get a raw deal
    auf jdn/etw nichts \kommen lassen (fam) to not hear a [bad] word said against sb
    wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst (prov) first come, first served; s.a. achtzig, halten, nahe, Zeit
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (sich einfinden)
    es kommt jd sb is coming
    es kommt jetzt der berühmte Magier Obrikanus! and now the famous magician, Obrikanus!
    es scheint keiner mehr zu \kommen nobody else seems to be coming
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (beginnen)
    es kommt etw sth is coming
    es kommt auch mal wieder schöneres Wetter the weather will turn nice again
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (sl: Orgasmus haben)
    es kommt jdm (veraltet) sb comes
    <kam, gekommen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (fam: kosten)
    jdn etw \kommen to cost sb sth
    die Reparatur kam mich sehr teuer I paid a lot [of money] for the repairs, the repairs cost a lot [of money]
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb; mit sein
    1) come; (eintreffen) come; arrive

    angelaufen/angebraust usw. kommen — come running/roaring etc. along; (auf jemanden zu) come running/roaring etc. up

    angekrochen kommen(fig.) come crawling up

    durch eine Gegend kommenpass through a region

    nach Hause kommencome or get home

    zu jemandem kommen(jemanden besuchen) come and see somebody

    ist für mich keine Post gekommen? — is/was there no post for me?

    etwas kommen lassen(etwas bestellen) order something

    jemanden kommen lassensend for or call somebody

    da könnte ja jeder kommen!(ugs.) who do you think you are?/who does he think he is? etc.

    komm mir bloß nicht damit!(ugs.) don't give me that!

    [bitte] kommen! — (im Funkverkehr) come in[, please]

    2) (gelangen) get

    ans Ufer/Ziel kommen — reach the bank/finishing-line

    wie komme ich nach Paris? — how do I get to Paris?; (fig.)

    auf etwas (Akk.) zu sprechen kommen — turn to the discussion of something

    jemandem auf die Spur/Schliche kommen — get on somebody's trail/get wise to somebody's tricks

    dazu kommen, etwas zu tun — get round to doing something

    zum Einkaufen/Waschen kommen — get round to doing the shopping/washing

    3) (auftauchen) <seeds, plants> come up; <buds, flowers> come out; <peas, beans> form; < teeth> come through

    ihr ist ein Gedanke/eine Idee gekommen — she had a thought/an idea; a thought/an idea came to her

    zur Schule kommengo to or start school

    ins Krankenhaus/Gefängnis kommen — go into hospital/to prison

    in den Himmel/in die Hölle kommen — (fig.) go to heaven/hell

    5) (gehören) go; belong

    in die Schublade/ins Regal kommen — go or belong in the drawer/on the shelf

    6) (gebracht, befördert werden) go
    7) (geraten) get

    in Gefahr/Not/Verlegenheit kommen — get into danger/serious difficulties/get or become embarrassed

    unter ein Auto/zu Tode kommen — be knocked down by a car/be or get killed

    neben jemandem zu sitzen kommen — get to sit next to somebody; s. auch Schwung; Stimmung

    8) (nahen)

    ein Gewitter/die Flut kommt — a storm is approaching/the tide's coming in

    der Tag/die Nacht kommt — (geh.) day is breaking/night is falling

    im Kommen sein<fashion etc.> be coming in; < person> be on the way up

    9) (sich ereignen) come about; happen

    das durfte [jetzt] nicht kommen — (ugs. spött.) that's hardly the thing to say now

    gelegen/ungelegen kommen — <offer, opportunity> come/not come at the right moment; < visit> be/not be convenient

    überraschend [für jemanden] kommen — come as a surprise [to somebody]

    daher kommt es, dass... — that's [the reason] why...

    das kommt davon, dass... — that's because...

    vom vielen Rauchen/vom Vitaminmangel kommen — be due to smoking/vitamin deficiency

    wie kommt es, dass... — how is it that you/he etc....; how come that... (coll.)

    10) unpers

    es kam zum Streit/Kampf — there was a quarrel/fight

    es kam alles ganz andersit all or everything turned out quite differently

    so weit kommt es noch [, dass ich euern Dreck wieder wegräume]! — (ugs. iron.) that really is the limit[, expecting me to clear up your rubbish after you]!

    11) (ugs.): (erreicht werden)

    da vorn kommt eine Tankstellethere's a petrol station coming up (coll.)


    zu Erfolg/Ruhm usw. kommen — gain success/fame etc.

    nie zu etwas kommen(ugs.) never get anywhere

    [wieder] zu sich kommen — regain consciousness; come round

    13) (an der Reihe sein; folgen)

    zuerst/zuletzt kam... — first/last came...

    als erster/letzter kommen — come first/last

    jetzt komme ich [an die Reihe] — it is my turn now

    14) (ugs.): (sich verhalten)

    jemandem frech/unverschämt/grob kommen — be cheeky/impertinent/rude to somebody

    so lasse ich mir nicht kommen!I don't stand for that sort of thing!


    ich lasse auf ihn usw. nichts kommen — I won't hear anything said against him etc.

    über jemanden kommen(jemanden erfassen) < feeling> come over somebody

    auf hundert Berufstätige kommen vier Arbeitslose — for every hundred people in employment, there are four people unemployed


    seine Eltern kommen aus Sachsenhis parents come or are from Saxony

    18) (ugs.): (kosten)

    alles zusammen kam auf... — altogether it came to...

    wie teuer kommt der Stoff?how much or dear is that material?

    etwas kommt [jemanden] teuer — something comes expensive [for somebody]

    19) (ugs.): (anspringen) < engine> start
    20) (salopp): (Orgasmus haben) come (sl.)
    21) (ugs.): (als Aufforderung, Ermahnung)

    komm/kommt/kommen Sie — come on, now

    komm, komm — oh, come on

    [gut] kommen/nicht kommen — <serve, backhand, forehand, etc.> be going/not be going well

    23) in festen Wendungen: s. Ausbruch 2); Einsatz 3); Entfaltung 1); Fall
    * * *
    Kommen n; -s, kein pl arrival;
    ein ständiges Kommen und Gehen a constant coming and going;
    es ist ein ständiges Kommen und Gehen people are in and out all day, there’s a constant stream of of people coming and going;
    im Kommen sein Ideologie etc: be in the ascendant;
    sind wieder im Kommen wider ties etc are coming in again;
    dieser Dirigent ist im Kommen he’s an up-and-coming conductor
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb; mit sein
    1) come; (eintreffen) come; arrive

    angelaufen/angebraust usw. kommen — come running/roaring etc. along; (auf jemanden zu) come running/roaring etc. up

    angekrochen kommen(fig.) come crawling up

    nach Hause kommencome or get home

    zu jemandem kommen(jemanden besuchen) come and see somebody

    ist für mich keine Post gekommen? — is/was there no post for me?

    etwas kommen lassen(etwas bestellen) order something

    jemanden kommen lassensend for or call somebody

    da könnte ja jeder kommen!(ugs.) who do you think you are?/who does he think he is? etc.

    komm mir bloß nicht damit!(ugs.) don't give me that!

    [bitte] kommen! — (im Funkverkehr) come in[, please]

    2) (gelangen) get

    ans Ufer/Ziel kommen — reach the bank/finishing-line

    wie komme ich nach Paris? — how do I get to Paris?; (fig.)

    auf etwas (Akk.) zu sprechen kommen — turn to the discussion of something

    jemandem auf die Spur/Schliche kommen — get on somebody's trail/get wise to somebody's tricks

    dazu kommen, etwas zu tun — get round to doing something

    zum Einkaufen/Waschen kommen — get round to doing the shopping/washing

    3) (auftauchen) <seeds, plants> come up; <buds, flowers> come out; <peas, beans> form; < teeth> come through

    ihr ist ein Gedanke/eine Idee gekommen — she had a thought/an idea; a thought/an idea came to her

    zur Schule kommengo to or start school

    ins Krankenhaus/Gefängnis kommen — go into hospital/to prison

    in den Himmel/in die Hölle kommen — (fig.) go to heaven/hell

    5) (gehören) go; belong

    in die Schublade/ins Regal kommen — go or belong in the drawer/on the shelf

    6) (gebracht, befördert werden) go
    7) (geraten) get

    in Gefahr/Not/Verlegenheit kommen — get into danger/serious difficulties/get or become embarrassed

    unter ein Auto/zu Tode kommen — be knocked down by a car/be or get killed

    neben jemandem zu sitzen kommen — get to sit next to somebody; s. auch Schwung; Stimmung

    ein Gewitter/die Flut kommt — a storm is approaching/the tide's coming in

    der Tag/die Nacht kommt — (geh.) day is breaking/night is falling

    im Kommen sein<fashion etc.> be coming in; < person> be on the way up

    9) (sich ereignen) come about; happen

    das durfte [jetzt] nicht kommen — (ugs. spött.) that's hardly the thing to say now

    gelegen/ungelegen kommen — <offer, opportunity> come/not come at the right moment; < visit> be/not be convenient

    überraschend [für jemanden] kommen — come as a surprise [to somebody]

    daher kommt es, dass... — that's [the reason] why...

    das kommt davon, dass... — that's because...

    vom vielen Rauchen/vom Vitaminmangel kommen — be due to smoking/vitamin deficiency

    wie kommt es, dass... — how is it that you/he etc....; how come that... (coll.)

    10) unpers

    es kam zum Streit/Kampf — there was a quarrel/fight

    es kam alles ganz andersit all or everything turned out quite differently

    so weit kommt es noch [, dass ich euern Dreck wieder wegräume]! — (ugs. iron.) that really is the limit[, expecting me to clear up your rubbish after you]!

    11) (ugs.): (erreicht werden)

    zu Erfolg/Ruhm usw. kommen — gain success/fame etc.

    nie zu etwas kommen(ugs.) never get anywhere

    [wieder] zu sich kommen — regain consciousness; come round

    13) (an der Reihe sein; folgen)

    zuerst/zuletzt kam... — first/last came...

    als erster/letzter kommen — come first/last

    jetzt komme ich [an die Reihe] — it is my turn now

    14) (ugs.): (sich verhalten)

    jemandem frech/unverschämt/grob kommen — be cheeky/impertinent/rude to somebody


    ich lasse auf ihn usw. nichts kommen — I won't hear anything said against him etc.

    über jemanden kommen(jemanden erfassen) < feeling> come over somebody

    auf hundert Berufstätige kommen vier Arbeitslose — for every hundred people in employment, there are four people unemployed

    18) (ugs.): (kosten)

    alles zusammen kam auf... — altogether it came to...

    wie teuer kommt der Stoff?how much or dear is that material?

    etwas kommt [jemanden] teuer — something comes expensive [for somebody]

    19) (ugs.): (anspringen) < engine> start
    20) (salopp): (Orgasmus haben) come (sl.)
    21) (ugs.): (als Aufforderung, Ermahnung)

    komm/kommt/kommen Sie — come on, now

    komm, komm — oh, come on

    22) (Sportjargon): (gelingen)

    [gut] kommen/nicht kommen — <serve, backhand, forehand, etc.> be going/not be going well

    23) in festen Wendungen: s. Ausbruch 2); Einsatz 3); Entfaltung 1); Fall
    * * *
    come interj. v.
    (§ p.,pp.: kam, ist gekommen)
    = to come v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: came, come)
    to cum v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Kommen

См. также в других словарях:

  • fault — n [Anglo French faute lack, failing, ultimately from Latin fallere to deceive, disappoint] 1: a usu. intentional act forbidden by law; also: a usu. intentional omission to do something (as to exercise due care) required by law see also negligence …   Law dictionary

  • fault — 1 noun (C) 1 RESPONSIBLE FOR MISTAKE be sb s fault if something bad that has happened is someone s fault, they should be blamed for it, because they made a mistake or failed to do something: I m really sorry it s all my fault. | be sb s own fault …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • fault — noun 1 responsibility for sth wrong ADJECTIVE ▪ stupid ▪ It s his own stupid fault his car was stolen he should have kept it locked. ▪ entire ▪ It was my entire fault. I ruined everything. FAULT + VERB …   Collocations dictionary

  • fault — fault1 W3S2 [fo:lt US fo:lt] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(responsible for mistake)¦ 2 at fault 3¦(something wrong with something)¦ 4¦(somebody s character)¦ 5 through no fault of her/my etc own 6¦(crack)¦ 7 generous/loyal/honest etc to a fault 8¦(tennis)¦… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • fault — fault1 [ fɔlt ] noun *** 1. ) count or uncount the fact of being responsible for a bad or unpleasant situation: be someone s fault: It s my fault I forgot to give him the message. be someone s fault (that): It s not my fault that we re late. be… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • fault — I UK [fɔːlt] / US [fɔlt] noun Word forms fault : singular fault plural faults *** 1) [countable/uncountable] the fact of being responsible for a bad or unpleasant situation be someone s fault: It s my fault – I forgot to give him the message. be… …   English dictionary

  • own — own1 [ əun ] function word *** Own can be used in the following ways: as an adjective (after a possessive word and followed by a noun): We grow our own vegetables. It s the president s own fault. as a pronoun (after a possessive word but without… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • own */*/*/ — I UK [əʊn] / US [oʊn] adjective, pronoun Summary: Own can be used in the following ways: as an adjective (after a possessive word and followed by a noun): We grow our own vegetables. ♦ It s the president s own fault. as a pronoun (after a… …   English dictionary

  • fault — n. & v. n. 1 a defect or imperfection of character or of structure, appearance, etc. 2 a break or other defect in an electric circuit. 3 a transgression, offence, or thing wrongly done. 4 a Tennis etc. a service of the ball not in accordance with …   Useful english dictionary

  • fault*/*/ — [fɔːlt] noun I 1) [C/U] the fact of being responsible for a bad or unpleasant situation The teacher was at fault for not telling the child s parents.[/ex] It s my fault – I forgot to give him the message.[/ex] If you didn t get enough sleep, it s …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • own — own1 W1S1 [əun US oun] adj, pron [always after a possessive] 1.) used to emphasize that something belongs to or is connected with a particular person or thing and not any other ▪ Bring your own equipment. ▪ Every dance has its own rhythm. ▪ The… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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