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со всех языков на немецкий


  • 121 Selbstmitleid


    Deutsch-Englisches Wörterbuch > Selbstmitleid

  • 122 Sie dauern mich.

    I pity them.

    Deutsch-Englisches Wörterbuch > Sie dauern mich.

  • 123 Sie dauert mich.

    I pity her.

    Deutsch-Englisches Wörterbuch > Sie dauert mich.

  • 124 Sie hatte Mitleid mit ihm.

    She had pity on him.

    Deutsch-Englisches Wörterbuch > Sie hatte Mitleid mit ihm.

  • 125 Und das wäre ein Jammer.

    And that would be a pity.

    Deutsch-Englisches Wörterbuch > Und das wäre ein Jammer.

  • 126 Wie schade!

    1. What a bummer! Am. coll.
    2. What a pity!
    3. What a shame! Am.

    Deutsch-Englisches Wörterbuch > Wie schade!

  • 127 dauern

    - {to endure} chịu đựng, cam chịu, chịu được, kéo dài, tồn tại - {to last} giữ lâu bền, để lâu, đủ cho dùng - {to pity} thương hại, thương xót, động lòng trắc ẩn đối với - {to take (took,taken) cầm, nắm, giữ, bắt, chiếm, lấy, lấy đi, lấy ra, rút ra, trích ra, mang, mang theo, đem, đem theo, đưa, dẫn, dắt, đi, theo, thuê, mướn, mua, ăn, uống, dùng, ghi, chép, chụp, làm, thực hiện, thi hành - lợi dụng, bị, mắc, nhiễm, coi như, cho là, xem như, lấy làm, hiểu là, cảm thấy, đòi hỏi, cần có, yêu cầu, phải, chịu, tiếp, nhận, được, đoạt, thu được, chứa được, đựng, mua thường xuyên, mua dài hạn, quyến rũ - hấp dẫn, lôi cuốn, vượt qua, đi tới, nhảy vào, trốn tránh ở, bén, ngấm, có hiệu lực, ăn ảnh, thành công, được ưa thích = es wird sehr lange dauern {it will take a good long time}+ = es wird nicht lange dauern {it will not take long}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > dauern

  • 128 bedauern

    - {to bewail} than phiền, than vãn, khóc than, thương tiếc - {to commiserate} thương hại, thương xót, ái ngại, động lòng trắc ẩn - {to deplore} phàn nàn về, lấy làm tiếc về, lấy làm ân hận về, thương, xót xa - {to pity} động lòng trắc ẩn đối với - {to regret} hối tiếc, tiếc

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > bedauern

См. также в других словарях:

  • Pity — implies tender or sometimes slightly contemptuous sorrow for one in misery or distress. By the nineteenth century, two different kinds of pity had come to be distinguished, which we might call benevolent pity and contemptuous pity (see Kimball).… …   Wikipedia

  • Pity Álvarez — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Pity Álvarez Archivo:Pity.jpg Pity Álvarez Información personal Nombre real Cristian Gabriel Álvarez Congiu Nacimiento …   Wikipedia Español

  • Pity sex — (also called sympathy sex or, colloquially, a mercy fuck) is a popular term used to describe sexual intercourse that is provided based solely on feelings of pity or sympathy that at least one partner feels for the other. One or all of those… …   Wikipedia

  • pity — [pit′ē] n. pl. pities [ME pite < OFr pitet < L pietas: see PIETY] 1. sorrow felt for another s suffering or misfortune; compassion; sympathy 2. the ability to feel such compassion 3. a cause for sorrow or regret vt., vi. pitied, pitying [ …   English World dictionary

  • Pity — Pit y, n.; pl. {Pities}. [OE. pite, OF. pit[ e], piti[ e], F. piti[ e], L. pietas piety, kindness, pity. See {Pious}, and cf. {Piety}.] 1. Piety. [Obs.] Wyclif. [1913 Webster] 2. A feeling for the sufferings or distresses of another or others;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pity — ► NOUN (pl. pities) 1) a feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the sufferings of others. 2) a cause for regret or disappointment. ► VERB (pities, pitied) ▪ feel pity for. ● for pity s sake …   English terms dictionary

  • pity — (n.) early 13c., from O.Fr. pite, pitet (11c., Mod.Fr. pitié), from L. pietatem (nom. pietas) piety, affection, duty, in L.L. gentleness, kindness, pity, from pius (see PIOUS (Cf. pious)). Replaced O.E. mildheortness, lit. mild heartness, itself… …   Etymology dictionary

  • pity — [n1] feeling of mercy toward another benevolence, charity, clemency, comfort, commiseration, compassion, compunction, condolement, condolence, dejection, distress, empathy, favor, forbearance, goodness, grace, humanity, kindliness, kindness,… …   New thesaurus

  • Pity — Pit y, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Pitied}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Pitying}.] 1. To feel pity or compassion for; to have sympathy with; to compassionate; to commiserate; to have tender feelings toward (any one), awakened by a knowledge of suffering. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Pity — Pit y, v. i. To be compassionate; to show pity. [1913 Webster] I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy. Jer. xiii. 14. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pity — pity·ing; pity; pity·ing·ly; …   English syllables

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