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  • 1 set

    [set] 1. present participle - setting; verb
    1) (to put or place: She set the tray down on the table.) pôr
    2) (to put plates, knives, forks etc on (a table) for a meal: Please would you set the table for me?) pôr
    3) (to settle or arrange (a date, limit, price etc): It's difficult to set a price on a book when you don't know its value.) pôr
    4) (to give a person (a task etc) to do: The witch set the prince three tasks; The teacher set a test for her pupils; He should set the others a good example.) dar
    5) (to cause to start doing something: His behaviour set people talking.) pôr
    6) ((of the sun etc) to disappear below the horizon: It gets cooler when the sun sets.) pôr-se
    7) (to become firm or solid: Has the concrete set?) endurecer
    8) (to adjust (eg a clock or its alarm) so that it is ready to perform its function: He set the alarm for 7.00 a.m.) pôr
    9) (to arrange (hair) in waves or curls.) pentear
    10) (to fix in the surface of something, eg jewels in a ring.) encastoar
    11) (to put (broken bones) into the correct position for healing: They set his broken arm.) endireitar
    2. adjective
    1) (fixed or arranged previously: There is a set procedure for doing this.) prescrito
    2) ((often with on) ready, intending or determined (to do something): He is set on going.) decidido
    3) (deliberate: He had the set intention of hurting her.) deliberado
    4) (stiff; fixed: He had a set smile on his face.) fixo
    5) (not changing or developing: set ideas.) fixo
    6) ((with with) having something set in it: a gold ring set with diamonds.) engastado
    3. noun
    1) (a group of things used or belonging together: a set of carving tools; a complete set of (the novels of) Jane Austen.) colecção
    2) (an apparatus for receiving radio or television signals: a television/radio set.) aparelho
    3) (a group of people: the musical set.) conjunto
    4) (the process of setting hair: a shampoo and set.) penteado
    5) (scenery for a play or film: There was a very impressive set in the final act.) cenário
    6) (a group of six or more games in tennis: She won the first set and lost the next two.) set
    - setback
    - set phrase
    - set-square
    - setting-lotion
    - set-to
    - set-up
    - all set
    - set about
    - set someone against someone
    - set against someone
    - set someone against
    - set against
    - set aside
    - set back
    - set down
    - set in
    - set off
    - set something or someone on someone
    - set on someone
    - set something or someone on
    - set on
    - set out
    - set to
    - set up
    - set up camp
    - set up house
    - set up shop
    - set upon
    * * *
    [set] n 1 jogo, grupo, conjunto, coleção, série. 2 sociedade, facção. 3 grupo, círculo. 4 conjunto de piadas e estórias no espetáculo de um comediante. 5 Theat, Cin cenário. 6 Radio aparelho, receptor, emissor. 7 porte, posição, forma, ajuste. 8 direção, tendência, curso, rumo. 9 inclinação, deslocação. 10 planta, muda, rebento. 11 fruta recentemente formada da flor. 12 solidificação, endurecimento. 13 Tennis set: série de seis pontos. 14 ato de amarrar (de um cão de caça). 15 ninhada de ovos. 16 trava de serra. 17 última demão de reboque. • vt+vi (ps, pp set) 1 pôr, colocar, localizar, assentar, adaptar, plantar. 2 ajustar, endireitar. 3 regular, acertar. 4 fixar, estabelecer, definir. 5 determinar. 6 apontar, designar. 7 marcar, fixar. 8 dar (exemplo). 9 ligar, firmar. 10 ficar firme, solidificar, coalhar, endurecer, pegar (cimento). 11 montar, engastar. 12 adornar, ornamentar. 13 descer, pôr-se (sol), baixar (maré). 14 chocar, pôr para chocar, colocar ovos para chocar. 15 amarrar (cão de caça). 16 cair, assentar-se, adaptar-se, servir (vestido). 17 tender, dirigir-se, rumar, soprar, vir de (vento). 18 começar a mover-se, pôr-se em movimento. 19 aplicar-se. 20 formar fruta. 21 adaptar. 22 pôr em música, compor. 23 Typogr compor. 24 afiar, assentar (corte de faca, etc.). 25 reduzir (osso deslocado). 26 meter velas. • adj 1 fixado, estabelecido, predeterminado, prescrito. 2 fixo, rígido, imóvel, estacionário. 3 obstinado, aferrado. 4 firme, duro, endurecido. 5 decidido. it was set before him foi apresentado a ele. my set purpose minha firme intenção. to set about começar, tomar providências, iniciar. he doesn’t know how to set about it / ele não sabe como começá-lo. to set apart pôr de lado, reservar. to set a poem to music pôr versos em música. to set aside desprezar, pôr de lado. to set at defiance desafiar. to set back atrasar (relógio), retroceder, impedir, parar. to set behind colocar atrás, descuidar. to set by reservar, separar para uso no futuro. to set down depositar, descer, registrar. to set eyes on something ver, perceber, notar alguma coisa. to set fire to pôr fogo em, acender. to set forth mostrar, demonstrar, anunciar, levantar, partir. to set forward promover, ajudar, continuar, viajar, partir, sair de viagem. to set free liberar. to set in começar, iniciar. a heavy storm set in / caiu um forte temporal. to set in motion pôr em movimento. to set in order arrumar, pôr em ordem. to set off against destacar-se de. to set on incitar, instigar, atacar. to set one’s hand to meter mãos à obra. to set out plantar, enfeitar, adornar, demonstrar, delimitar, exibir, partir, levantar, levantar-se, pôr-se a caminho. to set pen to paper começar a escrever. to set right corrigir. to set someone up as judge arvorar-se em juiz. to set to começar a brigar. to set to work começar a trabalhar, fazer trabalhar. to set up levantar, montar, comprar, iniciar (negócio), fundar, instalar, auxiliar, ajudar, soltar (grito), estabelecer, instituir, estabelecer-se, tornar-se independente. he set up for himself / ele começou a trabalhar por conta própria. to set up a reserve instituir um fundo de reserva. to set up in print compor, tipografar. with set teeth com os dentes cerrados.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > set

  • 2 for the hell of it

    (for no particular reason; just for fun: The boys said they had set fire to the house just for the hell of it.) por gozo
    * * *
    for the hell of it
    por prazer.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > for the hell of it

  • 3 for the hell of it

    (for no particular reason; just for fun: The boys said they had set fire to the house just for the hell of it.) à toa

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > for the hell of it

  • 4 set

    [set] 1. present participle - setting; verb
    1) (to put or place: She set the tray down on the table.) colocar
    2) (to put plates, knives, forks etc on (a table) for a meal: Please would you set the table for me?) pôr
    3) (to settle or arrange (a date, limit, price etc): It's difficult to set a price on a book when you don't know its value.) estabelecer
    4) (to give a person (a task etc) to do: The witch set the prince three tasks; The teacher set a test for her pupils; He should set the others a good example.) dar
    5) (to cause to start doing something: His behaviour set people talking.) provocar
    6) ((of the sun etc) to disappear below the horizon: It gets cooler when the sun sets.) pôr-se
    7) (to become firm or solid: Has the concrete set?)
    8) (to adjust (eg a clock or its alarm) so that it is ready to perform its function: He set the alarm for 7.00 a.m.) ajustar
    9) (to arrange (hair) in waves or curls.) arrumar, ajeitar
    10) (to fix in the surface of something, eg jewels in a ring.) incrustar
    11) (to put (broken bones) into the correct position for healing: They set his broken arm.) ajustar
    2. adjective
    1) (fixed or arranged previously: There is a set procedure for doing this.) estabelecido
    2) ((often with on) ready, intending or determined (to do something): He is set on going.) resolvido a
    3) (deliberate: He had the set intention of hurting her.) firme
    4) (stiff; fixed: He had a set smile on his face.) fixo
    5) (not changing or developing: set ideas.) firme, rígido
    6) ((with with) having something set in it: a gold ring set with diamonds.) incrustado de
    3. noun
    1) (a group of things used or belonging together: a set of carving tools; a complete set of (the novels of) Jane Austen.) conjunto, coleção
    2) (an apparatus for receiving radio or television signals: a television/radio set.) aparelho
    3) (a group of people: the musical set.) conjunto
    4) (the process of setting hair: a shampoo and set.) arranjo, mise en plis
    5) (scenery for a play or film: There was a very impressive set in the final act.) cenário
    6) (a group of six or more games in tennis: She won the first set and lost the next two.) set
    - setback - set phrase - set-square - setting-lotion - set-to - set-up - all set - set about - set someone against someone - set against someone - set someone against - set against - set aside - set back - set down - set in - set off - set something or someone on someone - set on someone - set something or someone on - set on - set out - set to - set up - set up camp - set up house - set up shop - set upon

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > set

  • 5 for

    [fo:] 1. preposition
    1) (to be given or sent to: This letter is for you.) para
    2) (towards; in the direction of: We set off for London.) para
    3) (through a certain time or distance: for three hours; for three miles.) durante
    4) (in order to have, get, be etc: He asked me for some money; Go for a walk.) QUERY (PHRASAL VERB)
    5) (in return; as payment: He paid $2 for his ticket.) por
    6) (in order to be prepared: He's getting ready for the journey.) para
    7) (representing: He is the member of parliament for Hull.) por
    8) (on behalf of: Will you do it for me?) por
    9) (in favour of: Are you for or against the plan?) por
    10) (because of: for this reason.) por
    11) (having a particular purpose: She gave me money for the bus fare.) para
    12) (indicating an ability or an attitude to: a talent for baking; an ear for music.) para/por
    13) (as being: They mistook him for someone else.) por
    14) (considering what is used in the case of: It is quite warm for January (= considering that it is January when it is usually cold).) para
    15) (in spite of: For all his money, he didn't seem happy.) apesar de
    2. conjunction
    (because: It must be late, for I have been here a long time.) pois
    * * *
    [fɔ:] prep 1 por, em lugar de, em vez de. we used boxes for chairs / usamos caixas em vez de cadeiras. 2 por, em prol de, em defesa de, a favor de. they voted for Roosevelt / eles votaram em Roosevelt. 3 de, representante de, em nome de. the lawyer acts for his client / o advogado age em nome de seu cliente. 4 por, para, à razão de, ao preço de. these apples are twelve for a dollar / estas maçãs custam um dólar a dúzia. 5 para, a fim de, no intuito de. he ran for his life / ele correu para salvar a vida. 6 para, a fim de, em consideração de. he went for a walk / ele foi dar um passeio. 7 para, em busca de. 8 para, com destino a. he has just left for New York / ele acaba de partir para Nova York. we have a present for you / temos um presente para você. 9 para, próprio de, acomodado a. 10 por, por causa de, em razão de, devido a. he was punished for stealing / ele foi condenado por ter furtado. 11 para, em honra de. they died for their country / eles morreram pela pátria. a party was given for her / foi dada uma festa em sua honra. 12 de, por, com afeição ou sentimento por. 13 para, a respeito de, com relação a, pelo que toca a, enquanto a. 14 numa extensão de, numa duração de. 15 como, na qualidade de. 16 a despeito de, apesar de, não obstante. 17 para, em vista de, em proporção de, não obstante. 18 de, no valor de. 19 durante. 20 para, em auxílio de. may I hold the umbrella for you? / permita-me segurar-lhe o guarda-chuva? 21 para, na ocasião de. 22 de, por, na quantidade de. 23 para, apropriado para, adaptado a. books for children / livros para crianças. 24 por, dirigido a. 25 para, na direção de. the train for London / o trem para Londres. 26 para, equivalente a. • conj pois, visto que, desde que, já que. we can’t go, for it is raining / não podemos ir porque está chovendo. I did it, for I thought it right / fi-lo, porque o achei justo. for all his efforts, he did not succeed / apesar de todos seus esforços ele não se saiu bem. for all the improvement you have made last year, you might give up / em vista do pouco progresso que fez no ano passado, você deveria desistir. arrested for murder preso por assassínio. as for me quanto a mim. bound for destinada para. but for this a não ser assim. eating too much is bad for one’s health comer demais faz mal à saúde. for account and at the risk of the consignee por conta e risco do consignatário. for a draught of vintage! quem me dera tomar um gole de vinho! for all he is so rich por rico que seja. for all his faults, we like him still apesar de todos os seus defeitos, gostamos dele. for all I know ao que me é dado supor. for all that não obstante isso, apesar disso. for a song por uma pechincha. for a while por algum tempo. for cash down contra pagamento à vista. for certain com certeza. for example por exemplo. for fear of por medo de. for free sl grátis. for fun por brincadeira. for his part por sua parte, por parte dele. for hours durante horas. for how long? por quanto tempo? for love por amor. for me pelo que me diz respeito. for miles about numa extensão de milhas ao redor. for nothing de graça, gratuitamente. for one poisonous snake there are many harmless ones para cada cobra venenosa há muitas inofensivas. for our account por nossa conta. for sure com certeza. for that matter quanto a isso. for the last time pela última vez. for the present, for the time being por ora, por enquanto. for the time to come para o futuro. for the whole year para todo o ano. for this reason por essa razão, por esse motivo. for two years por dois anos. for want of por falta de. for what remains quanto ao mais. for years há anos. for your sake por sua causa. good for nothing imprestável. he has earned a holiday for himself ele fez jus a um dia de licença. he is hard up for money ele está em apertos financeiros. he is not long for this world ele não tardará a morrer. he won’t be back for hours ele não voltará antes de algumas horas. I for one quanto a mim. I go in for tennis eu gosto de tênis. I got it for a reward recebi-o em recompensa. I know him for conheço-o como. I long for a rest anseio por um descanso. it is for you to do compete-lhe fazer. it is for you to propose compete ao senhor fazer proposta. it is usual for her to take a walk every day ela costuma dar um passeio todo dia. it was for nothing foi debalde. not for anything por nada. now for it! mãos à obra! once for all uma vez por todas. ready for action pronto para o combate. she reads well for her age ela lê bem para a sua idade. she wept for ela chorou por. that is the man for me é este o homem que me faz falta. the first free day for years o primeiro dia livre há anos. there is nothing for it but não há remédio senão. to be in for estar sob a ameaça de. to be in for it estar em maus lençóis. too beautiful for words indescritivelmente belo. to play for pennies jogar a vintém. to write for money escrever pedindo dinheiro. we longed for home estávamos com saudade de casa. were it not for you se não fosse você. we sent for a doctor mandamos chamar um médico. what for? para quê? word for word palavra por palavra. you have spoiled our day for us você nos estragou o dia.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > for

  • 6 FOR

    [fo:] 1. preposition
    1) (to be given or sent to: This letter is for you.) para
    2) (towards; in the direction of: We set off for London.) para
    3) (through a certain time or distance: for three hours; for three miles.) durante
    4) (in order to have, get, be etc: He asked me for some money; Go for a walk.) QUERY (PHRASAL VERB)
    5) (in return; as payment: He paid $2 for his ticket.) por
    6) (in order to be prepared: He's getting ready for the journey.) para
    7) (representing: He is the member of parliament for Hull.) por
    8) (on behalf of: Will you do it for me?) por
    9) (in favour of: Are you for or against the plan?) por
    10) (because of: for this reason.) por
    11) (having a particular purpose: She gave me money for the bus fare.) para
    12) (indicating an ability or an attitude to: a talent for baking; an ear for music.) para/por
    13) (as being: They mistook him for someone else.) por
    14) (considering what is used in the case of: It is quite warm for January (= considering that it is January when it is usually cold).) para
    15) (in spite of: For all his money, he didn't seem happy.) apesar de
    2. conjunction
    (because: It must be late, for I have been here a long time.) pois
    * * *
    abbr free on rails (livre de despesas até ser posto no trem).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > FOR

  • 7 for

    [fo:] 1. preposition
    1) (to be given or sent to: This letter is for you.) para
    2) (towards; in the direction of: We set off for London.) para
    3) (through a certain time or distance: for three hours; for three miles.) por
    4) (in order to have, get, be etc: He asked me for some money; Go for a walk.) por
    5) (in return; as payment: He paid $2 for his ticket.) por
    6) (in order to be prepared: He's getting ready for the journey.) para
    7) (representing: He is the member of parliament for Hull.) por
    8) (on behalf of: Will you do it for me?) para
    9) (in favour of: Are you for or against the plan?) a favor de
    10) (because of: for this reason.) por
    11) (having a particular purpose: She gave me money for the bus fare.) para
    12) (indicating an ability or an attitude to: a talent for baking; an ear for music.) para
    13) (as being: They mistook him for someone else.) por
    14) (considering what is used in the case of: It is quite warm for January (= considering that it is January when it is usually cold).) para
    15) (in spite of: For all his money, he didn't seem happy.) apesar de
    2. conjunction
    (because: It must be late, for I have been here a long time.) pois

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > for

  • 8 set aside

    (to keep for a special use or purpose: He set aside some cash for use at the weekend.) pôr de lado

    English-Portuguese dictionary > set aside

  • 9 set aside

    (to keep for a special use or purpose: He set aside some cash for use at the weekend.) reservar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > set aside

  • 10 set up

    1) (to establish: When was the organization set up?) estabelecer-se
    2) (to arrange or construct: He set up the apparatus for the experiment.) montar

    English-Portuguese dictionary > set up

  • 11 set up

    1) (to establish: When was the organization set up?) estabelecer
    2) (to arrange or construct: He set up the apparatus for the experiment.) instalar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > set up

  • 12 set the pace

    (to go forward at a particular speed which everyone else has to follow: Her experiments set the pace for future research.) dar o exemplo

    English-Portuguese dictionary > set the pace

  • 13 set one's seal to

    (to give one's authority or agreement to: He set his seal to the proposals for reforms.) autorizar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > set one's seal to

  • 14 set the pace

    (to go forward at a particular speed which everyone else has to follow: Her experiments set the pace for future research.) dar o andamento

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > set the pace

  • 15 to set apart for

    to set apart for
    reservar para, pôr de lado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to set apart for

  • 16 to set someone’s eyes on somebody

    to set someone’s eyes on somebody
    ver alguém. I set my eyes on him for the first time/eu o vi pela primeira vez.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to set someone’s eyes on somebody

  • 17 to set up

    to set up
    levantar, montar, comprar, iniciar (negócio), fundar, instalar, auxiliar, ajudar, soltar (grito), estabelecer, instituir, estabelecer-se, tornar-se independente. he set up for himself / ele começou a trabalhar por conta própria.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to set up

  • 18 lay/set eyes on

    (to see, especially for the first time: I wish I'd never set eyes on her!) ver/pôr os olhos em cima

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lay/set eyes on

  • 19 lay/set eyes on

    (to see, especially for the first time: I wish I'd never set eyes on her!) pôr os olhos em

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > lay/set eyes on

  • 20 make tracks (for)

    (to depart, or set off (towards): We ought to be making tracks (for home).) ir-se embora

    English-Portuguese dictionary > make tracks (for)

См. также в других словарях:

  • set for life — phrase someone who is set for life has so much money that they never need to work again Thesaurus: richsynonym Main entry: set …   Useful english dictionary

  • set for a later time — index continue (adjourn) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Set for Life — Infobox Television show name = Set For Life caption = format = Game show starring = Jimmy Kimmel runtime = 60 Minutes creator = Dick de Rijk country = United States network = ABC executive producer = Scott St. John director = R. Brian DiPirro… …   Wikipedia

  • set for life — adjective Possessing sufficient resources, especially financial, to last a lifetime. In that case he has to pay her alimony even if there are no children, and if she is one of those smart ones, interested in nothing but a good living and… …   Wiktionary

  • set for life — have enough money to last a lifetime    He inherited a lot of money. He s set for life …   English idioms

  • set for life — someone who is set for life has so much money that they never need to work again …   English dictionary

  • set for trial — See setting case for trial …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • National Minimum Data Set for Social Care — NMDS Logo Launched: October 2005 By: Skills for Care Website: www.nmds sc.org.uk Objective The primary objective of the NMDS SC is to generate improved sector wide strategic workforce intelligence to support the strategic plannin …   Wikipedia

  • (the) scene is set for something — the scene is set for (something) set the scene for (something) if you set the scene for something, you make it possible or likely to happen. After a disastrous first half, the scene was set for a humiliating defeat …   New idioms dictionary

  • (the) scene is set for — the scene is set for (something) set the scene for (something) if you set the scene for something, you make it possible or likely to happen. After a disastrous first half, the scene was set for a humiliating defeat …   New idioms dictionary

  • (the) stage is set for something — the stage is set for (something) set the stage for (something) if you set the stage for something, you make it possible or likely to happen. The stage is now set for a really exciting climax to this year s championship …   New idioms dictionary

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