1 irredeemable shares
English_Russian capital issues dictionary > irredeemable shares
2 irredeemable preference shares
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > irredeemable preference shares
3 irredeemable preference shares
привилегированные акции, которые не могут быть выкупленыEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > irredeemable preference shares
4 irredeemable preference shares
привилегированные акции, которые компания не может выкупитьEnglish-russian dctionary of diplomacy > irredeemable preference shares
5 share
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6 share
1. сущ.1)а) эк. доля, часть (напр., рынка, имущества, доходов и т. п.); квотаproportional share, pro rata share — пропорциональная доля
in equal shares — равными долями, в равных долях
Tenancy in common is the holding of property by two or more persons, either in equal shares or unequal shares. — Нераздельно совладение представляет собой форму собственности, при которой имуществом владеют двое или более лиц, в равных или в неравных долях.
Rather, they have a very simple Will or no Will at all, either of which means that the estate will be divided among the children "in equal shares". — Скорее, они составляют очень простой вариант завещания или не составляют вообще никакого завещания, в обоих этих случаях имущество будет разделено среди детей в равных долях.
See:shareowner, share tenant, share-tenant, market share, brand share, audience share, profit share, quota share, surplus share reinsuranceб) общ. доля, удел, участьI couldn't even dream that such prize would fall to my share. — Я даже не мог мечтать о том, чтобы такая удача выпала на мою долю.
2) общ. участие; рольto bear share in smth., to take share in smth. — принимать участие в чем-л.
We will further our interests through partnership with those who, like us, are willing to bear a share in promoting peace and stability. — Мы будем продолжать наше дело совместно с теми, кто, подобно нам, желает принять участие в работе на благо укрепления мира и стабильности.
3)а) фин. акция; пай (участие в капитале компании, т. е. доля собственности в компании, напр., доля в капитале взаимного инвестиционного фонда, кооператива и т. п.)See:б) фин. акция (ценная бумага, свидетельствующая о внесении определенной суммы в собственный капитал компании и подтверждающая право своего владельца на определенную часть прибыли данной компании и остатка активов при ликвидации, а обычно также и право на участие в управлении компании путем голосования на собраниях акционеров)to acquire shares — скупать [приобретать\] акции
to hold shares in a company — иметь акции какой-л. компании, владеть акциями какой-л. компании
to issue shares — выпускать [эмитировать\] акции
block [line\] of shares — пакет акций
shares are rising — акции поднимаются (в цене); курс акций растет [поднимается\]
shares are down — акции падают (в цене); курс акций снижается [падает\]
H-P will buy 1,2 million Convex shares at $14.875 a share, representing a 1,25-a-share premium over the price of Convex stock. — "H-P" купит 1,2 млн акций компании "Конвекс" по цене 14,875 долл. за штуку, что означает уплату премии в размере 1,25 долл. на акцию сверх цены акций "Конвекса".
share market — фондовый рынок, рынок ценных бумаг
Syn:stock 1. 5) б)See:share broker, share market, A ordinary share, A share, accumulation share, active share, allotted shares, American Depositary Share, annuity income shares, authorized shares, Bancshares, bearer share, bogus share, bonus share, callable share, capital growth shares, capital shares, class A share, class B share, classified shares, closely held shares, common share, conversion shares, convertible preference share, convertible preferred share, cross-held shares, cumulative preference share, defensive shares, deferred ordinary share, deferred share, diluted shares, equity share, excess shares, first preferred share, flow-through shares, forfeited share, founders' shares, fractional share, fully paid shares, geared ordinary income shares, geared ordinary shares, gold shares, golden share, growth share, high-priced share, identified shares, inactive share, incentive shares, income shares, industrial shares, inscribed share, investment shares, investment trust share, irredeemable preference share, irredeemable share, issued and outstanding shares, issued share, low-priced share, management share, monthly income preferred share, multiple voting share, mutual fund share, new share, nil paid shares, no par value share, nominal share, non-convertible preference share, non-convertible preferred share, noncumulative preference share, non-equity share, non-par value share, non-participating share, non-par-value share, non-voting ordinary share, non-voting share, no-par share, no-par-value share, ordinary income shares, ordinary share, outstanding shares, overvalued share, paid-up share, paired shares, par value share, partially paid shares, participating preference share, participating preferred share, participating share, partly paid shares, par-value share, penny share, performance shares, permanent interest-bearing shares, perpetual preference share, perpetual preferred share, preference share, preferred ordinary share, preferred share, publicly held shares, quality share, quarterly income preferred share, redeemable preference share, redeemable share, registered share, senior preferred share, stepped preference share, stock share, subordinate voting share, subscription shares, term share, traditional income shares, treasure share, treasury share, unallotted shares, under valued share, underlying share, undervalued share, under-valued share, unissued shares, unquoted share, voting right share, voting share, zero dividend preference share, zero dividend share, zero-dividend preference share, American Depositary Share, share warrant, shareholder, shareholding, share capital, equity security, dividend, dividend coupon, and interest, book value per share, cash flow per share, dividends per share, earnings per share, net asset value per share, sales per share, employee share ownership plan, profit sharing share schemeв) фин., юр., брит. акция (согласно доктрине британского права, под акцией понимается интерес ее владельца, измеряемый определенной суммой денег и включающий в себя различные права, установленные договором; акции должны быть именными; могут выпускаться как в документарной форме, согласно закону "О компаниях" от 1985 г., так и в электронной форме, согласно Положению о бездокументарных ценных бумагах от 1995 г.; передача прав на акции через средства электронной техники регламентируется законом 1982 г. "О передаче акций"; законом 1963 г. с аналогичным названием была утверждена форма передаточного распоряжения, которая должна заполняться при совершении сделок с акциями)See:Company Act 1985, Uncertificated Securities Regulations 1995, Stock Transfer Act 1982, Stock Transfer Act 1963, equity share, non-equity share4)а) с.-х. (плужный/плужной) лемех, (плужный/плужной) сошник, лемеш, плужник (часть плуга, сабана или косули, подрезающая пласт земли снизу)Syn:б) с.-х. сошник (рабочий орган сеялки для образования в почве бороздки, направления в нее семян и заделки их почвой)See:2)в) с.-х. (культиваторная) лапа (рабочий орган культиватора, предназначенный для подрезания поверхностного слоя почвы при рыхлении, образования в почве борозд для семян или подкормки и т. д.)Syn:2. гл.1)а) общ. делить, разделять, распределять (что-л. между несколькими лицами, направлениями использования и т. п.; также to share out); делить (что-л. с кем-л.), делиться (чем-л. с кем-л.)to share equally — делить на равные части, делить поровну
We agreed to share out money. — Мы договорились разделить деньги.
You don't need to share money. — Вам не нужно делиться деньгами.
I would like to share with you some exciting news. — Я бы хотел поделиться с вами увлекательными новостями.
See:б) общ. разделять, использовать совместно (что-л. с кем-л.)We have a very large house, but I insist that they share a room. — У нас очень большой дом, но я настаивают на том, чтобы они жили в одной комнате.
Bill and I shared an office for years. — Мы с Биллом работали в одном офисе много лет.
When two people share an umbrella, the taller person should carry it for greater visibility and safety. — когда двое идут под одним зонтом, для лучшего обзора и большей безопасности зонт должен нести более высокий человек.
2)а) общ. участвовать (в какой-л. деятельности, проекте и т. п.)You can share in the project by being part of our support team, by praying for us or by contributing to our financial support. — Вы можете участвовать в проекте присоединившись к команде поддержки, молясь за нас или оказав нам финансовую помощь.
Syn:б) эк. быть пайщиком; быть акционером (участвовать в собственном капитале компании, кооператива, взаимного инвестиционного фонда и т. п.)to share in a firm — быть акционером фирмы, участвовать в собственном капитале фирмы
3) общ. разделять (мнения, вкусы и т. п.)to share smb's opinion/views — разделять чье-л. мнение/взгляды
I fully share his opinion. — Я полностью разделяю его мнение.
He likes people who share his likes. — Ему нравятся люди, которые разделяют его пристрастия.
They all share common features. — Они все обладают общими чертами.
* * *
доля, часть (целого): 1) акция, участие в капитале компании: ценная бумага, дающая право на долю в акционерном капитале компании и на пропорциональную часть прибыли и остатка активов при ликвидации (также обычно право голоса на общих собраниях акционеров при выборах директоров и утверждении результатов деятельности компании); право собственности представлено сертификатом акции; 2) пай (акция) во взаимном фонде, кооперативе, кредитном союзе, строительном обществе; 3) участие в товариществе (общем или с ограниченной ответственностью); 4) доля рынка; = market share; 5) = Nielsen rating.* * *• 1) /vt/ разделять; 2) /vi/ принимать участие• 1) доля; 2) акция* * *акция; доля; пай. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *1. ценная бумага, являющаяся титулом собственности на часть имущества компании; лицо, инвестирующее средства в компанию, может ограничить свою ответственность суммой стоимости акций2. долевое участие доля собственных ресурсов заемщика и кредита банка в формировании затрат или в инвестициях-----применяется в практике перестрахования, когда первоначальный страховщик удерживает на своей ответственности часть риска, а оставшуюся передает в перестрахование-----Ценные бумаги/Биржевая деятельностьценная бумага, удостоверяющая участие ее вла-дельца в капитале акционерного общества <5>stock -
7 share
1.1) делить, разделять, участвовать в чем-либо2) иметь долю, быть пайщиком2.1) доля; часть; пай; паевой взнос2) акция•- "A" sharesThe index of B-shares – stocks denominated in foreign currency and reserved, in theory, for overseas investors, as opposed to A-shares designed for local buyers, has risen more than a third in the past two weeks. — За последние две недели индекс акций «Б» — акций, деноминированных в иностранной валюте и зарезервированных, теоретически, для иностранных инвесторов, в противоположность акциям «А», предназначенным для местных покупателей, — увеличился более чем на треть.
8 share
1. n1) доля; часть; пай; паевой взнос2) акция
- A shares
- agreed share
- allocated shares
- allotted shares
- assented shares
- B shares
- bank shares
- bearer share
- below par shares
- bogus share
- bonification shares
- bonus share
- budget shares
- callable share
- capital share
- commercial shares
- controlling share
- convertible preference shares
- co-op share
- cumulative shares
- cumulative preference shares
- deferred shares
- deferred ordinary share
- diluted shares
- directors' share
- directors' qualification share
- distributive share
- dominant share
- employee share
- encumbered share
- equal share
- equity shares
- excess shares
- factor share
- forfeited shares
- founders' share
- fractional share
- fully paid shares
- fully paid-up shares
- gold shares
- golden share
- growth share
- high-priced shares
- incentive shares
- income shares
- industrial shares
- inscribed share
- investment trust shares
- irredeemable preference shares
- legended share
- listed shares
- loan share
- low-priced shares
- market share
- maximum share
- minimum share
- mutual fund share
- new shares
- noncumulative shares
- nonparticipating shares
- nonredeemable preferred shares
- nontradable shares
- nonvoting shares
- no-par-value shares
- ordinary shares
- ordinary shares with a voting right
- original shares
- outstanding shares
- own shares
- paid-up shares
- paired shares
- participating shares
- participating preference shares
- partly paid shares
- partnership share
- par value shares
- perpetual preference shares
- personal share
- preference shares
- preferred shares
- priority shares
- promoters' shares
- promoting shares
- proportional share
- proportionate share
- pro rata share
- pro-rated share
- qualification shares
- qualifying shares
- quality shares
- quota share
- quoted shares
- railway shares
- redeemable preference shares
- redeemable preferred shares
- registered shares
- single share
- small share
- speculative shares
- split share
- staff shares
- stamped shares
- subscription shares
- sufficient share
- surplus share
- term shares
- tracking shares
- transferable shares
- treasury share
- twin shares
- underpriced shares
- unissued share
- unquoted shares
- voteless shares
- voting shares
- voting right shares
- wage share
- share in the authorized fund
- share in a business
- share in capital
- share in deliveries
- share in expenses
- share in the loss
- share in ownership
- share in profits
- share in property
- share of commission
- share of corporate stock
- share of partnership income
- share of profits
- share of public spending
- share of revenues
- share of services
- share of stock
- share of supplies
- share of the world market
- share of the world oil trade
- share to bearer
- shares without par value
- in equal shares
- allot shares
- apply for shares
- buyback shares
- convert shares
- delist shares
- determine a share
- disperse shares
- dispose of shares
- encumber a share
- establish a share
- exchange shares
- flog shares
- float shares
- go shares
- gobble up a share
- have a share in smth
- hold shares
- issue shares
- list shares
- pay off shares
- pay up shares
- place shares
- pledge a share
- put shares on the market
- recall shares
- redeem shares
- release shares at the rate of
- release shares on the market
- sell shares piecemeal
- snap up shares
- split shares
- subscribe for shares
- surrender shares
- suspend shares
- take up shares
- tout shares
- trade shares
- transfer shares
- unload shares2. attr.3. v1) делить, разделять, участвовать в чем-л.2) иметь долю -
9 stock
n1) запас, резерв, фонд2) ассортимент (товаров)3) инвентарь, имущество4) сырье5) капитал; акционерный капитал6) амер. акция, акции7) ценные бумаги; облигации8) пай; денежный фонд9) оборотный капитал торговой фирмы 10. парк (автомобилей, вагонов)
- accounting stock
- accumulated stocks
- accumulative stocks
- active stock
- adjustable rate preferred stock
- air pocket stock
- assented stock
- authorized stock
- authorized capital stock
- bank stock
- barometer stock
- basic stock
- bearer stock
- bellweather stocks
- below par stock
- blue chip stock
- bonification stock
- bonus stock
- buffer stock
- cabinet stock
- callable preferred stock
- capital stock
- carry-over stocks
- cash stock
- certificated stocks
- certified stocks
- classified stocks
- closed stock
- closing stock
- commodity stocks
- common stock
- consignment stock
- consolidated stocks
- consumable stock
- consumed stock
- contingency stock
- control stock
- conversion stocks
- convertible stocks
- convertible loan stocks
- corporation stock
- credit stock
- cumulative stock
- cumulative preferred stock
- curb stock
- cushion stock
- cyclical stocks
- dated stock
- dead stock
- debenture stock
- defensive stock
- deferred stock
- deliverable stocks
- diluted stock
- distributed stocks
- distributing stock
- distribution stock
- dividend-paying stock
- dollar stock
- donated stock
- emergency stock
- equity stock
- excess stock
- excessive stock
- exhausted stock
- existing stocks
- extra stock
- factory stock
- fancy stocks
- farm stock
- feed stock
- final stock
- finished stock
- firm stock
- fixed capital stock
- floating stock
- fluctuation stock
- food stocks
- foreign stock
- founders' stock
- free stock
- fully paid-up stock
- general stock
- gilt-edged stock
- glamour stock
- go-go stock
- gold stock
- gold reserve stock
- government stocks
- gross stock
- growth stock
- guaranteed stock
- half stock
- hauling stock
- heavy stock
- high-flying stocks
- high technology stocks
- high-yielding stocks
- hot stocks
- inactive stock
- incoming stocks
- industrial stock
- initial stock
- inscribed stock
- insurance companies' stock
- intangible capital stock
- international stocks
- interprocess stock
- investment stock
- irredeemable stock
- issued stock
- joint stock
- junior stock
- landed stocks
- large stock
- legended stock
- letter stock
- leveraged stock
- limited-life preferred stock
- listed stock
- loan stock
- loaned stock
- long stock
- low stocks
- low-par stock
- major stocks
- management stock
- mining stock
- model stock
- monetary stock
- money stock
- municipal stock
- national stocks
- nationalization stock
- newly created stock
- newly issued stock
- nonassented stock
- nonclearing-house stock
- noncumulative stock
- noncumulative preferred stock
- nondistributed stocks
- nonparticipating preferred stock
- nonvoting stock
- no-par stock
- no-par value stock
- old stocks
- open stock
- opening stock
- option stocks
- ordinary stock
- original stock
- outstanding stock
- over-norm stocks
- over-the-counter stock
- paid-up stock
- participating preferred stock
- partly paid stock
- part-paid stock
- par-value stock
- penny stock
- performance stock
- permanent stock
- physical stock
- planned stock
- pool stock
- potential stock
- preference stock
- preferred stock
- preferred ordinary stock
- preferred redeemable stock
- prior preferred stock
- privatization stock
- promoters' protection stock
- protective stock
- public stocks
- quarter stock
- railroad stock
- registered stock
- remaining stocks
- remnant stock
- reserve stock
- residual stock
- residue stock
- restricted stock
- retailers' stock
- rolling stock
- safety stock
- security stocks
- select blue chip stocks
- semiprocessed stock
- shelf stocks
- silver stock
- slow-moving stock
- small stocks
- speculative stock
- standard stocks
- standard inventory stock
- stapled stock
- strategic stock
- street-name stock
- subscribed capital stock
- substantial stocks
- surplus stock
- take-over stock
- tangible capital stock
- tap stocks
- total stock
- trading stock
- transferable stock
- transit stock
- Treasury stocks
- treasury stock
- trust stocks
- uncertified stock
- undated stocks
- underlying stock
- underpriced privatization stock
- undervalued stock
- unissued stock
- unlisted stock
- unregistered stock
- unregulated stock
- unsalable stock
- unsecured stock
- unsecured loan stock
- unvalued stock
- value stocks
- vast stocks
- volatile stock
- voting stock
- watered stock
- working stock
- world food stock
- stock in the bank
- stocks in the till
- stock in transit
- stock of bills of exchange
- stock of capital goods
- stock of commodities
- stock of equipment
- stock of gold
- stock of goods
- stock of material
- stock of merchandise
- stock of orders
- stock of products
- stock of raw materials
- stock of spare parts
- stock of tangible assets
- stock of wealth
- stock on hand
- stock on order
- stocks with an arbitrary low value
- stocks with low multiples
- from stock
- absorb stocks
- acquire stock
- accumulate stocks
- alienate stocks
- allot stocks
- bear the stocks
- be in stock
- be long of stock
- be out of stock
- bond a stock
- breed stock
- build up stocks
- carry in stock
- clear the stocks
- deplete stocks
- dispose of stocks
- draw on stocks
- float stocks
- have stocks
- have in stock
- hold a stock
- hold in stock
- increase the capital stock
- issue stocks
- keep a stock
- keep goods in stock
- keep stocks in trust
- lay in stock
- order from stock
- pay off stocks
- raise stock
- recall stocks
- renew stocks
- replenish stocks
- run down stocks
- sell from stock
- speculate in stocks and shares
- split stocks
- subscribe for stocks
- supply from stock
- surrender the stocks
- take stock
- take in stock
- tout the stock
- trade stocks
- water down the stock
- withdraw stocks -
10 bond
11 stock
1) запас, резерв, фонд2) капитал; амер. акционерный капитал3) амер. акция, акции4) ценные бумаги; облигации5) пай; денежный фонд7) имущество; инвентарь• -
12 bond
13 stock
См. также в других словарях:
Irredeemable Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock - ICULS — A type of security that can be used to purchase underlying common shares. It is similar to a warrant except that it is subject to the conversion ratio. In essence, an ICULS provides the benefits of a bond until it is converted to an equity. ICULS … Investment dictionary
Permanent Interest Bearing Shares — ( PIBS) Permanent interest bearing shares irredeemable debt instruments issued by building societies ( building society), usually paying a fixed rate of interest. Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein financial glossary * * * Permanent Interest Bearing… … Financial and business terms
stock — physical items ( inventory) that a business uses in its production process or has for sale in the ordinary course of doing business. Glossary of Business Terms Ownership of a corporation indicated by shares, which represent a piece of the… … Financial and business terms
Stock — Ownership of a corporation which is represented by shares which represent a piece of the corporation s assets and earnings. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * ▪ I. stock stock 1 [stɒk ǁ stɑːk] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] especially… … Financial and business terms
The South Sea Company — For the Noel Coward play, see: South Sea Bubble (play). The South Sea Bubble of 1720, was an economic bubble that occurred through speculation in the stock of The South Sea Company. The company had been granted a monopoly to trade with South… … Wikipedia
Financial capital — is money used by entrepreneurs and businesses to buy what they need to make their products or provide their services. Financial capital vs. real capitalFinancial capital refers to the funds provided by lenders (and investors) to businesses to… … Wikipedia
bank — bank1 /bangk/, n. 1. a long pile or heap; mass: a bank of earth; a bank of clouds. 2. a slope or acclivity. 3. Physical Geog. the slope immediately bordering a stream course along which the water normally runs. 4. a broad elevation of the sea… … Universalium
United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… … Universalium
Perpetuity — A perpetuity is an annuity that has no definite end, or a stream of cash payments that continues forever. There are few actual perpetuities in existence (although the British government has issued them in the past, and they are known and still… … Wikipedia
Our Mutual Friend — Cover … Wikipedia
literature — /lit euhr euh cheuhr, choor , li treuh /, n. 1. writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays. 2.… … Universalium