1 iron body
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > iron body
2 iron body
Нефть: стальной корпус (задвижки, клапана) -
3 iron body, brass core
со стальным корпусом и латунным сердечником
[ http://slovarionline.ru/anglo_russkiy_slovar_neftegazovoy_promyishlennosti/]Тематики
- iron body, brass core
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > iron body, brass core
4 iron body, brass [bronze] mounted
- со стальным корпусом и латунными [бронзовыми] соединительными деталями
со стальным корпусом и латунными [бронзовыми] соединительными деталями
[ http://slovarionline.ru/anglo_russkiy_slovar_neftegazovoy_promyishlennosti/]Тематики
- iron body, brass [bronze] mounted
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > iron body, brass [bronze] mounted
5 Iron body brass mounted
Нефть и газ: стальной корпус с латунными соединительными частямиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > Iron body brass mounted
6 iron body, brass [bronze] mounted
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > iron body, brass [bronze] mounted
7 iron body, brass core
8 cast iron body
Химическое оружие: чугунный литой корпус -
9 body
1. тело; корпус, станина2. кузов, остов— bit body— mud body— ore body
* * *
1. орган; организация2. корпус; станина— bit body
* * *
тело, масса; корпус, станина; кузов ( автомобиля)
* * *
1) орган; организация2) тело; корпус (/i]); главная часть; станина3) кузов; остов4) консистенция (смазочного материала)•- bearing body
- bit body
- blowout preventer body
- bullet gun body
- bullet perforator body
- casing hanger body
- casing head body
- certification body
- cutter body
- drilling bit body
- elastic body
- elevator body
- erosion resistant matrix body
- hole opener body
- gate body
- geological body
- inspection body
- iron body
- jar body
- main body
- mud body
- oil-pump body
- pipe body
- piston body
- plastic body
- reamer body
- sand body
- scraper body
- sealing cup body
- semisolid body
- solid body
- state regulatory body
- supervisory body
- swivel body
- twin pin body
- underreamer body
- valve body
- wellhead body* * *• корпус -
10 body
['bɔdɪ]n1) тело, туловище, фигура (человека или животного), корпусHis aching body trembled. — Все его тело дрожало и болело.
Sobs shook her whole body. — Рыдания сотрясали все ее тело.
Her body shuddered. — Ее всю передернуло.
His whole body aches. — У него болит все тело.
A shiver runs through the body. — По телу пробежала дрожь.
He had a body of iron. — У него железное тело.
He could clearly see the bodies of the men sleeping in the tant. — Он хорошо видел фигуры мужчин, которые спали в палатке.
- human body- strong body
- bare body
- angular body
- white body
- feeble body
- sweating body
- supple body
- long body
- woman's body
- fat body
- short body
- light body
- rigid body
- tender body
- stout body
- thick body
- resilient body
- sickly body
- crippled body
- disfugured body
- trembling body
- slim body
- well-developed body
- body language
- body clock
- body carriage
- body linen
- body guard
- body frozen stiff
- body covered with wounds
- body in motion
- body of a girl
- body of a horse
- body of a dog
- weight of the body
- temperature of the body
- part of a body
- care of the body
- strength of the body
- pains of the mind and of the body
- disease of the body
- desires of the body
- spot on the body
- rash on the body
- scar on one's body
- keep one's body strong
- strain the body
- feel the body all over
- rub the body
- relax the body
- examine the body
- mutilate smb's body
- lean heavily with one's body
- take care of one's body
- protect with one's own body
- slip smth on one's bare body
- every nerve in smb's body feels smth
- train a healthy body
- lean one's body back
- keep one's body warm
- lie with one's body stretched
- feel smb's body stiffen
- smb's body shakes violently
- smb's whole body grows cold2) труп, мёртвое тело (человека или животного), останкиHis body was brought back to England for burial. — Его тело было возвращено в Англию для захоронения.
They buried the two bodies in one grave. — Оба трупа были захоронены в одной могиле.
Several lifeless bodies were washed ashore from the wreck. — После кораблекрушения несколько мертвых тел/мертвецов прибило к берегу.
- dead body- unidentified body
- bury the dead body
- give the body a decent burial
- identify the body
- drag the river for a drowned body
- lay out a body
- turn up a body
- dig out the body
- dispose of the body3) вещество, телоThere was a foreign body in his eye. — У него в глазу было инородное тело.
- liquid bodyAll material bodies tend to fall toward the earth. — Все физические/материальные тела падают на землю.
- opaque body
- metalic bodies
- gaseous bodies
- visible heavenly bodies
- speed at which a falling body travels amounts to...4) группа людей (объединённых общей целью, задачей), общество, ассоциация, лига, сообществоA body of settlers established themselves on the island. — Группа поселенцев устроилась на острове.
She belongs to a rapidly disappearing body of street caterers. — Она принадлежит к быстро исчезающему классу уличных торговцев.
- learned body- school governing body
- examining body
- illustrous body
- long-established body
- charitable body
- prosperous body
- body corporate
- judges as a body
- come in a body
- resign in a body5) орган, организация, совет, инстанцияThe commission is a five-member body. — Эта комиссия - орган, состоящий из пяти человек.
The association is becoming a numerous and powerful body. — Ассоциация становится многочисленной и мощной организацией.
- public body- legislative body
- executive body
- diplomatic body
- policy making body
- bargaining body
- permanent body
- confirming body
- elected body
- research body
- underground body
- arbitration body
- sister body
- parent body
- governing body of the institution
- recognize the Congress as the governing body
- leave the meeting in a body in a body6) основная часть (чего-либо), главная часть (чего-либо)We sat in the body of the hall and the actors performed on the stage. — Мы сидели в центральной части зала, а актеры играли на сцене.
The important news comes in the body of the letter. — Самые важные известия изложены в основной части письма.
It was incorporated in the main body of the dictionary. — Это было включено в корпус словаря.
- body of a car- body of a ship
- body of a watch
- body of an airplane
- body of a tree
- body of the letter
- student body of a college
- body of a structure
- main body of the citizens
- general body of creditors
- main body of an army
- body of flame7) консистенция, густота, плотностьThe soup has no body — суп жидкий. /Суп - "одна вода".
- body of oil- wine with plenty of body
- wine of full body
- wine has a good body
- wine has no body8) совокупность, масса, количество, массивNumerous large bodies of unemployed men marched through the streets. — Безработные многочисленными группами шли по улицам.
He has a great body of facts (of information) to prove his theory (his statement). — Он собрал массу фактов (информации), подтверждающих его теорию (его утверждение).
The hotel stands beside a body of water. — Гостиница стоит у воды.
Only over my dead body! — ◊ Только через мой труп!
To keep one's body and sout together. /To keep body and soul together. — ◊ Еле-еле душа в теле.
A healthy mind goes with a healthy body. /A sound mind in a sound body. — ◊ В здоровом теле, здоровый дух
- body of cold air- body of land
- body of fuel
- body of laws
- strong body of evidence
- large body of water
- narrow body of water
- large body of graduates
- stop a little distance from the main body of the the crowd -
11 body burden
12 maximum permissible body burden
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > maximum permissible body burden
13 permissible body burden
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > permissible body burden
14 стальной корпус
iron body, IСБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > стальной корпус
[iron body, brass core] — со стальным корпусом и латунным сердечником* * * -
[iron body, brass [bronze] mounted] — со стальным корпусом и латунными [бронзовыми] соединительными деталями* * * -
1) Сокращение: iron-body bronze-mounted, Internet-Based Business Model3) Бурение: со стальным корпусом и латунными соединительными деталями (iron body, brass mounted) -
18 IB
1. [impression block] — скважинная печать (для определения положения и состояния части бурильной колонны, оставшейся в скважине><<состояния обсадной колонны)2. [iron body] — стальной корпус (задвижки, клапана)
* * *
сокр.1) [impression block] скважинная печать (, оставшейся в скважине, или состояния обсадной колонны)2) [iron body] стальной корпус (<<задвижки>)* * * -
1) Нефть: iron body, brass core2) Бурение: со стальным корпусом и латунным сердечником (iron body, brass core) -
20 ib
[ibidem] — там же
* * *
сокр.1) [impression block] скважинная печать (, оставшейся в скважине, или состояния обсадной колонны)2) [iron body] стальной корпус (<<задвижки>)* * *
См. также в других словарях:
Iron Man's armor — refers to the powered metal suit worn by Tony Stark when he assumes his superhero role of Iron Man. The first version of the armor was created by Stark with the help of Ho Yinsen. Unlike most other superheroes, the appearance of Stark s armor has … Wikipedia
Iron Fist (comics) — Iron Fist Art by Carlos Pacheco. Publication information Publisher Marvel Comics … Wikipedia
Iron overload — Micrograph of haemosiderosis. Liver biopsy. Iron stain. ICD 10 R … Wikipedia
Iron Palm — or Iron Hand (Chinese: ) is a body of training techniques in various Chinese martial arts. These conditioning techniques are typically meant to condition the hands to allow a practitioner to deliver very powerful blows without injury to his or… … Wikipedia
Iron supplements — are supplements that can be prescribed by a doctor for a medical reason. Iron can also be a dietary supplement, which can be purchased in supermarkets etc. These two categories should not be confused. The first iron pills were commonly known as… … Wikipedia
Iron shirt — (traditional Chinese: ; simplified Chinese: ; pinyin: tiě shān; Cantonese: tit1 saam3) is a form of hard style martial art exercise for protecting the human body from impacts in a fight. Some martial arts are based on the idea that a correctly… … Wikipedia
Iron poisoning — is caused by a large excess of iron intake. It has been primarily been associated with young children who consumed large quantities of iron supplement pills, which resemble sweets and are widely used, including by pregnant women. Targeted… … Wikipedia
Body-snatching — was the secret disinterment of bodies from churchyards to sell them for dissection or anatomy lectures in medical schools. Those who practised body snatching or grave robbing were often called resurrectionists or resurrection men. [1911] Body… … Wikipedia
Iron-Crutch Li — (铁拐李/鐵拐李, PY: Tiěguǎi Lǐ , WG: T ieh kuai Li , Japanese: Tekkai) is sometimes said to be the most ancient of the Eight Immortals of the Taoist pantheon. He is sometimes described irascible and ill tempered, but also benevolent to the poor, sick… … Wikipedia
Iron cycle — Iron (Fe26) is a chemical element with the symbol Fe (Latin: ferrum) and atomic number 26. Iron is a group 8 and period 4 metal. Iron is a lustrous, silvery soft metal. Iron and nickel are notable for being the final elements produced by stellar… … Wikipedia
Iron rings — are heavy metal rings used in martial arts for various training purposes. Metal rings have a long history of being used in Yau Kung Mun, Hung Gar, and other styles for weight training, to harden the muscle, skin, or bone, or strengthen the arms… … Wikipedia