1 invisible loss
невидимые потери
потери от испарения
[ http://slovarionline.ru/anglo_russkiy_slovar_neftegazovoy_promyishlennosti/]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > invisible loss
2 invisible loss
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > invisible loss
3 invisible loss
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > invisible loss
4 invisible loss
1) Химия: потери2) Текстиль: безвозвратный угар, невидимый угар3) Нефть: невидимые потери, потери от испарения -
5 invisible loss
6 invisible loss
7 loss
1. потеря2. убыток; ущерб; урон3. угар ( металла при плавке)4. геол. выносloss of petroleum products — потери нефтепродуктов (при хранении, транспортировке)
— gas loss
* * *
1. потеря, потери2. убыток, убытки; ущерб; уронloss of rolling-cutter inserts — выпадение вставных зубьев шарошки.
* * *
потеря, потери; убыток, ущерб, урон
* * *
потери; затухание
* * *
1) потеря, потери2) убыток, убытки; ущерб; урон•loss by mixture — потери от смешения (при последовательном прокачивании различных нефтепродуктов по трубопроводу);
loss due to leakage — потери вследствие утечки;
loss in bends — потеря напора от трения в коленах труб; ;
loss in head — падение напора, потеря напора;
loss in performance — ухудшение технических характеристик;
- loss of fluid into formationloss in reliability — снижение надёжности;
- loss of head
- loss of life
- loss of petroleum products
- loss of pump efficiency
- loss of returns
- loss of rolling cutter in hole
- loss of rolling-cutter inserts
- loss of working diameter
- annular friction loss
- atmospheric evaporation loss
- attrition loss of catalyst
- average filling loss
- breather loss
- breathing loss
- carat loss
- cement slurry loss
- circulation loss
- condensate loss
- contraction loss
- core loss
- corrosion loss
- diamond loss
- diamond loss per bit
- discharge loss
- discharge pipe loss
- divergence loss
- drilling bit gage loss
- drilling mud loss
- distribution loss
- evaporation loss of oil
- filling evaporation loss
- filter loss
- filtration loss
- fluid loss
- frictional pressure loss
- gage loss
- gage loss of hole
- gas loss
- gas pressure loss
- in-situ loss
- invisible loss
- leakage loss
- low water loss
- mud loss
- nipple loss
- oil products loss
- oil shrinkage loss
- oil stock loss
- partial mud loss
- permeation loss of gasoline
- pipe-bend loss
- pipe-line pressure loss
- plunger stroke loss
- polymerization loss
- pressure loss
- pressure loss across drilling bit nozzles
- pressure loss in annulus
- pressure loss inside drill string
- pumping loss
- pumping loss of oil
- quality loss
- refining loss
- relaxed fluid loss
- retrograde condensate loss
- returns loss
- running loss
- seepage loss
- standing evaporation loss
- storage loss
- surface equipment loss
- total diamond loss
- total pressure loss
- transport loss
- treatment loss
- underground petroleum loss
- vapor loss
- water loss
- wear loss
- weathering loss* * * -
8 loss
•- carpet loss - conveyance loss - evaporation loss - external heat loss - filling loss - frictional loss - fuel tank loss - head loss - heat loss - idling loss - invisible loss - oil shrinkage loss - oil stock loss - specific oil burning loss - stack loss - standing loss - storage loss - temperature loss - wear loss -
9 invisible
10 loss
1. потеря; 2. угар @loss in weight потеря в весе @loss in yarn прядильный угар @loss of twist недокрутка @loss on ignition потеря при прокаливании или сжигании @air loss безвозвратный или невидимый угар @degumming loss потеря при обесклеивании (шёлка) @invisible loss безвозвратный или невидимый угар @strength loss понижение прочности @ -
11 loss
1. потеря; 2. угар @loss in weight потеря в весе @loss in yarn прядильный угар @loss of twist недокрутка @loss on ignition потеря при прокаливании или сжигании @air loss безвозвратный или невидимый угар @degumming loss потеря при обесклеивании (шёлка) @invisible loss безвозвратный или невидимый угар @strength loss понижение прочности @ -
12 balance
1. n1) баланс; сальдо; остаток3) равновесие4) весы
- account balance
- accumulated balances
- active balance
- actual balance
- adverse balance
- adverse balance of payments
- annual balance
- audited balance
- available balance
- average balance
- bank balance
- basic balance
- beginning balance
- blocked balance
- book balance
- brought forward balance
- budgetary balance
- capital and credit balance
- capital flow balance
- carried forward balance
- cash balance
- cash balances held in the bank
- cleared balance
- clearing balance
- closing balance
- commodity balance
- compensating balance
- compensatory balance
- conversion balance
- correspondent balance
- cost-effectiveness balance
- credit balance
- credit-side balance
- current balance
- current account balance
- debit balance
- debit-side balance
- decimal balance
- declining balance
- declining principal balance
- detailed trial balance
- dormant balance
- double-declining balance
- ecological balance
- economic balance
- electric balance
- electronic balance
- ending balance
- exchange balance
- export balance of payments
- export balance of trade
- export-import balance
- external balance
- external trade balance
- favourable balance
- favourable balance of payments
- fixed assets balance
- food balance
- foreign balance
- foreign exchange balance
- foreign trade balance
- forward balance
- free balance
- fuel balance
- import balance of trade
- in-stock balance
- interbank balance
- interlacing balance
- intersectoral balance
- inventory balance
- inventory-to-sales balance
- invisible balance
- invisible trade balance
- ledger balance
- line balance
- marginal balance
- material balance
- merchandise trade balance
- monthly balance
- national economic balance
- negative balance
- negative balance of payments
- negative balance of trade
- net balance
- net credit balance
- net liquidity balance
- nostro balance
- on-demand trial balance
- opening balance
- overall balance
- overall balance of accounts receivable
- overstated book balance
- overstated inventory balances
- passive balance
- passive balance of trade
- performance balance
- positive balance
- positive balance of trade
- post-closing trial balance
- precision balance
- preclosing trial balance
- preliminary trial balance
- profit balance
- profit-and-loss balance
- reasonable balance
- red balance
- regional balance
- reserve balance
- rough balance
- separate balance
- stock-and-provision balance
- strategic balance
- summary balance
- surplus balance
- till balance
- trade balance
- transactions cash balances
- trial balance
- turnover balance
- unamortized balance
- uncleared balance
- understated book balance
- unexpended balance
- unfavourable balance
- unfavourable balance of payments
- unfavourable balance of trade
- unpaid balance
- value-dated balance
- visible balance
- working balance
- zero balance
- balance between revenue and expenditure flows
- balance in red
- balance in terms of value
- balance in your favour
- balance of all financial operations
- balance of an account
- balance of accounts
- balance of an amount
- balance of bank financing
- balance of claims and liabilities
- balance of commitment
- balance of current transactions
- balance of debt
- balance of expenditures
- balance of external financing
- balance of forces
- balance of foreign debt
- balance of income and expenditure
- balance of indebtedness
- balance of interest
- balance of international payments
- balance of money
- balance of money income and expenditure
- balance of national income
- balance of an order
- balance of payments
- balance of payments on capital account
- balance of payments on current account
- balance of payments surplus
- balance of receipts and disbursements
- balance of savings and investment expenditures
- balance of services
- balance of stock on hand
- balance of surplus account
- balance of trade
- balance on deposit
- balance on hand
- balance brought forward
- balance carried forward
- balance due to
- balance owed to
- balance owing
- balance payable
- balance standing to a customer's credit
- balance standing to customer's debt
- balance standing to one's credit
- balance standing to one's debit
- on balance
- arrive at the balance
- audit a balance
- block a credit balance
- bring forward balances
- bring into balance incomes and expenditures
- carry forward the balance
- deliver the balance of the goods
- disturb balance
- draw up the balance
- make up a balance
- offset a balance
- pay the balance
- produce the balance
- redress the balance of trade
- restore balance
- settle a balance
- show a balance
- strike the balance
- update the balance
- upset balance2. v
- balance the accounts3. attr.English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > balance
13 mutation
- anaphragmic mutation
- auxotrophic mutation
- back mutation
- backward mutation
- biochemical mutation
- block mutation
- bud mutation
- chain-terminating mutation
- chance mutation
- chromosome mutation
- clustered point mutation
- complementing mutation
- constitutive mutation
- control mutation
- defectivity mutation
- depletion mutation
- detrimental mutation
- direct mutation
- effectively dominant mutation
- end-point mutation
- false mutation
- floating chromosome mutation
- floating gene mutation
- floating mutations
- forward mutation
- frame-shift mutation
- gametic mutation
- gene mutation
- genomic mutation
- homologous mutations
- host-induced mutation
- hypermorphic mutation
- hypomorphic mutation
- insertion mutation
- interacting mutations
- intergenic mutations
- intragenic mutation
- invisible mutation
- key mutation
- large-scale mutation
- leaky mutation
- lethal mutation
- loss mutation
- loss of function mutation
- major mutations
- mass mutations
- minor mutations
- missense mutation
- modifying mutation
- neutral mutation
- nonleaky mutation
- nonsense mutation
- numerical mutation
- ochre mutation
- opal mutation
- parallel mutations
- phase-shift mutation
- plastid mutation
- ploidic mutation
- point mutation
- polar mutation
- recessive mutation
- recombination-induced mutation
- recurrent mutation
- regulatory mutation
- replacement mutation
- reverse mutation
- scattered point mutations
- schistic mutation
- secondary chromosome mutation
- sense mutation
- sex-linked mutation
- sign mutation
- silent mutation
- single-site mutation
- site-directed mutation
- somatic mutation
- spontaneous mutation
- spurious mutation
- subliminal mutation
- substrate transition mutation
- subvital mutation
- supervital mutation
- suppressor mutation
- systemic mutation
- template transition mutation
- transition mutation
- transversion mutation
- vegetative mutation
- visible mutation
- zero point mutation* * *• мутация -
14 mutation
mutation мутацияmutation мутация, наследственное изменение, не вызванное рекомбинацией генов (мутация подразумевает химическое изменение гена, структурное изменение хромосомы или числа хромосом)mutation pressure мутационное давление, определённая частота мутирования данного гена в популяцииmutation rate частота мутаций, количество индивидов или клеток в данной группе, проявляющих мутацию по данному генуmutation theory мутационная теория, состоящая в том, что новые виды возникают посредством единичной мутации; учение о роли мутаций в эволюцииamber mutation амбер-мутацияamber-mutation амбер-мутация (изменяет код определённых кислот в новом коде, приводящем к остановке синтеза)anaphragmic mutation анафрагмическая мутацияartificial mutation искусственная мутацияauxotrophic mutation ауксотрофная мутацияback mutation обратная мутацияback mutation обратная мутация, мутация гена в его исходное состояние (наиболее часто рецессивного мутантного аллеля в доминантный, свойственный дикому типу)biochemical mutation биохимическая мутацияblock mutation блоковая мутация (одновременное мутирование группы смежных генов)bud mutation почковая мутацияchain-terminating mutation терминирующая мутацияchromosomal mutation хромосомная мутацияchromosome mutation хромосомная мутацияcomplementing mutation комплементарная мутацияconditional lethal mutation условно-летальная мутацияconditional mutation условная мутацияconstitutive mutation конститутивная мутацияcytoplasmic mutation цитоплазматическая мутация, наследуемое изменение, связанное с изменением структуры цитоплазмыdefectivity mutation мутация, ведущая к дефектностиdeletion mutation делеционная мутацияdepletion mutation мутация истощенияdetrimental mutation вредная мутацияdirect mutation прямая мутацияdominant mutation доминантная мутация, термин, применяемый к любой мутации, чей эффект можно обнаружить в гетерозиготном состоянии (с аллеломорфом дикого типа)double mutation gene ген с двойной мутациейeffectively dominant mutation эффективно доминантная мутацияend point mutation мутация конечной точкиfalse mutation ложная мутацияfertility mutation мутация по половым признакамfloating chromosome mutation хромосомная мутация, спорадически встречающаяся в популяцииfloating gene mutation генная мутация, спорадически встречающаяся в популяцииfloating mutations блуждающие мутацииforward mutation прямая мутацияframe shift mutation мутация со сдвигом рамки генетического кодаframe-shift mutation мутация со сдвигом рамкиgametic mutation гаметическая мутацияgene mutation генная мутацияgene mutation генная мутация, изменение в определённом локусе хромосомы, точковая мутацияgenetic mutation генетическая мутацияgenome mutation геномная мутацияhomologous mutations гомологичные мутацииhost-induced mutation мутация, индуцируемая клеткой хозяинаhypermorphic mutation гиперморфная мутацияhypomorphic mutation гипоморфная мутацияinduced mutation индуцированная мутация, мутация, вызванная мутагенным факторомinteracting mutations взаимодействующие мутацииintergenic mutations межгенные мутацииintragenic mutation внутригенная мутацияinvisible mutation невидимая мутацияkey mutation ключевая мутацияlarge-scale mutation мутация крупных отличийleaky mutation мутация с течьюleaky mutations растекающиеся мутации (с неполным блокированием функции)lethal mutation летальная мутацияloss mutation мутация недостаточностиloss of function mutation мутация с потерей функцииmajor mutations главные мутацииmalefic mutation злокачественная мутацияmass mutations массовые мутацииminor mutations малые мутацииmissence mutation миссенс-мутацияmissense mutation миссенс-мутация, мутация с изменением смыслаmodifying mutation модифицирующая мутация (изменяющая специфичность без нарушения функции)multisite mutation многосторонняя мутацияnonleaky mutation нерастекающаяся мутация (с полным блокированием функции)nonsense mutation нонсенс-мутация, бессмысленная мутацияnumerical mutation количественная мутация (изменение числа хромосом)numerical mutation количественная мутация, изменение числа хромосомochre mutation охровая мутацияopal mutation опаловая мутацияparallel mutations параллельные мутации (сходные мутации у особей разных видов одного рода)phase shift mutation мутация со сдвигом фазыphase-shift mutation мутация со сдвигом рамкиplastid mutation мутация пластидpleiotropic mutation плейотропная мутацияpoint mutation точковая мутацияpoint mutation точковая мутация, наследственное изменение, происходящее в одном локусеpolar mutation полярная мутацияrecombination-induced mutation мутация, возникающая в процессе генетической рекомбинацииrecurrent mutation повторная мутацияregulatory mutation регуляторная мутацияreverse mutation обратная мутацияschistic mutation схистическая мутацияsecondary chromosome mutation вторичная хромосомная мутацияsex-linked mutation мутация, сцепленная с поломsign mutation знаковая мутация, мутация сдвига рамкиsilent mutation молчащая мутацияsingle-site mutation односайтовая мутацияsomatic mutation соматическая мутацияsomatic mutation соматическая мутация, мутационное изменение, наблюдаемое в соматической тканиspontaneous mutation спонтанная мутацияspurious mutation ложная мутацияstop mutation терминирующий кодонstructural mutation структурная мутация, изменение линейного порядка генов, приводящее иногда к эффекту положенияsubliminale mutation сублимальная мутацияsubstrate transition mutation мутация с заменой на уровне субстрата, мутация с субстратными транзициямиsuppressor mutation супрессорная мутацияsupressible mutation подавляемая мутацияsupressible mutation супрессорная мутацияsupressor mutation подавляемая мутацияsupressor mutation супрессорная мутацияsystemic mutation системная мутацияtemperature-sensitive lethal mutation температурозависимая летальная мутацияtemperature-sensitive mutation температурозависимая мутацияtemplate transition mutation мутация с заменой на уровне матрицы, мутация с матричными транзициямиtermination mutation терминирующий кодонvegetative mutation соматическая мутацияvisible mutation видимая мутацияzero point mutation мутация нулевой точкиEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > mutation
15 balance
1. сущ.1) остаток, сальдо, балансATTRIBUTES: opening, closing, brought down, carried down, brought forward, carried forward, average, negative, positive, previous, running, current, net, gross, reserved, daily, monthly
balance of $10 — остаток в размере 10 долл.
A company had an opening inventory balance of $375,000 at the beginning of the fiscal year and a closing inventory balance at year-end of $125,000. — Остаток (товарно-материальных) запасов компании на начало отчетного периода составил 375 тыс. долл., а на конец периода — 125 тыс. долл.
balance on deposit — остаток на вкладе [на депозите\]
to draw up [make up\] balance — подводить итог, сводить баланс, выводить сальдо
to carry balance forward [down\], to carry forward [down\] balance, to carry over balance, to bring down balance — переносить остаток
to show balance — показывать баланс [остаток\]
See:average balance, negative balance, positive balance, deficit, surplus, account balance 1), balance brought down, balance brought forward, balance carried down, balance due, balance of profit, balance of retained earnings, balance on hand, balance on order, book balance 1) а), cash balance, closing balance, credit balance 1) а), debit balance 1) а), intercompany balance, opening balance, balance column, direct test of financial balance, on balanceб) фин., банк. (сумма, оставшаяся на расчетном, кредитном или ином счете, напр., непогашенная часть займа, невыплаченная задолженность покупателя по поставленным товарам и т. п.; во мн. числе — остатки на счетах, активы, авуары)ATTRIBUTES: low, high, due 2., unpaid, outstanding, adjusted, compensatory, compensation, available balance, usable, collected, uncollected, vested, clearing, unexpended, unclaimed, precautionary
dollar balance — долларовый баланс; остаток на счете в долларах
dollar balances — долларовые активы; остатки на счетах в долларах, долларовые счета, долларовые авуары
sterling balance — стерлинговый баланс, остаток на счете в фунтах-стерлингах
sterling balances — стерлинговые активы, остатки на счетах в фунтах-стерлингах, стерлинговые счета, стерлинговые авуары
to update balance — вывести новый остаток на счете, обновить остаток [баланс\]
He accumulated a healthy balance with the savings bank. — Он накопил значительные средства в сберегательном банке.
See:account balance 2), available balance, balance due, balance of debt, book balance 2) б), cash balance, cleared balance, collected balance, compensating balance, credit balance 2) б), deficit balance 2), loan balance, outstanding balance, past due balance, previous balance, remaining balance, 1) б), unclaimed balances, uncollected balance, unexpended balances, unpaid balance, vested balance, zero balance, minimum balance requirement, no-minimum balance account, adjusted balance method, daily balance method, low balance method, zero-balance account COMBS: adjusted balance method, average daily balance method, past due balance method, previous balance methodв) межд. эк., фин. ( разность между стоимостью экспорта и импорта)ATTRIBUTES: active, favourable, passive, adverse, unfavourable, negative, positive
balance of current transactions — баланс текущих операций, сальдо по текущим сделкам
See:adverse balance, balance of merchandise trade, balance of payments, balance of services, balance of trade, balance on capital account, balance on current account, balance on goods and services, capital account balance, current account balance, deficit balance 1), favourable balance, foreign trade balance, goods and services balance, invisible balance, official reserves balance 2)г) эк. (разница между любыми др. противоположно направленными потоками; напр., разница между денежными поступлениями и выплатами за определенный промежуток времени, разница между миграционными потоками, остаток товаров на складе и т. д.)ATTRIBUTES: unencumbered, unobligated, on hand, on order, marginal
See:balance of migration, budget balance, in-stock balance, investment income balance, inventory balance, migration balance, unencumbered balance, unobligated balances2) учет, редк. баланс (документ, содержащий данные о разнонаправленных потоках, а также их сальдо; в данном значении термин употребляется в основном в устойчивых словосочетаниях)See:balance of payments 1), balance of services 1), balance of trade 1), balance sheet, commodity balance, external balance 1) б), foreign balance, official reserves balance 1), trial balance3)а) общ. баланс, равновесие (в прямом и переносном смысле: соответствие, равенство, пропорциональность, гармоническое сочетание)to distort [to disturb, to upset\] balance — нарушать равновесие
to upset balance of smth. — выводить что-л. из состояния равновесия
to hold balance — поддерживать равновесие (также: осуществлять власть, контроль)
to bring in balance with smth. — привести в соответствие с чем-л.
to observe balance — поддерживать баланс, соблюдать баланс
to be out of balance — выйти из равновесия, находиться в неравновесном состоянии
See:balance of power, balance of terror, stock balance 1), batch balance, advertising balance, cost-effectiveness, work-life balance, informal balance, formal balance, symmetrical balance, asymmetrical balance, social balance, colour balance, external balance 1) а), internal balance, balance of births and deaths, materials balance approach, general balance law, on balanceб) учет баланс, равенство (напр., численное совпадение общих остатков (оборотов) по дебету с общими остатками (оборотами) по кредиту по всем счетам бухгалтерского учета)See:4) торг. весы (инструмент для взвешивания чего-л.)torsion balance — крутильные весы, электрические весы Кулон
See:5) общ. баланс, уравновешивающая силаSee:COMBS: checks and balances2. гл.1) общ. балансировать, сбалансировать, уравновешивать, приводить в равновесиеto balance the budget — балансировать бюджет, составлять сбалансированный бюджет
to balance foreign trade — балансировать внешнюю торговлю; приводить в соответствие экспорт и импорт
If America wants to balance trade, it must export more, or use less oil. — Если Америка хочет сбалансировать торговлю, она должна больше экспортировать или потреблять меньше нефти.
See:2) учет выводить сальдо, подводить итог, подытоживать, сводить, закрыватьto balance the books — закрыть счета, вывести сальдо, подвести итог (по балансу)
At the end of your accounting year, you will have to balance the books for tax purposes and to check on the financial health of the company. — В конце отчетного периода вы должны будете подвести итоги по балансу для целей налогообложения и проверить финансовое состояние компании.
to balance (one's) gain and loss — подводить итог (чьим-л.) приходу и расходу [прибылям и убыткам\]
Accounts do not balance (total debits don’t equal total credits). — Счета не сходятся (сумма дебетовых сальдо не равна сумме кредитовых сальдо).
Syn:See:3) банк. выверять, согласовывать (выверять состояние банковского счета путем сравнения банковской выписки со счета с чековой книжкой или учетными записями клиента)Syn:See:4) эк. компенсировать(ся); нейтрализовать(ся), противопоставлять(ся), взаимопогашать(ся)Syn:5) общ. взвешивать, обдумывать; сопоставлятьSee:3. прил.1) учет балансовый ( относящийся к бухгалтерскому балансу)Syn:See:2) общ. балансовый (основанный на равенстве (равновесии, балансе) отдельных частей)See:3) учет, бирж. итоговый, сальдовый, остаточный, балансовыйSee:
* * *
Bal balance баланс: 1) баланс, сальдо, остаток; 2) разница между дебетом и кредитом счета; остаток денег на счете; см. credit balance; 3) to balance - рассчитывать разницу между дебетом и кредитом; выравнивать дебет и кредит счета; 4) балансовая стоимость актива или пассива; 5) = balance sheet; 6) = balance due.* * *статок; сальдо. . Словарь экономических терминов . -
16 balance
1) баланс; сальдо (счёта, расчётов); состояние счёта || сальдировать, подводить итог, подытоживать; закрывать счета2) равновесие, состояние равновесия || уравновешивать; балансировать3) компенсировать; нейтрализовать4) удовлетворять (напр. потребность в продукции) -
17 earnings
n, pl1) заработок2) доход, прибыль; поступления от дивидендов или процентных платежей
- accmulated retained earnings
- after-tax earnings
- annual earnings
- anticipated earnings
- appropriated retained earnings
- available earnings
- average earnings
- average hourly earnings
- average monthly earnings
- bonus earnings
- cash earnings
- commission earnings
- commodity export earnings
- company's earnings
- corporate earnings
- crop earnings
- currency earnings
- daily earnings
- direct earnings
- dollar earnings
- equity earnings
- excess earnings
- exchange earnings
- export earnings
- farmer's earnings
- foreign trade earnings
- freight earnings
- fully diluted earnings per share
- full-year earnings
- gross earnings
- hidden earnings
- hourly earnings
- imputed earnings
- incentive earnings
- incidental earnings
- individual earnings
- invisible earnings
- marginal earnings
- monopoly earnings
- net earnings
- net earnings after taxes
- net earnings per share
- net operating earnings per share
- operating earnings
- pensionable earnings
- percentage earnings
- personal earnings
- piecework earnings
- ploughed back earnings
- pretax earnings
- primary earnings
- primary earnings per share
- product earnings per operative
- professional earnings
- railway earnings
- real earnings
- retained earnings
- royalty earnings
- scanty earnings
- share earnings
- subsidiary earnings
- substantial earnings
- undistributed earnings
- undivided earnings
- volatile earnings
- weekly earnings
- wobbly earnings
- earnings before interest and taxes
- earnings before taxes
- earnings per hour
- earnings per share
- priceearnings ratio
- earnings retained for use in the business
- drive up earnings
- post earnings
- project earnings
- suffer loss of earningsEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > earnings
18 operation
n1) действие; работа2) торговая или финансовая операция; сделка3) разработка, эксплуатация4) технологическая операция; процесс; цикл обработки5) режим работы6) амер. управление
- administration operation
- agency operation
- air-express operation
- air-freight operations
- air-passenger operations
- assembly operations
- automated operation
- automatic operation
- auxiliary operations
- banking operation
- barter operation
- basic operation
- bear operation
- bearish operation
- black-market operation
- boiler-room operation
- bookkeeping operation
- bull operation
- bullish operation
- calculating operation
- capacity operations
- cargo operation
- cargo-handling operations
- cash operation
- census operation
- charter operations
- checking operation
- cheque operation
- clearing operation
- commercial operation
- commission banking operations
- computer operation
- computing operation
- concurrent operation
- congested operation
- consignment operation
- construction operations
- continuous operation
- contract operations
- conversion operation
- credit operation
- current operation
- current account operation
- customs operation
- day-to-day operations
- dependable operation
- deposit operation
- discharging operations
- dock operations
- documentary credit operations
- double-barelled loan operation
- double-shift operation
- efficient operation
- exchange operation
- exploration operation
- export operation
- express operations
- external operation
- fabrication operation
- fail-safe operation
- failure-free operation
- farm operations
- faultless operation
- fiduciary operations
- field operations
- financial operation
- financing operation
- fine-tuning operations
- finishing operation
- foreign operations
- foreign exchange operation
- foreign trade operations
- forward operation
- franchising operation
- full time operation
- full-capacity operation
- fund exchange operation
- funding operation
- future operation
- guaranteed operation
- handling operations
- harvesting operations
- hedging operation
- housekeeping operations
- incentive operation
- independent operation
- individual operation
- initial operation
- insurance operation
- integrated operation
- intermediate trade operation
- international operation
- inventory operations
- invisible operation
- job shop operation
- joint operation
- lending operations
- licensing operation
- loading operations
- loading and discharging operations
- loading and unloading operations
- loan operation
- loss operation
- machine operation
- machining operation
- main operation
- major operation
- maritime transport operations
- marketing operations
- mathematical operation
- maximization operation
- mechanized operation
- merchandising operations
- minimization operation
- mining operations
- monetary operations
- multitask operation
- multiple shift operation
- multishift operation
- no-failure operation
- nonproductive operations
- normal operation
- off-balance sheet operations
- off-line operation
- offshore operation
- one-shift operation
- on-line operation
- onward switching operations
- open-market operations
- open-pit operation
- panel operation
- part time operation
- plant operation
- processing operation
- production operation
- production-scale operation
- production-type operation
- productive operation
- progressive operation
- proper operation
- purchasing operation
- quay operations
- rational operation
- real-time operation
- reexport operation
- reimport operation
- reliable operation
- remittance operation
- resale operation
- rescue operation
- routine operations
- sales operations
- salvage operations
- seasonal operations
- second shift operation
- semi-automated operation
- serial operation
- service operation
- settlement operation
- short-term operation
- slack operation
- small-scale operations
- smooth operation
- smoothing operation
- speculative operation
- start-up operations
- steady operation
- stevedoring operations
- stock exchange operations
- swap operation
- trade operations
- trading operations
- tramp operations
- transfer operations
- trial operation
- trouble-free operation
- trouble-proof operation
- two-shift operation
- turn-key operation
- uninterrupted operation
- unloading operations
- warehousing operations
- operation in futures
- operation of a business
- operation of circumstances
- operation of collection
- operation of economy
- operation of equipment
- operation of an exhibition
- operation of a machine
- operation of multilateral tax treaties
- operation of a plant
- operation of premises
- operations on the stock exchange
- in operation
- under operation
- be in operation
- be out of operation
- begin operations
- bring into operation
- carry out operations
- cease operations
- close operations
- come into operation
- commence operations
- conduct operations
- execute financial operations
- go into operation
- handle operations
- hold up operations
- interfere with operations
- interrupt operations
- monitor operations
- perform operations
- place into operation
- provide normal operation
- put into operation
- put out of operation
- suspend operations
- wind down operationsEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > operation
19 service
1. n1) работа; служба; сфера деятельности2) линия связи; сообщение; перевозки3) обслуживание, сервис; сфера услуг4) услуга6) уплата процентов (по займам, облигациям)7) вручение (судебной повестки)
- accessorial service
- accommodation service
- accounting system services
- actuarial services
- additional services
- add-on service
- adequate service
- administrative services
- advertising service
- advisory service
- aerial service
- aftersale service
- aftersale technical service
- agency services
- agency service for ships
- agent's services
- agricultural services
- agricultural quarantine service
- air service
- aircraft service
- airmail service
- air passenger service
- air transport services
- ancillary services
- auditing services
- auditor services
- automatic transfer service
- auxiliary services
- back office services
- back-up services
- bank services
- banking service
- beforesale services
- bond service
- bulk service
- bus service
- business services
- buying service
- car service
- cartage service
- cash service
- cash management services
- charter service
- chartering service
- city-terminal service
- civil service
- cleaning services
- coach service
- collection service
- combat zone service
- combined services
- commercial services
- communication service
- commuter service
- competent services
- competitive services
- comprehensive services
- construction engineering services
- consuler service
- consultation services
- consulting services
- consumer services
- container service
- container-on-flatcar service
- continuous service
- contract services
- corporate advisory services
- corporate customer service
- credit and settlement services
- cross-selling banking services
- current services on loans
- custodial services
- customer service
- customs service
- daily service
- debt service
- delivery service
- depositary service
- design services
- development and research services
- distribution services
- emergency service
- employee services
- engineering services
- essential service
- exchange service
- expert services
- export services
- export packing service
- express service
- express air freight service
- express delivery service
- factory services
- fast freight service
- fee-based services
- ferry service
- fiduciary service
- field service
- financial service
- financing services
- first aid service
- first class service
- fishy-back service
- forwarding service
- free services
- freight service
- fringe services
- full service
- full container load service
- full time service
- gate service
- government services
- government debt service
- gratis services
- guard service
- handling service
- harbour services
- health service
- home-delivery service
- industrial services
- industrial extension services
- information service
- infrastructure services
- inland revenue service
- insurance services
- intercity bus service
- inter-city feeder services
- interlibrary loan service
- intermediary services
- Internal Revenue Service
- internal accounting services
- investigation service
- investment services
- invisible services
- irregular service
- janitorial services
- joint rail-air freight service
- large-scale services
- legal services
- lighter service
- liner service
- liner freight service
- liner passenger service
- local services
- long-distance transport service
- loss making services
- low density service
- mail service
- maintenance service
- management service
- management advisory services
- market services
- marketing service
- mass service
- medical service
- merchant service
- military service
- mixed service
- municipal services
- National Giro Service
- National Health Service
- news service
- night service
- night depository service
- nonpreferential service
- nonscheduled service
- nonstop service
- occupational guidance service
- on-board passenger service
- operating services
- outdoor service
- outside service
- overland service
- paid services
- passenger service
- pensionable service
- permanent service
- personal service
- personal banking services
- phone inquiry service
- pick-up service
- piggyback service
- pilot service
- pilotage service
- placement service
- plant quarantine service
- postmarketing service
- postsale service
- preemptive service
- preferential service
- presale service
- prior services
- priority service
- processing services
- professional services
- prompt service
- proper service
- protocol service
- public service
- Public Health Service
- publicity service
- public transport service
- quality control service
- quick repair service
- rail service
- railroad service
- railway service
- railway ferry service
- reciprocal services
- regular service
- rental service
- repair services
- retail service
- retail banking service
- road transport service
- ro-ro service
- safe deposit services
- safety service
- sanitary service
- scheduled service
- scheduled debt service
- security service
- self-dial long-distance service
- senior service
- settlement service
- shipping services
- ship's agency service
- shuttle service
- single-carrier service
- site services
- small-scale services
- social services
- specialized service
- statistical service
- supervisory services
- support services
- technical service
- technical control service
- technical information service
- technological services
- telecommunication service
- telephone service
- through service
- ticker service
- top-notch service
- tourist services
- towage service
- trade information service
- trailer-on-flatcar service
- training services
- tramp service
- transport service
- transportation services
- travel service
- trouble-free service
- trunk line service
- trust services
- tug service
- turnabout service
- underwriting services
- unremunerative services
- up-to-date service
- urgent service
- warranty service
- watchman service
- welfare services
- service by mail
- service by post
- services in advertising
- service in bulk
- services in publicity
- services of an agency
- service of loans
- service of notice
- service of papers
- services of personnel
- service on call
- service to customers
- services to visitors
- service without interruption
- service with waiting
- record services and archives
- in service
- fit for service
- unfit for service
- bring into service
- charge for services
- complete service
- do services
- enlist the services of smb
- employ services
- furnish services
- give services
- go into service
- maintain a service
- maintain regular service
- make use of services
- offer services
- pay for services
- perform services
- provide services
- provide customer service
- publicize services
- put into service
- render services
- require services
- resort to services
- retire from service
- run services
- sell advisory services
- start service
- supply services
- suspend the service
- tender one's services
- undertake a service
- use the services of a lawyer
- utilize services2. v1) обслуживатьEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > service
См. также в других словарях:
Invisible Rail — Conservation status … Wikipedia
The Invisible Man (2000 TV series) — The Invisible Man Format Action, Sci fi Created by Matt Greenberg Developed by Carlton Prickett Breck Eisner Starring Vincent Ventresca Paul Ben V … Wikipedia
The Invisible Man Returns — Infobox Film | name = The Invisible Man Returns caption =The Invisible Man Returns movie poster director = Joe May producer = writer = H.G. Wells (characters) Joe May (story) Kurt Siodmak (story and screenplay) Lester Cole starring =Cedric… … Wikipedia
The Invisible Hand of Fate — Infobox Television episode Title=The Invisible Hand of Fate Series=The Venture Bros. Season=3 Episode=29 Airdate=15 June 2008 Writer=Jackson Publick Director=Jackson Publick Caption = There are no free hands in this business, son. Production = 3… … Wikipedia
Starfish — For other uses, see Starfish (disambiguation). Asteroidea redirects here. For the Asteraceae subfamily, see Asteroideae. Sea Stars Temporal range: Ordovician–Recent … Wikipedia
невидимые потери — потери от испарения — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность Синонимы потери от испарения EN invisible loss … Справочник технического переводчика
intangible asset — invisible asset An asset that can neither be seen nor touched. The most common of these are competencies, goodwill, and intellectual properties such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights. Goodwill is probably the most intangible and invisible of … Accounting dictionary
literature — /lit euhr euh cheuhr, choor , li treuh /, n. 1. writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays. 2.… … Universalium
Hearing aid — Behind the ear aid In the ear aid … Wikipedia
climate — /kluy mit/, n. 1. the composite or generally prevailing weather conditions of a region, as temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness, and winds, throughout the year, averaged over a series of years. 2. a region or… … Universalium
Economic Affairs — ▪ 2006 Introduction In 2005 rising U.S. deficits, tight monetary policies, and higher oil prices triggered by hurricane damage in the Gulf of Mexico were moderating influences on the world economy and on U.S. stock markets, but some other… … Universalium