1 investment compound
модельная масса
Смесь гранулированного огнеупорного наполнителя, крепителя и жидкого связующего вещества используемая для создания формы для точного литья.
[ http://www.manual-steel.ru/eng-a.html]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > investment compound
2 investment compound
1. модельная масса2. огнеупорная смесьEnglish-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > investment compound
3 investment compound
формовочный состав для приготовления оболочковых формАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > investment compound
4 investment compound
Модельная масса.Смесь гранулированного огнеупорного наполнителя, крепителя и жидкого связующего вещества используемая для создания формы для точного литья.
* * *Англо-русский металлургический словарь > investment compound
5 investment compound
6 investment compound
7 compound
2) (химическое) соединение || соединять3) компаунд ( заливочная смесь или масса) || компаундировать6) вчт. составной оператор7) складывать ( векторы)•-
additive compound
antidrumming compound
antiknock compound
antiseizure compound
asbestos-varnish compound
associated compound
bearing mount compound
binary compound
bituminous compound
blackfilled compound
blending compound
body cord skim compound
boiler compound
bonding compound
branched-chain compound
branched compound
cable compound
carbon-black-extended compound
catch compound
caulking compound
chain compound
closed-chain compound
complex coordination compound
complex compound
demulsifying compound
detrimental compound
dipping compound
dressing compound
elastomeric compound
electrical embedment compound
electrode compound
embedding compound
epoxide compound
extruded compound
fabric-reinforced polymer compound
ferroferric compound
filling compound
fluorocarbon rubber compound
foam compound
fragrance compound
friction compound
glazing compound
hardening compound
high-molecular compound
impregnating compound
ink compound
inorganic compound
insulating compound
intermetallic compound
interstitial-free intermetallic compound
investment compound
lapping compound
layer compound
leuco compound
molding compound
mother compound
organic compound
organic silicon compound
organoboron compound
organometallic compound
oxidizing compound
polymeric compound
potting compound
precipitate compound
preservative compound
raw compound
reducible compound
rubber compound
saturated compound
sealing compound
selenium compound
semiconducting compound
sheathing compound
side chain compound
sizing compound
soil release compound
stable compound
stop-leak compound
straight-chain compound
tallow compound
thermoplastic insulating compound
thermosetting insulating compound
thread compound
thread sealant compound
unoxidizable compound
unsatisfied compound
unstable compound
wall-sealing compound
waterproofing compound
welding compound
wet-drawing compound -
8 compound proposition
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > compound proposition
9 investment molding compound
Техника: корковая формовочная смесьУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > investment molding compound
10 sealing compound
1. герметик2. заливочная массаEnglish-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > sealing compound
11 cable compound
12 cable insulation compound
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > cable insulation compound
13 filling compound
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > filling compound
14 impregnating compound
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > impregnating compound
15 impression compound
English-Russian big medical dictionary > impression compound
16 CIC
1) Общая лексика: Министерство гражданства и иммиграции Канады2) Авиация: capacitance index compensator3) Медицина: Certified Infection Control, Clean Intermittent Catheterization, Critical Illness Cash, clinical information center, Certified in Infection Control4) Американизм: Committee For Institutional Cooperation5) Военный термин: CONUS intelligence center, Cadet In Charge, Cadet Instructors Cadre, Change Identification Number, Combat Integration Cell, Combined Intelligence Committee, Computer Intelligence Corps, Content Indicator Codes, Counterintelligence Corps, civil internment camp, combat in cities, combat information center, combat intelligence center, combat intercept control, command information center, commander-in-chief, communications intelligence channel, control and information center, customer identification code, Combat Information Center (Air Force)6) Техника: Center of Counterintelligence, Coverglass Interconnect Cell, cladding integrity control, combat information control, command information computer, common impression cylinder, communications instructor console, compatible integrated circuit, complementary integrated circuit, complex integrated circuit, concrete integrated container, custom integrated circuit7) Шутливое выражение: Chicks In Charge, Chimp In Chief, Chris Is Cool, Comes In Clogged8) Религия: Christans In Combat, Christians In Combat9) Железнодорожный термин: Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Railway10) Юридический термин: Children In Common, Consumer Information Center11) Бухгалтерия: Chartered Investment Counselor12) Страхование: captive insurance company13) Биржевой термин: Chartered Investment Council14) Телекоммуникации: Country Indicator Code, Код идентификации канала15) Сокращение: Caribbean Investment Corporation, Central Intelligence Center, Collision Industry Conference, Combat Information Centre, Combined Intelligence Center, Command Information Centre, Committee on Institutional Cooperation, Commonwealth Information Center, Continental Insurance Company, Counter-Intelligence Corps, Carrier Identification Codes (10XXX codes), Гражданство и Иммиграция Канады (Citizenship and Immigration Canada), Canada-Israel Committee, Chartered Investment Counsel16) Университет: Campus Improvement Committee, Census Industry Center, Computer Integrated Courses, Computers Information Chemistry, The Center For Information And Communications17) Физиология: Crisis intervention clinic18) Электроника: Cascaded Integrated Comb, Cleanroom interface chamber19) Вычислительная техника: CEBus Industry Control, carrier (circuit) identification code, commercial Internet carrier, Coordination and Information Center (CSNET), Coordination and Information Center (CSNet), Carrier Identification Codes (Telephony, 10XXX codes)20) Банковское дело: Комитет по регулированию выпуска ценных бумаг (Великобритания; Capital Issues Committee)21) Транспорт: Completely In The Canal22) Деловая лексика: Census Industry Classification, Customer Interaction Center23) Образование: Classroom Intervention Center24) Инвестиции: Capital Issues Committee25) Сетевые технологии: carrier identification code, circuit identification code, commercial Internet carriers26) Полимеры: Continuous Impregnated Compound27) Программирование: Cancel If Close28) Акустика: калибровка инжекцией заряда (Charge Injection Calibration)29) Золотодобыча: «уголь-в-колоннах», осаждение золота из раствора в колоннах, carbon-in-column30) Расширение файла: Communication Intelligence Channel31) Должность: Certified Insurance Counselor32) Чат: Chat In Character33) Правительство: Cadet Instructor Cadre34) NYSE. Carson, Inc.35) Аэропорты: Chico, California USA36) Программное обеспечение: Crystal Information Communication37) Федеральное бюро расследований: Counter Intelligence Corps of the U.S. Army -
17 cic
1) Общая лексика: Министерство гражданства и иммиграции Канады2) Авиация: capacitance index compensator3) Медицина: Certified Infection Control, Clean Intermittent Catheterization, Critical Illness Cash, clinical information center, Certified in Infection Control4) Американизм: Committee For Institutional Cooperation5) Военный термин: CONUS intelligence center, Cadet In Charge, Cadet Instructors Cadre, Change Identification Number, Combat Integration Cell, Combined Intelligence Committee, Computer Intelligence Corps, Content Indicator Codes, Counterintelligence Corps, civil internment camp, combat in cities, combat information center, combat intelligence center, combat intercept control, command information center, commander-in-chief, communications intelligence channel, control and information center, customer identification code, Combat Information Center (Air Force)6) Техника: Center of Counterintelligence, Coverglass Interconnect Cell, cladding integrity control, combat information control, command information computer, common impression cylinder, communications instructor console, compatible integrated circuit, complementary integrated circuit, complex integrated circuit, concrete integrated container, custom integrated circuit7) Шутливое выражение: Chicks In Charge, Chimp In Chief, Chris Is Cool, Comes In Clogged8) Религия: Christans In Combat, Christians In Combat9) Железнодорожный термин: Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Railway10) Юридический термин: Children In Common, Consumer Information Center11) Бухгалтерия: Chartered Investment Counselor12) Страхование: captive insurance company13) Биржевой термин: Chartered Investment Council14) Телекоммуникации: Country Indicator Code, Код идентификации канала15) Сокращение: Caribbean Investment Corporation, Central Intelligence Center, Collision Industry Conference, Combat Information Centre, Combined Intelligence Center, Command Information Centre, Committee on Institutional Cooperation, Commonwealth Information Center, Continental Insurance Company, Counter-Intelligence Corps, Carrier Identification Codes (10XXX codes), Гражданство и Иммиграция Канады (Citizenship and Immigration Canada), Canada-Israel Committee, Chartered Investment Counsel16) Университет: Campus Improvement Committee, Census Industry Center, Computer Integrated Courses, Computers Information Chemistry, The Center For Information And Communications17) Физиология: Crisis intervention clinic18) Электроника: Cascaded Integrated Comb, Cleanroom interface chamber19) Вычислительная техника: CEBus Industry Control, carrier (circuit) identification code, commercial Internet carrier, Coordination and Information Center (CSNET), Coordination and Information Center (CSNet), Carrier Identification Codes (Telephony, 10XXX codes)20) Банковское дело: Комитет по регулированию выпуска ценных бумаг (Великобритания; Capital Issues Committee)21) Транспорт: Completely In The Canal22) Деловая лексика: Census Industry Classification, Customer Interaction Center23) Образование: Classroom Intervention Center24) Инвестиции: Capital Issues Committee25) Сетевые технологии: carrier identification code, circuit identification code, commercial Internet carriers26) Полимеры: Continuous Impregnated Compound27) Программирование: Cancel If Close28) Акустика: калибровка инжекцией заряда (Charge Injection Calibration)29) Золотодобыча: «уголь-в-колоннах», осаждение золота из раствора в колоннах, carbon-in-column30) Расширение файла: Communication Intelligence Channel31) Должность: Certified Insurance Counselor32) Чат: Chat In Character33) Правительство: Cadet Instructor Cadre34) NYSE. Carson, Inc.35) Аэропорты: Chico, California USA36) Программное обеспечение: Crystal Information Communication37) Федеральное бюро расследований: Counter Intelligence Corps of the U.S. Army -
18 rate
19 IC
1) Общая лексика: ПК (Industrial and Commercial (bank))2) Компьютерная техника: Instrument Computer, Interexchange Carrier3) Биология: inspiratory capacity4) Американизм: Internal Communication5) Военный термин: Infrastructure Committee, Inspection Committee, Integration Contractor, Intelligence Collection, Intelligence Committee, Intelligence Community, Intelligence Corps, Inter Continental, Interface Certification, Irish Concern, identification card, identification code, identifier code, implementation and conversion, in-command-of, in-commission, incentive compensation, incentive contract, independent company, index correction, information center, information circular, initial conditions, initial cost, inspected and condemned, inspection card, instruction card, instrument correction, intelligence center, intelligence circular, intelligence collator, intercept controller, interceptor, interceptor command, interface control, interim change, interim commission, interim committee, interior communications, intermediate course, internal combustion, internal conversion, international control, internment camp, ionization chamber6) Техника: ice condenser, immersion cooler, implementation clerk, impulse counter, indicating controller, inductance-capacitance, initial course, inlet contact, input charter, input current, inside containment, instruction code, integral connection, integration circuit, interceptor computer, interchange, interchange center, intercommunications, interface computer, interference control, interior communications electrician, intermediate circuit, internal-combustion, iron-constantan, isolation condenser, ИС, интегральная схема, оператор наведения7) Химия: ионная хроматография8) Математика: Index Of Coincidence9) Религия: Jesus (first and third letters of His name in Greek)10) Железнодорожный термин: Illinois Central Railroad Company11) Юридический термин: Indiana Code12) Бухгалтерия: Internal Control13) Автомобильный термин: ignition control, Integrated Curtain - интегрированная шторка безопасности. (Фирменное обозначение компании Volvo. В кабриолетах Volvo - подушка безопасности, вмонтированная не в крышу (ввиду отсутствия оной), а в боковую стенку салона.)14) Политика: Iceland15) Телекоммуникации: intermediate cross-connect, Intermediate Cross-Connect (DEC)16) Сокращение: Iceland (NATO country code), Identity Card, In Charge, Integrated Circuit, Intercept Centre, Internal Communications, immediate constituent, impulse conductor, interior communication, ion chamber, Internal Corrosion, International Catalog, Iron Case, внутрихозяйственный17) Университет: Imperial College, Instructor Consent18) Физиология: Between Meals, Inhibition Concentration, Intensive Care, Interstitial Cystitis, Intra Cellular, Intracerebral19) Электроника: Insulation Contact, Investment Council20) Вычислительная техника: image capture, input circuit, instruction counter, see, плата, содержащая команду, Interexchange Carrier (Telephony, see also, IXC), I see, непосредственно составляющая, программная плата, счётчик команд21) Нефть: стальная обшивка (iron case), стальной кожух (iron case), стальной корпус (iron case)22) Иммунология: Inhibitory Concentration23) Банковское дело: коэффициент покрытия процентов (IC = EBIT / I, где IC - interest coverage ratio, EBIT - earnings before interest, depreciation and taxes, I - interest charges.)24) Транспорт: Import Code, In Container, Integrated Coach25) Фирменный знак: ICI Corporation26) Экология: Interim Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission27) СМИ: Instant Creation28) Деловая лексика: Ignorant Confidence, Industrial Component, Integrated Companies, Intellectual Capital, International Conference29) Сетевые технологии: internal connection, внутреннее соединение, управление интерфейсом30) Программирование: If Case, Insert Character, Instruction Count, Internal Code31) Ядерная физика: (inelastic scattering) неупругое рассеяние (нейтронов)32) Сахалин Р: Isolation Confirmer33) Медицинская техника: inspiratory capacity (ИВЛ)34) Химическое оружие: Integrating Contractor, Ion chromatography, in control, interrupting current35) Макаров: igniter cord, image converter, intelligent copier, item counter, module integrated circuit module, ВК, внутренняя конверсия36) Расширение файла: Interrupt Controller, M3CG intermediate language file (Modula-3)37) Пожарное дело: руководитель тушения пожара (incident commander)38) SAP.тех. тип позиции39) Карачаганак: Incident Commander (Руководитель аварийно-спасательных работ)40) Электротехника: impedance coil, inductive coupling, initial condition, input conditioner, installed capacity, insulating compound, interrupting capacity, pl, интегральная схема (ИС)41) Должность: Ice Climbers, Independent Consultant, Independent Contractor, Information And Communication, Investment Counselor42) Чат: In Character, In Chat43) Правительство: Integrated Circuits44) Федеральное бюро расследований: Incoming45) Международная торговля: In Class46) Базы данных: Independency Check -
20 Ic
1) Общая лексика: ПК (Industrial and Commercial (bank))2) Компьютерная техника: Instrument Computer, Interexchange Carrier3) Биология: inspiratory capacity4) Американизм: Internal Communication5) Военный термин: Infrastructure Committee, Inspection Committee, Integration Contractor, Intelligence Collection, Intelligence Committee, Intelligence Community, Intelligence Corps, Inter Continental, Interface Certification, Irish Concern, identification card, identification code, identifier code, implementation and conversion, in-command-of, in-commission, incentive compensation, incentive contract, independent company, index correction, information center, information circular, initial conditions, initial cost, inspected and condemned, inspection card, instruction card, instrument correction, intelligence center, intelligence circular, intelligence collator, intercept controller, interceptor, interceptor command, interface control, interim change, interim commission, interim committee, interior communications, intermediate course, internal combustion, internal conversion, international control, internment camp, ionization chamber6) Техника: ice condenser, immersion cooler, implementation clerk, impulse counter, indicating controller, inductance-capacitance, initial course, inlet contact, input charter, input current, inside containment, instruction code, integral connection, integration circuit, interceptor computer, interchange, interchange center, intercommunications, interface computer, interference control, interior communications electrician, intermediate circuit, internal-combustion, iron-constantan, isolation condenser, ИС, интегральная схема, оператор наведения7) Химия: ионная хроматография8) Математика: Index Of Coincidence9) Религия: Jesus (first and third letters of His name in Greek)10) Железнодорожный термин: Illinois Central Railroad Company11) Юридический термин: Indiana Code12) Бухгалтерия: Internal Control13) Автомобильный термин: ignition control, Integrated Curtain - интегрированная шторка безопасности. (Фирменное обозначение компании Volvo. В кабриолетах Volvo - подушка безопасности, вмонтированная не в крышу (ввиду отсутствия оной), а в боковую стенку салона.)14) Политика: Iceland15) Телекоммуникации: intermediate cross-connect, Intermediate Cross-Connect (DEC)16) Сокращение: Iceland (NATO country code), Identity Card, In Charge, Integrated Circuit, Intercept Centre, Internal Communications, immediate constituent, impulse conductor, interior communication, ion chamber, Internal Corrosion, International Catalog, Iron Case, внутрихозяйственный17) Университет: Imperial College, Instructor Consent18) Физиология: Between Meals, Inhibition Concentration, Intensive Care, Interstitial Cystitis, Intra Cellular, Intracerebral19) Электроника: Insulation Contact, Investment Council20) Вычислительная техника: image capture, input circuit, instruction counter, see, плата, содержащая команду, Interexchange Carrier (Telephony, see also, IXC), I see, непосредственно составляющая, программная плата, счётчик команд21) Нефть: стальная обшивка (iron case), стальной кожух (iron case), стальной корпус (iron case)22) Иммунология: Inhibitory Concentration23) Банковское дело: коэффициент покрытия процентов (IC = EBIT / I, где IC - interest coverage ratio, EBIT - earnings before interest, depreciation and taxes, I - interest charges.)24) Транспорт: Import Code, In Container, Integrated Coach25) Фирменный знак: ICI Corporation26) Экология: Interim Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission27) СМИ: Instant Creation28) Деловая лексика: Ignorant Confidence, Industrial Component, Integrated Companies, Intellectual Capital, International Conference29) Сетевые технологии: internal connection, внутреннее соединение, управление интерфейсом30) Программирование: If Case, Insert Character, Instruction Count, Internal Code31) Ядерная физика: (inelastic scattering) неупругое рассеяние (нейтронов)32) Сахалин Р: Isolation Confirmer33) Медицинская техника: inspiratory capacity (ИВЛ)34) Химическое оружие: Integrating Contractor, Ion chromatography, in control, interrupting current35) Макаров: igniter cord, image converter, intelligent copier, item counter, module integrated circuit module, ВК, внутренняя конверсия36) Расширение файла: Interrupt Controller, M3CG intermediate language file (Modula-3)37) Пожарное дело: руководитель тушения пожара (incident commander)38) SAP.тех. тип позиции39) Карачаганак: Incident Commander (Руководитель аварийно-спасательных работ)40) Электротехника: impedance coil, inductive coupling, initial condition, input conditioner, installed capacity, insulating compound, interrupting capacity, pl, интегральная схема (ИС)41) Должность: Ice Climbers, Independent Consultant, Independent Contractor, Information And Communication, Investment Counselor42) Чат: In Character, In Chat43) Правительство: Integrated Circuits44) Федеральное бюро расследований: Incoming45) Международная торговля: In Class46) Базы данных: Independency Check
- 1
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См. также в других словарях:
Investment compound — Investment compound. См. Модельная масса. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) … Словарь металлургических терминов
investment compound — investment (def. 11). * * * … Universalium
investment compound — investment (def. 11) … Useful english dictionary
investment compound — /ɪnˈvɛstmənt kɒmpaʊnd/ (say in vestmuhnt kompownd) noun a compound used in investment casting …
investment — /in vest meuhnt/, n. 1. the investing of money or capital in order to gain profitable returns, as interest, income, or appreciation in value. 2. a particular instance or mode of investing. 3. a thing invested in, as a business, a quantity of… … Universalium
investment casting — Metall. a casting process in which an expendable pattern is surrounded by an investment compound and then baked so that the investment is hardened to form a mold and the pattern material may be melted and run off. Also called precision casting.… … Universalium
Compound annual growth rate — (CAGR) is a business and investing specific term for the smoothed annualized gain of an investment over a given time period.[1] CAGR is not an accounting term, but remains widely used, particularly in growth industries or to compare the growth… … Wikipedia
compound — com‧pound [kəmˈpaʊnd ǁ kɑːmˈpaʊnd, ˈkɑːmpaʊnd] verb [transitive] FINANCE to pay interest on both a sum of money and the interest already earned on it: • My bank compounds interest quarterly. * * * Ⅰ. compound UK US /ˈkɒmpaʊnd/ adjective FINANCE ► … Financial and business terms
Compound interest — The effect of earning 20% annual interest on an initial $1,000 investment at various compounding frequencies Compound interest arises when interest is added to the principal, so that from that moment on, the interest that has been added also… … Wikipedia
Compound Return — The rate of return, usually expressed as a percentage, that represents the cumulative effect that a series of gains or losses have on an original amount of capital over a period of time. Compound returns are usually expressed in annual terms,… … Investment dictionary
Compound Net Annual Rate - CNAR — The return on an investment after taking tax implications into consideration. The compound net annual rate (CNAR) is much like an investment s compound annual rate except that tax liability is taken into account. CNAR is a truer representation of … Investment dictionary