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  • 1 bill

    сор, се милува
    сметкопотврда, оглас, плакат, белешка
    v огласува (на огласна табла), вклучува во програма
    v се милува
    клун, жрт
    * * *
    n. 1. сметка; to pay a bill плаќање сметка; to put on smb.'s bill ставање (вметнување) на нечија сметка; a telephone (water) bill сметка за телефон (за вода); to run up a large bill правење на голема сметка; (colloq.) *to foot the bill поднесување на трошоците;
    2. театарска програма;
    3. плаката, оглас; post no bills! забрането е лепење на плакати;
    4. банкнота; a five-dollar bill банкнота од пет долари; to break a bill раситнување на банкнота;
    5. законски нацрт; to accept (introduce) a bill примање (предлагање) на нацрт; 6. (legal) исправа; to file a bill of complaint поднесување на обвинителен предлог; bill II v tr
    1.наплаќање; he will bill you for everything тој се ќе ви наплати; bill it to my account стави го тоа на моја сметка (see also charge III);
    2. објавување (со плаката); bill III n клун; bill IV v intr љубење (за гулаби); to bill and coo милување, галење; bill V n; see billhook
    n. Бил (деминутив од William)
    n. сметка; to foot the bill - плаќа сметка;
    2. меница, парично писмо (исто и bill of exchange);
    3. (амер.) банкнота; а ten-dollar bill - банкнота од десет долари/ v. лепи плака

    English-Macedonian dictionary > bill

  • 2 introiluce

    v. t.
    1.претставува, запознава (sb to sb некого со некого): He introduced me to his friend Тој ме запозна со својот пријател
    2. introduce oneself се претставува: Let me introduce myself; my nameis John Mitchell Дозволете ми да се претставам се викам Џон мичел; I introduced myself to my new neighbour Се запознае со мојот нов комшија
    3. воведува, усвојува (реформи/нови методи/иновации/процес); introduce a bill pol. поднесува предлог-закон
    4. вметнува, става (клуч/касета) (into во)
    5. вовлекува: Who introduced him to drugs? Кој го вовлече во дрогата?

    English-Macedonian dictionary > introiluce

См. также в других словарях:

  • introduce — in‧tro‧duce [ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs ǁ ˈduːs] verb [transitive] 1. to make a new product or service available for the first time: • The drug was introduced in the mid 1990s. 2. FINANCE to make stocks, shares etc available on the stock exchange for the first …   Financial and business terms

  • introduce — [in΄trə do͞os′, in΄trədyo͞os′] vt. introduced, introducing [L introducere < intro (see INTRO ) + ducere, to lead: see DUCT] 1. to lead or bring into a given place or position; conduct in 2. to put in or within; insert [to introduce an electric …   English World dictionary

  • Bill C-61 (39th Canadian Parliament, 2nd Session) — Bill C 61, An Act to amend the Copyright Act , was a bill tabled in 2008 during the second session of the 39th Canadian Parliament by Minister of Industry Jim Prentice. The bill died on the table when the 39th Parliament was dissolved prematurely …   Wikipedia

  • Bill of Rights 1689 — Parliament of England Long title An Act declareing the Rights and Liberties of the Subject and Setleing the Succession of the Crowne. Statute book chapter 1 Will Mary Sess 2 c 2 …   Wikipedia

  • Introduce Yourself — Álbum de Faith no more Publicación Abril 1987 Grabación Mediados 1986, en Studio D, Sausalito, California Género(s) Rock alternativo, funk metal, metal alternativ …   Wikipedia Español

  • introduce — 1 *enter, admit Analogous words: induct, install, inaugurate (see INITIATE): instill, inculcate, implant: infuse, inoculate, imbue 2 Introduce, insert, insinuate, interpolate, intercalate, interpose, interject mean to put something or someone in… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Introduce Yourself — Album par Faith No More Sortie Avril 1987 Durée 37:42 Genre Funk metal Metal alternatif Rock alternatif Rock expérimental Producteur …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Bill Nicholson (Canadian administrator) — Bill Nicholson is a Canadian farmer and administrator, and is one of ten elected directors on the Canadian Wheat Board. Nicholson supports the CWB s single desk marketing approach as the best option for farmers, and has opposed efforts to… …   Wikipedia

  • bill — I n. proposed law 1) to draft; introduce, propose; oppose; pass; support a bill 2) to move; railroad a bill through a legislature 3) to quash, reject, vote down; veto a bill 4) to shelve a bill banknote (AE) 5) to break, change; pass a bill 6)… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • introduce — introducer, n. introducible, adj. /in treuh doohs , dyoohs /, v.t., introduced, introducing. 1. to present (a person) to another so as to make acquainted. 2. to acquaint (two or more persons) with each other personally: Will you introduce us? 3.… …   Universalium

  • introduce — in•tro•duce [[t]ˌɪn trəˈdus, ˈdyus[/t]] v. t. duced, duc•ing 1) to present (a person) to another so as to make acquainted 2) to acquaint (two or more persons) with each other personally: Will you introduce us?[/ex] 3) to present (a person,… …   From formal English to slang

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