1 intransitive
[in'trænsitiv]((of a verb) that does not have an object: The baby lay on the floor and kicked; Go and fetch the book!) intransitif -
2 go
to go live (of company) entrer en Bourse(of prices, value) baisser(of prices, value) monter, augmenter;∎ the cost of living is going up le coût de la vie augmente -
3 shut
(of shop, business) fermer(a) (of shop, business) fermer -
4 improve
s'améliorer; (of prices, markets) monter, être en hausse;∎ business is improving les affaires reprennent;∎ the pound improved against the dollar la valeur de la livre a augmenté par rapport à celle du dollarto improve on sb's offer offrir plus que qn -
5 back-pedal
6 chain-smoke
intransitive verb fumer comme un sapeur (colloq), fumer sans arrêt -
7 clock-watch
intransitive verb regarder tout le temps l'heure -
8 finger-paint
intransitive verb peindre avec les doigts -
9 freewheel
intransitive verb lit être or rouler en roue libre -
10 house-sit
intransitive verb garder une maison -
11 left-click
intransitive verb cliquer en appuyant sur le bouton gauche (de la souris) (on sur) -
12 lip-read
intransitive verb (prét, pp - read [-red]) lire sur les lèvres de quelqu'un -
13 make-do-and-mend
intransitive verb faire avec -
14 name-drop
intransitive verb péj citer des gens célèbres ( qu'on prétend connaître) -
15 nit-pick
intransitive verb chercher la petite bête (colloq) -
16 queue-jump
intransitive verb GB resquiller, passer avant son tour -
17 touch-type
intransitive verb taper au toucher -
18 apologize
s'excuser;∎ to apologize to sb for sth s'excuser de qch auprès de qn, présenter ses excuses à qn pour qch;∎ we apologize for any inconvenience veuillez nous excuser pour les désagréments occasionnés -
19 apply
(a) to apply to sb for sth s'adresser ou recourir à qn pour obtenir qch;∎ apply to the personnel office adressez-vous au service du personnel;∎ to apply for a job faire une demande d'emploi;∎ she has decided to apply for the job elle a décidé de poser sa candidature pour cet emploi;∎ to apply for a grant faire une demande de bourse;∎ to apply in writing écrire;∎ to apply in person se présenter∎ to apply for shares souscrire (à) des actions -
20 appreciate
(of goods, investment, shares) prendre de la valeur; (of value, price) augmenter;∎ the euro has appreciated in terms of other currencies l'euro s'est apprécié vis-à-vis des autres monnaies
См. также в других словарях:
Intransitive verb — In grammar, an intransitive verb does not take an object. In more technical terms, an intransitive verb has only one argument (its subject), and hence has a valency of one. For example, in English, the verbs sleep , complain and die , are… … Wikipedia
intransitive verb — noun a verb (or verb construction) that does not take an object • Syn: ↑intransitive verb form, ↑intransitive • Hypernyms: ↑verb * * * a verb that indicates a complete action without being accompanied by a direct object, as sit or lie, and, in… … Useful english dictionary
intransitive verb — noun /ɪnˌtrænsətɪv ˈvɜːb,ɪnˌtrænzətɪv ˈvɜːb/ An action verb not taking a direct object. In English sleep is an intransitive verb. See Also: VI, transitive verb, ditransitive verb, intradirective verb, labile verb … Wiktionary
intransitive verb — verb that is never accompanied by a direct object (come, sit, walk, etc.) … English contemporary dictionary
intransitive verb form — noun a verb (or verb construction) that does not take an object • Syn: ↑intransitive verb, ↑intransitive • Hypernyms: ↑verb … Useful english dictionary
intransitive verb — /ɪnˌtrænsətɪv ˈvɜb/ (say in.transuhtiv verb) noun 1. a verb that is never accompanied by a direct object, as come, sit, lie, etc. 2. a verb occurring without a direct object, as drinks in the sentence she drinks only when thirsty. Compare… …
intransitive verb — a verb that indicates a complete action without being accompanied by a direct object, as sit or lie, and, in English, that does not form a passive. [1605 15] * * * … Universalium
Intransitive — In*tran si*tive, a. [L. intransitivus: cf. F. intransitif. See {In } not, and {Transitive}.] 1. Not passing farther; kept; detained. [R.] [1913 Webster] And then it is for the image s sake and so far is intransitive; but whatever is paid more to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
intransitive — [in tran′sə tiv, in tran′zətiv] adj. [LL intransitivus] 1. not transitive 2. Gram. designating a verb that does not require a direct object n. an intransitive verb intransitively adv … English World dictionary
Verb — This article is about the part of speech. For the physical activity program, see VERB (program). For English usage of verbs, see English verbs. Verbs redirects here. For the Christian gospel rapper, see Verbs (rapper). Examples I washed the car… … Wikipedia
intransitive — Synonyms and related words: adjectival, adverbial, attributive, auxiliary, auxiliary verb, conjunctive, copula, copulative, correct, defective verb, deponent verb, finite verb, formal, functional, glossematic, grammatic, impersonal verb,… … Moby Thesaurus