1 intransitive verb
s.verbo intransitivo, intransitivo, verbo neutro. -
2 intransitive
in'trænsitiv((of a verb) that does not have an object: The baby lay on the floor and kicked; Go and fetch the book!) intransitivotr[ɪn'trænsɪtɪv]1 SMALLLINGUISTICS/SMALL intransitivo,-aadj.• intransitivo, -a adj.n.• intransitivo s.m.'ɪn'trænsətɪvadjective intransitivo[ɪn'trænsɪtɪv]1.ADJ (Ling) intransitivo2.CPDintransitive verb N — verbo m intransitivo
* * *['ɪn'trænsətɪv]adjective intransitivo -
3 rustle
1) (to (make something) make a soft, whispering sound: The wind rustled in the trees; She rustled her papers.) (hacer) crujir; (hacer) susurrar2) ((American) to steal (cattle etc).) robar, hurtar•- rustler- rustle up
rustle1 n ruido / crujido rustle es el ruido de las hojas de los árboles movidos por el viento, de la tela de un vestido, o de papeles, por ejemplo, cuando se frotanrustle2 vb susurrar / crujirtr['rʌsəl]1 (leaves etc) hacer crujir1 (leaves etc) crujir1 (cattle) robar1 (cattle) robar ganado1) : hacer susurrar, hacer crujirto rustle a newspaper: hacer crujir un periódico2) steal: robar (ganado)rustle vi: susurrar, crujirrustle n: murmullo m, susurro m, crujido mn.• susurro s.m.v.• crujir v.• hurtar ganado v.• murmurar v.• susurrar v.
1. rʌsəlintransitive verb \<\<leaves\>\> susurrar; \<\<paper\>\> crujir; \<\<silk\>\> hacer* frufrú
vt1) ( make sound) \<\<wind\>\> \<\<leaves\>\> hacer* susurrar2) ( steal) \<\<cattle/horses\>\> robar
Phrasal Verbs:
I ['rʌsl]1.N [of leaves, wind] susurro m ; [of paper] crujido m ; [of silk, dress] frufrú m, crujido m2.VT [+ leaves] hacer susurrar; [+ paper] mover ligeramente, hacer crujir3.VI [leaves] susurrar; [paper] crujir; [silk, dress] hacer frufrú
['rʌsl]VT (=steal) robar, abigear (Mex)* * *
1. [rʌsəl]intransitive verb \<\<leaves\>\> susurrar; \<\<paper\>\> crujir; \<\<silk\>\> hacer* frufrú
vt1) ( make sound) \<\<wind\>\> \<\<leaves\>\> hacer* susurrar2) ( steal) \<\<cattle/horses\>\> robar
Phrasal Verbs: -
4 fumble
1) (to use one's hands awkwardly and with difficulty: He fumbled with the key; She fumbled about in her bag for her key.) buscar/revolver a tientas/torpemente, manejar torpemente2) (to drop a ball (clumsily), or fail to hold or catch it.) dejar caertr['fʌmbəl]1 dejar caer1 buscar a tientas1 hacer torpemente1) : dejar caer, fumblear2)to fumble one's way : ir a tientasfumble vi1) grope: hurgar, tantear2)to fumble with : manejar con torpezafumble n: fumble m (en futbol americano)v.• chapucear v.• dejar caer v.• manosear v.• revolver torpemente v.• titubear v.
1. 'fʌmbəlhe was fumbling (around o about) in the dark — buscaba algo a tientas en la oscuridad
she fumbled in her pockets — revolvió or hurgó en sus bolsillos
to fumble FOR something: she fumbled for the keyhole buscó a tientas la cerradura; he fumbled for the right words tartamudeó, tratando de encontrar las palabras adecuadas; to fumble WITH something: she fumbled with her buttons — intentó torpemente abrocharse/desabrocharse
vt \<\<ball\>\> dejar caer; ( in US football) fumblear
noun ( in US football) fumble m['fʌmbl]1.VT (=drop) dejar caer; (=handle badly) manosear, coger or (LAm) agarrar con torpeza2.VI (also: fumble about) hurgar* * *
1. ['fʌmbəl]he was fumbling (around o about) in the dark — buscaba algo a tientas en la oscuridad
she fumbled in her pockets — revolvió or hurgó en sus bolsillos
to fumble FOR something: she fumbled for the keyhole buscó a tientas la cerradura; he fumbled for the right words tartamudeó, tratando de encontrar las palabras adecuadas; to fumble WITH something: she fumbled with her buttons — intentó torpemente abrocharse/desabrocharse
vt \<\<ball\>\> dejar caer; ( in US football) fumblear
noun ( in US football) fumble m -
5 argue
1) ((with with someone, about something) to quarrel with (a person) or discuss (something) with a person in a not very friendly way: I'm not going to argue; Will you children stop arguing with each other about whose toy that is!) discutir2) ((with for, against) to suggest reasons for or for not doing something: I argued for/against accepting the plan.) argüir, argumentar3) ((with into, out of) to persuade (a person) (not) to do something: I'll try to argue him into going; He argued her out of buying the dress.) persuadir de/a(positivo); disuadir de (negativo)4) (to discuss, giving one's reasoning: She argued the point very cleverly.) sostener•- arguable- argument
- argumentative
argue vb discutirtr['ɑːgjʊː]2 (reason) argüir, argumentar, sostener1 (present) presentar, exponer\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto argue the toss discutir, seguir discutiendo1) reason: argüir, argumentar, razonar2) dispute: discutir, pelear(se), alegarargue vt1) suggest: sugerir2) maintain: alegar, argüir, sostener3) discuss: discutir, debatirv.• altercar v.• argumentar v.• argüir v.• debatir v.• discutir v.• disputar v.• guerrear v.• hilar v.• litigar v.'ɑːrgjuː, 'ɑːgjuː
1) (disagree, quarrel) discutir; ( more heatedly) pelear(se), reñir* (esp Esp)to argue about/over something — discutir or pelear por algo
$10,000 tax-free? you can't argue with that! — ¿10.000 dólares libres de impuestos? no es como para quejarse!
2) ( reason)to argue for/against something: she argued for his reinstatement abogó por que fuera restituido a su cargo; he argues against changing the law — da razones en contra de que se cambie la ley
vta) ( put forward) \<\<case\>\> exponer*, presentarb) ( adduce) alegar*; ( present as argument) argüir*, sostener*supporters of the bill argue that... — los partidarios del proyecto arguyen or sostienen que...
c) ( debate) \<\<issue\>\> discutir, debatirPhrasal Verbs:['ɑːɡjuː]1. VI1) (=disagree) discutir; (=fight) pelearseto argue (with sb) about or over sth — discutir or pelearse (con algn) por algo
she achieved it, you can't argue with that — lo logró, eso es indiscutible•
I didn't dare argue — no me atreví a llevar la contraria•
just get in and don't argue (with me)! — ¡entra y no (me) discutas!2) (=reason)he argues well — presenta sus argumentos de modo convincente, razona bien
to argue against sth — dar razones en contra de algo•
to argue for sth — abogar por algohe argued for the president's powers to be restricted — abogó en favor de que se limitaran los poderes del presidente
he argues from a deeply religious conviction — sus argumentos parten de una profunda convicción religiosa3) (=indicate)•
his lack of experience argues against him — su falta de experiencia es un factor en su contra•
it argues well for him — es un elemento a su favor2. VT1) (=debate) discutirtoss 1., 3)2) (=persuade)he argued me into/out of going — me convenció de que fuera/no fuera
he argued his way out of getting the sack — consiguió que no lo despidieran con buenos razonamientos
3) (=maintain) sostenerit could be argued that we are not doing enough — se podría decir que no estamos haciendo lo suficiente
4) (=cite, claim) (esp Jur) alegar5)to argue a case —
a) (Jur) presentar un pleito, exponer un pleitob) (fig)6) (=suggest) indicar* * *['ɑːrgjuː, 'ɑːgjuː]
1) (disagree, quarrel) discutir; ( more heatedly) pelear(se), reñir* (esp Esp)to argue about/over something — discutir or pelear por algo
$10,000 tax-free? you can't argue with that! — ¿10.000 dólares libres de impuestos? no es como para quejarse!
2) ( reason)to argue for/against something: she argued for his reinstatement abogó por que fuera restituido a su cargo; he argues against changing the law — da razones en contra de que se cambie la ley
vta) ( put forward) \<\<case\>\> exponer*, presentarb) ( adduce) alegar*; ( present as argument) argüir*, sostener*supporters of the bill argue that... — los partidarios del proyecto arguyen or sostienen que...
c) ( debate) \<\<issue\>\> discutir, debatirPhrasal Verbs: -
6 awaken
1) (to awake: I was awakened by the song of the birds.) despertar2) (to start (a feeling of interest, guilt etc): His interest was awakened by the lecture.) despertartr[ə'weɪkən]1→ link=awake awake{v.• despertar v.• recordar v.ə'weɪkən
vta) ( wake up) despertar*b) ( make aware)[ǝ'weɪkǝn]to awaken somebody TO something — abrirle* los ojos a alguien sobre algo
1.VT despertar2.VI (also: to awaken from sleep) despertarto awaken from one's illusions — desilusionarse, quitarse las ilusiones
* * *[ə'weɪkən]
vta) ( wake up) despertar*b) ( make aware)to awaken somebody TO something — abrirle* los ojos a alguien sobre algo
7 budge
(to (cause to) move, even slightly: I can't budge it; It won't budge!) moverbudge vb mover / moversetr[bʌʤ]1 (move) mover2 (make change opinion) hacer cambiar de opinión1 (move) moverse2 (change opinion) cambiar de opinión1) move: moverse, desplazarse2) yield: cederv.• moverse v.bʌdʒ
intransitive verb (usu with neg)a) ( move) moverse*b) ( change opinion) cambiar de opinión
vta) ( move) correrb) ( persuade) convencer*, hacer* cambiar de opinión[bʌdʒ]1.VT (=move) mover, hacer que se muevaI couldn't budge him an inch — (fig) no lo pude convencer
2.VI (=move) moverse; (fig) ceder, rendirsehe won't budge an inch — (fig) no cede lo más mínimo
- budge up* * *[bʌdʒ]
intransitive verb (usu with neg)a) ( move) moverse*b) ( change opinion) cambiar de opinión
vta) ( move) correrb) ( persuade) convencer*, hacer* cambiar de opinión -
8 capsize
((of a boat) to overturn, often sinking afterwards.) zozobrartr[kæp'saɪz]1 zozobrar1 hacer zozobrar: volcar, volcarsecapsize vt: hacer volcarcapsize (US/UK)v.• tumbar v.• volcar v.• zozobrar v.'kæpsaɪz, kæp'saɪz
intransitive verb volcarse*; ( right over) dar* una vuelta de campana
vt hacer* volcar; ( right over) hacer* dar una vuelta de campana[kæp'saɪz]1.VT volcar; (Naut) hacer zozobrar, tumbar2.VI volcarse, dar una vuelta de campana; (Naut) zozobrar* * *['kæpsaɪz, kæp'saɪz]
intransitive verb volcarse*; ( right over) dar* una vuelta de campana
vt hacer* volcar; ( right over) hacer* dar una vuelta de campana -
9 crumble
(to break into crumbs or small pieces: She crumbled the bread; The building had crumbled into ruins; Her hopes of success finally crumbled.) desmigajar, desmenuzar- crumblycrumble vb deshacersethe wood was rotten and crumbled when you touched it la madera estaba podrida y al tocarla se deshacíatr['krʌmbəl]1 (food) desmenuzarse, deshacerse; (cliff, building) desmoronarse2 figurative use (empire, support, marriage) derrumbarse; (hopes) desvanecerse, derrumbarse, venirse abajo1 SMALLCOOKERY/SMALL compota de fruta cubierta de una masa de harina, mantequilla y azúcar: desmigajar, desmenuzarcrumble vi: desmigajarse, desmoronarse, desmenuzarsev.• derrumbarse v.• desmenuzar v.• desmigajar v.• desmoronar v.• desplomar v.• migar v.'krʌmbəl
intransitive verb \<\<cake/soil\>\> desmenuzarse*; \<\<wall\>\> desmoronarse; \<\<democracy/resolve\>\> desmoronarse, derrumbarse
vt \<\<earth/cake\>\> desmenuzar*; \<\<bread\>\> desmigajar['krʌmbl]1.VT [+ bread] desmigar, desmigajar; [+ earth, cheese etc] desmenuzar2. VI1) [bread] desmigarse, desmigajarse; [earth, cheese etc] desmenuzarse; [building, plaster etc] desmoronarse2) (fig) [hopes, power, self-confidence] desmoronarse, venirse abajo; [coalition] venirse abajo, derrumbarse* * *['krʌmbəl]
intransitive verb \<\<cake/soil\>\> desmenuzarse*; \<\<wall\>\> desmoronarse; \<\<democracy/resolve\>\> desmoronarse, derrumbarse
vt \<\<earth/cake\>\> desmenuzar*; \<\<bread\>\> desmigajar -
10 crystallize
1) (to form (into) crystals: He crystallized the salt from the sea water.) cristalizar(se)2) (to cover with a coating of sugar crystals: crystallized fruits.) cristalizar3) (to make or become definite or clear: He tried to crystallize his ideas.) concretarse, cristalizarsetr['krɪstəlaɪz]1 (minerals) cristalizar; (fruit etc) confitar, escarchar2 figurative use (ideas, plans, etc) materializar1 (gen) cristalizarse: cristalizar, materializarto crystallize one's thoughts: cristalizar uno sus pensamientoscrystallize vi: cristalizarsecrystallize (US/UK)v.• cristalizar v.'krɪstəlaɪz
intransitive verb cristalizarse*
vta) (Chem, Geol) cristalizar*b) \<\<idea/plan\>\> materializar*c) ( Culin) \<\<fruit\>\> confitar, escarchar, abrillantar (RPl), cristalizar* (Méx)['krɪstǝlaɪz]1.VT (Chem) cristalizar; [+ fruit] escarchar; (fig) cristalizar, resolvercrystallized fruits — frutas fpl escarchadas
2.VI (Chem) cristalizarse; (fig) concretarse, cristalizarse* * *['krɪstəlaɪz]
intransitive verb cristalizarse*
vta) (Chem, Geol) cristalizar*b) \<\<idea/plan\>\> materializar*c) ( Culin) \<\<fruit\>\> confitar, escarchar, abrillantar (RPl), cristalizar* (Méx) -
11 dilate
(to make or become larger: The sudden darkness made the pupils of his eyes dilate.) dilatar(se)tr[daɪ'leɪt]1 dilatar1 dilatarse: dilatardilate vi: dilatarsev.• dilatar v.• explayar v.daɪ'leɪt
intransitive verb dilatarse
vt dilatar[daɪ'leɪt]1. VI1) [veins, pupils, cervix] dilatarse2) frm (=expatiate)2.VT dilatar* * *[daɪ'leɪt]
intransitive verb dilatarse
vt dilatar -
12 disembark
(to (cause to) go from a ship on to land: We disembarked soon after breakfast.) desembarcardisembark vb desembarcartr[dɪsɪm'bɑːk]1 desembarcar1 desembarcar ( from, de)disembark [.dɪsɪm'bɑrk] v: desembarcarv.• desembarcar v.'dɪsəm'bɑːrk, ˌdɪsɪm'bɑːkto disembark (FROM something) — desembarcar* (de algo)
[ˌdɪsɪm'bɑːk]VT VI desembarcar* * *['dɪsəm'bɑːrk, ˌdɪsɪm'bɑːk]to disembark (FROM something) — desembarcar* (de algo)
13 embark
(to go, or put, on board ship: Passengers should embark early.) embarcar- embark on
tr[ɪm'bɑːk]1 (take on board) embarcarembark [ɪm'bɑrk, ɛm-] vt: embarcarembark vi1) : embarcarse2)to embark on start: emprender, embarcarse env.• embarcar v.ɪm'bɑːrk, ɪm'bɑːka) (on ship, plane) embarcar(se)*b) ( start)[ɪm'bɑːk]to embark ON o UPON something — \<\<on career/new life\>\> emprender algo; \<\<on adventure/undertaking\>\> embarcarse* en algo
1.VT embarcar2.VI (Naut, Aer) embarcarse ( for con rumbo a) (on en)to embark on — [+ journey] emprender; [+ business venture, explanation, discussion] lanzarse a, embarcarse en
* * *[ɪm'bɑːrk, ɪm'bɑːk]a) (on ship, plane) embarcar(se)*b) ( start)to embark ON o UPON something — \<\<on career/new life\>\> emprender algo; \<\<on adventure/undertaking\>\> embarcarse* en algo
14 harmonize
1) (to sing or play musical instruments in harmony.) armonizar2) (to add different parts to (a melody) to form harmonies.) armonizar3) (to (cause to) be in harmony or agreement: The colours in this room harmonize nicely.) armonizartr['hɑːmənaɪz]1 armonizar1 armonizarharmonize (US/UK)v.• acordar v.• armonizar v.• compadecer v.• concertar v.• concordar v.• consonar v.• entonar v.• hermanar v.'hɑːrmənaɪz, 'hɑːmənaɪz
a) ( Mus) cantar en armoníab) ( be in accord) \<\<colors/ideas\>\> armonizar*
vt \<\<policies/plans\>\> armonizar*, poner* en armonía['hɑːmǝnaɪz]VT VI armonizar ( with con)* * *['hɑːrmənaɪz, 'hɑːmənaɪz]
a) ( Mus) cantar en armoníab) ( be in accord) \<\<colors/ideas\>\> armonizar*
vt \<\<policies/plans\>\> armonizar*, poner* en armonía -
15 interrupt
1) (to stop a person while he is saying or doing something, especially by saying etc something oneself: He interrupted her while she was speaking; He interrupted her speech; Listen to me and don't interrupt!) interrumpir2) (to stop or make a break in (an activity etc): He interrupted his work to eat his lunch; You interrupted my thoughts.) interrumpir3) (to cut off (a view etc): A block of flats interrupted their view of the sea.) obstruir; esconder•interrupt vb interrumpirtr[ɪntə'rʌpt]1 interrumpir■ we interrupt this programme with a news flash interrumpimos este programa con una noticia de última hora■ work on the building was interrupted by the war la construcción del edificio fue interrumpida por la guerra■ a flat landscape interrupted only by a few trees un paisaje llano interrumpido solamente por unos árboles1 interrumpirinterrupt [.ɪntə'rʌpt] v: interrumpirv.• atajar v.• entrecortar v.• estorbar v.• interrumpir v.• perturbar v.'ɪntə'rʌpttransitive/intransitive verb interrumpir[ˌɪntǝ'rʌpt]1.VT interrumpir2.VI interrumpirsorry to interrupt, but... — perdonen que les interrumpa, pero..., siento interrumpir, pero...
* * *['ɪntə'rʌpt]transitive/intransitive verb interrumpir -
16 mumble
(to speak (words) in such a way that they are difficult to hear: The old man mumbled (a few words) quietly to himself.) mascullarmumble vb mascullar / decir entre dientestr['mʌmbəl]1 hablar entre dientes, farfullar: mascullar, musitarmumble vi: mascullar, hablar entre dientes, murmurarmumble nto speak in a mumble : hablar entre dientesv.• barbotear v.• bisbisear v.• hablar entre dientes v.• mascar v.• mascujar v.• mascullar v.• masticar v.• musitar v.'mʌmbəl
intransitive verb hablar entre dientes, farfullar
vt mascullar, farfullar['mʌmbl]1.VI mascullar2.VT mascullar3.Nhe said in a mumble — masculló, dijo entre dientes
* * *['mʌmbəl]
intransitive verb hablar entre dientes, farfullar
vt mascullar, farfullar -
17 munch
(to chew (food etc) noisily with the lips closed: She was munching her toast.) mascar, masticartr[mʌnʧ]1 mascar ruidosamente, masticar ruidosamente1 mascar ruidosamente, masticar ruidosamentemunch ['mʌnʧ] v: mascar, masticarv.• mascar v.• ronzar v.mʌntʃtransitive/intransitive verb mascar*, masticar*[mʌntʃ]1.VT mascar, masticar2.VI mascar, masticar* * *[mʌntʃ]transitive/intransitive verb mascar*, masticar* -
18 prowl
(to move about stealthily in order to steal, attack, catch etc: Tigers were prowling in the jungle.) merodear, rondar- prowler- be on the prowl
prowl vb rondar / merodeartr[praʊl]1 merodear, rondar1 merodear por, rondar por1 merodeo\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto be on the prowl / go on the prowl merodear, rondarprowl ['praʊl] vi: merodear, rondarprowl vt: rondar porn.• ronda en busca de presa s.f.• vagabundeo s.m.v.• rondar v.• rondar en busca de presa v.
1. praʊlintransitive verb merodear, rondar
vt merodear or rondar por
noun ronda f[praʊl](to be) on the prowl (FOR something) — (estar*) al acecho (de algo)
1.to be on the prowl — merodear, rondar
2.VI (also: prowl about {or}3} around) rondar, merodearhe prowls round the house at night — (outside) ronda la casa de noche; (inside) se pasea por la casa de noche
3.VT4.CPDprowl car N — (US) (Police) coche-patrulla m
* * *
1. [praʊl]intransitive verb merodear, rondar
vt merodear or rondar por
noun ronda f(to be) on the prowl (FOR something) — (estar*) al acecho (de algo)
19 pry
(to try to find out about something that is secret, especially other people's affairs: He is always prying into my business.) fisgonear, curioseartr[praɪ]1 curiosear, husmear, fisgonear1→ link=prise prise{\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto pry into something entrometerse en algo: curiosear, huronearto pry into other people's business: meterse uno en lo que no le importan.• palanca s.f.v.• alzaprimar v.• apalancar v.• conseguir con gran dificultad v.• entremeterse v.• fisgar v.• huronear v.• mangonear v.praɪ
pries, prying, pried intransitive verb curiosear, husmear
vt (esp AmE) (+ adv compl)
[praɪ]VI (=snoop) fisgonear, curiosear; (=spy) atisbar
[praɪ]VT (US) = prise* * *[praɪ]
pries, prying, pried intransitive verb curiosear, husmear
vt (esp AmE) (+ adv compl) -
20 putt
((in golf) to send a ball gently forward when aiming for the hole.) tirar al hoyo- puttertr[pʌt]1 tiro al hoyo1 tirar al hoyo1 tirar al hoyon.• golpe suave s.m.v.• golpear con poca fuerza v.
1. pʌtintransitive verb golpear la bola, potear (AmL)
vt golpear
noun putt m[pʌt]1.N putt m2.VT golpear3.* * *
1. [pʌt]intransitive verb golpear la bola, potear (AmL)
vt golpear
noun putt m
См. также в других словарях:
Intransitive verb — In grammar, an intransitive verb does not take an object. In more technical terms, an intransitive verb has only one argument (its subject), and hence has a valency of one. For example, in English, the verbs sleep , complain and die , are… … Wikipedia
intransitive verb — noun a verb (or verb construction) that does not take an object • Syn: ↑intransitive verb form, ↑intransitive • Hypernyms: ↑verb * * * a verb that indicates a complete action without being accompanied by a direct object, as sit or lie, and, in… … Useful english dictionary
intransitive verb — noun /ɪnˌtrænsətɪv ˈvɜːb,ɪnˌtrænzətɪv ˈvɜːb/ An action verb not taking a direct object. In English sleep is an intransitive verb. See Also: VI, transitive verb, ditransitive verb, intradirective verb, labile verb … Wiktionary
intransitive verb — verb that is never accompanied by a direct object (come, sit, walk, etc.) … English contemporary dictionary
intransitive verb form — noun a verb (or verb construction) that does not take an object • Syn: ↑intransitive verb, ↑intransitive • Hypernyms: ↑verb … Useful english dictionary
intransitive verb — /ɪnˌtrænsətɪv ˈvɜb/ (say in.transuhtiv verb) noun 1. a verb that is never accompanied by a direct object, as come, sit, lie, etc. 2. a verb occurring without a direct object, as drinks in the sentence she drinks only when thirsty. Compare… …
intransitive verb — a verb that indicates a complete action without being accompanied by a direct object, as sit or lie, and, in English, that does not form a passive. [1605 15] * * * … Universalium
Intransitive — In*tran si*tive, a. [L. intransitivus: cf. F. intransitif. See {In } not, and {Transitive}.] 1. Not passing farther; kept; detained. [R.] [1913 Webster] And then it is for the image s sake and so far is intransitive; but whatever is paid more to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
intransitive — [in tran′sə tiv, in tran′zətiv] adj. [LL intransitivus] 1. not transitive 2. Gram. designating a verb that does not require a direct object n. an intransitive verb intransitively adv … English World dictionary
Verb — This article is about the part of speech. For the physical activity program, see VERB (program). For English usage of verbs, see English verbs. Verbs redirects here. For the Christian gospel rapper, see Verbs (rapper). Examples I washed the car… … Wikipedia
intransitive — Synonyms and related words: adjectival, adverbial, attributive, auxiliary, auxiliary verb, conjunctive, copula, copulative, correct, defective verb, deponent verb, finite verb, formal, functional, glossematic, grammatic, impersonal verb,… … Moby Thesaurus