1 intervening cause
1) Юридический термин: привходящая причина2) юр.Н.П. превходящая причина -
2 intervening cause
3 intervening cause
4 intervening cause
5 cause
1. n1) дело; общее дело2) причина, основание; повод3) юр. судебное дело, процесс4) юр. соображения, высказываемые стороной (на процессе)•2. vвызывать; служить поводом; быть причиной -
6 intervening agency or cause
юр.Н.П. привходящая причинаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > intervening agency or cause
7 failure
1. авария; повреждение; неисправность; отказ в работе3. разрушение; обрушение; обвал; оседание; сползание
* * *
2. разрушение; аварияto accelerate the failure — ускорять появление отказа;
to carry failure to — 1. приводить к отказу; 2. доводить до разрушения (при испытаниях)
to catch a failure — обнаруживать отказ;
to cause to failure — 1. приводить к отказу; 2. доводить до разрушения (при испытаниях);
to discard upon failure — браковать при появлении отказа;
to recover from failure — устранять неисправность;
* * *
1. авария, повреждение; отказ ( оборудования), выход из строя2. обрушение, оседание ( пород); сползание
* * *
1) отказ (); выход из строя; повреждение; поломка; неисправность, несрабатывание; сбой2) разрушение; авария3) обрушение; обвал ( породы)•failure after preventive maintenance — отказ после профилактического технического обслуживания;
failure before replacement — отказ () накануне замены;
failure by bursting from internal pressure — разрушение ( колонны труб) от разрыва под действием внутреннего давления;
failure by collapse from external pressure — разрушение ( колонны труб) от разрыва под действием внешнего давления;
failure in tension — разрушение при растяжении;
failure in use — отказ при эксплуатации, эксплуатационный отказ;
failure requiring overhaul — поломка, требующая капитального ремонта;
failures per million hours — отказов за миллион часов работы;
to accelerate the failure — ускорять появление отказа;
to catch a failure — обнаруживать отказ;
to discard upon failure — браковать при появлении отказа;
to recover from failure — устранять неисправность;
to repair a failure — устранять неисправность;
- failure of hose connectionfailure under tension — разрушение ( колонны труб) от растяжения;
- failure of normal category
- failure of performance
- abnormal test failure
- abnormally early failure
- active failure
- actual failure
- additional failure
- adolescent failure
- aging failure
- allowable failure
- anomalous failure
- anticipated failure
- apparent failure
- artificial failure
- assignable cause failure
- associated failure
- associative failure
- assumed failure
- avoidable failure
- basic failure
- bench-test failure
- bending failure
- bond failure
- breakdown failure
- break-in failure
- brittle failure
- burn-in failure
- casing failure
- catastrophic failure
- cause undetermined failure
- chance failure
- combined failure
- commanded failure
- common-cause failure
- compensating failure
- complete failure
- component failure
- component-compensating failure
- component-dependent failure
- component-independent failure
- component-partial failure
- compression failure
- conditional failure
- conditionally detectable failure
- consequential failure
- contributory failure
- corollary failure
- critical failure
- damage failure
- degradation failure
- dependent failure
- depot-repair-type failure
- derrick failure
- design-deficiency failure
- design-error failure
- destruction failure
- destructive failure
- deterioration failure
- disabling failure
- disastrous failure
- distortion failure
- dominant failure
- dominating failure
- dormant failure
- double failure
- downhole failure
- drill string failure
- drilling-bit failure
- dynamic failure
- earliest failure
- early-life failure
- embryonic failure
- emergency failure
- end failure
- endurance failure
- engine failure
- environmental failure
- equipment failure
- essential failure
- eventual failure
- exogenous failure
- explicit failure
- exponential failure
- externally-caused failure
- fabrication failure
- fatal failure
- fatigue failure
- fictitious failure
- field failure
- field-test failure
- foolish failure
- forced failure
- fracture failure
- functional failure
- generic failure
- gradual failure
- gross failure
- handling failure
- hard failure
- hazardous failure
- hidden failure
- human-initiated failure
- human-involved failure
- immature failure
- immediate failure
- imminent failure
- impact compressive failure
- impending failure
- implicit failure
- inadvertent failure
- incipient failure
- independent failure
- induced failure
- infancy failure
- initial failure
- inoperative failure
- in-service failure
- insignificant failure
- inspection failure
- instability failure
- intermittent failure
- internal failure
- intervening failure
- in-the-field failure
- intrinsic failure
- in-warranty failure
- irreversible failure
- last-thread failure
- late failure
- latent failure
- life failure
- local failure
- low-limit failure
- maintenance failure
- major failure
- malfunction failure
- marginal failure
- mechanical failure
- minor failure
- mishandling failure
- misuse failure
- monotone failure
- most remote failure
- multiunit failure
- near failure
- nonbasic failure
- noncatastrophic failure
- noncritical failure
- nondetectable failure
- nonfatal failure
- nonfunctional failure
- nonrandom failure
- nonreliability failure
- nonrepairable failure
- observed failure
- obsolete parts failure
- oncoming failure
- operating failures
- operational failure
- operative failure
- operator-induced failure
- ordinary failure
- out-of-tolerance failure
- overload failure
- overstress failure
- parallel failures
- parametric failure
- part failure
- partial failure
- partially depreciating failure
- passive failure
- pattern failures
- permanent failure
- persistent failure
- potential failure
- predictable failure
- premature failure
- primary failure
- progressive failure
- projected failure
- qualification failure
- random failure
- real failure
- recoverable failure
- recurrent failures
- redundant failure
- relevant failure
- reliability-type failure
- repairable failure
- repeatable failure
- repeated stress failure
- residual failure
- revealed failure
- reversal failure
- reversible failure
- rock failure
- rock compression failure
- rock plastic failure
- rogue failure
- running-in failure
- seal failure
- secondary failure
- self-avoiding failure
- self-correcting failure
- self-healing failure
- self-induced failure
- self-repairing failure
- service failure
- shear failure
- single failure
- single-point failure
- solid failure
- specification deficiency failure
- spontaneous failure
- stable failure
- stage-by-stage failure
- stochastic failure
- stress failure
- stuck-closed failure
- subsequent failure
- subsidiary failure
- sucker-rod string failure
- sudden failure
- superficial failure
- surface failure
- suspected failure
- sustained failure
- systematic failure
- technical failure
- technological failure
- temporary failure
- tensile failure
- test failure
- test-induced failure
- test-produced failure
- thread failure
- threshold failure
- time-limit failure
- time to first system failure
- top failure
- torque failure
- torsion failure
- total failure
- traceable failure
- transient failure
- trap failure
- trap sealing failure
- triple failure
- true failure
- unannounced failure
- unassigned failure
- unavoidable failure
- undetected failure
- unexpected failure
- unexplained failure
- unpredictable failure
- unrecoverable failure
- unrevealed failure
- unsafe failure
- unstable failure
- verified failure
- volatile failure
- wearout failure* * *• дефект• обвал• отказ -
8 variable
1) переменная2) изменчивый•- bounded variable
- canonic variable
- cause variable
- chance variable
- continuous random variable
- dependent variable
- discrete random variable
- endogenous variable
- exogenous variable
- explanatory variable
- functional variable
- independent variable
- intervening variable
- normal random variable
- qualitative variable
- quantitative variable
- random variable
- slack variable
- theoretical variable
- vector variable* * *
См. также в других словарях:
intervening cause — see cause 1 Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. intervening cause n … Law dictionary
intervening cause — In tort law, as will relieve of liability for an injury, is an independent cause which intervenes between the original wrongful act or omission and the injury, turns aside the natural sequence of events, and produces a result which would not… … Black's law dictionary
intervening cause — In tort law, as will relieve of liability for an injury, is an independent cause which intervenes between the original wrongful act or omission and the injury, turns aside the natural sequence of events, and produces a result which would not… … Black's law dictionary
Intervening cause — An intervening cause is a potential defense to the tort of negligence, if it is an unforeseeable, and therefore superseding intervening cause, rather than a foreseeable intervening cause.For example, if a defendant had carelessly spilled gasoline … Wikipedia
intervening cause — A cause which supersedes a prior wrong as the proximate cause of an injury by breaking the sequence between the prior wrong and the injury. Mahoney v Beatman, 110 Conn 184, 146 A 762, 66 ALR 1121. The test of the sufficiency of an intervening… … Ballentine's law dictionary
efficient intervening cause — see cause 1 Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
dependent intervening cause — n. In common law, something that happens in between a defendant’s action and its result that occurs as a normal and predictable response to the defendant’s action; usually a dependent intervening cause does not break the chain of causation and… … Law dictionary
independent intervening cause — A conclusory label used by the common law to refer to a cause that intervenes between the defendant s behavior and a given result such that it is regarded as unfair to hold the defendant responsible for the result. See also intervening cause … Black's law dictionary
independent intervening cause — A conclusory label used by the common law to refer to a cause that intervenes between the defendant s behavior and a given result such that it is regarded as unfair to hold the defendant responsible for the result. See also intervening cause … Black's law dictionary
cause — 1 n 1: something that brings about an effect or result the negligent act which was the cause of the plaintiff s injury ◇ The cause of an injury must be proven in both tort and criminal cases. actual cause: cause in fact in this entry but–for… … Law dictionary
efficient intervening cause — An intervening efficient cause is a new and independent force, which breaks the causal connection between the original wrong and the injury, and is the proximate and immediate cause of the injury. Thus, the original negligent actor is not liable… … Black's law dictionary