1 international equity
фин. международная акция* (акция, эмитированная нерезидентами на внутреннем рынке данной страны)See:* * *. . Словарь экономических терминов . -
2 international equity
фин. международная акция* (акция, эмитированная нерезидентами на внутреннем рынке данной страны)See:The new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > international equity
3 international equity fund
фин. международный фонд акций* (взаимный инвестиционный фонд, вкладывающий средства в акции иностранных компаний)See:
* * *
фонд международных акций: взаимный инвестиционный фонд, вкладывающий средства в акции компаний в иностранных государствах.Англо-русский экономический словарь > international equity fund
4 international equity fund
фин. международный фонд акций* (взаимный инвестиционный фонд, вкладывающий средства в акции иностранных компаний)See:The new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > international equity fund
5 equity
сущ.1) общ. справедливость; беспристрастность, объективность, непредвзятостьachieving equity in compensation at each campus for all employees — достижение справедливости вознаграждения труда всех работников во всех кампусах
The Parties therefore endorse the principle of equity in employment and agree to cooperate in the identification and removal of all barriers to the recruitment, selection, hiring, retention, and promotion of women, aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities and other categories. — Таким образом, договаривающиеся стороны поддерживают принцип справедливости в найме на работу и соглашаются сотрудничать в области выявления и устранения всех барьеров, касающихся поиска, отбора, найма, сохранения рабочего места и продвижения по службе женщин, местного населения, работников с частичной нетрудоспособностью и других категорий лиц.
Syn:Ant:See:employment equity, pay equity, actuarial equity, tax equity, social equity, equity theory, Retirement Equity Act2) юр. право справедливости; правосудие на основе права справедливости (в Англии, Ирландии и США дополнение к обычному праву: субъективная правовая система, существующая наряду с обычными законодательными актами и заменяющая их в случае, если они противоречат нормам справедливости; такая система действовала в Англии с 14 в., и раньше разбирательства на основе норм права справедливости осуществлялись в специальных судах, отдельно от разбирательств на основе общего права)Syn:See:3)а) учет, фин., преим. мн. собственный капитал, собственные средства (в общем смысле: разница между активами и обязательствами, напр., разница между стоимостью имущества физического лица и его долгами; для предприятия: активы минус текущие и долгосрочные долговые обязательствами минус привилегированные акции; с точки зрения компании, состоит из средств, полученных при размещении обыкновенных акций, и накопленных резервов, а с точки зрения акционеров, представляет сумму, которая достанется им после удовлетворения требований кредиторов, держателей облигаций и погашения других обязательств)The Loan/Equity ratio refers to the percentage that will come from the loan (capital to be borrowed) and equity (own capital) of the project. — Соотношение заемных и собственных средств показывает, какой процент заемного и собственного капитала будет использован при реализации проекта.
The equity may be in the form of cash or assets like building, business site, transportation vehicle, or materials for vending, etc. — Собственный капитал может иметь форму наличных денежных средств или таких активов, как здания, торговые площади, транспортные средства, материалы для торговли и т. п.
Syn:See:debt-to-equity ratio, debt-equity swap, equity dilution, personal equity plan, brand equity, creditors' equity, equity security, equity investment, preferred equity, common equity, deferred equity, quasi-equity, equity dilution, equity joint ventureб) фин. собственный [акционерный\] капитал (капитал, сформированный компанией за счет размещения акций; иногда термин распространяется только на капитал, сформированный за счет размещения обыкновенных акций, но обычно распространяется и на привилегированные акции)For most companies there are two types of equity: ordinary shares and preference shares. — Акционерный капитал большинства компаний подразделяется на обыкновенный и привилегированный акционерный капитал.
See:common equity, preferred equity, quasi-equity, non-equity share, owners' equity, equity dilution, equity-indexed annuity, equity-linked policy, catastrophe equity putв) фин., обычно мн. = equity securitySee:г) фин. реальная стоимость недвижимости* (рыночная стоимость недвижимости за вычетом суммы ипотечного кредита и других долговых обязательств; также часть стоимости заложенного имущества, оставшаяся после его продажи и удовлетворения претензий кредиторов)See:д) эк. капитал* (часто используется в переносном смысле для обозначения материальных или нематериальных активов, способных приносить доход в будущем)See:4)а) бирж. маржа (разница между рыночной стоимостью ценных бумаг и дебетовым остатком по маржинальному счету клиента у брокера, т. е. размером полученной под них ссуды)See:б) бирж. (на рынке финансовых фьючерсов: остаточная стоимость первоначальной и вариационной маржи при ликвидации контракта по текущей цене; может быть отрицательной)See:5) эк. тр., брит. "Эквити" ( профсоюз актеров в Великобритании)
* * *
1) капитал компании: разница между активами и текущими обязательствами, заемным капиталом и привилегированными акциями; фактически состоит из средств, полученных от обыкновенных акций, и резервов (при продаже компании также денежной оценки деловой репутации), нераспределенной прибыли; доля чистых активов компании; см. goodwill; 2) = ordinary share; 3) на рынке финансовых фьючерсов - остаточная стоимость первоначальной и вариационной маржи при ликвидации контракта по текущей цене (может быть отрицательной); см. margin 2; 4) разница между стоимостью ценных бумаг и дебетовым остатком по маргинальному счету клиента у брокера; 5) реальная стоимость недвижимости: рыночная стоимость недвижимости за вычетом суммы ипотечного кредита и др. требований; см. negative equity trap; 6) вклад члена кредитного союза (акционерный счет); 7) честность, справедливость, беспристрастность, взвешенность (напр., судебного решения).* * *Доля акционера в капитале компании, акционерный капитал (в акционерном обществе), собственный капитал (в товариществе); инвестиционный капитал; вложение в акционерный капитал (как вид инвестиционной деятельности); акция; фондовая ценность; уставный капитал; капитал. Представляет долю собственности в компании. Также - остаточная долларовая стоимость счета по фьючерсным сделкам, если предположить его ликвидацию по текущей рыночной цене . The value of a futures trading account if all open positions were offset at the current market price. Инвестиционная деятельность .* * *капитал компании; остаточная стоимость1. чистые активы компании после удовлетворения требований всех кредиторов2. сумма денег, возвращаемая заемщику по закладной или по договору о покупке в рассрочку после реализации данного актива и полного погашения задолженности кредитору-----Банки/Банковские операции1. маржасм. margin-----Финансы/Кредит/Валюта1. часть имущества, оставшаяся после удовлетворения претензий кредиторов2. чистая стоимость капитала за вычетом обязательств-----акционерный капитал компании, состоящий из обыкновенных акций -
6 international
прил.1) общ. международный; интернациональный (связанный с двумя или более странами, относящийся к нескольким странам, происходящий при участии нескольких стран или их представителей)international peace — международный мир, мир во всем мире
Syn:See:International Accounting Standards, international adjudication, international administration, international administrative law, international affairs, international agency, international agreement, international arbitrage, international arbitration, International Baccalaureate, International Bank Account Number, international bill of exchange, international bond, international borrowing and lending, international business, international business administration, international capital flows, international cartel, international commerce, international commercial arbitration, international commercial law, international commodity agreement, international commodity body, international company, International Comparison Program, international competition, international competitive bidding, international competitiveness, international competitor, International Conference on Financing for Development, international contract, international cooperation, international copyright, international corporation, international credit, International Data Base, international dealer, international debt, international deficit, international delinquency, international department, International Depositary Receipt, International Depository Receipt, international development bank, international diplomacy, international distortion, international diversification, international division, international division of factors, international division of labour, international divorce, international economics, international equity, international equity fund, international exchange ratio, international extradition, international factor movements, international factoring, international finance, international finance subsidiary, international financial institution, international financial system, international firm, international fund, international institution, international investment, international investment position, international investor, international jurist, international labour migration, international law, international leasing, international legal capacity, international liquidity, international load line, international macroeconomics, international management, international market, international marketer, international marketing, international marketing environment, international microeconomics, international migration, international monetary arrangement, international monetary cooperation, international monetary economics, international monetary order, international monetary reform, international monetary reserves, international monetary system, international multimodal transport, international mutual fund, international name, international order, international organization, international payments, international policy coordination, international politics, international private law, international promissory note, international public law, international relations, international reserve currency, international reserve system, international reserves, international sale, international sales contract, international securities, International Securities Identification Number, international standard, International Standard Audiovisual Number, International Standards of Accounting and Reporting, International Standards on Auditing, international surplus, international technology transfer, international tender, international terrorism, international trade, international trademark, international trading company, international transportation, international travel, International Atomic Energy List, International Banking Act, International Bovine Meat Agreement, International Coffee Agreement, International Commercial Terms, International Dairy Arrangement, International Emergency Economic Powers Act, International Financial Reporting Standards, International Gold Pool, International Grains Agreement, International Industrial List, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, International Market Insight, International Merchandise Trade Statistics, International Munitions List, International Olive Oil Agreement, International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms, International Safety Management Code, International Standard Classification of Occupations, International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities, International Sugar Agreement, International Traffic in Arms Regulations, International Wheat Agreement, International Accounting Standards Board, International Accounting Standards Committee, International Accreditation Forum, International Actuarial Association, International Advertising Association, International Air Transport Association, International Anticounterfeiting Coalition, International Association for Feminist Economics, International Association for Financial Planning, International Association for Insurance Law, International Association for Research in Income and Wealth, International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property, International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property, International Association for the Study of Insurance Economics, International Association of Administrative Professionals, International Association of Book-keepers, International Association of Classification Societies, International Association of Financial Executives Institutes, International Association of Insurance Supervisors, International Association of Mutual Insurance Companies, International Association of Political Science, International Atomic Energy Agency, International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, International Auditing Practices Committee, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Banking Facility, International Broadcasting Bureau, International Bureau for the Protection of Intellectual Property, International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, International Chamber of Commerce, International Civil Aviation Organization, International Cocoa Organization, International Coffee Organization, International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, International Congress of Accountants, International Congress of Actuaries, International Convention for Safe Containers, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, 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for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Conference on Financing for Development, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations2) общ. международный (распространенный, действующий за пределами национальных границ)See:
* * *
international settlements межгосударственные расчеты, осуществляемые центральными банками. -
7 equity fund
фин. фонд акций, взаимный фонд акций* (взаимный инвестиционный фонд, вкладывающий средства в только в акции, обычно — в обыкновенные, реже — только в привилегированные)Syn:See:common stock fund, preferred stock fund, small company stock fund, energy mutual fund, gold mutual fund, equity income fund, international equity fund, growth fund, bond fund, bond and preferred stock fund
* * *
фонд акций: взаимные инвестиционные фонды, вкладывающие свои средства в обыкновенные акции компаний в расчете на прирост их стоимости, а также - в меньшей степени - на получение дивидендного дохода; см. equity income funds.* * *инвестиционный фонд; фонд акционерного капитала: фонд вложений в акционерные капиталы; паевой фонд, инвестирующий средства главным образом в акции. . Словарь экономических терминов . -
8 equity fund
фин. фонд акций, взаимный фонд акций* (взаимный инвестиционный фонд, вкладывающий средства в только в акции, обычно - в обыкновенные, реже - только в привилегированные)Syn:See:The new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > equity fund
9 international securities
фин. международные ценные бумаги (ценные бумаги, которыми торгуют на биржах разных стран и которые покупают нерезиденты)See:
* * *
международные ценные бумаги: ценные бумаги, которыми торгуют на биржах разных стран и которые широко покупают нерезиденты.* * *. . Словарь экономических терминов .Англо-русский экономический словарь > international securities
10 international securities
фин. международные ценные бумаги (ценные бумаги, которыми торгуют на биржах разных стран и которые покупают нерезиденты)See:The new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > international securities
11 on equity basis
1) учет на основе участия (в капитале)* (см. equity basis)See:2) общ. на основе справедливостиlack of legal protection for sharing of natural resources on equity basis — отсутствие законодательной защиты для раздела природных ресурсов на основе справедливости
аll nations must agree to reduce energy use and to distribute international wealth on equity basis — все страны должны согласиться уменьшить потребление энергии и распределять мировое богатство на основе справедливости
* * * -
12 IEM
1) Общая лексика: (informational and educational materials) ИОМ (информационные и обучающие материалы)2) Геология: ИЭМ, ИЭМ РАН, Институт экспериментальной минералогии РАН3) Военный термин: Installation Equipment Management, International Electronic Monitoring, internal environment monitoring4) Техника: interim examination and maintenance5) Сокращение: Integrated ESM Mast6) Физиология: In Ear Monitor7) Деловая лексика: Industrial Entrepreneur Memoranda, International Equity Market8) Образование: Inspiration Education And Motivation10) Энергосистемы: Internal Electricity Market11) Нефть и газ: Institute of Experimental Mineralogy RAS12) Должность: Industrial Environmental Management13) NYSE. Merrill Lynch & Company, Inc. -
13 security
сущ.1)а) общ. безопасностьto ensure [to provide\] security — обеспечивать безопасность
See:economic security, food security, personal security, national security, national security override, security consultant, security exceptions, security zone, Container Security Initiative, Bureau of Industry and Security, Department of Homeland Security, Mutual Security Agency, Security Councilб) общ. защита, охрана (от чего-л.); гарантия, гарантированностьjob security — гарантия занятости, гарантированность сохранения рабочего места
в) пол. органы [служба\] безопасностиSee:2) фин. обеспечение, залог (имущество, используемое в качестве гарантии при кредитовании)against security — под обеспечение, под гарантию
The loan is given against security of the fixed deposit. — Заем предоставлен под обеспечение срочным депозитом.
A company borrows money against security. — Компания занимает деньги под обеспечение.
Syn:See:а) фин., обычно мн. ценная бумага (документ, который закрепляет право владения или отношения займа, может передаваться из рук в руки и является инструментом привлечения финансирования; в американском законодательстве трактуется как сделка по предоставлению денежных средств в пользование другого лица с целью извлечения прибыли, удостоверяющий такую сделку документ, а также право на его приобретение или продажу, которые характеризуются следующими обстоятельствами: а) мотивацией продавца, заключающейся в привлечении капитала, необходимого для общего использования в коммерческом предприятии продавца или для финансирования существенных инвестиций, б) мотивацией покупателя, заключающейся в получении прибыли от предоставления средств, в) выступлением инструмента в роли предмета обычной торговли, г) разумными ожиданиями покупателя о применении к инструменту федеральных законов о ценных бумагах, д) отсутствием сокращающего риск фактора, напр., выражающегося в применении к инструменту другой схемы регулирования)ATTRIBUTES [creator\]: Treasury, municipal, muni, state, local, foreign, home, home country, domestic, agency 1), federal agency 1), state agency, authority 2), private, private sector, public, public sector, public utility 2), external, internal, international, industrial, tax district, railroad, school, school district, refunding, advance refunding, equipment trust, new money 2)
ATTRIBUTES [purpose\]: tax anticipation 2), revenue anticipation, grant anticipation, bond anticipation, private activity, reorganization 2), savings, capital 2), income, guaranteed income, growth 1), war, defence, debt conversion, construction 1), infrastructure, infrastructure renewal, housing 1), manufactured housing 1), equipment trust, equipment, consolidated, mezzanine 2)
pollution control municipal securities — муниципальные ценные бумаги для реализации экологических проектов
The Company also issued $39 million of variable and fixed rate Pollution Control Securities in 1994.
ATTRIBUTES [owner\]: registered, bearer, negotiable, transferable, non-transferable, outstanding 4)
Liquidations from such a pool would require the manager to liquidate longer securities which are much more volatile.
Only the insurance companies and funds have preference for the longer-dated securities.
The Portfolio Manager is now investing some of the District’s portfolio in longer-term securities.
The government could persuade lenders to take up only about 60% of US$1.2 billion in six-month securities on offer.
Two- and 3-year securities have a minimum of $3 billion.
ATTRIBUTES [rights\]: alternate 2) б), antidilutive, assented, asset-backed, auction rate, backed, callable, closed-end mortgage, collateralized, collateral trust, combination 3) в), companion, consolidated mortgage, convertible 2) а), debenture 2) а), definitive, double-barreled 3) а), endorsed, exchange, exchangeable, extendible, federal home loan bank, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, first mortgage, general obligation, guaranteed 2) а), general mortgage home loan, insured, interchangeable, irredeemable 2) а), junior 2) б), junior lien, moral obligation, mortgage 3. 3) а), mortgage-backed, non-assented, noncallable, non-participating, open-end mortgage, parity, participating 2) а), preferred 2) а), prior lien, profit-sharing, property 2) а), putable, real estate, redeemable 3) а), revenue 3. 1) а), second lien, second mortgage, secured, senior 2) б), senior lien, serial, series 2) б), subordinated, tax increment, tranche, unassented, unsecured, z-tranche
This is a series of Frequently Asked Questions about other Special Purpose Securities handled by the Special Investments Branch.
ATTRIBUTES [currency\]: dual currency, reverse-dual currency
The Bank accepts as collateral Canadian dollar securities issued or guaranteed by the Government of Canada.
But if you have an expectation of a weakening dollar, does it still make sense to invest in US dollar-denominated securities?
ATTRIBUTES [income\]: adjustable rate, annuity, auction rate, bank-qualified, capital growth, capped, coupon-bearing, collar, collared, coupon 1), credit-sensitive, deep discount, defaulted, deferred-coupon, deferred interest, discount 1. 1), double-exempt, fixed annuity, fixed-coupon, fixed-rate, fixed-income, flat, flat income, floating rate, floored, full coupon, interest-bearing, non-interest-bearing, non-qualified, non-bank-qualified, life annuity, mismatch, original issue discount, premium 1. 1), qualified 1. 2) б), qualifying 1. 2) б), reset, split coupon, step-down, step-up, stripped, taxable, tax-credit, tax-exempt 1. 1), tax-free, tax-exempt, tax-preferred, variable-coupon, variable annuity, variable rate, zero-coupon
The prepayment rate for mortgages backing Ginnie Mae's 13 percent securities was 47.3 percent.
[high, higher, medium, low, lower\] coupon security — с [высоким, более высоким, средним, низким, более низким\] купоном [доходом\]
The State governments and their utilities had proposed issuing of low coupon securities for refinancing the SLR securities.
high [higher, medium, low, lower\] income security — с высоким [более высоким, средним, низким, более низким\] доходом
You'd be prudent to select issues with short maturities that can later be replaced with higher-income securities as interest rates rise.
high [higher, medium, low, lower\] yield security — с высокой [более высокой, средней, низкой, более низкой\] доходностью
The higher yield securities with higher risk can form the portion that you are willing to gamble.
What happens is that the company that is insured anticipates in advance and knows that low-coverage/high-premium securities will fetch lower prices.
ATTRIBUTES [creation\]: original issue discount, OID, fully paid, partly paid, private placement 2., publicly offered, when-issued
ATTRIBUTES [destruction\]: bullet, bullet-maturity, drawn, single-payment, sinking fund 1), planned amortization class, targeted amortization class, variable redemption
ATTRIBUTES [status\]: listed 2), unlisted, non-listed, delisted, quoted, unquoted, rated 3), non-rated, speculative grade, investment grade, gilt-edged
ATTRIBUTES [size\]: baby, penny
ATTRIBUTES [structured\]: structured, well-structured, non-structured, range, range accrual, capital protected, principal protected, capital guaranteed, reverse floating rate, inverse floating rate, participation, equity index participation, equity participation, market participation, equity linked, equity index-linked, index-linked, market-indexed, equity-linked, credit-linked, reverse convertible, indexed, non-indexed, dual-indexed, capital-indexed, coupon-indexed, interest-indexed, current-pay, gold-indexed, catastrophe, cat, catastrophe-linked, catastrophe risk-linked, cat-linked, catastrophe insurance, cat-linked, catastrophe insurance, disaster, act of God, earthquake, earthquake-risk, hurricane
Argentina will not be required to make an adjustment to the amounts previously paid to holders of the GDP-linked Securities for changes that may affect the economy.
Proposals to create GDP-indexed securities are naturally supported by the arguments in this paper
ATTRIBUTES [form\]: book-entry, certificated
security market — фондовый рынок, рынок ценных бумаг
ACTIONS [passive\]:
to issue a security — выпускать [эмитировать\] ценную бумагу
to place [underwrite\] a security — размещать ценную бумагу
to earn $n on a security — получать доход в n долл. от ценной бумаги
to list a security, to admit a security to a listing, to accept security for trading in a exchange — допускать ценную бумагу к торгам (на бирже), включать в листинг
ACTIONS [active\]:
a security closes at $n up[down\] m% — курс закрытия ценной бумаги составил $n, что на m% выше [ниже\] вчерашнего
security price — цена [курс\] ценной бумаги
See:debt security, equity security, hybrid security, antidilutive securities, asset-backed securities, auction rate securities, baby securities, book-entry securities, certificated security, control securities, convertible securities, coupon security, dated security, deep discount security, discount securities, drop-lock security, equity-linked securities, fixed income security, foreign interest payment security, gross-paying securities, inflation-indexed security, interest-bearing securities, irredeemable securities, junior securities, letter security, listed securities, marketable securities, negotiable security, net-paying securities, non-convertible securities, participating securities, pay-in-kind securities, perpetual security, primary security, secondary security, unlisted securities, zero-coupon security, securities analyst, security analyst, securities broker, securities dealer, security dealer, securities market, security market, securities trader, International Securities Identification Number, financial market, principal, interest, issuer, Uniform Sale of Securities Act, Securities Act of 1933, Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, Culp v. Mulvane, Investment Company Act, Investment Advisers Act, SEC v. CM Joiner Leasing Corp., SEC v. W. J. Howey Co., SEC v. Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company of America, SEC v. United Benefit Life Insurance Company, Tcherepnin v. Knight, SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc.б) фин., обычно мн. (право владения или отношения займа, закрепленные в документе, который может передаваться из рук в руки и является инструментом привлечения финансирования)в) юр., амер. (трактуется как сделка по предоставлению денежных средств в пользование другого лица с целью извлечения прибыли, удостоверяющий такую сделку документ, а также право на его приобретение или продажу, которые характеризуются следующими обстоятельствами: а) мотивацией продавца, заключающейся в привлечении капитала, необходимого для общего использования в коммерческом предприятии продавца или для финансирования существенных инвестиций, б) мотивацией покупателя, заключающейся в получении прибыли от предоставления средств, в) выступлением инструмента в роли предмета обычной торговли, г) разумными ожиданиями покупателя о применении к инструменту федеральных законов о ценных бумагах, д) отсутствием сокращающего риск фактора, напр., выражающегося в применении к инструменту другой схемы регулирования)See:Securities Act of 1933, Investment Company Act, Investment Advisers Act, SEC v. CM Joiner Leasing Corp., SEC v. W. J. Howey Co., SEC v. Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company of America, SEC v. United Benefit Life Insurance Company, Tcherepnin v. Knight, SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc.
* * *
безопасность, сохранность, ценная бумага, обеспечение, гарантия: 1) ценная бумага; свидетельство долга или собственности; сертификаты ценных бумаг, векселя; см. securities; 2) обеспечение: активы и др. собственность, которые могут быть использованы как обеспечение кредита или облигаций; в случае отказа заемщика от погашения кредита обеспечение может быть реализовано; = collateral security; 3) безопасность: процедуры, обеспечивающие безопасность банка, его активов и документации, включая физическую защиту, процедуры внутреннего аудита; 4) гарантия: гарантия выполнения обязательств другого лица, в т. ч. личная гарантия; = personal security.* * *Ценная бумага - документ/сертификат, являющийся свидетельством собственности на акции, облигации и другие инвестиционные инструменты. Безопасность - меры, предпринимаемые для обеспечения конфиденциальности передаваемой по линиям связи персональной информации о клиенте, совершаемых им операциях и т.п. . гарантия по ссуде; обеспечение кредита; обеспечение ссуды; обеспечение; ценная бумага; отдел охраны (банка, компании) Инвестиционная деятельность .* * *финансовые активы, включающие акции, правительственные облигации и ценные бумаги с государственной гарантией, облигации компании, сертификаты паевых фондов и документы, подтверждающие право собственности на предоставленные в ссуду или депонированные денежные средства; страховые полисы к таким активам не относятся -
14 law
1) право ( в объективном смысле)2) закон3) общее право5) юстиция; юристы•according to law — в соответствии с правом, с законом; правомерно | соответствующий праву, закону; правомерный, законный;
law and order — правопорядок;
law and usage of Parliament — парламентский обычай;
law as amended — закон в изменённой редакции;
law as fact — право как факт, право как сущее;
law as norm — право как норма, право как должное;
at law — в соответствии с правом, в силу права, в области права; в рамках общего права;
law Christian — церковное право;
contrary to law — в противоречии с правом; в противоречии с законом | противоречащий праву; противоречащий закону;
law due to expire — закон с истекающим сроком действия;
law for the time being — закон, действующий в настоящее время;
law in force — 1. действующее право 2. действующий закон;
in law — по закону;
contemplation in law — 1. юридически значимые намерения, цель 2. точка зрения закона;
law in vigour — действующий закон;
law martial — военное положение;
law merchant — торговое право; обычное торговое право;
law spiritual — церковное право;
to be in trouble with the law — вступить в конфликт с законом;
to carry law into effect — ввести закон в действие;
to clarify the law — разъяснить смысл правовой нормы, закона;
to consult the law — обратиться за разъяснением к закону; обратиться за консультацией к юристу, к адвокату;
to continue existing law — продлевать действие существующей правовой нормы, закона;
to create new law — создавать новую правовую норму; принимать (новый) закон;
to elaborate the law — разрабатывать закон;
to emerge as law — обретать силу закона;
to get into difficulty with the law — вступить в конфликт с законом;
to go to law — обратиться к правосудию;
to keep law current — модернизировать право, закон;
to make laws — законодательствовать;
to practice law — заниматься юридической [адвокатской] практикой;
to provide for by law — предусмотреть законом, узаконить;
to restate the law — переформулировать, перередактировать правовую норму, закон;
to stand to the law — предстать перед судом;
to strain the law — допустить натяжку в истолковании закона;
to teach law — преподавать право;
law unacted upon — закон, который не соблюдается;
within the law — в рамках закона, в пределах закона
- law of armslaw of international organizations — право, регулирующее деятельность международных организаций
- law of civil procedure
- law of conflict of laws
- law of conflict
- law of contract
- law of copyright
- law of corrections
- law of crimes
- law of crime
- law of criminal procedure
- law of domestical relations
- law of domestic relations
- law of employment
- law of equity
- law of evidence
- law of God
- law of honour
- law of industrial relations
- law of international trade
- law of landlord and tenant
- law of marriage
- law of master and servant
- law of merchants
- law of merchant shipping
- law of nations
- law of nature
- law of neighbouring tenements
- law of obligation
- law of outer space
- law of peace
- law of personal property
- law of persons
- law of power
- law of practice
- law of prize
- law of procedure
- law of property
- law of quasi-contract
- law of real property
- law of shipping
- law of substance
- law of succession
- law of taxation
- law of the air
- law of the case
- law of the church
- law of the Constitution
- law of the court
- law of the flag
- law of the land
- law of the sea
- law of the situs
- law of the staple
- law of torts
- law of treaties
- law of trusts
- law of war
- abnormal law
- absolute law
- actual law
- adjective law
- adjective patent law
- administrative law
- admiralty law
- admitted law
- agrarian law
- air carriage law
- ambassadorial law
- American Indian law
- American international law
- Antarctic law
- anti-corrupt practices laws
- antipollution laws
- anti-trust laws
- antiunion laws
- applicable law
- applied law
- bad law
- banking law
- basic law
- binding law
- blue law
- blue sky laws
- Brehon laws
- broken law
- business law
- canon law
- case law
- census disclosure law
- church law
- cited law
- civil law
- club law
- commercial law
- commitment law
- common law
- company law
- comparative law
- compiled laws
- congressional law
- conservation laws
- consolidated laws
- conspiracy law
- constitutional law
- consuetudinary law
- consular law
- continental law
- contract law
- conventional law
- conventional international law
- copyright law
- corporate law
- criminal law
- crown law
- current law
- customary law
- customary international law
- customs law
- decisional law
- diplomatic law
- discriminating law
- discriminatory law
- domestic law
- domiciliary law
- dormant law
- draft law
- dry law
- ecclesiastical law
- economic law
- educational law
- effective law
- efficacious law
- election law
- emergency laws
- employment law
- enacted law
- enforceable law
- enrolled law
- environmental law
- equity law
- established law
- exchange law
- exclusion laws
- executive law
- executively inspired law
- existing law
- ex post facto law
- extradition laws
- extradition law
- factory laws
- factory law
- fair employment practices law
- fair trade laws
- family law
- fecial law
- federal law
- feudal law
- finance law
- fiscal law
- foreign law
- formal law
- free law
- French Canadian law
- fundamental law
- game laws
- general law
- generally applicable law
- gibbet law
- good law
- group law
- Halifax law
- harsh law
- health laws
- highway laws
- highway traffic law
- homestead laws
- housing law
- hovering laws
- humanitarian law
- immutable law
- industrial law
- industrial property case law
- inheritance law
- inner comparative law
- insurance law
- interlocal criminal law
- internal law
- internal-revenue law
- international law
- international law of the sea
- international administrative law
- international conventional law
- international criminal law
- international fluvial law
- international public law
- interpersonal law
- interstate law
- intertemporal law
- intestate laws
- introduced law
- Jim Crow laws
- judaic law
- judge-made law
- judicial law
- judiciary law
- labour relations law
- labour law
- land law
- legislation law
- licensing law
- living law
- Lynch law
- magisterial law
- maritime law
- market law
- marriage law
- martial law
- matrimonial law
- mercantile law
- military law
- mining law
- mob law
- model law
- modern law
- Mohammedan law
- moral law
- municipal law
- national law
- nationality law
- natural law
- naval law
- naval prize law
- neutrality laws
- new law
- no-fault law
- nondiscriminating law
- nondiscriminatory law
- non-enacted law
- nuclear law
- obscenity law
- obsolete law
- occupational safety laws
- official law
- official session law volume
- old law
- organic law
- original law
- ostensible law
- outmoded law
- pamphlet laws
- parliamentary law
- pass law
- passed law
- patent law
- penal law
- permissive law
- personal law
- personal law of origin
- police law
- political law
- poor laws
- positive law
- present law
- prevailing law
- preventive martial law
- prima facie law
- primary law
- prior law
- prison laws
- privacy law
- private law
- private international law
- privilege law
- prize law
- procedural law
- procedural criminal law
- promulgated law
- proper law of the contract
- property law
- proposed law
- provincial law
- public law
- public contract law
- punitive law
- quarantine laws
- real property law
- real law
- regional international law
- relevant law
- remedial law
- retroactive law
- retrospective law
- revenue laws
- road laws
- road transport law
- Roman Civil law
- Roman law
- safety laws
- sea law
- secular law
- session law
- settled law
- slip law
- social security law
- social law
- sound law
- space law
- special law
- speed law
- standing law
- state law
- state-use law
- state-wide law
- statute law
- stringent law
- subsidiary law
- succession law
- sumptuary laws
- Sunday closing laws
- superior law
- supreme law of the land
- tacit law
- tariff law
- tax law
- territorial law
- trade laws
- traditional law
- traffic laws
- transnational law
- treaty law
- unalterable law
- unenforceable law
- unified laws
- uniform law
- ununified laws
- unwritten law
- unwritten constitutional law
- vagrancy laws
- wage and hour laws
- war law
- welfare laws
- wildlife law
- working law
- written law
- written constitutional law
- zoning law
- electoral law
- financial law
- indefeasible law
- merchant law
- statutory law -
15 market
1. n1) рынок2) биржа3) торговля4) амер. продовольственный магазин
- acceptance market
- active market
- actuals market
- advancing market
- agricultural market
- agricultural commodities market
- auction market
- bear market
- bid market
- biddable market
- black market
- bond market
- boom market
- bootleg market
- brisk market
- broad market
- bull market
- buoyant market
- buyers' market
- call money market
- capital market
- captive market
- car market
- cash market
- central wholesale markets
- chartering market
- closed market
- colonial market
- commercial banking market
- commercial paper market
- commodity market
- competition-free market
- competitive market
- concentrated market
- confidence market
- congested market
- consumer market
- control market
- core European market
- corn market
- corporate bond market
- covered market
- credit market
- curb market
- currency market
- dead market
- debt market
- demoralized market
- depressed market
- difficult market
- discount market
- distant market
- domestic market
- dual exchange market
- dull market
- easy money market
- effective market
- either way market
- emerging markets
- enduring market
- equity market
- Eurobond market
- Eurocurrency market
- Euro securities market
- exchange market
- exchangeable bond market
- expanding market
- export market
- external market
- falling market
- farmers' market
- farm labour market
- farm seasonal labour market
- finance market
- financial market
- firm market
- fixed-interest market
- flat market
- flexible market
- floated market
- fluctuating market
- food market
- foreign market
- foreign currency stock market
- foreign exchange market
- forward market
- fourth market
- fragmented market
- free market
- freight market
- fund market
- futures market
- gaining market
- giant market
- gilt-edged market
- gilts market
- glamor market
- global equity market
- glutted market
- gold market
- goods market
- government market
- grain market
- graveyard market
- gray market
- grey market
- heavy market
- heterogeneous market
- hired agricultural labour market
- home market
- homogeneous market
- housing market
- illegal market
- illiquid markets
- immediate market
- inactive market
- increasing market
- indeterminate market
- industrial market
- industrial labour market
- inflated securities market
- inland market
- insurance market
- interbank market
- interbank currency market
- intermediate market
- internal market
- international market
- international monetary market
- inverted market
- investment market
- jerry-built market
- job market
- kerb market
- labour market
- large market
- lawful market
- legal market
- licence market
- limited market
- liner tonnage market
- liquid market
- liquidity market
- lively market
- livestock market
- loan market
- local market
- locked market
- London discount market
- lucrative market
- machine and equipment market
- major market
- manpower market
- mass market
- mature card market
- merchandise market
- military market
- monetary market
- money market
- monopolized market
- narrow market
- national market
- new issues market
- off-board market
- offered market
- offshore market
- one-buyer market
- one-sided market
- one-way market
- open market
- open-air market
- option market
- organized market
- outer market
- outside market
- overbought market
- oversaturated market
- overseas market
- overstocked market
- over-the-counter market
- parallel markets
- passenger market
- pegged market
- physical market
- piggiback market
- placement market
- potential market
- price-elastic market
- primary market
- primary mortgage market
- produce market
- professional labour market
- profitable market
- property market
- prospective market
- protected market
- purchasing market
- railroad market
- railway market
- raw materials market
- ready market
- real market
- real estate market
- receptive market
- repurchase market
- resale market
- reseller market
- reserved market
- restricted market
- retail market
- retail public market
- rigged market
- rising market
- roadside market
- roller-coaster market
- rural market
- sagging market
- sales market
- saturated market
- seaboard markets
- secondary market
- securities market
- seesaw market
- seller's market
- sensitive market
- services market
- settlement market
- share market
- sheltered market
- shipping market
- shorthaul market
- short-term money market
- shrinking market
- sick market
- single market
- slack market
- sluggish market
- soft market
- sophisticated market
- speculative market
- speed market
- spot market
- spot currency market
- stable market
- stagnant market
- stale market
- steady market
- stiff market
- street market
- strong market
- substantial market
- tanker market
- tanker freight market
- technically strong market
- technically weak market
- terminal market
- test market
- thin market
- third market
- tight market
- tight money market
- tonnage market
- top-heavy market
- trade market
- trading market
- transport market
- travel market
- two-tier market
- two-tier foreign exchange market
- two-tier gold market
- two-way market
- uncertain market
- undersaturated market
- uneven market
- unlisted securities market
- unofficial market
- unorganized market
- unpredictable market
- unsettled market
- unsteady market
- upscale market
- urban market
- vast market
- volatile market
- volatile equity market
- weak market
- weekly market
- wholesale market
- world market
- world commodity market
- markets for equity issues
- market for a product
- market of foodstuffs
- market of inventions
- market of limited absorptive capacity
- market off
- above the market
- at the market
- at today's market
- in the market
- in line with the market
- in a rising market
- on the market
- affect a market
- assess a market
- bang a market
- be in the market
- be long of the market
- bear the market
- black the market
- boom the market
- branch out into a new market
- break into the market
- bring on the market
- bring to the market
- broaden a market
- build up a market
- bull the market
- buy at the market
- come into the market
- command a market
- congest a market
- conquer a market
- consolidate the country's fragmented market
- corner a market
- create a market
- develop a market
- divide the market
- dominate the market
- enter the market
- evaluate a market
- expand a market
- explore a market
- find market
- find a ready market
- flood the market
- force the market
- gain access to the market
- get access to the market
- glut the market
- hold a market
- investigate a market
- keep the market
- liberalize financial markets
- launch on the market
- make a market
- manipulate a market
- meet with a ready market
- monopolize a market
- open up new markets
- oust from the market
- overstock a market
- penetrate into the market
- play the market
- price oneself out of the market
- pull from the market
- pull out of the market
- put on the market
- raid the market
- regain a market
- retain a market
- rig a market
- rule a market
- secure a market
- seize a market
- segment a market
- sell at the market
- share markets
- sound the market
- split markets
- spoil the market
- study a market
- suit the market
- take over a market
- tap new markets
- test a market
- win a market2. vEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > market
16 market
17 index
1. сущ.мн. indexes, indices1) эк. индекс (цифровой показатель, выражающий в процентах последовательные изменения какого-л. экономического явления)See:price index, abnormal performance index, index-linked, Bankers Trust Commodity Index, Barron's Confidence Index, beating the index, Bond Buyer Index, Bond Buyer municipal bond index, bond index, Business Confidence Index, Business Environment Risk Information Index, Business Expectation Index, Business Outlook Index, Business Sentiment Index, cash index participation, Chase Physical Commodity Index, Chicago Purchasing Managers' Index, Consumer Confidence Index, consumer price index, Consumer Sentiment Index, cost-of-living index, CRB/Bridge Index, Current Condition Index, Economic Sentiment Index, Eleven Bond Index, Emerging Markets Free Index, Euro-commercial paper index, exchange rate index, housing price index, Index of Investor Optimism, Index of Lagging Indicators, index participation, index range note, Investable Commodity Index, J. P. Morgan Commodity Index, Knight-Ridder Commodity Research Bureau Index, lagging index, Lipper Indexes, market value index, NAPM index, NAPM services index, National Association of Purchasing Managers' index, National Association of Purchasing Managers' services index, Philadelphia Fed Index, price index, profitability index, Purchasing Manager Index, Real Estate Index Market, Revenue Bond Index, Service Price Index, trade weighted index, Twenty Bond Index, University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index, University of Michigan Sentiment Index, advance-decline index, abnormal performance index, Accumulation Swing Index, Arm's index, Commodity Channel Index, demand index, diffusion index, Directional Movement Index, equal-weighted market index, Force Index, Herrick Payoff Index, Market Facilitation Index, money flow index, Positive Volume Index, relative strength index, Relative Vigor Index, stochastics index, Swing Index, tax and price index, trading index, Average Directional Movement Index2) бирж. фондовый индекс (показатель движения фондовой конъюнктуры, рассчитанный по определенной формуле на базе текущих цен конкретных ценных бумаг; как правило, простое или взвешенное среднее цен основных котируемых активов)See:average, weighted average, quotation, share index, Dow Jones average, Financial Times Ordinary Share Index, AEX index, Affarsvarlden General Index, AMEX Major Market index, all ordinaries index, All Ordinaries share index, All Ordinaries Share Price Index, American Stock Exchange Major Market index, American Stock Exchange Market Value Index, AMEX Composite Index, Austrian Traded Index, Bonn Index FAZ, Bovespa Index, BVL General Index, CAC 40 index, CAC general index, Chambre Agent General Index, Comit Index, Commerzbank Index, Deutsche Aktien Index, Dow Jones Composite 65 Index, Dow Jones Index, Dow Jones World Stock Index, EAFE index, equal-weighted market index, Europe and Australasia, Far East Equity index, Far Eastern Index, FAZ index, Financial Times Actuaries All Share Index, Financial Times Actuaries Share Indexes, Financial Times Index, Financial Times Industrial Ordinary Share Index, Financial Times Share Indexes, Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index, Financial Times Stock Exchange Index, Financial Times World Index, Forty Index Futures, FT 30 Index, FT Index, FT Share Indexes, Hang Seng Index, index arbitrage, index fund, index fund management, index future, index investing, index of securities, index option, index portfolio management, index tracker fund, index warrant, index-amortizing swap, International Market Index, Jensen index, KLSE Composite Index, Korea Composite Stock Price Index, KR-CRB index, Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange Composite Index, Lisbon BVL General Index, Major Market Index, market index, market index deposit, market value-weighted index, NASDAQ Bank Index, NASDAQ Biotechnology Index, NASDAQ Composite Index, NASDAQ Computer Index, NASDAQ Financial-100 Index, NASDAQ index, NASDAQ Industrial Index, NASDAQ Insurance Index, NASDAQ National Market Composite Index, NASDAQ National Market Industrial Index, NASDAQ Other Finance Index, NASDAQ Transportation Index, NASDAQ-100 Index, NASDAQ-OTC Price Index, New York Stock Exchange Composite Index, New York Stock Exchange Index, Nikkei Dow Index, Nikkei Dow Jones Index, Nikkei index, NYSE Composite index, NYSE Index, price-weighted index, PSE Technology 100 Index, Russell indexes, S&P / Australian Stock Exchange Australian Index Committee, S&P 400 Index, S&P/ASX 100 Composite Index, S&P/ASX 100 Index, S&P/ASX 20 Composite Index, S&P/ASX 200 Composite Index, S&P/ASX 300 Composite Index, S&P/ASX 50 Composite Index, Salomon Brothers World Equity Index, share price index, Standard and Poor's / Australian Stock Exchange 100 Index, Standard and Poor's / Australian Stock Exchange 20 Index, Standard and Poor's / Australian Stock Exchange 200 Index, Standard and Poor's / Australian Stock Exchange 300 Index, Standard and Poor's / Australian Stock Exchange 50 Index, Standard and Poor's / Australian Stock Exchange Australian Index Committee, Standard and Poor's / Australian Stock Exchange MidCap 50 Index, Standard and Poor's / Australian Stock Exchange Small Ordinaries Index, Standard and Poor's 400 Index, Standard and Poor's 500 Stock Index, Stock Exchange of Singapore Index, stock index option, stock indexes and averages, Straits Times Industrial Index, Swiss Market Index, Swiss Performance Index, Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock Index, Tokyo Stock Exchange Price Index, Tokyo Stock Price Index, Value Line Composite Index, value-weighted market index, Wilshire 5000 Equity Index
2. гл.эк. индексировать (заработок, процентные ставки и т. п.)See:The new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > index
18 bond
19 law
n1) закон- in law2) право; правоведение; законодательство- take law proceedings against smb.- institute law proceedings against smb.4) закон (природы, научный)5) правило•- land law- remain under the protection and authority of the principles of international law- club law- case law- good law- law act- air law -
20 law
n1) закон; законодательство2) право3) суд; судебный процесс
- accounting law
- administrative law
- agrarian law
- anti-bribery law
- anticartel law
- anti-corruption law
- anti-money-laundering law
- antitrust law
- applicable law
- applicable tax law
- bank law
- bank confidentiality law
- bankruptcy law
- basic law
- blue sky laws
- business law
- case law
- civil law
- commercial law
- common law
- company law
- constitutional law
- consumer's law
- contract law
- contractual law
- corporate law
- criminal law
- currency law
- current tax laws
- customary law
- customs law
- design law
- distribution law
- domestic law
- draft law
- economic law
- economical law
- emergency law
- environmental laws
- equipartition law
- equity law
- established law
- exchange law
- existing law
- fiscal law
- foreign laws
- formal law
- fundamental law
- general economic laws
- governing law
- immigration law
- income tax law
- industrial relations law
- insolvency law
- international law
- international monetary law
- invention law
- inventor's law
- investment laws
- job protection laws
- judiciary law
- labour laws
- land law
- lending limitation law
- lenient law
- licence law
- local laws
- mandatory law
- marine insurance law
- maritime law
- market economy laws
- mercantile law
- merchant law
- merchant shipping law
- minimum-hour law
- minimum-wage law
- natural law
- objective laws
- Parkinson law
- patent law
- private law
- prohibitory law
- public law
- quarantine laws
- registration law
- remedial law
- resale price maintenance laws
- revenue law
- semi-legislative law
- space law
- state law
- statistical law
- statute law
- statutory law
- strike law
- stringent law
- subordinate law
- tariff law
- tax law
- taxation law
- tort law
- trademark law
- uniform law
- valuation law
- zoning laws
- laws in action
- laws in force
- law of average profit
- law of contracts
- law of corporations
- law of diminishing returns
- law of economy of time
- law of equity
- law of merchants
- law of monetary circulation
- laws of nature
- law of obligations
- laws of probability
- law of property
- law of the sea
- law of supply and demand
- law of value
- law on bankruptcy
- law on insolvency
- law on land sales
- laws on taxes and charges
- against the law
- at law
- in law
- under the law
- abide by the law
- abrogate a law
- adopt a law
- annul a law
- apply a law
- become a law
- be governed by a law
- break a law
- carry a law into effect
- circumvent antimonopoly law
- comply with a law
- effect a law
- elaborate a law
- enact a law
- enforce a law
- evade a law
- extend a law
- give effect to a law
- go beyond a law
- go to law
- implement a law
- infringe a law
- keep within a law
- lay down a law
- modify the law
- observe laws
- offend against a law
- pass a law
- put a law into effect
- put a law into force
- repeal a law
- resort to law
- respect a law
- sidestep a law
- transgress a law
- update a bankruptcy law
- veto the law
- violate a law
- violate laws on securities trading
См. также в других словарях:
International Equity Style Box — A visual representation of the principal investment characteristics of foreign stocks and foreign stock funds. The international equity style box is a valuable tool for investors to use to determine the risk return structures of their… … Investment dictionary
International Retail Service — ( IRS) An order and quote driven trading service for international equity market securities. London Stock Exchange Glossary … Financial and business terms
Equity home bias puzzle — The Equity home bias puzzle is the term given to describe the fact that individuals and institutions in most countries hold modest amounts of foreign equity. This is puzzling since observed returns on national equity portfolios suggest… … Wikipedia
International Financial Reporting Standards — (IFRS) are standards and interpretations adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). Many of the standards forming part of IFRS are known by the older name of International Accounting Standards (IAS). IAS were issued between… … Wikipedia
equity — eq·ui·ty / e kwə tē/ n pl ties [Latin aequitat aequitas fairness, justice, from aequus equal, fair] 1 a: justice according to fairness esp. as distinguished from mechanical application of rules prompted by considerations of equity comity between… … Law dictionary
equity commitment letter — USA In leveraged buyouts (LBOs) by private equity firms, a letter agreement entered into between the private equity fund and the acquisition vehicle formed to finance the acquisition of a portfolio company. In the equity commitment letter, the… … Law dictionary
equity of redemption — 1: the right of a defaulting mortgagor to redeem the mortgaged property before an absolute foreclosure 2: the interest or estate remaining to a mortgagor in mortgaged property; also: the value of such interest Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law … Law dictionary
equity kicker — A warrant or an option to buy equity, attached to certain debt, usually found in leveraged acquisitions or management buyouts. + equity kicker equity sweetener USA equity kicker, Also known as an … Law dictionary
equity sweetener — equity kicker equity sweetener USA equity kicker, Also known as an equity sweetener. A warrant or an option to buy equity, attached to certain debt, usually found in leveraged acquisitions or m … Law dictionary
equity cure — United Kingdom A provision in a facility agreement which permits the shareholders of the borrower to inject additional equity into the borrower to cure a financial covenant breach arising because of a shortfall in cash flow or, sometimes, EBITDA … Law dictionary
Equity residence club — Equity Residence Club(SM) developments are an evolution of luxury vacation real estate and allow for the sale of fractional real estate interests to high income buyers. Although they are a shared ownership product, they differ significantly from… … Wikipedia