1 international encryption algorithm
международный алгоритм шифрования (криптографический алгоритм)Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > international encryption algorithm
2 international data encryption algorithm
= IDEAEnglish-Russian electronics dictionary > international data encryption algorithm
3 international data encryption algorithm
1) алгоритм IDEA, стандартный международный алгоритм симметричного блочного шифрования данных с 128-битным ключомThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > international data encryption algorithm
4 algorithm
алгоритм (cryptoalgorithm) криптографический алгоритм, криптоалгоритм; алгоритм шифрования (криптографического закрытия)- private cryptographic algorithmАнгло-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > algorithm
5 algorithm
1) алгоритм2) правило; процедура; метод•- adaptive algorithm
- Agarval-Cooley algorithm
- aim algorithm
- annealing algorithm
- asymmetric encryption algorithm
- autoregressive algorithm
- backoff algorithm
- back propagation of error algorithm
- batch algorithm
- Bellman-Ford algorithm
- best cost path algorithm
- bisection algorithm
- branch and bound algorithm - CART algorithm
- channel algorithm
- channel routing algorithm
- Cholesky algorithm
- classification and regression tree algorithm
- clustering algorithm
- Cochran-Orcutt algorithm
- compression algorithm
- conjugate directions algorithm
- conjugate gradients algorithm
- constructive algorithm
- contour following algorithm
- control algorithm
- convolution algorithm
- Cooley-Tuckey algorithm
- cryptographic algorithm
- deflation compression algorithm
- differential synthesis algorithm
- Diffie-Hellman algorithm
- digital signal processing algorithm
- digital signature algorithm
- Dijkstra algorithm
- distance vector algorithm
- DSP algorithm
- dynamic programming algorithm
- edge-tracking algorithm
- evolutionary algorithm
- exact embedding algorithm
- expansion algorithm
- fast algorithm
- fast convolution Agarval-Cooley algorithm
- fixed-weight algorithm
- Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
- fundamental algorithm
- fuzzy algorithm
- general algorithm - greedy algorithm
- Gummel's algorithm
- hashing algorithm
- heuristic algorithm
- ID3 algorithm
- identification algorithm
- initialization algorithm
- integer algorithm - iterative dichotomizer 3 algorithm
- k-means algorithm
- learning algorithm
- least frequently used algorithm
- least recently used algorithm
- Lee-Moore algorithm
- Lee algorithm
- Lee-type algorithm
- Lempel-Ziv algorithm
- Lempel-Ziv-Welch algorithm
- Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
- LFU algorithm
- line-probe algorithm
- link state algorithm
- LU decomposition algorithm
- LZ algorithm
- LZW algorithm
- MacQueen's k-means algorithm
- McCulloch-Pitts algorithm
- memetic algorithm - min-cut algorithm - nested algorithm
- numerical algorithm
- Oja iterative algorithm
- on-line algorithm
- optimization algorithm
- ordering algorithm
- painter's algorithm
- parallel algorithm
- pattern classification algorithm
- pattern recognition algorithm
- pel-recursive estimation algorithm
- placement algorithm
- planning algorithm
- polynomial algorithm
- predictive algorithm
- preemptive algorithm
- Prim algorithm
- production rule based algorithm
- pruning algorithm
- pseudo least recently used algorithm
- quantum search algorithm
- quick-union algorithm
- quick-union algorithm with path compression
- Q-R-algorithm
- radix sorting algorithm
- randomized algorithm
- rank algorithm
- Read-Solomon cyclic redundancy compression algorithm
- recognition algorithm
- recurrent algorithm
- recursive algorithm
- resilient propagation algorithm - routing algorithm
- Rprop algorithm
- RSA algorithm
- scheduling algorithm
- search algorithm
- search network algorithm - self-organizing algorithm
- semi-numerical algorithm
- sequential algorithm - shortest path algorithm
- sieving algorithm
- simulated annealing training algorithm
- simulation algorithm
- smoothing algorithm
- software algorithm
- spanning tree algorithm
- spline algorithm
- splitting algorithm
- stack algorithm
- statistical algorithm
- stochastic algorithm
- supervised training algorithm
- symmetric encryption algorithm
- time-wheel algorithm
- training algorithm
- universal algorithm
- unsupervised training algorithm
- van der Waerden algorithm
- variational algorithm
- vector distance algorithm
- Viterbi algorithm
- VLSI algorithm
- weighted quick-union algorithm
- working algorithm -
6 algorithm
1) алгоритм2) правило; процедура; метод•- Agarval-Cooley algorithm
- aim algorithm
- algorithm of doubtful convergence
- annealing algorithm
- asymmetric encryption algorithm
- autoregressive algorithm
- back propagation of error algorithm
- backoff algorithm
- batch algorithm
- Bellman-Ford algorithm
- best cost path algorithm
- bisection algorithm
- branch and bound algorithm
- British Telecom Lempel-Ziv algorithm
- BTLZ algorithm
- CART algorithm
- channel algorithm
- channel routing algorithm
- Cholesky algorithm
- classification and regression tree algorithm
- clustering algorithm
- Cochran-Orcutt algorithm
- compression algorithm
- conjugate directions algorithm
- conjugate gradients algorithm
- constructive algorithm
- contour following algorithm
- control algorithm
- convolution algorithm
- Cooley-Tuckey algorithm
- cryptographic algorithm
- deflation compression algorithm
- differential synthesis algorithm
- Diffie-Hellman algorithm
- digital signal processing algorithm
- digital signature algorithm
- Dijkstra algorithm
- distance vector algorithm
- DSP algorithm
- dynamic programming algorithm
- edge-tracking algorithm
- evolutionary algorithm
- exact embedding algorithm
- expansion algorithm
- fast algorithm
- fast convolution Agarval-Cooley algorithm
- fixed-weight algorithm
- Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
- fundamental algorithm
- fuzzy algorithm
- general algorithm
- genetic algorithm
- graph search algorithm
- greedy algorithm
- Gummel's algorithm
- hashing algorithm
- heuristic algorithm
- ID3 algorithm
- identification algorithm
- initialization algorithm
- integer algorithm
- international data encryption algorithm
- iterative algorithm
- iterative dichotomizer 3 algorithm
- k-means algorithm
- learning algorithm
- least frequently used algorithm
- least recently used algorithm
- Lee-algorithm
- Lee-Moore algorithm
- Lee-type algorithm
- Lempel-Ziv algorithm
- Lempel-Ziv-Welch algorithm
- Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
- LFU algorithm
- line-probe algorithm
- link state algorithm
- LU decomposition algorithm
- LZ algorithm
- LZW algorithm
- MacQueen's k-means algorithm
- McCulloch-Pitts algorithm
- memetic algorithm
- message authentication algorithm
- metaheuristic algorithm
- min-cut algorithm
- modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm
- Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm
- nested algorithm
- numerical algorithm
- Oja iterative algorithm
- on-line algorithm
- optimization algorithm
- ordering algorithm
- painter's algorithm
- parallel algorithm
- pattern classification algorithm
- pattern recognition algorithm
- pel-recursive estimation algorithm
- placement algorithm
- planning algorithm
- polynomial algorithm
- predictive algorithm
- preemptive algorithm
- Prim algorithm
- production rule based algorithm
- pruning algorithm
- pseudo least recently used algorithm
- Q-R-algorithm
- quantum search algorithm
- quick-union algorithm with path compression
- quick-union algorithm
- radix sorting algorithm
- randomized algorithm
- rank algorithm
- Read-Solomon cyclic redundancy compression algorithm
- recognition algorithm
- recurrent algorithm
- recursive algorithm
- resilient propagation algorithm
- Rivest-Shamir-Adleman algorithm
- robust algorithm
- routing algorithm
- RProp algorithm
- RSA algorithm
- scheduling algorithm
- search algorithm
- search network algorithm
- secure hash algorithm
- selective-trace algorithm
- self-organizing algorithm
- semi-numerical algorithm
- sequential algorithm
- sequential leader clustering algorithm
- serial algorithm
- shortest path algorithm
- sieving algorithm
- simulated annealing training algorithm
- simulation algorithm
- smoothing algorithm
- software algorithm
- spanning tree algorithm
- spline algorithm
- splitting algorithm
- stack algorithm
- statistical algorithm
- stochastic algorithm
- supervised training algorithm
- symmetric encryption algorithm
- time-wheel algorithm
- training algorithm
- universal algorithm
- unsupervised training algorithm
- van der Waerden algorithm
- variational algorithm
- vector distance algorithm
- Viterbi algorithm
- VLSI algorithm
- weighted quick-union algorithm
- working algorithmThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > algorithm
= international data encryption algorithm1) алгоритм IDEA, стандартный международный алгоритм симметричного блочного шифрования данных с-128-битным ключом -
1) Компьютерная техника: Interactive Data Extraction And Analysis2) Техника: interface and display electronics assembly3) Ветеринария: In The Defense Of Earth And Animals4) Сокращение: International Defence Equipment & Aerospace Exhibition, Институт демократии и поддержки избирательных систем, Identify, Design, Execute, Augment (Process for changing anything.)5) Университет: Instructional Development And Effectiveness Assessment, Internet Delivery Of Exams And Assignments, Internet Differential Equations Activities6) Вычислительная техника: Interactive Digital Electronic Appliance, Internet Design, Engineering, and Analysis notes (IETF), International Data Encryption Algorithm (Verschluesselung)8) Деловая лексика: Institutional Data Easy Access9) Образование: Individual Development And Educational Assessment, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Instant Digital Education Assistant, Interior Distance Education Of Alaska, (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) Закон об образовании лиц с инвалидностью10) Расширение файла: International Data Encryption Algorithm11) Должность: Innovation Development Employment And Applications -
9 idea
1) Компьютерная техника: Interactive Data Extraction And Analysis2) Техника: interface and display electronics assembly3) Ветеринария: In The Defense Of Earth And Animals4) Сокращение: International Defence Equipment & Aerospace Exhibition, Институт демократии и поддержки избирательных систем, Identify, Design, Execute, Augment (Process for changing anything.)5) Университет: Instructional Development And Effectiveness Assessment, Internet Delivery Of Exams And Assignments, Internet Differential Equations Activities6) Вычислительная техника: Interactive Digital Electronic Appliance, Internet Design, Engineering, and Analysis notes (IETF), International Data Encryption Algorithm (Verschluesselung)8) Деловая лексика: Institutional Data Easy Access9) Образование: Individual Development And Educational Assessment, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Instant Digital Education Assistant, Interior Distance Education Of Alaska, (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) Закон об образовании лиц с инвалидностью10) Расширение файла: International Data Encryption Algorithm11) Должность: Innovation Development Employment And Applications -
1) International Data Encryption Algorithm - международный алгоритм шифрования данных, алгоритм IDEAблочный шифр, его первоначальное название PES (Proposed Encryption Standard, 1990 г.), в окончательном варианте получил новое название в 1992 г. Разработан Xuejia Lai и James Massey (патент 1991 г.), более надёжен, чем DES( 128-битовый ключ, работает с 64-битовыми блоками открытого текста); используется в PGP и для цифровой подписи2) International Distribution of Electronics Association - Международная ассоциация дистрибуторов электроникиАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > IDEA
сокр. от international data encryption algorithm1) алгоритм IDEA, стандартный международный алгоритм симметричного блочного шифрования данных с 128-битным ключомThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > IDEA
12 RSA
1) Общая лексика: Russian standards of accounting, РСБУ, Южно-Африканская Республика (Republic of South Africa), ЮАР2) Медицина: respiratory sinus arrhythmia3) Американизм: Radiation Safety Academy, Rehabilitation Services Administration4) Спорт: Roller Skating Association International5) Военный термин: Redstone Arsenal, Regimental Support Area, Returned Services Association, Royal Signals Association, radar service area, radar signature analysis, range safety approval, range support aircraft, remote storage activity, request for salvage action, reserve storage area, retire to staging area6) Техника: remote shutdown area, remote station alarm7) Строительство: Уголок из стального проката (Rolled Steel Angle)8) Юридический термин: Revised Statutes Annotated, Ritual Sexual Abuse9) Телекоммуникации: Rivest, Shamir, Adleman (encryption)10) Сокращение: Range Standardization & Automation programme (USA), Rear Support Area (NATO), Regional Security Affairs, Republic of South Africa, Royal School of Artillery (UK), Royal Society of Arts, Russian Space Agency, Cryptosystem proposed by R.L.Rivest, A.Shamir and L.M.Adleman11) Университет: Resident Students Association, Residential Student Association12) Физиология: Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion13) Вычислительная техника: Reference System Architecture, Reusable Software Assets, Rivest-Shamir-Adleman, алгоритм цифровой подписи Ривеста-Шамира-Адельмана, Rivest, Shamir and Adleman (Verschluesselung, RSA), Random Scheduling Algorithm (protocol)14) Иммунология: rabbit serum albumin, rabbit sialoglycoprotein antigen, rabbit sperm autoantigen15) Космонавтика: РКА, Российское Космическое Агентство16) Канадский термин: Revised Statutes Of Alberta17) Биотехнология: redundant siRNA activity18) Транспорт: Runway Safety Area19) Пищевая промышленность: Responsible Serving of Alcohol20) Фирменный знак: Rochester Software Associates21) Сетевые технологии: алгоритм цифровой подписи Райвеста-Шамира-Адлемана22) Программирование: Rivest Shamir And23) Химическое оружие: residue storage area24) Дорожное движение: Программа помощи на дорогах (Roadside Assistance)25) Нефть и газ: Restructuring Shareholders Agreement26) Яхтенный спорт: Южно-Африканская р-ка (Обозначения на парусах)27) Фармация: rat serum albumin28) Должность: Regional Support Administrator29) NYSE. Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company30) Аэропорты: Santa Rosa, LP, Argentina31) СМС: Rock Solid Algorithm32) Международная торговля: Reactor Studios Amsterdam
См. также в других словарях:
International data encryption algorithm — IDEA … Wikipédia en Français
International Data Encryption Algorithm — International Data Encryption Algorithm, IDEA … Universal-Lexikon
International Data Encryption Algorithm — IDEA An encryption round of IDEA General Designers Xuejia Lai and James Massey … Wikipedia
International Data Encryption Algorithm — IDEA Eine Verschlüsselungsrunde des IDEA Algorithmus Entwickler James L. Massey, Xueija Lai Veröffentlicht 1991 … Deutsch Wikipedia
International Data Encryption Algorithm — IDEA Una ronda de cifrado de IDEA General Diseñador(es) … Wikipedia Español
International Data Encryption Algorithm — IDEA Résumé Concepteur(s) Xuejia Lai, James Massey Première publication … Wikipédia en Français
Data Encryption Algorithm — DES Eine Feistel Runde (F Funktion) Entwickler IBM Veröffentlicht 1975 Abgeleitet von Lucifer … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tiny Encryption Algorithm — Infobox block cipher name = TEA caption = Two Feistel rounds (one cycle) of TEA designers = Roger Needham, David Wheeler publish date = 1994 derived from = derived to = XTEA key size = 128 bits block size = 64 bits structure = Feistel network… … Wikipedia
Tiny Encryption Algorithm — TEA Zwei Feistel Runden (ein Zyklus) von TEA Entwickler Roger Needham, David Wheeler Veröffentlicht 1994 Schlüssellänge … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tiny Encryption Algorithm — En criptografía, el Tiny Encryption Algorithm (TEA) (Algoritmo Diminuto de Cifrado) es un algoritmo para el cifrado por bloques notable por su simplicidad de descripción e implementación (generalmente unas pocas líneas de código). Fue diseñado… … Wikipedia Español
Cellular Message Encryption Algorithm — Infobox block cipher name = CMEA caption = designers = James A. Reeds III publish date = 1991 derived from = derived to = key size = 64 bits block size = 16 64 bits structure = rounds = 3 cryptanalysis = 338 chosen plaintexts break all block… … Wikipedia