1 international atomic weight
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > international atomic weight
2 international atomic weight
Техника: международная атомная массаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > international atomic weight
3 weight
1) вес; масса3) гиря; мн. ч. разновес5) груз; нагрузка6) метр. вес ( степень доверия к результатам) || приписывать вес8) вчт. весовое значение разряда•a weight with recessed base — гиря с вогнутым дном;weight in working order — вес в рабочем положении;weight on the ( drill) bit — осевая нагрузка на (буровое) долото;weight per hectoliter — натура ( зерна). масса гектолитра ( зерна);to apply a weight — накладывать гирю ( на чашку весов);to remove a weight — снимать гирю (с чашки весов)-
absolute weight
adhesion weight
advance weight
airborne weight
aircraft all-up weight
aircraft authorized weight
aircraft empty weight
aircraft operational empty weight
aircraft operational weight
aircraft wet weight
aircraft zero fuel weight
analytical weights
apparent molecular weight
assay weight
atomic weight
average molecular weight
balance weight
balancing weight
bar weight
bulk weight
calibrated weight
climbout weight
combining weight
commercial weight
compacted unit weight
counter weight
curb weight
design flight weight
design landing weight
dial-operated weights
distributed balance weight
distributor weight
droop stop bob weight
drop weight
dry weight
empty weight
equivalent weight
estimated weight
fabric weight
flutter-preventive weight
fraction weight
governor weight
gram-molecular weight
gross weight
highest weight
integral weight
international atomic weight
isotopic atomic weight
isotopic weight
jockey weight
lading weight
light weight
mass balance weight
mean atomic weight
molal weight
molar weight
molecular weight
movable weight
number-average molecular weight
one-piece weight
ore charge weight
own weight
paper weight
payload weight
physical atomic weight
pouring weight
quiescent weight
reference weight
remote balance weight
rough atomic weight
rule weight
screw knob weight
service weight
shipping weight
slide weight
slotted weight
sole weight
specific weight
spring-suspended weight
spring weight
sprung weight
statistical weight
submerged weight
takeoff gross weight
takeoff weight
tare weight
taxi weight
thousand-kernel weight
throughput weight
touchdown weight
trailing weight
type face weight
type weight
unladen weight
unsprung weight
viscosity-average molecular weight
volume weight
weight of representation
weight-average molecular weight
wire weight -
4 международная атомная масса
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > международная атомная масса
5 международная атомная масса
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > международная атомная масса
6 scale
5) шкала7) масштаб || определять масштаб, масштабировать; изменять масштаб; сводить к определённому масштабу8) мн. ч. весы9) чашка весов10) взвешивать11) электрон. степень интеграции12) вчт. система счисления13) пищ. чешуя; чешуйка; шелуха || удалять чешую; отделяться чешуйками•at scales — в масштабе;to scale down — 1. представлять что-л. в уменьшенном масштабе 2. редуцировать, уменьшать ( изображение) 3. (пропорционально) уменьшать размеры ( элементов ИС) 4. делить на константу;to scale off — 1. выкрашиваться, крошиться (о камне, горной породе) 2. отслаивать(ся); шелушиться 3. удалять окалину 4. отбивать накипь 5. снимать [измерять\] что-л. в масштабе;to draw to scale — чертить [вычерчивать\] в масштабе;to generate a time scale — строить [создавать\] шкалу времени;to maintain a time scale — поддерживать [хранить\] шкалу времени;to mark off a scale in logarithmic units — градуировать шкалу в логарифмических единицах;to place a scale on a dial — градуировать шкалу, наносить отметки шкалы на циферблат;to realize a time scale on a dial — воспроизводить шкалу времени на циферблате часов;to retain a scale — поддерживать [хранить\] шкалу (напр. времени);to scale up — 1. представлять что-л. в увеличенном масштабе 2. увеличивать ( изображение) 3. умножать на константу;scale with central zero — шкала с нулевой отметкой посередине, двусторонняя шкала;-
absolute-temperature scale
aligning scale
alkali-promoted steel mill scale
annual time scale
antiknock rating reference fuel scale
antiparallax mirror scale
API hydrometer scale
API scale
arbitrary scale
arc scale
atomic scale
atomic time scale
atomic weight scale
automatic weighing scales
automatic scales
bagging scale
batching scales
beam scale
Beaufort scale
belt conveyor scales
bench-type scales
binary scale
boiler scale
brightness scale
calibrated divided scale
calibration scale
car scales
CCT-64 scale
Celsius scale
centered scale
centigrade scale
charging scales
chromatic scale
chroma scale
circular scale
clock time scale
colorimetric scale
color scale
complete number scale
constant-interval scale
constant-pressure gas thermometry scale
constant-volume gas thermometry scale
constant-volume hydrogen scale
continuous tone density scale
convective scale
conventional scale
conveyor scales
coordinate scale
crane scales
Curie-temperature scale
curved scale
CVGT scale
decimal scale
depth scale
derived scale
dial scale
direct-measurement scale
direct scale
direct-reading scale
displacement scale
distance scale
divided scale
dot gain scale
drawn-in scale
electronic railcar scales
Engler scale
equidistant scale
expanded scale
exposure scale
extended scale
Fahrenheit scale
finely subdivided scale
fire scale
fish scale
flat-disk scale
floodlight scale
floor scales
focusing scale
Forel-Ula's color scale
Forel scale
forklift truck scales
frosted scale
fuel measurement scale
full scale
furnace scale
Giaque's temperature scale
gray scale
hardness scale
heavy scale
helium temperature scale
high-temperature scale
hopper scales
hue scale
hump scales
hydrogen scale
hydrogen temperature scale
ideal-gas scale
illuminated scale
image scale
indicating scale
indicator scale
industrial scales
instrument scale
integration scale
intensity scale
International Practical Temperature scale
international scale
Kelvin temperature scale
light-capacity scales
line scale
linear scale
line-standard scale
logarithmic scale
loudness scale
low-temperature scale
magnetic scale
magnetic temperature scale
magnetic-acoustic temperature scale
magnitude scale
margin scale
mean-time scale
measuring device scale
mechanical scales
Mercalli scale
meter scale
mill-roll scale
mired scale
mirror scale
MM scale
Modified Mercalli scale
Mohs scale
motor-truck scales
natural scale
Nernst hydrogen scale
nominal scale
nonglare scale
nonlinear scale
normal hydrogen scale
normalizing scale
number scale
numbered scale
octane scale
one-meter scale
optical scale
ordinal scale
overhead track scales
overlaid scale
packing house scales
paper scale
paraffin scale
paramagnetic-salt temperature scale
paramagnetic temperature scale
pendulum scales
photometric scale
physical scale
pipe scale
pitless scales
platform scales
platinum resistance thermometer scale
practical salinity scale
practical scale
precision scale
primary scale
primary thermometry scale
projection scale
provisional scale
pyrheliographic scale
radiation scale of temperature
radiometric scale
Rankine scale
ratio scale
reading scale
Reaumur scale
receiver tuning scale
recording scales
reduced scale
reduction scale
Redwood scale
reference scale
regular scale
relative scale
reproducible scale
reproduction scale
resistance thermometer scale
Richter scale
rider bar scale
rider scale
Rinman scale
Rockwell hardness scale
roll scale
rolled-in scale
Rossi-Forel scale
salt-pan scale
Saybolt scale
scale of magnification
scale of physical quantity
scale of turbulence
seasonal time scale
secondary scale
segmental scale
sensitivity scale
set-point scale
Shore hardness scale
sieve scale
snow scale
soft dot scale
solid hydrocarbon scale
space-time scale
splash scale
spring scales
standard scale
state of sea scale
static scales
straight scale
subgrid scale
subsynoptic scale
synoptic scale
table-type scales
temper scale
temperature scale
thermodynamic pressure scale
thermodynamic temperature scale
time scale
tone scale
tonnage scale
total life scale
track scales
transparent aligning scale
uniform scale
unit-weight scales
universal-time scale
vernier scale
Vickers hardness scale
water scale
white scale
yarn scales -
7 number
1) номер
2) балл
3) занумеровать
4) занумеровывать
5) код числа
6) колонцифра
7) насчитывать
8) насчитываться
9) номерной
10) нумеровать
11) перенумеровывать
12) цифровать
13) численность
14) число
15) количество
16) выпуск
17) считать
18) подсчитывать
19) перенумеровать
20) числительное
21) числовой
22) пронумеровать
– absolute number
– abundant number
– acceptance number
– acetone number
– acid number
– alcohol number
– algebraic number
– atomic number
– Beaufort number
– Betti number
– binary number
– Biot number
– biquinary number
– bridging number
– called number
– cardinal number
– cavitation number
– cetane number
– clock number
– coincidence number
– complex number
– composite number
– concrete number
– congruent number
– contact number
– coordination number
– cube of a number
– Damkohler number
– decimal number
– denominate number
– denomination of a number
– designation number
– dial a number
– dimensionless number
– directed number
– direction number
– divide by number
– double-precision number
– equilibrium number
– ester number
– even number
– express number
– figurate number
– fixed-point number
– flight number
– floating-point number
– fourier number
– general number
– golden number
– Grashof number
– Grashoff number
– Guchman number
– hardness number
– hydrogen number
– hydroxyl number
– imaginary number
– incidence number
– iodine number
– irrational number
– Karman number
– Lawson number
– linking number
– lucky number
– mass number
– minor number
– mixed number
– multidigit number
– multipartite number
– multiperfect number
– multiplace number
– natural number
– negative number
– neutralization number
– neutron number
– no such number
– nonnegative number
– nonnormalized number
– nonworking number
– number address
– number axes
– number bus
– number cruncher
– number exponent
– number filling
– number grouping
– number in the thousands
– number language
– number line
– number nail
– number of conductors
– number of cords
– number of gears
– number plate
– number register
– number scale
– number system
– number translation
– number wheel
– number wire
– Nusselt number
– octane number
– odd number
– ordiecutive number
– ordinal number
– oxidation number
– oxygen number
– perfect number
– permanganate number
– peroxide number
– prime number
– pseudoprime number
– pure number
– pythagorean number
– quantum number
– rational number
– real number
– registration number
– represent number
– representation of number
– reversion of a number
– ringing number
– root of a number
– round number
– round off number
– saponification number
– screening number
– serial number
– signed number
– standard number
– Stroud number
– tanning number
– telephone number
– thiocyanogen number
– transference number
– transonic M number
– transport number
– unsigned number
– wave number
– Weber number
– weight number
– wrong number
equiprobable number generator — генератор равновероятных цифр
hexadecimal number system — шестнадцатиричная система счисления
international customer number — междугородный номер абонента
mass exchange number — <phys.> критерий массообменный
number checking arrangement — блокировка цепи вызванного абонента
number transfer bus — числовая шина, шина передачи чисел
phase transformation number — <phys.> критерий фазового превращения
random number generator — <comput.> датчик случайных чисел
8 number
1) число || числовой2) номер || нумеровать3) код числа4) количество5) колонцифра6) численность || считать, подсчитывать, исчислять8) числительное•a great number of — множество, большое количество
a number of — (целый) ряд, некоторое количество
- absolutely pseudoprime number - connectivity number - deficient number - edge attachment number - edge covering number - edge sensitivity number - expected sample number - general recursively irrational number - geodesic crossing number - integer number - integral number - internal stability number - international customer number - mass exchange number - mixed-radix number - Mohs hardness number - number of principal cotype - number of space dimensions - octonary number - one-digit number - one-figure number - one's complement number - rectilinear crossing number - recursively real number - serial number - Shore hardness number - strictly positive number - vertex covering numberwinding number of a curve with respect to the point — порядок кривой относительно точки (число оборотов вектора, соединяющего данную точку с точкой кривой при обходе кривой)
См. также в других словарях:
Atomic weight — (symbol: A sub|r) is a dimensionless physical quantity, the ratio of the average mass of atoms of an element (from a given source) to 1/12 of the mass of an atom of carbon 12.cite journal | author = International Union of Pure and Applied… … Wikipedia
List of elements by atomic weight — This is a list of chemical elements, sorted by standard atomic weight (most stable isotope for artificial elements) and color coded according to type of element. Each element s atomic number, name, element symbol, and group and period numbers on… … Wikipedia
Atomic mass unit — unified atomic mass unit Unit system: SI recognized unit Unit of... mass Symbol: u Unit conversions 1 u in... is equal to... dalton … Wikipedia
Weight — This article is about the physical concept. For other uses, see Weight (disambiguation). A spring scale measures the weight of an object (according to the operational definition) … Wikipedia
atomic — atomically, adv. /euh tom ik/, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, resulting from, or using atoms, atomic energy, or atomic bombs: an atomic explosion. 2. propelled or driven by atomic energy: an atomic submarine. 3. Chem. existing as free, uncombined… … Universalium
weight — weighter, n. /wayt/, n. 1. the amount or quantity of heaviness or mass; amount a thing weighs. 2. Physics. the force that gravitation exerts upon a body, equal to the mass of the body times the local acceleration of gravity: commonly taken, in a… … Universalium
international relations — a branch of political science dealing with the relations between nations. [1970 75] * * * Study of the relations of states with each other and with international organizations and certain subnational entities (e.g., bureaucracies and political… … Universalium
International Space Station — ISS redirects here. For other uses, see ISS (disambiguation). International Space Station … Wikipedia
Materials International Space Station Experiment — The Materials International Space Station Experiment (MISSE), is a series of experiments mounted externally on the International Space Station (ISS) that investigates the effects of long term exposure of materials to the harsh space environment.… … Wikipedia
2000 Toronto International Film Festival — The 2000 Toronto International Film Festival, the 25th annual festival, ran from September 7 to September 16, 2000. Along with special events to commemorate the anniversary, there were a total of 330 films screened. There was a special screening… … Wikipedia
Caesium — xenon ← caesium → barium Rb ↑ Cs ↓ Fr … Wikipedia