1 internal combination
2 internal combination
3 internal combination list
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > internal combination list
4 internal combination number
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > internal combination number
5 internal combination list
English-Russian musical dictionary > internal combination list
6 internal combination number
English-Russian musical dictionary > internal combination number
7 combination
1. n сочетание, комбинацияin combination — в сочетании, во взаимодействии
2. n союз, объединение, обществоtrade combination — объединение торговцев; картель
3. n клика, шайка, банда4. n обыкн. женское нижнее бельё, трико, комбинацияentire combination — комбинация, выполненная полностью
5. n мотоцикл с прицепной коляской6. n цифровая или буквенная комбинация7. n замок с секретом, секретный замокcombination lock — замок с секретом, секретный замок
8. n хим. соединениеСинонимический ряд:1. aggregation (noun) aggregate; aggregation; assortment; composite; compound; conglomeration; medley; mйlange2. alliance (noun) alliance; cabal; cartel; federation; league; organisation; organization3. amalgamation (noun) amalgamation; blend; mixture; potpourri4. association (noun) affiliation; association; cahoots; conjointment; connection; co-operation; hookup; partnership; tie-up; togetherness5. joining (noun) admixture; blending; conjunction; fusion; joining; junction; uniting6. party (noun) bloc; coalition; combine; faction; party; ring7. series (noun) key; order; secret code; sequence; series; succession8. unification (noun) coadunation; conjugation; consolidation; melding; mergence; merger; merging; unification; unionАнтонимический ряд:detachment; dispersion; disruption; dissolution; disunion; division; opposition; partition; resistance; separation -
8 combination internal-external tool
1) Механика: комбинированный инструментУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > combination internal-external tool
9 combination internal-external tool
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > combination internal-external tool
10 combination internal-external tool
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > combination internal-external tool
11 combination internal-external tool
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > combination internal-external tool
12 bit combination
набор двоичных знаков; комбинация двоичных знаков; битовая комбинация -
13 forbidden combination
14 code combination
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > code combination
15 punch combination
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > punch combination
16 switch combination
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > switch combination
17 hot key combination
комбинация " "English-Russian big medical dictionary > hot key combination
18 hotkey combination
комбинация " " -
19 drive
1. привод, передача2. вытеснение нефти (газом, водой), пластовый режим3. приводить в движение, вращатьcombination solution gas and water drive — смешанный режим (пласта): растворенного газа и водонапорный
high pressure gas drive — вытеснение газом высокого давления (в случае вытеснения в условиях смешиваемости); газовый режим с испарением
solution-gas-gas cap water drive — смешанный пластовый режим растворенного газа, газовой шапки и водонапорный
— drive in— drive up
* * *
1. привод2. передача4. режим ( в коллекторе нефти)
* * *
1. вытеснение нефти (газом, водой), пластовый режим2. привод; передача3. теснить, вытеснять; проходить горизонтальную выработку
* * *
1. вытеснение нефти (газом, водой), пластовый режим2. привод; передача
* * *
1) привод, передача2) передача3) вытеснение (<<нефти из коллектора газом>)4) режим (); пластовый режим•- air driveto drive a borehole — бурить скважину;
- air oil drive
- artificial drive
- ball joint drive
- belt drive
- bottom drive
- bottom-water drive
- cam drive
- carbonated water drive
- chain drive
- chain-and-sprocket drive
- combination drive
- combination gas-and-water drive
- combustion drive
- compressed-air drive
- condensation gas drive
- continuous steam drive
- cyclic carbon dioxide drive
- depletion drive
- dissolved gas drive
- drum drive
- dual drive
- eccentric drive
- edge water drive
- elastic drive
- elastic water drive
- elastic water gravity drive
- electrical drive
- emergency drive
- enriched gas drive
- exhaust gas drive
- flexible drive
- flexible shaft drive
- fluid drive
- flywheel drive
- foam drive
- friction drive
- frontal drive
- frontal water drive
- gas drive
- gas cap drive
- gear drive
- gravity drive
- half-wrap drive
- high pressure gas drive
- Hild differential drive
- hot water drive
- hydraulic drive
- hydraulic pump drive
- inert gas drive
- internal gas drive
- kelly drive
- line drive
- linear drive
- magnetic drive
- main motor drive
- miscible drive
- motor drive
- multiple V-belt drive
- natural drive
- natural reservoir drive
- natural water drive
- oil-electrical drive
- partial water drive
- pattern drive
- pinion drive
- pneumatical drive
- positive drive
- probable drive
- pump drive
- quadruple chain drive
- rack-and-gear drive
- radial drive
- ram drive
- rope drive
- segregation drive
- short center belt drive
- solution gas drive
- solution-gas gas-cap drive
- solution-gas drive
- gas-cap and water drive
- speed fluid drive
- sprocket drive
- steam drive
- subsurface pump drive
- telescopic screw drive
- texrope drive
- thermal drive
- traction drive
- turbine drive
- twin drive
- two-speed drive
- unit drive
- variable speed fluid drive
- V-belt drive
- water drive
- water-gravity drive
- wedge drive* * *• вращать• забивать• режим -
20 tool
1) инструмент; орудие, орудие производства2) резец; инструмент, режущий инструмент; черновой резец ( зубострогального станка)3) приспособление; оснастка4) pl инструментарий; средства; совокупность инструментов6) налаживать ( станок)•to adjust the tool axially — регулировать инструмент в осевом направлении, смещать инструмент в осевом направлении
- 3D modeling toolsto tool roughly — начерно обрабатывать, грубо обрабатывать
- abrading tool
- abrasive tool
- AC-assisted machine tool
- activated tool
- adapter tool
- adjusting tool
- AI tools
- AI-based modeling tools
- air tool
- alternate tool
- analysis tool
- angle head tool
- angle portable tool
- angled tool
- angle-drilling tool
- annular broaching tool
- antivibration jumper installing tool
- application tools
- arm tool
- assembly tool
- assigned tool
- auxiliary tool
- backspot-facing tool
- backup tool
- back-working tool
- bad tool
- ball nose end cutting tool
- ball-nosed cutting tool
- band tool
- bending tool
- bent tool
- best tools
- blanking tool
- block tool
- boring tool
- box tool
- brazed tool
- brazed-tip tool
- broach tool
- broaching tool
- broad-nose finishing tool
- broad-nosed finishing tool
- broad-nosed tool
- broad-parting tool
- broad-tool
- BTA tool
- bucking tool
- burnishing tool
- burring tool
- cam-controlled machine tool
- carbide tool
- carbide-faced tool
- carbide-inserted tool
- carbide-tipped tool
- carbon-steel tool
- cartridge-type tool
- caulking tool
- CBN cutting tool
- CBN tool
- cemented carbide tool
- cemented-oxide tool
- center tool
- centering tool
- centering-and-facing tool
- ceramic tool
- chamfering tool
- chasing tool
- chemical vapor deposited tools
- chipped tool
- circular form tool
- circular tool
- clamped-tip tool
- clamping tool
- clipping tool
- CNC tools
- CNC ultra-precision machine tool
- CNC-sharpened tool
- coated tool
- coated-carbide cutting tool
- coining press tool
- collet release tool
- collet tool
- combination internal-external tool
- combination machine tool
- combination tool
- combined tool
- computer-controlled machine tool
- contour form milling tool
- contour milling tool
- contour turning tool
- control tools
- coolant-fed tool
- copy lathe tool
- copying tool
- cordless SPC tool
- core tool
- corrugated tool
- counterboring tool
- counter-rotating tool
- cross-drilling/milling tools
- crossworking tool
- crowning shaving tool
- cubic-boron-nitride cutting tool
- cup tool
- curling press tool
- customized machine tool
- cutoff tool
- cutter tool
- cutting laser tool
- cutting tool with inserted blades
- cutting tool
- cutting-off bit tool
- cutting-off tool
- CVD tools
- dead-end tool
- debugging tools
- deburring tool
- dedicated tool
- deep pocket tool
- design tools
- design verification tools
- development tools
- diagnostics tools
- diamond burnishing tool
- diamond tool
- diamond-coated tool
- diamond-edge tool
- diamond-plated tool
- diamond-turning tool
- digitized tool
- disposable cutting tools
- disposable insert tool
- DNC machine tool
- DNC-supported machine tool
- double-acting deburring tool
- double-diameter tool
- double-index roughing tool
- dressing tool
- drill burnishing tool
- drill tool
- drill/tap tool
- drilling tool
- driven tool
- driving tool
- duplicate tools
- edge tool
- EDM tool
- embossing press tool
- end mill tool
- end tool
- end-cutting tool
- end-working tool
- engraving tool
- erecting tool
- expandable abrading tool
- expanding block boring tool
- expanding block-type boring tool
- external tool
- external turning tool
- face grooving tool
- facing tool
- fastening tool
- feed-out tool
- fillet tool
- filleting tool
- fine boring tool
- finish tool
- finish-cut tool
- finishing tool
- first-selection backup tools
- fixed tool
- flat form tool
- flatted parallel shank tool
- flooded coolant tool
- fluted tool
- fly tool
- follow tools
- form tool
- forming machine tool
- forming tool
- fresh cutting tool
- front endworking tool
- gaged master tool
- ganged tools
- gear cutting tool
- gear tool
- general-purpose machine tool
- generating tool
- gooseneck tool
- grabbing tool
- grinding tool
- gripper tool
- gripping tool
- grooving tool
- hand-guided tool
- hand-held grinding tool
- hand-held tool
- hard pointed tool
- heading tool
- heavy-duty machine tool
- high-positive geometry tool
- high-positive-rake tool
- high-speed machine tool
- high-speed steel tool
- high-speed steel-cutting tool
- high-usage tools
- hold-down tool
- honing tool
- hot-set tool
- ID step tool
- ID tool
- idling tool
- image acquisition tools
- impregnated abrasive tool
- impregnated diamond tool
- inactive tool
- indexable cutting tool
- indexable-insert tool
- indexing machine tool
- infeed slide tool
- injection tool
- in-line powered tool
- insert tool
- inserted blade-type tool
- inserted carbide tool
- inserted tip tool
- insertion tool
- inside corner tool
- inside recessing tool
- inside turning tool
- inspection tool
- installation tool
- integrated tools
- integration tools
- interactive design tools
- internal boring tool
- internal diameter tool
- internally operating tool
- inward flanging press tool
- ironing press tool
- irradiated tool
- knowledge engineering tools
- knurling tool
- lab-quality inspection tool
- lancing press tool
- lapping tool
- large hybrid system building tools
- large narrow system building tools
- laser alignment tools
- laser leveling tool
- laser tool
- lathe tool
- layout tool
- left-hand tool
- leveling tool
- LH tool
- life-expired tool
- linear mounted tool
- locating tool
- logic-synthesis tools
- machine tool
- machining tool
- manually adjustable tool
- marking tool
- master tool
- measuring tool
- metal-cutting tool
- metalforming machine tool
- microsizing tool
- migrating tool
- milling tool
- miniCNC machine tool
- misplaced tool
- mis-set tool
- modeling tools
- modular tool
- mold tool
- molding tool
- monocrystalline diamond tool
- multicavity molding tool
- multifaceted tool
- multifluted tool
- multigrooving tool
- multiimpression injection tool
- multiple blanking tool
- multiple insert tool
- multiple-cavity mold tool
- multiple-impression press tool
- multipoint tool
- multipoint-cutting tool
- multitoothed tool
- narrow system building tools
- NC machine tool
- NC tool
- negative-rake cutting tool
- noncutting machine tool
- nonrotating tool
- notching press tool
- odd-fluted cutting tool
- OD-turning tool
- OD-working tool
- offset tool
- oil hole tool
- old tool
- one-sensor-one tool
- operating tool
- order-related tool
- outward flanging press tool
- pallet tools
- parallel-shank tool
- parallel-shanked tool
- particle-type dressing tool
- parting press tool
- parting tool
- part-off tool
- PCD tool
- percussive tool
- perishable tool
- physicochemical machine tool
- pickup tool
- piercing tool
- placement tool
- planer tool
- planing tool
- platen-mounted tool
- pneumatic tool
- polishing machine tool
- polycrystalline CBN cutting tool
- polycrystalline-diamond-edge tool
- polycrystalline-diamond-tipped tool
- polygon tool
- polygonal tool
- portable air tool
- portable expanding tool
- portable pneumatic tool
- portable power tool
- portable sinking tool
- portable tool
- positive/negative tool
- positive/positive tool
- positive-rake cutting tool
- positive-rake tool
- power tools
- powered rotary tool
- powered tool
- power-positioned tool
- preadjusted tool
- preformed boring tool
- preset qualified tool
- preset tool
- presettable tool
- press tool
- prismatic tool
- probe tool
- process tool
- processing tool
- production machine tool
- profiling tool
- programming tools
- protuberance tool
- punching press tool
- qualified tool
- quick-change tools
- rack-type tool
- radial cutting tool
- radioactive tool
- random tool
- rapid change tool
- rapidly wearing tool
- rear endworking tool
- rebuilt machine tool
- recessing tool
- reciprocating gear cutting tool
- reconditioned tool
- refurbished tool
- replaceable-insert tool
- replacement tool
- retrofitted machine tool
- RH tool
- right-angled powered tool
- right-hand tool
- rivet shaving tool
- roller-burnishing tool
- roll-forming tool
- rolling-in tool
- rotary pneumatic tool
- rotary tool
- rotating tool
- rotating turret tool
- rough boring tool
- rough cut tool
- roughing tool
- rough-turning tool
- round tool
- rounded tool
- round-nose tool
- round-nosed tool
- router tool
- routing tool
- scraping tool
- screw-cutting tool
- screw-rolling tool
- second selection backup tools
- segmented bulging press tool
- self-correcting tool
- shank tool
- shankless cutting tool
- shaped tool
- shaper-cutting tool
- shaping tool
- shared tools
- shaving press tool
- shaving tool
- shear tool
- short chipping tool
- side cutting tool
- side tool
- silicon nitride cutting tools
- silicon nitride tool
- simulation tools
- single-crystal tool
- single-layer tool
- single-pass tool
- single-point threading tool
- single-point tool
- single-purpose machine tool
- single-tip tool
- sister tool
- slitting tool
- slotting tool
- smoothing roller tool
- software development tools
- software tools
- software-based integration tools
- solid bit tool
- solid carbide tool
- solid modeling tools
- solid tool
- SPC tool
- specialized machine tool
- specially outfitted machine tool
- spent tool
- spindle probe tool
- spinning tool
- spline drive tool
- split bulging press tool
- spot-facing tool
- spotting tool
- square cutting tool
- square thread tool
- stamping tool
- static tool
- stationary tool
- step tool
- straight portable tool
- straight shank tool
- straight tool
- straight turning tool
- stripping tool
- stub boring tool
- superabrasive-plated tool
- support tools
- surfacing tool
- swan-neck tool
- sweep tool
- sweeping tool
- tail-end tools
- taper shank tool
- tapered shank tool
- tapping tool
- taught tool
- testing tools
- thermal tool
- thread milling tool
- thread turning tool
- thread-cutting tool
- threaded shank tool
- threading tool
- thread-rolling tool
- throwaway carbide tool
- throwaway insert tool
- throwaway tip tool
- throwaway tool
- tipped tool
- titanium-carbide-coated tool
- to tool up
- touch sensitive tool
- transfer tool
- transparent tool
- trepanning tool
- triangular cutting tool
- trim tool
- truing tool
- tube-expanding tool
- Tunruf tool
- turning tool
- turret tool
- ultrasonic tool
- undercutting tool
- underrun tool
- underused tool
- underutilized tool
- undetected broken tool
- unit-type machine tool
- universal boring and thread milling tool
- unmanned machine tool
- untended CNC machine tool
- versatile machine tool
- vibrating tool
- viscous damped tool
- visualization tools
- V-thread tool
- wear-prone tool
- welding laser tool
- wide-finishing tool
- wire-forming tool
- wireless measuring tool
- wobble broach tool
- wood-cutting tool
- workplace tool
- worm-configured tool
- worn cutting tool
- X-axis tool
- Y-axis tool
- Z-axis toolEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > tool
См. также в других словарях:
Internal ballistics — Internal ballistics, a subfield of ballistics, is the study of a projectile s behavior from the time its propellant s igniter is initiated until it exits the gun barrel. The study of internal ballistics is important to designers and users of… … Wikipedia
Internal control — In accounting and organizational theory, Internal control is defined as a process effected by an organization s structure, work and authority flows, people and management information systems, designed to help the organization accomplish specific… … Wikipedia
Combination Game — The Combination Game was a style of association football based around team work and cooperation. It would gradually favour the passing of the ball between players over individual dribbling skills which had been a notable feature of early… … Wikipedia
Internal audit — Accountancy Key concepts Accountant · Accounting period · Bookkeeping · Cash and accrual basis · Cash flow management · Chart of accounts … Wikipedia
Internal combustion engine — The internal combustion engine is an engine in which the combustion of a fuel (normally a fossil fuel) occurs with an oxidizer (usually air) in a combustion chamber. In an internal combustion engine, the expansion of the high temperature and high … Wikipedia
Combination (disambiguation) — In mathematics, a combination is a collection of things in no specific order. Combination may also refer to: Combination (chess), a relatively long sequence of chess moves Combo (video games), a set of actions performed in sequence Striking… … Wikipedia
Internal communications — Articleissues cleanup=September 2008 tone=December 2007 unreferenced=March 2007Internal communications includes all communication within an organisation. Internal communications may be oral or written, face to face or virtual, one on one or in a… … Wikipedia
Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization — [ 250px|right|thumb|Excerpt from the statute of BMARC, 1896 (in Bulgarian)Statute of the Bulgarian Macedonian Adrianople Revolutionary CommitteesChapter I. Goal Art. 1. The goal of BMARC is to secure full political autonomy for the Macedonia and… … Wikipedia
Combination puzzle — Part of a series on Puzzles … Wikipedia
Combination K — A T 64, the first tank to use Combination K Combination K was a type of composite armor. History Combination K was fitted onto the Soviet T 64A. The mix Combination K is a three layer composite armor consisting of outer and inner layer of steel… … Wikipedia
Component parts of internal combustion engines — Internal combustion engines come in a wide variety of types, but have certain family resemblances, and thus share many common types of components. Contents 1 Combustion chambers 2 Ignition system 2.1 Spark 2.2 Compression … Wikipedia