1 intermediate-term plan
упр. = medium-term planАнгло-русский экономический словарь > intermediate-term plan
2 intermediate-range plan
упр. = medium-term planАнгло-русский экономический словарь > intermediate-range plan
3 intermediate term financing
English-Russian base dictionary > intermediate term financing
4 medium-term plan
упр. среднесрочный план (принято считать, что это план деятельности на срок от 1-3 до 5-7 лет)Syn:See: -
5 plan
nплан, программа; проектto acquiesce in / to a plan — молча или неохотно соглашаться с планом
to effect a plan — выполнять / осуществлять план
to embark on a development plan — вступать на путь развития (экономики и т.п.)
to formulate a plan — вырабатывать / составлять / формулировать план
to give new impetus to a peace plan — давать новый толчок осуществлению плана мирного урегулирования
to go ahead with one's plan — продолжать осуществлять свой план
to hand down a plan to smb — спускать план кому-л.
to implement a plan — выполнять / осуществлять план
to mastermind a plan — руководить ( часто тайно) осуществлением плана
to propose a plan — выдвигать / предлагать план
to push through one's plan — проталкивать свой план
to scrap a plan — забраковывать план; отказываться от плана
to scuttle a plan — уклоняться от принятия плана; срывать план
- adoption of a planto thwart / to torpedo / to undermine a plan — расстраивать / срывать план
- adventurous plan
- aggressive plan
- American-mediated peace plan
- annexations plan
- annual plan
- architect of a plan
- austerity plan
- balanced plan
- California plan
- cancellation of a plan
- carefully orchestrated plan
- cease-fire plan
- clarification of a plan
- comprehensive plan
- compromise plan
- constructive plan
- contingence plan
- control figures of the plan
- controversial plan
- coordination of plans
- counter plan
- curtailed plan
- cuts plans
- daily plan
- deficiencies in a plan
- deficit-reduction plan
- deregulation plan
- detailed plan
- development plan
- disclosure of a plan
- drawing up of a plan
- ecological survival plan
- economic plan
- efficiency plan
- elaborate plan
- essentials of a plan
- execution of a plan
- expansionist plans
- extremist plans
- financing plan
- fulfilment of a plan
- game plan
- general manager plan
- general plan
- green plan
- ideal plan
- implementation of a plan
- imposition of a plan
- impracticable plan
- in compliance with a plan
- independence plan
- indicative plan
- individual national development plans
- installment plan
- integrated plan
- intermediate plan
- intervention plans
- linkage plan
- local plan
- lofty plan
- long-range plan
- long-term plan
- management plan
- Marshall Plan
- master plan
- matching of plans
- medium-term plan
- minute-by-minute podium plan
- Missouri plan
- monthly plan
- national plan
- national reconciliation plan
- operating plan
- operation plan
- opposition to a plan
- overall plan
- package plan
- pay-as-you-go plan
- peace plan
- perspective plan
- phased plan
- plan for development
- plan of action
- plan remains on the table
- plans are bogged down
- plans for increased autonomy
- plans for sanctions
- practicable plan
- preliminary plan
- principal items of the plan
- production plan
- provisions of a plan
- realistic plan
- regional peace plan
- regional plan
- research plan
- resettlement plan
- retirement plan
- security plan
- short-range plan
- short-term plan
- single plan
- state plan
- strategic plan
- strong-mayor plan
- target figures of the plan
- technical development plan
- UN-brokered peace plan
- under the plan
- unified plan
- work plan -
6 term
n1) срок (тюремного заключения, пребывания на посту и т.п.); предел; период2) термин; выражение3) pl условия; отношения•to abide by terms — выполнять / соблюдать условия
to accept the terms — принимать условия; соглашаться на условия
to agree to smb's terms — соглашаться на чьи-л. условия
to be on bad / good terms — быть в плохих / хороших отношениях
to be sworn in for a four-year term — быть приведенным к присяге для занятия поста на четырехлетний срок
to come to term with smb — договариваться с кем-л.
to come to term with what happened — примиряться с тем, что произошло
to complete one's term — отбыть наказание
to cut short smb's term — сокращать срок пребывания кого-л. у власти / в заключении
to dictate one's term — диктовать свои условия
to discuss smth in general terms — обсуждать что-л. в общем виде
to impose long prison terms — приговаривать кого-л. к длительным срокам тюремного заключения
to improve the terms of trade — улучшать / совершенствовать условия торговли
to outline the terms for smth — излагать условия чего-л.
to protest to smb in the strongest terms — заявлять кому-л. резкий протест
to sentence smb to a long prison term — приговаривать кого-л. к длительному тюремному заключению
to serve out the remainder of one's term as President — дослужить до конца срока в качестве президента
to set out the terms for smth — излагать условия чего-л.
- arbitration termto spell out one's terms for peace — излагать свои условия мира
- bid for a fourth term in office
- binding terms of contract
- ceasefire terms
- concessionaire terms
- couched in polite terms
- deferred payment terms
- disastrous entry terms
- early in smb's term
- easy terms
- equal terms
- expiration of the term of office
- expired term
- favorable terms
- fettering terms
- fixed term
- for an indefinite term
- harsh jail term
- harsh terms
- hostile terms
- humiliating peace terms
- in absolute terms
- in diplomatic terms
- in distinct term
- in dollar terms
- in general terms
- in military terms
- in monetary terms
- in money terms
- in no uncertain terms
- in numerical terms
- in per capita terms
- in percentage terms
- in physical terms
- in quantitative terms
- in real terms
- in restrained terms
- in strong terms
- in terms of figures
- in terms of gold
- in terms of money
- in terms of numbers
- in terms of percentage points
- in terms of production
- in terms of value
- in terms of
- in terms
- in the clearest terms
- in the long term
- in unequivocal terms
- in unmistakable terms
- in value terms
- initial term of a convention
- intermediate term
- long term
- mutually acceptable terms
- mutually advantageous terms
- on acceptable terms
- on advantageous terms
- on beneficial terms
- on conventional terms
- on easy terms
- on equal terms
- on even terms
- on favorable terms
- on hard terms
- on highly concessional interest terms
- on hire-purchase terms
- on lobby terms
- on low interest terms
- on most favored nation term
- on much easier terms
- on mutually advantageous terms
- on reasonable terms
- on soft terms
- on straight business terms
- on term of complete equality
- on terms
- on the usual trade terms
- one-sided terms
- out-of-court compensation terms
- peace terms
- political term
- preferential term for the supply of smth
- prior to the expiration of the term
- prison term
- prison terms ranging from five years to life
- probationary term
- prolongation of the term
- shipping terms
- short term
- smb's second / third term in office
- soft terms
- term in office ends in December
- term in office expires in December
- terms and conditions
- terms of a contract
- terms of a treaty
- terms of an agreement
- terms of delivery
- terms of existing international instruments
- terms of financing
- terms of interest
- terms of office
- terms of payment
- terms of reference
- terms of sale - terms of trade
- terms ranging from 18 months to 7 years
- terms required of smb
- tough terms
- trade terms
- trial term
- two-year term
- unacceptable terms
- under the terms of a clearing agreement
- under the terms of the peace plan
- under the terms of the treaty
- unexpired term
- usual terms -
7 medium-term
прил.эк. среднесрочный (об управленческих действиях или финансовых отношениях в пределах среднего периода времени, напр., от 1 до 10 лет)Syn:See:
* * *
1) среднесрочный(о ценных бумагах); 2) = intermediate-term.* * ** * *Ценные бумаги/Биржевая деятельность -
8 medium-term planning
упр. среднесрочное планированиеSyn:See: -
9 IP
1) Общая лексика: instrument power cable2) Авиация: промежуточное давление3) Медицина: In Patient, Independent Practice, Intense Pain, внутрибрюшинный, интраперитонеальный, ПИУ (полностью имплантируемое устройство - implanted port)4) Американизм: Increased Productivity, Institutional Program5) Военный термин: Imagery Processing, Immediate Permanent Incapacitation Dose, Implementation Procedure, Informal Processing, Information Processor, Initial Production, Initiatives Program, Instrumentation Point, Intelligence Problem, Intelligence Processing, Internal Protocol, identification of position (с помощью аппаратуры опознавания ЛА), identification peculiarity, identification point, impact point, impact predictor, implementation of plan, improvement program, in process, in progress, inactive pay, incentive pay, index of performance, indicator panel, industrial participation, industrial preparedness, industrial production, infrared passive, initial phase, initial point, initial position, initial post, installation procedure, instruction pamphlet, instructor pilot, instrument panel, instrumentation papers, intelligence police, intercept point, issuing point, Initial Point (bombing)6) Техника: input, inspection procedure, instrument package, Степень защиты7) Сельское хозяйство: Inorganic Phosphorus8) Математика: Imaginary Part, по вероятности (in probability), целочисленное программирование (integer programming)9) Религия: Inspired People10) Метеорология: Invisible Particles11) Юридический термин: Identity Preserved, Interesting Persons, ИС (Intellectual Property, интеллектуальная собственность)12) Фармакология: Indian Pharmacopoeia13) Страхование: installment paid14) Грубое выражение: Idiot Proof15) Музыка: Iambic Pentameter16) Оптика: indium phosphide17) Политика: Clipperton Island18) Телекоммуникации: Intelligent Peripheral (AIN), Internet Protocol (IETF)19) Сокращение: Impact Point (missile), Initial Point (bombing term), Initial Provisioning, Innings Pitched, Intellectual Property, Intelligent Peripheral (computer network), Intermediate Point, Intermediate Processor (communications), in possession, instruction plate, interchangeable solid and screen panels, interpost, iron pipe, Induced Polarization, Information Provider, Initial Pressure, intraperitoneal20) Университет: Interesting Point21) Физика: Induced Potential, Interaction Point, ignition point22) Физиология: InterPhalangeal, Intra- Peritoneal23) Вычислительная техника: identification of position, image processor, in-house publishing, in-plant publishing, insertion point, instruction pointer, instruction pulse, integrated processes, intelligent peripheral, interrupt pointer, interrupt priority, interrupt processor, item processing, самый важный из всех протоколов, на котором основана Internet (Через этот протокол осуществляется прямое подключение к Internet), Intelligent Peripheral (IN), Information Provider (Telephony), Instruction Pointer (register, CPU, Intel, Assembler), Internet Protocol (version 4, RFC 791), архитектура системы обработки информации, интегрированный адаптер печатающего устройства, указатель команд24) Литература: International President25) Нефть: induced polarization method, initial potential, ionization potential, isoprenoid, the degree of ingress protection provided by enclosures to IEC 60529, вызванная поляризация (induced polarization), метод вызванной поляризации (induced polarization), начальное давление (initial pressure), начальный дебит (скважины, initial production), степень защиты, обеспечиваемая оболочками26) Биохимия: Imipramine27) Связь: internetwork protocol28) Банковское дело: очередной взнос уплачен (instalment paid)29) Геофизика: ВП30) Фирменный знак: International Pharmaceuticals, Internet Provider, Island Pacific (formerly SVI Solutions, Inc.)31) Патенты: интеллектуальная собственность (Intellectual Property)32) Деловая лексика: Implementable Projects, Incredible Price, Independent Patent33) Бурение: начальный дебит скважины (initial production), initial production (usually describing an initial production test)34) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: International Protection, Internet protocol Internet-протокол, immediate pressure, index of protection ("degrees of protection provided by enclosures"), intelligent pig, international practices, Inspection Plan35) Нефтегазовая техника Институт нефти (Великобритания, Institute of Petroleum), начальный потенциальный дебит скважины36) Инвестиции: instalment paid37) Сетевые технологии: Internet Packet, image processing, information processing, источник информации, межсетевой протокол, обработка информации, industrial protocol38) ЕБРР: individual project39) Полимеры: Institute of Petroleum, intermediate pressure, internal pressure40) Программирование: Instructional Pointer41) Контроль качества: integer programming42) Сахалин Ю: ingress protection43) Макаров: initial potential, interface processor, потенциал ионизации44) Военно-воздушные силы: соглашение о "честной игре" (integrity pact)45) Интернет: Internet Protocol46) Расширение файла: Data (Interactive Physics), Inspection Procedures (NRC Inspection Manual)47) Каспий: ingress protection-защита от несанкционированного доступа, защита от взлома48) Электротехника: пылеводозащищённость (ingress protection)49) Исследования и разработки (НИОКР): investigational product50) Компьютерные игры: инди-проект51) Майкрософт: протокол IP52) Общественная организация: India Partners53) NYSE. International Paper Company54) Федеральное бюро расследований: Indianapolis Field Office -
10 ip
1) Общая лексика: instrument power cable2) Авиация: промежуточное давление3) Медицина: In Patient, Independent Practice, Intense Pain, внутрибрюшинный, интраперитонеальный, ПИУ (полностью имплантируемое устройство - implanted port)4) Американизм: Increased Productivity, Institutional Program5) Военный термин: Imagery Processing, Immediate Permanent Incapacitation Dose, Implementation Procedure, Informal Processing, Information Processor, Initial Production, Initiatives Program, Instrumentation Point, Intelligence Problem, Intelligence Processing, Internal Protocol, identification of position (с помощью аппаратуры опознавания ЛА), identification peculiarity, identification point, impact point, impact predictor, implementation of plan, improvement program, in process, in progress, inactive pay, incentive pay, index of performance, indicator panel, industrial participation, industrial preparedness, industrial production, infrared passive, initial phase, initial point, initial position, initial post, installation procedure, instruction pamphlet, instructor pilot, instrument panel, instrumentation papers, intelligence police, intercept point, issuing point, Initial Point (bombing)6) Техника: input, inspection procedure, instrument package, Степень защиты7) Сельское хозяйство: Inorganic Phosphorus8) Математика: Imaginary Part, по вероятности (in probability), целочисленное программирование (integer programming)9) Религия: Inspired People10) Метеорология: Invisible Particles11) Юридический термин: Identity Preserved, Interesting Persons, ИС (Intellectual Property, интеллектуальная собственность)12) Фармакология: Indian Pharmacopoeia13) Страхование: installment paid14) Грубое выражение: Idiot Proof15) Музыка: Iambic Pentameter16) Оптика: indium phosphide17) Политика: Clipperton Island18) Телекоммуникации: Intelligent Peripheral (AIN), Internet Protocol (IETF)19) Сокращение: Impact Point (missile), Initial Point (bombing term), Initial Provisioning, Innings Pitched, Intellectual Property, Intelligent Peripheral (computer network), Intermediate Point, Intermediate Processor (communications), in possession, instruction plate, interchangeable solid and screen panels, interpost, iron pipe, Induced Polarization, Information Provider, Initial Pressure, intraperitoneal20) Университет: Interesting Point21) Физика: Induced Potential, Interaction Point, ignition point22) Физиология: InterPhalangeal, Intra- Peritoneal23) Вычислительная техника: identification of position, image processor, in-house publishing, in-plant publishing, insertion point, instruction pointer, instruction pulse, integrated processes, intelligent peripheral, interrupt pointer, interrupt priority, interrupt processor, item processing, самый важный из всех протоколов, на котором основана Internet (Через этот протокол осуществляется прямое подключение к Internet), Intelligent Peripheral (IN), Information Provider (Telephony), Instruction Pointer (register, CPU, Intel, Assembler), Internet Protocol (version 4, RFC 791), архитектура системы обработки информации, интегрированный адаптер печатающего устройства, указатель команд24) Литература: International President25) Нефть: induced polarization method, initial potential, ionization potential, isoprenoid, the degree of ingress protection provided by enclosures to IEC 60529, вызванная поляризация (induced polarization), метод вызванной поляризации (induced polarization), начальное давление (initial pressure), начальный дебит (скважины, initial production), степень защиты, обеспечиваемая оболочками26) Биохимия: Imipramine27) Связь: internetwork protocol28) Банковское дело: очередной взнос уплачен (instalment paid)29) Геофизика: ВП30) Фирменный знак: International Pharmaceuticals, Internet Provider, Island Pacific (formerly SVI Solutions, Inc.)31) Патенты: интеллектуальная собственность (Intellectual Property)32) Деловая лексика: Implementable Projects, Incredible Price, Independent Patent33) Бурение: начальный дебит скважины (initial production), initial production (usually describing an initial production test)34) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: International Protection, Internet protocol Internet-протокол, immediate pressure, index of protection ("degrees of protection provided by enclosures"), intelligent pig, international practices, Inspection Plan35) Нефтегазовая техника Институт нефти (Великобритания, Institute of Petroleum), начальный потенциальный дебит скважины36) Инвестиции: instalment paid37) Сетевые технологии: Internet Packet, image processing, information processing, источник информации, межсетевой протокол, обработка информации, industrial protocol38) ЕБРР: individual project39) Полимеры: Institute of Petroleum, intermediate pressure, internal pressure40) Программирование: Instructional Pointer41) Контроль качества: integer programming42) Сахалин Ю: ingress protection43) Макаров: initial potential, interface processor, потенциал ионизации44) Военно-воздушные силы: соглашение о "честной игре" (integrity pact)45) Интернет: Internet Protocol46) Расширение файла: Data (Interactive Physics), Inspection Procedures (NRC Inspection Manual)47) Каспий: ingress protection-защита от несанкционированного доступа, защита от взлома48) Электротехника: пылеводозащищённость (ingress protection)49) Исследования и разработки (НИОКР): investigational product50) Компьютерные игры: инди-проект51) Майкрософт: протокол IP52) Общественная организация: India Partners53) NYSE. International Paper Company54) Федеральное бюро расследований: Indianapolis Field Office -
11 target
1. n1) цель, целевая установка; плановая цифра; плановое задание2) цель, мишень, объект•to achieve / to attain the target — достигать намеченной цели, выполнять намеченные / плановые показатели
to establish target — устанавливать контрольную цифру / плановое задание
to fix target — устанавливать контрольную цифру / плановое задание
to fulfill / to hit the target — достигать намеченной цели, выполнять намеченные / плановые показатели
to realize the target — достигать намеченной цели, выполнять намеченные / плановые показатели
- civilian targetto set operational targets — ставить оперативные плановые задания / задачи
- easy target
- economic targets
- financial target for the assistance program
- financial targets
- finite target
- general targets
- global targets
- growth targets
- intermediate targets
- key target
- legitimate target for attack
- long-term target
- lucrative target
- main target
- mobile target
- operational targets
- optimum targets
- overall target
- plan targets
- planned targets
- pledging target
- prime target
- principal target
- production target
- profit target
- quantitative target
- reappraisal of economic targets
- short-term target
- social target
- soft target
- soft-skinned target
- specific targets
- target for criticism
- target for voluntary contributions
- target of smb's attacks
- UN aid targets 2. v1) ставить цель, намечать цель2) делать кого-л. мишенью
См. также в других словарях:
Single Integrated Operational Plan — The Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP) was the United States general plan for nuclear war from 1961 to 2003. The SIOP gave the President of the United States a range of targeting options, and described launch procedures and target sets… … Wikipedia
Tennessee Plan — The Tennessee Plan is a system of judicial appointment used in Tennessee. The system attempts to limit the influence of partisan politics over the state s judiciary. It is largely patterned after the Missouri Plan and was in fact initially… … Wikipedia
Half-breadth plan — Half Half (h[aum]f), a. [AS. healf, half, half; as a noun, half, side, part; akin to OS., OFries., & D. half, G. halb, Sw. half, Dan. halv, Icel. h[=a]lfr, Goth. halbs. Cf. {Halve}, {Behalf}.] 1. Consisting of a moiety, or half; as, a half… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Economic Affairs — ▪ 2006 Introduction In 2005 rising U.S. deficits, tight monetary policies, and higher oil prices triggered by hurricane damage in the Gulf of Mexico were moderating influences on the world economy and on U.S. stock markets, but some other… … Universalium
United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… … Universalium
business finance — Raising and managing of funds by business organizations. Such activities are usually the concern of senior managers, who must use financial forecasting to develop a long term plan for the firm. Shorter term budgets are then devised to meet the… … Universalium
District planning in India — District Planning is the process of preparing an integrated plan for the local government sector in a district taking into account the resources (natural, human and financial) available and covering the sectoral activities and schemes assigned to … Wikipedia
economic planning — Use of government to make economic decisions with respect to the use of resources. In communist countries with a state planning apparatus, detailed and rigid planning results in a command economy; land, capital, and the means of production are… … Universalium
Raleigh, North Carolina — For other uses of this name, see Raleigh. Raleigh State Capital City of Raleigh … Wikipedia
Glossary of chess — See also: Outline of chess and Glossary of chess problems This page explains commonly used terms in chess in alphabetical order. Some of these have their own pages, like fork and pin. For a list of unorthodox chess pieces, see fairy chess… … Wikipedia
Ontario electricity policy — refers to plans, legislation, incentives, guidelines, and policy processes put in place by the Government of the Province of Ontario, Canada, to address issues of electricity production, distribution, and consumption. Policymaking in the… … Wikipedia