1 interest rate sensitivity
фин., банк. чувствительность к изменению процентной ставки [к процентной ставке\] (степень, с которой цена ценной бумаги или другого финансового актива либо величина какого-л. иного экономического показателя изменяется в результате изменения процентных ставок)Syn:See:
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чувствительность к процентным ставкам: зависимость цены финансового инструмента от изменения процентных ставок.Англо-русский экономический словарь > interest rate sensitivity
2 interest rate sensitivity
фин., банк. чувствительность к изменению процентной ставки [к процентной ставке] (характеризуется степенью, с которой цена ценной бумаги или другого финансового актива либо величина какого-л. иного экономического показателя изменяется в результате изменения процентных ставок)Syn:See:The new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > interest rate sensitivity
3 interest rate sensitivity
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > interest rate sensitivity
4 interest rate sensitivity gap
банк. разрыв по чувствительности к процентной ставке* (разница между чувствительными к изменению процентных ставок банковскими обязательствами и активами)Syn:See:* * *сумма активов за вычетом пассивов, чувствительная к колебаниям процентных ставок; разность между активами и пассивами, чувствительная к колебаниям процентных ставок; различие в чувствительности активов и пассивов к колебаниям процентных ставок. . Словарь экономических терминов .Англо-русский экономический словарь > interest rate sensitivity gap
5 interest rate sensitivity gap
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > interest rate sensitivity gap
6 interest rate sensitivity of demand for money
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > interest rate sensitivity of demand for money
7 interest-rate sensitivity of demand for money
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > interest-rate sensitivity of demand for money
8 interest-rate sensitivity of demand for money
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > interest-rate sensitivity of demand for money
9 interest rate
эк. процентная ставка, ставка процента ( плата за кредит в процентном выражении к сумме кредита)Syn:Ant:interest period, interest amount, actuarial interest rate, assumed interest rate, effective interest rate, fixed interest rate, locked interest rate, floating interest rate, long interest rate, prime interest rate, nominal interest rate, face interest rate, real interest rate, accrual rate, discount rate, capitalization rate, auction rate, bank rate, interbank rate, base rate, prime rate, key rate, bill rate, bond rate, coupon rate, borrowing rate, blended rate, annual equivalent rate, annual interest rate, cap rate, cap and collar, simple interest, add-on interest, compound interest, interest rate agreement, interest rate arbitrage, interest rate cap, interest rate ceiling, interest rate collar, interest rate contract, interest rate differential, interest rate effect, interest rate exposure, interest rate floor, interest rate futures, interest rate futures contract, interest rate guarantee, interest rate option, interest rate parity, interest rate policy, interest rate risk, interest rate risk management, interest rate sensitivity, interest rate swap, amortizing interest rate swap, annual interest rate, below market interest rate, benchmark interest rate, blended interest rate, cross currency interest rate swap, currency interest rate swap, legal interest rate, prime interest rate, stated interest rate, term structure of interest rates, tiered rate account, loan pricing, deposit pricing, discount rate, time discount rate, official discount rate, official rate of discountSee:interest period, interest amount, actuarial interest rate, assumed interest rate, effective interest rate, fixed interest rate, locked interest rate, floating interest rate, long interest rate, prime interest rate, nominal interest rate, face interest rate, real interest rate, accrual rate, discount rate, capitalization rate, auction rate, bank rate, interbank rate, base rate, prime rate, key rate, bill rate, bond rate, coupon rate, borrowing rate, blended rate, annual equivalent rate, annual interest rate, cap rate, cap and collar, simple interest, add-on interest, compound interest, interest rate agreement, interest rate arbitrage, interest rate cap, interest rate ceiling, interest rate collar, interest rate contract, interest rate differential, interest rate effect, interest rate exposure, interest rate floor, interest rate futures, interest rate futures contract, interest rate guarantee, interest rate option, interest rate parity, interest rate policy, interest rate risk, interest rate risk management, interest rate sensitivity, interest rate swap, amortizing interest rate swap, annual interest rate, below market interest rate, benchmark interest rate, blended interest rate, cross currency interest rate swap, currency interest rate swap, legal interest rate, prime interest rate, stated interest rate, term structure of interest rates, tiered rate account, loan pricing, deposit pricing, discount rate, time discount rate, official discount rate, official rate of discount
* * *
процентная ставка: плата за кредит в процентном выражении к сумме кредита в расчете на один год.* * *. Ежемесячная фактическая процентная ставка. Например, регулярная ставка по кредитной карточке с ежегодным начислением 18% равна 1,5% в месяц . Инвестиционная деятельность .* * *Банки/Банковские операцииплата согласно установленному порядку начисления за кредит в различных его видах, пользование депозитным счетом и т. д.-----Финансы/Кредит/Валютадоход при предоставлении кредита, выраженный в процентах от его общей суммы -
10 interest rate
эк. процентная ставка, ставка процента ( плата за кредит в процентном выражении к сумме кредита)Syn:See:interest period, interest amount, actuarial interest rate, assumed interest rate, effective interest rate, fixed interest rate, lock interest rate, floating interest rate, long interest rate, prime interest rate, nominal interest rate, face interest rate, real interest rate, accrual rate, discount rate, capitalization rate, auction rate, base rate, prime rate, key rate, bill rate, bond rate, coupon rate, borrowing rate, blended rate, annual equivalent rate, annual interest rate, cap rate, cap and collar, simple interest, add-on interest, compound interest, interest rate agreement, interest rate arbitrage, interest rate cap, interest rate ceiling, interest rate collar, interest rate contract, interest rate differential, interest rate effect, interest rate exposure, interest rate floor, interest rate futures, interest rate futures contract, interest rate guarantee, interest rate option, interest rate parity, interest rate policy, interest rate risk, interest rate risk management, interest rate sensitivity, interest rate swap, amortizing interest rate swap, annual interest rate, below market interest rate, benchmark interest rate, blended interest rate, cross currency interest rate swap, currency interest rate swap, legal interest rate, lowering of interest rate, prime interest rate, rise in interest rate, stated interest rate, term structure of interest ratesThe new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > interest rate
11 rate sensitivity
чувствительность к изменению процентных ставок; см. interest rate risk. -
12 sensitivity (of a client or project) to interest rate movements
ЕБРР: чувствительность (клиента, или проекта) к колебаниям процентной ставкиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > sensitivity (of a client or project) to interest rate movements
13 sensitivity of a client to interest rate movements
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > sensitivity of a client to interest rate movements
14 sensitivity of a project to interest rate movements
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > sensitivity of a project to interest rate movements
15 sensitivity to interest rate movements
ЕБРР: (of a client or project) чувствительность (клиента, или проекта) к колебаниям процентной ставкиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > sensitivity to interest rate movements
16 sensitivity (of a client or project) to interest rate movements
чувствительность (клиента, или проекта) к колебаниям процентной ставки. . Словарь экономических терминов .Англо-русский экономический словарь > sensitivity (of a client or project) to interest rate movements
17 sensitivity (of a clientor project) to interest rate movements
чувствительность (клиента, или проекта) к колебаниям процентной ставки. . Словарь экономических терминов .Англо-русский экономический словарь > sensitivity (of a clientor project) to interest rate movements
18 sensitivity to interest rate movements
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > sensitivity to interest rate movements
19 sensitivity to interest rate movements
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > sensitivity to interest rate movements
20 client's sensitivity to interest rate movements
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > client's sensitivity to interest rate movements
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Interest Rate Sensitivity — A measure of how much the price of a fixed income asset will fluctuate as a result of changes in the interest rate environment. Securities that are more sensitive will have greater price fluctuations than those with less sensitivity. This type of … Investment dictionary
Interest rate risk — is the risk (variability in value) borne by an interest bearing asset, such as a loan or a bond, due to variability of interest rates. In general, as rates rise, the price of a fixed rate bond will fall, and vice versa. Interest rate risk is… … Wikipedia
Interest rate analysis — Is used to show the analysis on what if situations if the mismatched book is closed at the market rate and what will happen to the interest flow if market rates go up/down by a certain percentage. The total interest book is split into two… … International financial encyclopaedia
Interest rate change sensitivity — Refer instead to Risk management and Break even rate … International financial encyclopaedia
sensitivity — sen‧si‧tiv‧i‧ty [ˌsensˈtɪvti] noun [uncountable] 1. the degree to which something is likely to be affected by something else: • Because of their sensitivity to aluminum ingot prices, both companies expect a fall in profits. • Particular areas… … Financial and business terms
Interest sensitivity gap — The interest sensitivity gap was one of the first techniques used in asset liability management to manage interest rate risk. The use of this technique was initiated in the middle 1970s in the United States when rising interest rates in 1975 1976 … Wikipedia
Interest Sensitive Stock — Any stock with a price that is extremely sensitive to changes in interest rates. Interest sensitive stocks are shares that will see large price changes relative to small movements in the risk free rate. Stocks with large betas, which gauge a… … Investment dictionary
Interest Sensitive Assets — Assets held by a bank that are vulnerable to changes in interest rates. This change can occur either when the asset matures or when it is repriced according to an index rate. The value of these assets is adjusted according to the rise or fall of… … Investment dictionary
Sensitivity — The magnitude of a financial instrument s reaction to changes in underlying factors. Financial instruments, such as stocks and bonds, are constantly impacted by many factors. Sensitivity accounts for all factors that impact a given instrument in… … Investment dictionary
Sensitivity — Refer instead to Constant rate in interest sensitivity analysis, risk management and break even rate … International financial encyclopaedia
Floating rate note — Floating rate notes (FRNs) are bonds that have a variable coupon, equal to a money market reference rate, like LIBOR or federal funds rate, plus a spread. The spread is a rate that remains constant. Almost all FRNs have quarterly coupons, i.e.… … Wikipedia