1 interest rate futures
бирж. процентный фьючерс, фьючерс на процентную ставку (биржевые контракты, дающие владельцу право купить или продать какой-л. долговой инструмент по оговоренной цене в определенный момент в будущем)Syn:See:The new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > interest rate futures
2 interest rate futures
бирж. процентный фьючерс, фьючерс на процентную ставку (биржевые контракты, дающие владельцу право купить или продать какой-л. долговой инструмент по оговоренной цене в определенный момент в будущем)Syn:See:
* * *
"процентные фьючерсы": срочные биржевые сделки с кредитными инструментами (депозитами, ценными бумагами); также контракты, дающие владельцу право купить или продать тот или иной инструмент по оговоренной цене на дату в будущем.* * ** * *. . Словарь экономических терминов . -
3 interest-rate futures
фин. = interest rate futures -
4 interest-rate futures
фин. = interest rate futuresThe new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > interest-rate futures
5 interest rate futures
1) Юридический термин: фьючерсный контракт на процентную ставку2) Экономика: процентные фьючерсы3) Бухгалтерия: срочные сделки по ставкам процентов (облигаций)4) Банковское дело: срочные биржевые сделки с кредитными инструментами -
6 interest rate futures
фр. marchés à terme sur les taux d'intérêt
исп. contrato de futuros de instrumentos financieros
процентные фьючерсы; срочные сделки с процентными ставками
Сделки с финансовыми фьючерсами в основном в форме краткосрочных и долгосрочных финансовых инструментов, например с трехмесячными депозитными сертификатами.
Англо-русский словарь Финансы и долги > interest rate futures
7 interest rate futures
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > interest rate futures
8 interest rate futures
English_Russian capital issues dictionary > interest rate futures
9 interest rate futures
"процентные фьючерсы"Отчуждаемый (обращающийся) контракте принятии или производстве поставки ценных бумаг с фиксированным доходом в определенное время на условиях, установленных регулируемым федеральным законодательством рынком, на котором ведется торговля такими фьючерсами.Англо-русский словарь по инвестициям > interest rate futures
10 interest rate futures contract
бирж. = interest rate futuresАнгло-русский экономический словарь > interest rate futures contract
11 interest rate futures contract
бирж. = interest rate futuresThe new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > interest rate futures contract
12 INTEREST-RATE FUTURES (“процентные фьючерсы”; срочные сделки с процентными ставками)
Форма финансовых фьючерсов (financial futures), которая позволяет инвесторам, менеджерам портфелей ценных бумаг (portfolio managers), заемщикам и т.д. защитить себя от будущих колебаний процентных ставок. “Процентные фьючерсы” также позволяют спекулировать на этих изменениях. В Великобритании срочные сделки с процентными ставками заключаются на Лондонской международной бирже финансовых фьючерсов и опционов (London International Finacial Futures and Options Exchange) с использованием для краткосрочных операций контрактов с трехмесячными фунтами стерлингов, долларами, экю и т.д., для долгосрочных-долгосрочных государственных ценных бумаг, облигаций Министерства финансов США, облигаций в экю и т.д. Например, для долгосрочных государственных ценных бумаг стандартный контракт равен 50 000 ф. ст. номинальной цены, а разовое изменение биржевой цены составляет 0,01% от номинальной стоимости. См.: hedging (хеджирование/страхование от потерь).Финансы: англо-русский толковый словарь > INTEREST-RATE FUTURES (“процентные фьючерсы”; срочные сделки с процентными ставками)
13 options on interest rate futures
Банковское дело: опционы на процентные фьючерсыУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > options on interest rate futures
14 short-term interest rate futures
Биржевой термин: фьючерсы на краткосрочные процентные ставки (http://www.euronext.com/editorial/wide/editorial-3767-EN.html http://www.derex.ru/PublicationPage.aspx?nodeId=73&pageId=168)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > short-term interest rate futures
15 interest rate
эк. процентная ставка, ставка процента ( плата за кредит в процентном выражении к сумме кредита)Syn:Ant:interest period, interest amount, actuarial interest rate, assumed interest rate, effective interest rate, fixed interest rate, locked interest rate, floating interest rate, long interest rate, prime interest rate, nominal interest rate, face interest rate, real interest rate, accrual rate, discount rate, capitalization rate, auction rate, bank rate, interbank rate, base rate, prime rate, key rate, bill rate, bond rate, coupon rate, borrowing rate, blended rate, annual equivalent rate, annual interest rate, cap rate, cap and collar, simple interest, add-on interest, compound interest, interest rate agreement, interest rate arbitrage, interest rate cap, interest rate ceiling, interest rate collar, interest rate contract, interest rate differential, interest rate effect, interest rate exposure, interest rate floor, interest rate futures, interest rate futures contract, interest rate guarantee, interest rate option, interest rate parity, interest rate policy, interest rate risk, interest rate risk management, interest rate sensitivity, interest rate swap, amortizing interest rate swap, annual interest rate, below market interest rate, benchmark interest rate, blended interest rate, cross currency interest rate swap, currency interest rate swap, legal interest rate, prime interest rate, stated interest rate, term structure of interest rates, tiered rate account, loan pricing, deposit pricing, discount rate, time discount rate, official discount rate, official rate of discountSee:interest period, interest amount, actuarial interest rate, assumed interest rate, effective interest rate, fixed interest rate, locked interest rate, floating interest rate, long interest rate, prime interest rate, nominal interest rate, face interest rate, real interest rate, accrual rate, discount rate, capitalization rate, auction rate, bank rate, interbank rate, base rate, prime rate, key rate, bill rate, bond rate, coupon rate, borrowing rate, blended rate, annual equivalent rate, annual interest rate, cap rate, cap and collar, simple interest, add-on interest, compound interest, interest rate agreement, interest rate arbitrage, interest rate cap, interest rate ceiling, interest rate collar, interest rate contract, interest rate differential, interest rate effect, interest rate exposure, interest rate floor, interest rate futures, interest rate futures contract, interest rate guarantee, interest rate option, interest rate parity, interest rate policy, interest rate risk, interest rate risk management, interest rate sensitivity, interest rate swap, amortizing interest rate swap, annual interest rate, below market interest rate, benchmark interest rate, blended interest rate, cross currency interest rate swap, currency interest rate swap, legal interest rate, prime interest rate, stated interest rate, term structure of interest rates, tiered rate account, loan pricing, deposit pricing, discount rate, time discount rate, official discount rate, official rate of discount
* * *
процентная ставка: плата за кредит в процентном выражении к сумме кредита в расчете на один год.* * *. Ежемесячная фактическая процентная ставка. Например, регулярная ставка по кредитной карточке с ежегодным начислением 18% равна 1,5% в месяц . Инвестиционная деятельность .* * *Банки/Банковские операцииплата согласно установленному порядку начисления за кредит в различных его видах, пользование депозитным счетом и т. д.-----Финансы/Кредит/Валютадоход при предоставлении кредита, выраженный в процентах от его общей суммы -
16 interest rate
эк. процентная ставка, ставка процента ( плата за кредит в процентном выражении к сумме кредита)Syn:See:interest period, interest amount, actuarial interest rate, assumed interest rate, effective interest rate, fixed interest rate, lock interest rate, floating interest rate, long interest rate, prime interest rate, nominal interest rate, face interest rate, real interest rate, accrual rate, discount rate, capitalization rate, auction rate, base rate, prime rate, key rate, bill rate, bond rate, coupon rate, borrowing rate, blended rate, annual equivalent rate, annual interest rate, cap rate, cap and collar, simple interest, add-on interest, compound interest, interest rate agreement, interest rate arbitrage, interest rate cap, interest rate ceiling, interest rate collar, interest rate contract, interest rate differential, interest rate effect, interest rate exposure, interest rate floor, interest rate futures, interest rate futures contract, interest rate guarantee, interest rate option, interest rate parity, interest rate policy, interest rate risk, interest rate risk management, interest rate sensitivity, interest rate swap, amortizing interest rate swap, annual interest rate, below market interest rate, benchmark interest rate, blended interest rate, cross currency interest rate swap, currency interest rate swap, legal interest rate, lowering of interest rate, prime interest rate, rise in interest rate, stated interest rate, term structure of interest ratesThe new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > interest rate
17 futures
18 futures
financial futures срочные биржевые контракты financial futures финансовые сделки на срок financial futures финансовые фьючерсы financial futures фьючерсные биржевые контракты futures бирж. сделки на срок futures бирж. срочные контракты futures бирж. срочные сделки futures товары, продаваемые на срок futures товары, закупаемые на срок futures бирж. фьючерсные контракты futures бирж. фьючерсы gambling in futures скупка товаров заблаговременно в спекулятивных целях interest rate futures процентные фьючерсы interest rate futures срочные биржевые сделки с кредитными инструментами -
19 futures
бирж. фьючерсSyn:See:adjusted futures price, Austrian Futures and Options Exchange, Baltic International Freight Futures Exchange, Belgian Futures and Options Exchange, Belgian Futures and Options Market, Bolsa Brasileira de Futures, catastrophe futures, Commodities Futures Trading Commission, commodity futures, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Commodity Futures Trading Commission v. Co Petro Marketing Group, Inc., Commodity Futures Trading Commission v. US Metal Depository Co., currency futures, deferred futures, electricity futures, exchange of futures for physicals, exchange rate futures, financial futures, financial futures exchange, foreign exchange futures, Forty Index Futures, futures broker, futures commission merchant, futures commodity, futures contract, futures contract multiple, futures deal, futures delivery, futures exchange, futures market, futures option, futures position, futures price, futures spread, futures transaction, German Futures and options market, gold futures, hedging with futures, Hong Kong Futures Exchange, interest rate futures, International Futures Exchange, Irish Futures and Options Exchange, Kuala Lumpur Options & Financial Futures Exchange Barhad, London Futures and Options Exchange, London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange, London International Financial Futures Exchange, most distant futures, National Futures association, New York Futures Exchange, next futures contract, option on futures, option on futures contract, Securities and Futures Authority, South African Futures Exchange, spot futures parity theorem, Sweden Options and Futures Exchange, Swiss Options and Financial Futures Exchange, Sydney Futures Exchange, synthetic futures, theoretical futures price, Tokyo International Financial Futures Exchange, Toronto Futures Exchange, underlying futures contractThe new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > futures
20 futures
сущ.бирж. фьючерсSyn:See:catastrophe futures, commodity futures, currency futures, deferred futures, electricity futures, exchange rate futures, financial futures, foreign exchange futures, Forty Index Futures, gold futures, interest rate futures, most distant futures, synthetic futures, futures broker, futures commission merchant, futures exchange, futures commodity, futures contract, futures deal, futures delivery, futures market, futures option, futures position, futures price, futures spread, futures transaction, option on futures, exchange of futures for physicals, spot-futures parity theorem, Austrian Futures and Options Exchange, Baltic International Freight Futures Exchange, Belgian Futures and Options Exchange, Belgian Futures and Options Market, Bolsa Brasileira de Futures, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, German Futures and options market, Hong Kong Futures Exchange, International Futures Exchange, Irish Futures and Options Exchange, Kuala Lumpur Options & Financial Futures Exchange Barhad, London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange, London International Financial Futures Exchange, National Futures Association, New York Futures Exchange, Securities and Futures Authority, South African Futures Exchange, Sweden Options and Futures Exchange, Swiss Options and Financial Futures Exchange, Sydney Futures Exchange, Tokyo International Financial Futures Exchange, Toronto Futures Exchange, Commodity Futures Trading Commission v. Co Petro Marketing Group, Inc., Commodity Futures Trading Commission v. Co Petro Marketing Group, Inc., Commodity Futures Trading Commission v. Co Petro Marketing Group, Inc.* * *• фьючерс* * *срочный контракт; срочная сделка (на рынке)-----средство, удобное для тех, кто должен регулярно закупать товары, поскольку позволяют обезопасить себя от колебаний цен
См. также в других словарях:
interest rate futures — Futures contracts traded on long term and short term financial instruments: U.S. Treasury bills and bonds and Eurodollar Time Deposits. More recently, futures contracts have developed for German, Italian, and Japanese government bonds, to name a… … Financial and business terms
interest-rate futures — ➔ futures … Financial and business terms
interest-rate futures — A form of financial futures that enables investors, portfolio managers, borrowers, etc. , to obtain protection against future movements in interest rates. Interest rate futures also enable dealers to speculate on these movements. In the UK,… … Big dictionary of business and management
Interest Rate Futures — ⇡ Financial Futures … Lexikon der Economics
interest rate futures contract — A futures contract based on an interbank deposit rate or an underlying debt security. The value of the contract rises and falls inversely to changes in interest rates. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
Interest Rate Future — A futures contract with an underlying instrument that pays interest. An interest rate future is a contract between the buyer and seller agreeing to the future delivery of any interest bearing asset. The interest rate future allows the buyer and… … Investment dictionary
Interest rate future — An Interest Rate Future is a futures contract with an interest bearing instrument as the underlying asset.Examples include Treasury bill futures, Treasury bond futures and Eurodollar futures.The global market for exchange traded interest rate… … Wikipedia
Interest Rate Gap — The difference between fixed rate liabilities and fixed rate assets. Interest rate gap is a measurement of exposure to interest rate risk. The interest rate gap is used to show the risk of exposure and is used by financial institutions and… … Investment dictionary
Interest Rate Options — An investment tool whose payoff depends on the future level of interest rates. Interest rate options are both exchange traded and over the counter instruments. Interest rate options from exchanges in the United States are offered on Treasury bond … Investment dictionary
Interest rate — Finance Financial markets Bond market … Wikipedia
Interest rate swap — An interest rate swap is a derivative in which one party exchanges a stream of interest payments for another party s stream of cash flows. Interest rate swaps can be used by hedgers to manage their fixed or floating assets and liabilities. They… … Wikipedia