1 instrument runway
= instrumented runwayобладнана ЗПС; ЗПС, обладнана для заходження на посадку за приладамиEnglish-Ukrainian dictionary of aviation terms > instrument runway
2 instrument runway
adj обладнана для посадки за приладами злітно-посадочна смуга -
3 non-instrument runway
необладнана ЗПС; ЗПС, не обладнана для заходження на посадку за приладамиEnglish-Ukrainian dictionary of aviation terms > non-instrument runway
4 runway
1. n1) злітно-посадкова смуга, ЗПС2. a◊•- all-service runway - concrete runway - hard-surface runway - instrument approach runway - instrument runway - instrumented runway - non-instrument runway - paved runway - precision approach runway - primary runway - rigid pavement runway - runway extended - selected wrong runway - soft-surface runway - turf runway - unpaved runway -
5 instrument approach runway
ЗПС, обладнана для заходження на посадку за приладамиEnglish-Ukrainian dictionary of aviation terms > instrument approach runway
6 instrumented runway
= instrument runwayобладнана ЗПС; ЗПС, обладнана для заходження на посадку за приладамиEnglish-Ukrainian dictionary of aviation terms > instrumented runway
7 landing
n1) посадка; приземлення3) військ. висадка десанту◊Happy landing! — М'якої посадки!
whilst landing — під час посадки, під час посадки
•- aircraft landing - approach landing - asymmetric thrust landing - autoflare landing - automatic landing - autorotation landing - autorotative landing - bad-weather landing - balked landing - belly landing - blind landing - bounced landing - bumpy landing - bungled landing - category I landing - compulsory landing - contact landing - correct landing - crash landing - crosswind landing - day landing - dead-engine landing - dead-stick landing - deck landing - distress landing - downwind landing - emergency landing - engine-out landing - flapless landing - forced landing - full-circle landing - full-stop landing - gear-down landing - gear-up landing - glide landing - ground-controlled landing - hard landing - heavy landing - helicopter-type landing - idle-power landing - instrument landing - instrument approach landing - intended landing - intermediate landing - landing after last light - landing beside fix - landing off the aerodrome - lateral drift landing - level landing - low visibility landing - manual landing - night landing - off-field landing - off-runway landing - overshooting landing - overweight landing - pancake landing - parachute landing - partial flap landing - powered landing - power-off autorotative landing - power-on landing - precision landing - priority landing - radar landing - rebound landing - reverse-thrust landing - rough landing - running landing - run-on landing - runway landing - safe landing - short landing - smooth landing - soft landing - spot landing - stall landing - straight-in landing - tail-down landing - talk-down landing - test landing - three-point landing - touch-and-go landing - trend-type landing - two-point landing - upwind landing - vertical landing - visual landing - visually judged landing - water landing - wheels-down landing - wheels-up landing - zero-zero landing -
8 course
n1) курс, маршрут; траса3) курс (навчання, перепідготовки)5) шар; подушка◊to alter the course for — змінювати курс на...
to change the course for — змінювати курс на...
to get on the course — виходити на заданий курс, лягати на курс (польоту)
•- approach course - approved training course - arbitrary flight course - back course - base course - beacon course - bent course - collision courses - compass course - correspondence course - course and heading - course of training - desired course - dogleg course - drainage course - final course - flight course - great-circle course - grid course - head-on course - holding course - inbound course - instrument approach course - localizer course - magnetic course - opposite course - outbound course - prescribed course - reciprocal course - refresher courses - rhumb-line course - runway base course - runway drainage course - runway wearing course - scheduled course - selected course - sub-base course - true course - wearing course
См. также в других словарях:
instrument runway/instrument approach runway — A runway equipped with visual and electronic navigational aids for which a precision or a nonprecision approach with straight in landing minimums has been approved. There may be more than one instrument runway on an airfield. The various types of … Aviation dictionary
precision instrument runway — A runway having an operative nonvisual precision approach aid (i.e., instrument landing system) specially marked with nonprecision instrument runway indications along with a touchdown zone, fixed distance markers, and side strips. The normal… … Aviation dictionary
nonprecision instrument runway — A runway having an existing instrument approach procedure utilizing air navigation facilities with only horizontal guidance, for which a straight in nonprecision instrument approach procedure has been approved. The normal markings for such… … Aviation dictionary
runway marking — There are three types of markings on civil airfields: visual, nonprecision instrument, and precision instrument. Military airfields may use abbreviated markings in some cases. The basic markings on runways used for operations under VFR (visual… … Aviation dictionary
Instrument flight rules — (IFR) are a set of regulations and procedures for flying aircraft whereby navigation and obstacle clearance is maintained with reference to aircraft instruments only , while separation from other aircraft is provided by Air Traffic Control. In… … Wikipedia
Runway visual range — (RVR) is a term used in aviation meteorology to define the distance over which a pilot of an aircraft on the centreline of the runway can see the runway surface markings delineating the runway or identifying its centre line. RVR is normally… … Wikipedia
Runway edge lights — are used to outline the edges of runways during periods of darkness or restricted visibility conditions. These light systems are classified according to the intensity they are capable of producing: High Intensity Runway Lights (HIRL) Medium… … Wikipedia
runway-edge light system — Runway edge lights are used to outline the edges of runways during periods of darkness or restricted visibility conditions. The runway edge lights are white, except on instrument runways where yellow replaces white on the last 2000 ft, or half… … Aviation dictionary
Instrument landing system — The Instrument Landing System (ILS) is a ground based instrument approach system that provides precision guidance to an aircraft approaching a runway, using a combination of radio signals and, in many cases, high intensity lighting arrays to… … Wikipedia
Instrument approach — Terminal procedures for an ILS approach in the United States. (The disclaimers shown in red in the illustration do not appear on the original approach plate.) For aircraft operating under instrument flight rules (IFR), an instrument approach or… … Wikipedia
Runway — This article is about the aircraft take off and landing area. For other uses, see Runway (disambiguation). Landing strip redirects here. For the pubic hairstyle, see Bikini waxing. RWY redirects here. For the audio/video connectors, see RCA… … Wikipedia