61 surface
поверхность; площадь; покрытие; поверхностныйILS obstruction clearance surface — поверхность, свободная от препятствий, в зоне захода на посадку по системе ИЛС
liquid nitrogen cooled surface — поверхность, охлаждаемая жидким азотом
obstacle clearance surface — поверхность, свободная от препятствий или с заданным превышением над препятствиями
62 course
aircraft courseкурс воздушного суднаapproach courseкурс захода на посадкуapproved training courseкурс подготовки по утвержденной программеarbitrary flight courseпроизвольный курс подготовкиautomatic course deviceавтомат курсаback courseобратный курсback course approachзаход на посадку с обратным курсомbeacon courseкурс по маякуbent courseискривленный маршрутchart a courseпрокладывать на карте маршрутclimb on the courseнабирать высоту при полете по курсуcollision coursesпересекающиеся курсыcompass courseкомпасный курсcorrespondence courseзаочный курсcourse alignment1. выравнивание курса2. точность установки курса course angleпутевой уголcourse arrowстрелка заданного путевого углаcourse beaconкурсовой маякcourse bearingкурсовой пеленгcourse bendизменение курсаcourse calculatorвычислитель курса и дальностиcourse changeизменение курсаcourse channelкурсовой каналcourse curvatureлиния отклонения от курсаcourse detectorдатчик курсаcourse deviationкурсовая девиацияcourse deviation barпланка курсаcourse deviation indicatorуказатель отклонения от курсаcourse direction indicatorуказатель курсаcourse displacementотклонение от курсаcourse displayиндикатор курсаcourse indicatorуказатель курсаcourse keeping abilityустойчивость на курсеcourse lightsтрассовые огниcourse lineлиния заданного путиcourse of trainingкурс подготовкиcourse readoutсчитывание курсаcourse recorderкурсографcourse roughnessкурсовая погрешностьcourse scallopingотклонение от курсаcourse sectorсектор курса(полета) course select knobкремальера углаcourse selectorзадатчик курсаcourse sensitivityчувствительность по курсуcourse setterзадатчик курсаcourse setting compassштурманский навигационный компасcourse setting sightвизир установки курсаcourse sharpnessчеткость курсового сигналаcourse shiftотклонение от курсаcourse structureсхема курса(полета) desired courseзапрашиваемый курсdeviation from the courseотклонение от заданного курсаdogleg courseломаный курсdrift off the courseсносить с курсаfinal courseпосадочный курсflight courseкурс полетаflight director course indicatorуказатель планового навигационного прибораfly on the courseлетать по курсуfront course approachзаход на посадку по прямому курсуget on the courseвыходить на заданный курсgreat-circle courseортодромический курсgrid courseусловный курсhead-on courseвстречный курсholding courseкурс в зоне ожиданияinbound courseвходной курсinstrument approach courseкурс захода на посадку по приборамlocalizer courseкурс по радиомаякуmagnetic courseмагнитный курсmaintain the courseвыдерживать заданный курсmake the course changeизменять курсmean course errorпогрешность залегания средней линии курсаopposite courseвстречный курсoutbound courseвыходной курсplot a courseпрокладывать маршрутprescribed courseзаданный курсpreselected courseпредварительно выбранный курсput on the courseвыходить на заданный курсput the aircraft on the courseвыводить воздушное судно на заданный курсreciprocal courseобратный курсrefresher coursesкурсы повышения квалификацииrhumb-line courseкурс по локсодромииroll on the courseвыводить на заданный курсrunway drainage courseоснование ВППrunway wearing courseдренажный слой ВППscheduled courseзаданный курсselected courseвыбранный курсselect the courseвыбирать курсset the courseустанавливать курсslant course lineнаклонная линия курсаtrue courseистинный курсVOR course flightполет по маякам ВОРwander off the courseсбиваться с курса -
63 strip
aerodrome stripлетная полоса аэродромаaerodrome strip markerуказатель летной полосы аэродромаair stripВППairway strip mapмаршрутная картаbonding stripперемычка металлизацииcanopy strip sealгерметизация фонаря кабины с помощью шлангаcap stripнакладка полки(лонжерона) crash landing stripаварийная посадочная полосаearth air stripгрунтовая ВППelevation of the stripпревышение летной полосыflight progress stripполетный листflight stripВППfuselage splice stripсоединительная накладка обшивки фюзеляжаgrass stripВПП с травяным покрытиемinstrument stripлетная полоса, оборудованная для полетов по приборамjoint stripстыковая лента(крыла и центроплана) landing stripпосадочная полоса(с грунтовым покрытием) private air stripчастная ВППrubber sealing stripрезиновый уплотнительный профильrunway stripлетная полоса(включает ВПП, концевые и боковые полосы безопасности) runway strip patternсхема летного поляside strip markingмаркировка боковой полосы ВППsplice stripстыковая лента(капота двигателя) strip streamlineленточная картаtakeoff stripвзлетная полосаtaxiway stripрулежная полоса(включает рулежную дорожку и боковые полосы безопасности) wing trim stripбалансировочный нож на задней кромке крыла -
64 SID
standard instrument departure; SIDA designated instrument flight rule (IFR) departure route linking the aerodrome or a specified runway of the aerodrome with a specified significant point, normally on a designated ATS route, at which the en-route phase of a flight commences.(PANS-ATM; PANS-OPS/I; PANS-OPS/II)стандартный маршрут вылета по приборам; SIDУстановленный маршрут вылета по правилам полётов по приборам (ППП), связывающий аэродром или определённую ВПП аэродрома с назначенной основной точкой, обычно на заданном маршруте ОВД, в которой начинается этап полёта по маршруту.International Civil Aviation Vocabulary (English-Russian) > SID
65 arrangement
расположение в определённом порядке; система размещения [расположения]; компоновка; ( аэродинамическая) схема; планировка; переделка, приспособление; монтаж; устройство; pl. приготовления; мероприятия; планыmultiple arrangement of engines — группа [связка] двигателей
66 check
67 rate
скорость, быстрота; темп; интенсивность; вертикальная скорость; частота ( событий) ; норма, степень; балл; производительность; ( секундный) расход (жидкости, газа) ; стоимость ( билета) ; классифицировать, (под)разделять на категории; оценивать. rate of roll-out — угловая скорость крена при выводе (из разворота)
accelerate the rate of roll — увеличивать угловую скорость крена [вращения вокруг продольной оси]
aircraft operational readiness rate — процент [количество] боеготовых самолётов в подразделении
autopilot-induced rate of roll — угловая скорость крена, создаваемая автопилотом
break a rate of descent — прекращать снижение, резко уменьшать вертикальную скорость снижения
control surface (movement) rate — угловая скорость отклонения руля [поверхности управления]
cumulative aircraft accident rate — суммарный коэффициент аварийности (среднее число лётных происшествий за месяц, квартал или год)
diffusion limited recession rate — скорость уноса массы, ограниченная диффузией
jet engine base maintenance return rate — процент возврата в строй неисправных реактивных двигателей после ремонта в условиях аэродрома базирования
pilot's instrument scanning rate — быстрота обзора [считывания показаний] приборов лётчиком
radar altimeter sinking rate — измеренная радиолокационным высотомером вертикальная скорость снижения
rate of altimeter unwinding — скорость потери высоты по высотомеру; быстрота уменьшения показаний высотомера
rate of approach to the stall — скорость приближения к срыву [сваливанию]
rate of discharge ( — секундный) расход выходящих газов [вытекающей жидкости]
rate of heat loss — скорость теплоотдачи [отвода тепла]
rate of increase of incidence — Бр. быстрота увеличения угла атаки
rate of part consumption — быстрота износа [расходования] частей [деталей]
sea level rate of climb — скороподъёмность на уровне моря [у земли]
shutdown rate of the engines — частота отказов [отключений] двигателей
stall recovery pitch rate — угловая скорость тангажа для вывода из режима срыва [сваливания]
stop the sink rate — прекращать снижение, уменьшать вертикальную скорость снижения
68 takeoff
взлет; стартsolo maximum performance takeoff and roll — кратчайший взлет пары самолётов с раздельно выполняемыми бочками на наборе
takeoff to 35-ft — взлет(ная дистанция) до высоты 35 футов (10,5 м)
takeoff with prior taxiing — взлет истребителей с предварительным выруливанием к месту старта на ВПП
69 system
- system
- n1. система; сеть (напр. трубопроводов); устройство
2. способ, метод
system in equilibrium — равновесная система, система в состоянии равновесия
- system of forces
- system of masses
- system of scaffolds
- ABC system
- AC system
- acoustical ceiling system
- active solar energy system
- aesthetic value system
- air classification system
- air cycle refrigerating system
- airfield soil classification system
- air pollution control system
- air-to-air system
- air-to-water system
- air transport system
- alarm system
- all-air system
- all outside air system
- all-water coil system
- all water fan coil system
- approach lighting system
- arterial system
- Atterberg soil classification system
- audio alarm system
- automated casting system
- automatic fire alarm system
- automatic fire protection system
- automatic flushing system
- balanced system
- balanced system of streets
- balanced ventilation system
- bar system
- beam structural system
- bell alarm system
- Benoto piling system
- bivalent heat pump system
- bleed-in system
- blow and exhaust system
- blow through air-conditioning system
- blow through fan system
- bootstrap system
- box system
- bridge deck structured system
- British soil classification system
- building system
- building automation system
- building-drainage system
- building gravity drainage system
- building management system
- built-in dust suppression system
- burglar alarm system
- cable system
- central air heating system
- central fan system
- centralized hot-water supply system
- central plant air conditioning system
- changeover system
- circulating system
- circulation water supply system
- circulation water system
- closed system
- closed heat-supply system
- closed-loop heat pump system
- closed-type steam heating system
- coding system
- cogeneration system
- cold supply system
- collapsing-ring bridge rail system
- combined drainage system
- combined sewage system
- complanar system of structural members
- complanar force system
- complete-mix activated sludge system
- composite frame system
- compression system
- concrete suspended flooring system
- constant volume system
- continuous conveying system
- continuous suspension system
- control system
- cooling system
- coordinate system
- cost-efficient floor system
- crossbar approach lighting system
- cross blow ventilation system
- curtain walling system
- custom forming system
- decentralized air conditioning system
- decentralized sewerage system
- deluge sprinkler system
- desiccant cooling system
- designation system
- design-built system
- diffusion-absorption system
- digital indicating system
- direct system
- direct air heating system
- direct cooling system
- direct expansion system
- direct hot water system
- direct hot-water supply system
- direct return system
- direct through air-conditioning system
- distribution system
- domestic hot water system
- domestic sewerage system
- "Dot" recording system
- double-pipe system
- double stack system
- down-feed system
- drainage system
- draw-in system
- draw-through fan system
- draw-through system
- drencher system
- drop system
- dry-pipe sprinkler system
- dual conduit system
- duct system
- ductless split air conditioning system
- dust collecting system
- dust extract system
- early warning system
- economical floor system
- ejector refrigerating system
- elastic mechanical system
- elastic system
- electric heating system
- electric reheat system
- energy management system
- environmental system
- exhaust system
- extract system
- FAA soil classification system
- fan coil system
- Federal aviation administration soil classification system
- fire alarm system
- fire-extinguishing system
- fire protection system
- flat plate-pipe column floor system
- floor structural system
- floor system
- flow-through system
- F-number system
- force system
- forming-and-reinforcing system
- Forton system
- four pipe system
- gantry crane system
- gas heating system
- gravity system
- gravity-flow heating system
- gravity sewerage system
- gravity steam heating system
- gravity water-supply system
- grid coordinate system
- gridiron distribution system
- grounding system
- groundwater control system
- group water supply system
- gyratory system
- heat distribution system
- heating system
- heat-of-light system
- heat pump system
- heat recovery system
- heat supply system
- heat-traced system
- high-intensity lighting system
- high temperature hot-water heating system
- high velocity system
- hold-over system
- holonomic system
- hot-air system
- hot water system
- hot-water circulation system
- hush piling system
- hybrid system
- hydraulic control system
- hydrophilic system
- hydrophobic system
- indirect expansion system
- indirect hot-water supply system
- indirect refrigeration system
- individual sewage-disposal system
- induction air conditioning system
- induction system
- industrialized building systems
- inflation system
- instrument landing system
- integral deck system
- integrated distribution floor system
- inverter driven VRV system
- Jackson system
- land system
- large panel system
- lighting system
- line system
- liquid overfeed system
- local sewerage system
- low-pressure system
- low pressure hot water system
- low velocity system
- main system
- maintenance management system
- mass transit system
- materials-handling system
- mechanical system
- mechanical refrigerating system
- mechanical supply system
- medium pressure hot water system
- medium temperature hot water system
- microbore heating system
- modular system
- modular air conditioning system
- modular compression sealing system
- modular decking system
- modular precast building system
- multiple-degree system
- multiple web system
- multiple well system
- multistage gas-supply system
- multizone system
- municipal piping system
- nail-free formwork system
- non-changeover system
- octopus duct system
- oil fired heating system
- once-through water-supply system
- one-degree system
- one-duct air-conditioning system
- one-pipe system
- one-pipe loop system
- one-way system
- open system
- open expansion tank system
- open-loop control system
- open return system
- open steam heating system
- operation system
- overhead heating system
- overhead runway system
- packaged cogeneration system
- panel air-conditioning system
- panel air system
- panel-lock system
- partially-separate system
- piping system
- plane system of forces
- plane grid system
- plenum system
- plumbing system
- pneumatic conveying system
- post-tensioning system
- preaction sprinkler system
- prefabricated pipe conduit system
- pressurization system
- pressurized heating system
- pressurized hot water system
- primary-secondary system
- principal system
- public system
- public waterwork system
- push-through fan system
- push-through system
- quality system
- rail mounted track laying system
- raised floor system
- rapid transport system
- recool system
- recycling system
- recycling water system
- redundant bridge system
- refrigerating system
- regenerative air cycle system
- regional settlement system
- reheat system
- return system
- return air system
- reverse return system
- reverse return upfeed system
- rising heating system
- road system
- roofing system
- run-around system
- safety system
- scraper system
- sealed heating system
- security system
- self-climbing form system
- separate sewerage system
- separate system
- series loop system
- sewage system
- shunt system
- single-degree-of-freedom system
- single-degree system
- single duct air conditioning system
- single-pipe heating system
- single-pipe heat-supply system
- single-stack plumbing system
- single-storey heating system
- single web system
- single-zone air-conditioning system
- slab-stringer system
- small bore heating system
- smoke control system
- smoke extract ventilation system
- soil system
- soil absorption system
- solar heating system
- solid fuel heating system
- split system
- sprinkler system
- state plane coordinate system
- statically determinate system
- statically indeterminate system
- stationary system of loads
- steam heating system
- steel plate system
- storm sewer system
- structural system
- structural monitoring system
- sub-atmospheric heating system
- subbuilding drainage system
- subsurface drainage system
- subsurface sewage disposal system
- supply air system
- supporting formwork system
- suspension structural system
- swing joint system
- taxiway system
- telpher system
- terminal reheat system
- thermal storage heating system
- thermosiphon system
- three-pipe system
- three-pipe air-conditioning system
- three-pipe heat supply system
- total energy system
- track laying system
- trench shoring system
- trussed system
- truss-supported deck system
- tube cleaning system
- two-degree-of-freedom system
- two-degree system
- two-pipe system
- two value system of proportional balancing
- two value system
- two-way system
- underfloor conduit system
- unvented system
- up-feed heating system
- utility detection system
- vacuum heating system
- vacuum return system
- vacuum waste disposal system
- variable air volume system
- variable refrigerant volume system
- variable volume system
- variable water volume system
- VAV system
- vented system
- ventilation system
- VRV system
- VWV system
- warning system
- water-air heating system
- water booster system
- water-supply system
- water-to-air system
- water-to-water system
- wellpoint system
- wet return system
- wind framing system
- wire cable control system
- wiring system
- zoned system
- zone reheat system
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
70 grade
2) градус || градуировать3) качество; сорт || сортировать4) степень5) уровень; приоритет6) фракция8) марка (напр. смазочных масел, стали)9) класс10) разряд11) степень чистоты ( вещества)12) уклон; подъём ( дороги)14) профилировать ( грунт); производить земляные работы•to bring road to grade — профилировать дорогу;to ease grade — смягчать уклон;to negotiate grade — преодолевать уклон;to grade to size — сортировать по крупностиgrade of finish — степень шероховатостиgrade of instrument — разряд прибораgrade of liquid purity — класс чистоты жидкостиgrade of pilot licence — класс свидетельства пилота-
accelerating grade
accuracy grade
actual grade
adverse grade
ascending grade
aviation fuel grade
balanced grade
bottom grade
braking grade
canal grade
commercial grade
compensation grade
constant grade
continuous grade
contrast grade
cutoff grade
descending grade
domestic grade
down grade
easy grade
edible grade
effective grade
equivalent grade
falling grade
finish grade
flat grade
head grade
heavy grade
helper grade
industrial grade
level grade
light grade
limiting grade
long ascending grade
long grade
longitudinal grade
low grade
marketable grade
market grade
maximum grade
mixed grades
navy grade
negative grade
normal grade of accuracy
oil grade
ore grade
positive grade
profile grade
proposed grade
pusher grade
refined grade
rolling grade
ruling grade
seasonal grade
service grade
size grade
slope grade
spectrographical grade
spectrographic grade
steel grade
steep grade
summer grade
technical grade
winter grade
wrought steel grade -
71 range
2) зона; область3) амплитуда, размах ( колебаний) || колебаться в пределах4) вчт. семейство; множество значений; область значений6) дальность [радиус\] действия7) геофиз. дистанция9) ряд || располагать в ряд10) строит. ряд кладки12) мор. створ13) класс || классифицировать; систематизировать15) полигон16) направление17) (кухонная) плита18) экол. ареал, область обитания19) геод. провешивать линию20) простираться; иметь указанную дальность действия•to adjust over a limited range — регулировать в ограниченных пределах;to extend flight range — увеличивать дальность полёта;to extend the measurement range — расширять диапазон [пределы\] измерений-
normal oreing range
adhesive tack range
adjustment range
aileron range
aircraft capacity range
aircraft operational range
aircraft range
altitude range
angle-of-attack range
angular range
annealing range
annual range
antenna range
aperture range
austenitic range
ball center range
blind range
blue brittle temperature range
blue brittle range
boiling range
boring range
built-in range
calibration range
capacitance range
capacity range
capture range
carrier-frequency range
category temperature range
center of gravity range
centralized traffic control range
close-to-critical range
comfort range
compressive shrinking range
contrast range
control range
cooling range
correction range
counter range
coupling range
cruising range
day visibility range
delivery range
detection range
devitrification range
diaphragm range
direct-reading range
discrete range
distillation range
diurnal range
dynamic range
ecological range
effective range
elastic range of stress
elastic unloading range
electrical range
electronic tuning range
enlargement range
entrance range
environmental range
error range
excursion range
expanded range
exposure range
extended range
extreme range
ferritic range
ferry range
film dynamic range
firing range
flight service range
flight visual range
flow temperature range
flying range
focal length variation range
focusing range
forecast range
freak range
free spectral range
freezing range
frequency range
frequency tuning range
fuel explosive range
fuel range
fusion range
gasoline range
glass-forming range
glass-transition range
gripping range
ground range
hardening range
head range
hold-in range
holding range
horizontal range
hydraulic fluid temperature range
ignition range
indication range
inflammability range
input range
input voltage range
instrument range
interlocking range
intermediate range
intrinsic range
legitimate range
linear range
line-of-sight range
lock-in range
locking range
lock-on range
lug speed range
luminance range
machining range
magnification range
mapping range
martensite decomposition range
mass range
measurement range
mechanical tuning range
melting range
meteorological optical range
meter range
movement range
multitrack range
nighttime visual range
night visual range
number range
oblique visual range
omnidirectional range
on-scale range
operating free-air temperature range
operating pressure range
operating range
operating temperature range
operating voltage range
operative range
optical range
overlapping ranges
penetration range
pipe range
plastic range of stress
point size range
power range
projected range
pull-in range
radar range
radio range
range of application
range of audibility
range of definition
range of motion
range of products
range of sea level
range of sensitivity
range of stability
range of stress
range of warp knitting machine
rated frequency range
reception range
recording range
red range of temperature gage
reduction range
reference range
refrigeration range
regulating range
resistance range
rolled-products range
runway visual range
saturation range
scale range
screen range
seam-height range
setting range
shooting range
shore range
single-phase preboiling range
sintering range
slant range
slant visual range
source range
spectral range
spectral sensitivity range
speed range
stability range
steaming range
still-air flight range
strain-hardening range
stress range
suppressed-zero range
surface range
synchronization range
tapping range
target range
temperature range
thermocline range
tidal range
tolerance range
tonal range
tool offset range
torque conversion range
total range
tracking range
traffic range
transfer gears range
transmission range
travel range
trial range
tuning range
turn-off range
type size range
unambiguous range
variable range
vat pigment pad stream range
visibility range
visual range
vitrification range
volatility range
voltage range
volume range
wool scouring range
work-hardening range
working range
zoom range -
72 end
1) конец
2) выходный
3) конц
4) оконечный
5) окончание
6) цель
7) конечный
8) концевой
9) крайний
10) кончать
11) завершение
12) кончаться
13) прошествие
14) торец
15) конечник
16) концевик
17) торцевой
18) дно
19) днище
– at the end of
– beam end
– butt end
– cable end
– cable end box
– cap the cable end
– coil end
– coke end
– cross-cut end crack
– dead end
– delivery end of conveyer
– discharge end
– downstream end of lock
– drive end
– end action
– end anchorage
– end around carry
– end block mechanism
– end bracket
– end burning
– end cap
– end cell
– end cell switch
– end chamfer
– end clearance
– end coil
– end conditions
– end effect
– end effector
– end face
– end gage
– end in
– end instrument
– end journal
– end link
– end loop
– end milling cutter
– end moment
– end of an interval
– end of tape label
– end operation abnormally
– end page
– end plane
– end play
– end position
– end pulley
– end rake angle
– end reaction
– end restraint
– end ring
– end shaft
– end sleeve
– end socket
– end soldering machine
– end standard of meter
– end station
– end stop
– end switch
– end vertex
– end winding
– end window
– face-on end
– far end
– fork end
– from the end
– front end
– head end
– head end of train
– heel end winding
– high end
– high-pressure end of turbine
– lay brick on end
– machine the end to a sphere
– near end
– nozzle end
– pinned end
– piston-rod end
– port end
– prime end
– pushed end
– rear end
– receiving end
– reeceiving end
– rod end
– runway end
– sealed end
– sealing end bell
– sending end
– tail end
– tang end
– tenon end
– test for end
– to this end
– trail end of train
– uneven end
– upstream end of lock
73 landing
1) посадка
2) высадочный
3) высаживание
4) высаживающий
5) лестничная площадка
6) посадочный
7) приземление
8) пристань
9) высадка
10) заглубление
– break in a landing
– crash landing
– crash on landing
– crosswind landing
– cushion landing
– forced landing
– ground-controlled landing
– instrument landing
– landing area
– landing beacon
– landing beam
– landing distance
– landing facilities
– landing gear
– landing kep
– landing lamp
– landing light
– landing load
– landing marker
– landing module
– landing parachute
– landing path
– landing power
– landing spike
– landing strip
– landing T
– off-runway landing
– powered landing
– radar landing
– simulate a landing
– ski landing gear
– straight-in landing
– three-point landing
– touch-and-go landing
– vertical landing
– water landing
automated/automatic landing system — <aeron.> система захода на посадку автоматизированная
landing direction light — <aeron.> огонь посадочный аэродромный
1) Военный термин: Relational Analyses of Internetted Linkages System, remote area instrument landing system2) Сокращение: Runway Alignment Indicator Light System -
75 rails
1) Военный термин: Relational Analyses of Internetted Linkages System, remote area instrument landing system2) Сокращение: Runway Alignment Indicator Light System -
76 Category I (CAT I) operation
Category I (CAT I) operation; CAT IA precision instrument approach and landing with a decision height not lower than 60 m (200 ft) and with either a visibility not less than 800 m or a runway visual range not less than 550 m.(AN 6/I; AN 6/II; AN 6/III)Official definition modified by: Amdt 20 to AN 6/I (10/11/1994), Amdt 2 to AN 6/II (10/11/1994), Amdt 7 to AN 6/III (2/11/2000).Категория I (кат. I); кат. IТочный заход на посадку и посадка по приборам с относительной высотой принятия решения не менее 60 м (200 фут) и либо при видимости не менее 800 м, либо при дальности видимости на ВПП не менее 550 м.International Civil Aviation Vocabulary (English-Russian) > Category I (CAT I) operation
77 CAT I
Category I (CAT I) operation; CAT IA precision instrument approach and landing with a decision height not lower than 60 m (200 ft) and with either a visibility not less than 800 m or a runway visual range not less than 550 m.(AN 6/I; AN 6/II; AN 6/III)Official definition modified by: Amdt 20 to AN 6/I (10/11/1994), Amdt 2 to AN 6/II (10/11/1994), Amdt 7 to AN 6/III (2/11/2000).Категория I (кат. I); кат. IТочный заход на посадку и посадка по приборам с относительной высотой принятия решения не менее 60 м (200 фут) и либо при видимости не менее 800 м, либо при дальности видимости на ВПП не менее 550 м.International Civil Aviation Vocabulary (English-Russian) > CAT I
78 Category II (CAT II) operation
Category II (CAT II) operation; CAT IIA precision instrument approach and landing with a decision height lower than 60 m (200 ft), but not lower than 30 m (100 ft), and a runway visual range not less than 350 m.(AN 6/I; AN 6/II; AN 6/III)Official definition modified by: Amdt 20 to AN 6/I (10/11/1994), Amdt 15 to AN 6/II (10/11/1994), Amdt 7 to AN 6/III (02/11/2000).Категория II (кат. II); кат. IIТочый заход на посадку и посадка по приборам с относительной высотой принятия решения менее 60 м (200 фут), но не менее 30 м (100 фут) и при дальности видимостина ВПП не менее 350 м.International Civil Aviation Vocabulary (English-Russian) > Category II (CAT II) operation
Category II (CAT II) operation; CAT IIA precision instrument approach and landing with a decision height lower than 60 m (200 ft), but not lower than 30 m (100 ft), and a runway visual range not less than 350 m.(AN 6/I; AN 6/II; AN 6/III)Official definition modified by: Amdt 20 to AN 6/I (10/11/1994), Amdt 15 to AN 6/II (10/11/1994), Amdt 7 to AN 6/III (02/11/2000).Категория II (кат. II); кат. IIТочый заход на посадку и посадка по приборам с относительной высотой принятия решения менее 60 м (200 фут), но не менее 30 м (100 фут) и при дальности видимостина ВПП не менее 350 м.International Civil Aviation Vocabulary (English-Russian) > CAT II
80 Category IIIA (CAT IIIA) operation
Category IIIA (CAT IIIA) operation; CAT IIIAA precision instrument approach and landing with:a) a decision height lower than 30 m (100 ft) or no decision height; andb) a runway visual range not less than 200 m.(AN 6/I; AN 6/II; AN 6/III)Official definition modified by: Amdt 20 to AN 6/I (10/11/1994), Amdt 15 to AN 6/II(10/11/1994), Amdt 7 to AN 6/III (2/11/2000).Категория IIIA (кат. IIIA); кат. IIIAТочный заход на посадку и посадка по приборам:a) с относительной высотой принятия решения менее 30 м (100 фут) или без ограничения по относительной высоте принятия решения иb) при дальности видимости на ВПП не менее 200 м.International Civil Aviation Vocabulary (English-Russian) > Category IIIA (CAT IIIA) operation
См. также в других словарях:
instrument runway/instrument approach runway — A runway equipped with visual and electronic navigational aids for which a precision or a nonprecision approach with straight in landing minimums has been approved. There may be more than one instrument runway on an airfield. The various types of … Aviation dictionary
precision instrument runway — A runway having an operative nonvisual precision approach aid (i.e., instrument landing system) specially marked with nonprecision instrument runway indications along with a touchdown zone, fixed distance markers, and side strips. The normal… … Aviation dictionary
nonprecision instrument runway — A runway having an existing instrument approach procedure utilizing air navigation facilities with only horizontal guidance, for which a straight in nonprecision instrument approach procedure has been approved. The normal markings for such… … Aviation dictionary
runway marking — There are three types of markings on civil airfields: visual, nonprecision instrument, and precision instrument. Military airfields may use abbreviated markings in some cases. The basic markings on runways used for operations under VFR (visual… … Aviation dictionary
Instrument flight rules — (IFR) are a set of regulations and procedures for flying aircraft whereby navigation and obstacle clearance is maintained with reference to aircraft instruments only , while separation from other aircraft is provided by Air Traffic Control. In… … Wikipedia
Runway visual range — (RVR) is a term used in aviation meteorology to define the distance over which a pilot of an aircraft on the centreline of the runway can see the runway surface markings delineating the runway or identifying its centre line. RVR is normally… … Wikipedia
Runway edge lights — are used to outline the edges of runways during periods of darkness or restricted visibility conditions. These light systems are classified according to the intensity they are capable of producing: High Intensity Runway Lights (HIRL) Medium… … Wikipedia
runway-edge light system — Runway edge lights are used to outline the edges of runways during periods of darkness or restricted visibility conditions. The runway edge lights are white, except on instrument runways where yellow replaces white on the last 2000 ft, or half… … Aviation dictionary
Instrument landing system — The Instrument Landing System (ILS) is a ground based instrument approach system that provides precision guidance to an aircraft approaching a runway, using a combination of radio signals and, in many cases, high intensity lighting arrays to… … Wikipedia
Instrument approach — Terminal procedures for an ILS approach in the United States. (The disclaimers shown in red in the illustration do not appear on the original approach plate.) For aircraft operating under instrument flight rules (IFR), an instrument approach or… … Wikipedia
Runway — This article is about the aircraft take off and landing area. For other uses, see Runway (disambiguation). Landing strip redirects here. For the pubic hairstyle, see Bikini waxing. RWY redirects here. For the audio/video connectors, see RCA… … Wikipedia